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Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252


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Информация о Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252

Название :  Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252
Продолжительность :   2.31.48
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   9 jt

Кадры Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252

Описание Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252

Коментарии Elon Musk: SpaceX, Mars, Tesla Autopilot, Self-Driving, Robotics, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast #252

James B
I’m sorry but this list is terrible Missed so many huge let downs as mentioned in the comments Seems like someone just googled worst rated movies and picked 1 Fallout 76, no man’s sky, mass effect, dead space 3, and way more Most gamers won’t even recognize 3/4th of the games on this list
Comment from : James B

Martin Potts
The tragedy is that this conversation,bralthough seemingly brilliant(, and would be if the subject(s)was something that actually existed in reality This conversation( just open your mind God have you) is parallel to a Netflix series brbrMeaning… it’s all a show Reality Space x is not sending rockets into space brThe CGI is SUS especially the landing of the booster rockets brbrThese rockets are more like props for a movie set More expensive but they are likely hollow brbrJust look at evidence that is out there brbrSpace is what we live in under a dome l/ firmament brbrIt’s like the oldest ideal for centuries until about 1880 brbrSchools taught this new religion in the 50’s and people are starting to wake up brbrThe Reality chooses people(like Elon) to be a public figure that people look up to and believe, and they use him to deceive these multitudes( most people) in what he is doing brbrA higher evil power has infiltrated most things of this reality This evil has perverted everything good Even religion /faith He has perverted that for hundred of years and still does brbrI declare that Jesus Christ my Lord God and Savior will expose this deception at the given time brbrThe devil has made the truth… the “almost truth”brbrHe gives you truth but only 90 or even higher brbrIt’s gotta be all truth or all lie brbrGod said He is not the author of confusionbrbrHowever The Lord Jesus Aka GodAkaThe Holy Spirit… has given us the ability it y to follow him to our danger Suffering is usually included when we pick our cross up brbrBut having the Holy Spirit changes your heart You do the things you hate and start doing the things you love You quit lying , deceiving, being evil God starts to change your heart brbrIt is painful physically mentally spiritually brAnd the pain may last for years But He promises us that live Him eternal life with Him Being adopted sons and smaller gods brbrGods promises are there in the scripture He tells us He can’t lie It’s time to repent of your sins , go down in water in the name of Jesus and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit having having his mouth at the appointed time Acts 2:38
Comment from : Martin Potts

Rhonda Ivory
Interesting how your voice cuts out during certain parts of the video YouTube police in action Why?
Comment from : Rhonda Ivory

Boyan Dobrev
It’s time for round 4!!
Comment from : Boyan Dobrev

margaret m
Nicely done! -Good questioning technique
Comment from : margaret m

We just witnessed two bots pass the Turing Test
Comment from : marcm83

1:56:40 Well, I guess that's over
Comment from : TheHyshock

D Fend
yea it's funny how the 2 are basically making or specie extinct because their greed knows no boundary
Comment from : D Fend

Salim Mouffok
28:00 I genuinely had to switch browser tab to check if the video froze 🙃
Comment from : Salim Mouffok

Blue Dragon
His eyes give me lovebrHis lips give me lust
Comment from : Blue Dragon

Neil Claypoole
Ground meat (hamburger )is a invention of the industrial revolution falafels are hundreds to onthousand years old
Comment from : Neil Claypoole

Elon musk has ruined my life , I buy doge coins and that the end of me he will not stop
Comment from : Idela KELLY

Elon speaks like someone trying to talk seriously really high
Comment from : )(bomu)(

Wondering Wolf
It's like they are the cookie monster 😂
Comment from : Wondering Wolf

the next time you talk to elon musk can you ask him if hes a star citizen backer?
Comment from : LaduziTV

How about a one world Gov and get rid of the guns and bombs
Comment from : zjohn

Dave Wilson
What is dogecoin?
Comment from : Dave Wilson

Ron Walker
Comment from : Ron Walker

Ron Walker
Comment from : Ron Walker

cmon no way anyone thinks this guy isn’t lying every other statement
Comment from : Tor

Thomas Butryn
The discussion about full self driving was obsoletely fascinating! Great interview! I don't think people realize Tesla has changed their approach to FSD using photons and neural networks just like humans do Amazing
Comment from : Thomas Butryn

Silent Steve
couldnt listen to this podcast at all the ähhh uhh oohhh eehhh bro think and form a sentence after listened to 100 of podcasts not a single one was so stressful to listen to
Comment from : Silent Steve

Taras Korn
just out of curiosity: WTW mention putin and horrors of communism(I noticed horrors of nazism mentioned much much less) in every mothering conversation? If this shot isnt sponsored by by some ancient three letter anti-communist agency I am in a loss
Comment from : Taras Korn

Igor Popov
so why java does not remove itself after all this time?
Comment from : Igor Popov

