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How to make junctions safer for everyone | Cycling UK


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Название :  How to make junctions safer for everyone | Cycling UK
Продолжительность :   1.16
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Коментарии How to make junctions safer for everyone | Cycling UK

Cycling UK
Do you want safer streets to cycle on? Find out how you can support our vital campaigning work: wwwcyclingukorg/cycle-campaigning
Comment from : Cycling UK

Michael Higgins
When is it going to made madatory for cyclists to wear safety helmets and hiviz jackets?brAll Scotish buses have warnings on the back of buses telling cyclists it is dangerous to undertake them Cyclists will go on the sidewalks to achieve which way they want to gobrThe new dangerous rule about junctions, does this appy to round abouts, they are junctions?
Comment from : Michael Higgins

If you are a pedestrian following the new rule that you can walk straight across a side street because of your new-found priority, would you (a) walk in front of the lead car waiting to pull out of the side street or (b) take a few extra seconds to walk behind it? I have NEVER in my life walked in front of a car waiting to pull out I ALWAYS walk behind them But this new rule encourages walking in front That is completely insane ALSO: A car can pull right up to the give-way or stop line So a person walking in front of the car will actually be on the main road This matter is NOT clarified in the Highway Code changes, which seem to have been written by someone with no ability to second-guess how people will behave in real life
Comment from : dakrontu

At 0:49 the van is positioned part way thru making its turn Implies driver has already decided to turn and is doing so Woman is caught by surprise because she only looked AFTER her baby carriage was on the road This is irresponsible Afterwards, driver gives her a thumbs-up For what? Neglecting her responsibility to look out for her own safety and that of her childbrbrFurthermore, the van is in a position in which it would be blocking any cyclist who wants to go straight on, simply because its driver has ALREADY made the decision to turn (implying he was caught by surprise by the woman) Had he considered that the woman would have walked straight into the road, he would NOT have begun his turn, he would have to (a) wait for her to walk across and (b) watch out for any cyclists coming and ONLY when COMPLETELY clear should he BEGIN his turnbrbrAccidents are avoided by ALL participants acting defensively Participants who lazily pass the burden of responsibility onto others are effectively saying they have higher expectations of other people than they do of themselves
Comment from : dakrontu

Chiba Z
I don't think this rule is simple at all and requires too much of a habitual change to be successfully adopted On paper looks great, yes, but will cause confusion on the roads A much more intuitive change would be, in my opinion, to correlate right of way with physical space occupied by users (pavements and roads are at different levels/heights)
Comment from : Chiba Z

David Livesey
I'm not a fan of the pedestrians having right of way I spend as much time on foot as I do in the car and I would rather wait until there are no cars indicating to turn before I cross at a junction And I'd prefer it if pedestrians did the same when I'm driving I'd be interested to see how many accidents this causes as the car stops to give way to a pedestrian and the car gets rear ended
Comment from : David Livesey

Raw Toast
I agree that a cyclist has right of way here as he is on the road heading straight The pedestrian being given right of way at the junction is ludicrous They should wait and this will harm more people than help if pedestrians just walk into the road assuming a driver will stop
Comment from : Raw Toast

Josh Freeman
Holy fuck 0:49 is SO dangerous, how the heck has this law passed!? That van is going to hit her 100 or honk his horn and shes going to shit her pants Thats a deathtrap
Comment from : Josh Freeman

Sod thati need to break hard because a twat walks across the road texting nope Also people on push bikes give way to people on foot!! what planet are you living on, they dress in black, no lights and go though red lights I stick to the normal rules of the road thanks
Comment from : asowle

John Young
It's December 2021, and this is actually about to be implemented in to the Highway Code
Comment from : John Young

This is propaganda by the cycling lobby that does not care too hoots about the stress it is causing for motorists who it seems to regard as evil and sub-human No motorist wants to injure a pedestrian or cyclist No one wants to have that on their conscience We are human beings If we see someone walking out into a road without looking out for themselves on the assumption that vehicles will always see them and stop, that is supremely foolish, and a moral hazard: The abdication of personal responsibility, throwing the entire burden of responsibility for your safety onto other people, who you want to hold to a higher standard than you are prepared to accept for yourself
Comment from : dakrontu

Henry Bowden
Yeah, tell that to the car and van drivers who NEVER read the highway code once they have passed their test Unfortunately drivers of cars and vans are not the ones who suffer for their selfish actions A few changes to the highway code will make absolutely NO DIFFERENCE to safety on our roads The only thing it will do is perhaps make it fractionally less difficult to get a conviction but even that effect will be so tiny as to be negligible
Comment from : Henry Bowden

sam key
Cant wait to get hit by a car :) who fails to see I am walking straight - I predict it will be a taxi in the city centre
Comment from : sam key