أميرة أنس
Comment from : أميرة أنس

Neo Connor
This actually somewhat reminds me of an interview with Marilyn Manson
Comment from : Neo Connor

Priscilla Philander
Why don't u justuse a portal? Lol
Comment from : Priscilla Philander

Myung Ja Kim
Thank you soooo much for the interview, Lex and Elon!!!! I am using this in my class of "AI Seminar" for my students💚💚💚💚
Comment from : Myung Ja Kim

sh shh
Elon before we all realised he was a xunt
Comment from : sh shh

This is a year later Look what Elon has become What a difference in a man
Comment from : foujeanne

Alexander Provost
Chief engineer 😂😂😂😂 What a bozo
Comment from : Alexander Provost

Cutting off Starlink caused massive loss of life on innocent people, shame on you both
Comment from : RickLaw101

45:17 watched till here
Comment from : JASWINDER SINGH

Success is in set of possible outcomes
Comment from : JASWINDER SINGH

Rude Torpedo
Two critiques: Less Lex interrupting please, and all the memes were awful (Elon kindly humoring)
Comment from : Rude Torpedo

elon needs to get into consumer electronics and do to apple what apple did to nokia tim apple boring af fr
Comment from : user-hx5qv4kd6

Aizhan Ussenaliyeva
Love creates energy
Comment from : Aizhan Ussenaliyeva

Lex is adorable :)
Comment from : BeeDee

X is a odious machine
Comment from : sustentec

Darrell Waggerby
Damnit! @elonmusk seriously, after Starship is up and running, please don't run for President Try President of UN @larslarson
Comment from : Darrell Waggerby

pol pol
Elon is a dangerous person with a massive ego and a catastrophic lack of empathy Even his biographer confirmed it This is not a combination we should celebrate
Comment from : pol pol

Элиза Байитова
Elun musk 😥🌧️ sos 🤍🏡🤱🌧️😥🌧️🤍🌧️🌱💵💵🌧️
Comment from : Элиза Байитова

Lyn-Dell Wood
This is so interesting!
Comment from : Lyn-Dell Wood

Will the Boring Company be sent to Mars to excavate living space ? Starship, as advertised, should be able to send the rigs
Comment from : ROBIN MCCULLARS

Karen Moody
I don't understand those who criticize Lex's suit I like the "NASA mission control center in 1969" look! Love Lex
Comment from : Karen Moody

Sushi Fox
Youtube cant stop recommending this same episode
Comment from : Sushi Fox

Serafin Nunez
"A source of strength? Hmm That is not really how I think of things I mean, for me, its simply something that has to get done, and we should keep doing it or die trying I don't think I need a source of strength [Quitting] is not in my nature I don't care about optimism or pessimism Fuck that, we're gonna get it done"brWow With the expletive removed, this is going up in my classroom
Comment from : Serafin Nunez

Comment from : Heathermj

Mr Bill
Can someone tell me why so many people are convinced Elon Musk is evil? The amount of hate directed at him is pervasive
Comment from : Mr Bill

Hello You won the conversation period A grade PHD
Has elon ever thought of on top of moving to mars Design underground cities in the desert for creating earth as a space ship on top of mars
Comment from : Hello You won the conversation period A grade PHD

just a big blue M
Comment from : Martin

Altagracia Adames
I am ordering Elon come out with a cover album I want to hear Elon cover Rick James
Comment from : Altagracia Adames

Vi Cal
More Lexs & Elons brings about exciting thoughts possibly accessing an upgraded civilization and brighter future and more …
Comment from : Vi Cal

Elon is talking in hypotheticals We cannot manipulate atoms In a way that suits us We can influence them by proxy There is no and its hard to believe we can have a keypad to bend things to our will
Comment from : TheGeefella

Comment from : TheGeefella

Answer me this why is it that every hibrow individual talk so staccato?
Comment from : TheGeefella

Alexandre Magno
Comment from : Alexandre Magno

Jan Illingsworth
Listening to you both fills me with hope and love With regard to nuclear power Elon don't you think there will be fewer and fewer places left on Earth that are not prone to natural disaster as global warming increases?
Comment from : Jan Illingsworth

Elon Sir is my great Inspiration in my life When I will meet him that day will be my Special day

Michael Jackson
Lex fridman's brain does not work! He barely understand what Elon is saying! haha
Comment from : Michael Jackson

Help your cat to drive
Don’t drink, Lex It’s so bad for the health Do not get caught up … in women, in money Be careful
Comment from : Help your cat to drive

Mr Fridman, I was wondering how do you feel about Elon turning off Starlink to help the Russians?
Comment from : LeeLee-Em

iranthi hettihewa
At the age of 35, all Homo sapiens cannot see clearly due to a PresbyopiaTesla Autopilot is an advanced so good driver assistance system developed by Tesla company Therefore, Autopilot Beautiful Tesla cars are so good for all people after the age of 35Gods bless Beautiful United states Great Best engineer Elon r musk sir and Beautiful Tesla car company 💕
Comment from : iranthi hettihewa

Red and Gold fan
how do u unplug it
Comment from : Red and Gold fan

Jo Lyn
This is what happens when 2 people of IQ over 140 meet
Comment from : Jo Lyn

Me checking my internet connection every time that Elon makes a 1 min silent pause to organize his ideas 😅, excellent interview
Comment from : G

Elon is horribly over exposed His pearls of wisdom highly questionable Based on his predictions he is clearly underperforming His admitted autism has a major impact on his socialization and it shows Opinionated, inflexible beliefs about issues like population and personal identity Outrageous distortions of the truth stated as facts Elon needs a life coach Lol
Comment from : Jamie

American Comics Co
The garbage collection ABSOLUTELY exist within the Constitution, -- they are just unexercised through ignorance, laziness aristocracy, etc Marbury vs Madison "Any law passed (repugnant to the Constitution: 9th Amendment "The SUPREME law of the land") is null and void as if it didn't even exist upon inception and not until branded so in an open court of law with no obligation to obey, no duty to enforce"
Comment from : American Comics Co

DebsPrice Songbird
I ❤ u
Comment from : DebsPrice Songbird

DebsPrice Songbird
Comment from : DebsPrice Songbird

Emily Woo
Comment from : Emily Woo

Aziz Siteli
Elon mask gave you 2h30 interview that’s mean your had great interview and your questions was incredible…great job
Comment from : Aziz Siteli

Christ Tuff
No law and full liberty, in a techno sustain environment? Hmmmmmm?
Comment from : Christ Tuff

Mark Torres
How many book are missing or haven't been turned in/overdue 1 year from today's date 9/2/2023 Sunday and at least 50 years from publication date Total amount and per state Looking for pattern brbrI belive the books are being used for the age of the paper 50 year old paper to counterfeit archive documents to rewrite history Possibly tell a different story of Presidents whos last name is going extinct example, Clinton, Bush & Obama these three Presidents didn't have any sons to carry on their last name So proving there existence may be difficult and if you rewrite with 50 year old paper and scrubbing them off the internet brbrbrHow many images and YouTube vides are there of The United States of America Presidents William J Clinton, George W Bush & Barack H Obama ( 42, 43 & 44 ) ?brHow difficult or easy would that be in theorybrbrbrwwwlocgovbrbrLibrary of Congress
Comment from : Mark Torres

Angela Savage
My 2 favorite minds on one video I wish I could articulate my thoughts as well as you two! I would put myself out there working towards soooooo many causes!!! I respect the hell out of Elon and Lex for furthering humanities reach into new and exciting directions!!!! We can't survive without men like this steering us into a new world beyond our current abilities to perceivekudos to you both
Comment from : Angela Savage

because someone is intelligent, and creates things, doesn't mean they know how to love others in a relationship Some people don't Unfortunately, Mr Elon did not answer that last question
Comment from : Anna

So many partners and it's hard for him to say anything about lovebrHas he not experienced it
Comment from : Anna

John Kristenson
Locks ask Yvonne if he's still of using compressed hydrogen if so that's not a good thing Stanford oshinsky created a hydrogen for automobiles I'm thinking that system could be modified for the SpaceX Rockets Prince
Comment from : John Kristenson

Blue Dragon
He's high
Comment from : Blue Dragon

Lee Lorenz
Elon Musk is not funny People laugh because he's rich
Comment from : Lee Lorenz

Fred Funk
Lex is a beast, so is elon-i think we should all be thankful that they are trying to help humanity and make the world a better place
Comment from : Fred Funk

Inspiration documentary on Netflix- all civilian
Comment from : Versailles

This conversation is a gem
Comment from : YANA BAX

I'm still waiting Elon
Comment from : TehPwnerer

pol pol
Elon is proof that money cant fix ignorance br brI think the greatest gift Musk has given us is that he has singlehandedly blown open the myth that the rich and powerful people are intelligent and skilled
Comment from : pol pol

Sahan Ravinder
1:00:32 is when you realize, Elon is different/superior He literally Googles his brain and figured out the best answer after having dismissing 100,000 not so correct answers Amazing human
Comment from : Sahan Ravinder

Britt Juergens
These two are very similar
Comment from : Britt Juergens

Comment from : I BEAT MICKEY

Maximize happiness of the people
Comment from : miloslavskiy

Marko Gacevic
This is by far the worst episode of the podcast so far Lex It's painful to listen to this
Comment from : Marko Gacevic

Mike Mastrian
If the money was spent on preperation as a country or any country involved with space exploration The cash alone gives the importance of space expo So question is why so many going in different directions when ultimately trying to accomplish the same goal? I say stop everything and pool together with the one who has the most collective possibility of planet travel success Talk about being smart
Comment from : Mike Mastrian

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