That is a terrible video from Cycling UK Surely no one from CUK would advocate the cyclist undertaking the car while it waits for the pedestrian to cross at 0:56? The cyclist should just wait behind the car brbrThere is also the repeated use of "right of way" which is not helpful There is no such thing in this context, only "priority" HC rules do not usually use the right-of-way term at all, and it doesn't appear in the proposed new HC wordingbrbrThink again CUK
Comment from : Rastricker

the current highway code states "watch out for pedestrians crossing a road into which you are turning If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way" so now cars will have to give way when pedestrians are standing on the kerb waiting to cross theyre going to need a big advert campaign to make drivers aware of this change
Comment from : skeptic9876

Matt Horton
Is this a spoof/joke video?
Comment from : Matt Horton

Marty Hopkirk
Cant just be me that thinks the woman with the pram just walking straight out into the road like that has a death wish for herself and her babybrRegardless of road rules / rights of way acting like that is just madness
Comment from : Marty Hopkirk

This video assumes that idiot cyclists follow the highway code They don't
Comment from : VirtualMark

Andrew Burrows
I remember working at Wimbledon with some Aussies on the crew and they just couldn't understand why they had to give way to vehicle traffic when they were crossing a junction as a pedestrian It makes sense If you're driving or riding and you want to make a left or right turn into a junction, you have to slow down anyway
Comment from : Andrew Burrows

Fully support this! Other change that's proposed that I've taken into my own hands and found drastically helpful is not riding in the gutter and rather making myself visible from further away by riding in the middle of the lane Fewer close overtakes, gives more time to other road users to evaluate when to overtake and lower risk of me being run off the road Fingers crossed these rules go into the code and there's a big publicity upon the change
Comment from : tOmzz4video

John Smith
Your video, of a mini overtaking a cyclist just before a junction, should be shown to show that you should not overtake just before turning left What it could imply is that it is ok for a cyclist to overtake a car turning left on the inside Such behaviour would, of course, be suicidal
Comment from : John Smith

The pavement is just the very slow lane, with the cycle lane being moderate You wouldn't cut up a car in the slow lane of a highway to turn a sharp left Don't do it with cyclists or pedestrians Simple enough
Comment from : CMW

Benjamin Harvey
I had to rewind that clip to figure out what was going on At first glance it looked like the cycle undercut the car turning left to go straight Which is a death sentence On second watch the car looks to have overtaken the car at the junction it wanted to turn left on Which is also a huge no no brOur roads are most definitely car-centric tipping the balance to favour pedestrians and cyclists is a must if we are to promote these greener, healthier forms of travel
Comment from : Benjamin Harvey

Chris McCarthy
Excellent idea, makes sense to me
Comment from : Chris McCarthy

Clive Sheldon
The problem is that some drivers will still argue the point "I thought the cyclist was turning left because they were so far over to the left" will be the response If you bring a new rule in you need to educate all parties for it to work and there will always be bad drivers, cyclists and pedestrians
Comment from : Clive Sheldon

Philip Cole
There is absolutely no way am going to chance it going up the inside of the car that is indicating to turn left And love how all the videos are on a nice clear day let see this when it raining and dark
Comment from : Philip Cole

Priority, not Right of Way Very different!
Comment from : TheSpinnerfish

Claire James
I think giving cyclists approaching from behind on the left, priority over turning cars is absolutely INSANE and will lead to more accidents
Comment from : Claire James

Im a cyclist and a truck driver This doesn't make sense This relys on people using indicators and being patient
Comment from : J M

Basically whatever a driver in a car does is wrong You lot are fascists
Comment from : Alpacajon

Tim Pheby - cycling
great idea and could be backed up with mini zebra crossing without the belisha beacon to back up the priority to straight ahead movements
Comment from : Tim Pheby - cycling

alexander lawrence
Ridiculous idea How is the Mini driver supposed to know the cyclist behind him is going straight ahead?
Comment from : alexander lawrence

Possession Friend
makes sense, ( so probably never happen ! ;-)
Comment from : Possession Friend

Here and There
Not quite right when they say the person going straight ahead has right of way is common in Europe In France and Belgium priorité à droite frequently applies
Comment from : Here and There

Its simple already, seems to me we are breeding a nation of idiots Who are all unwittingly justifying the local councils health and safety zelot department with even more excuse for bureaucratic red tape nonsense replacing common sensebrbrNot saying its perfect and changes need to happen due to e-scooters Something far more usefull than a push bike for getting around a Town/City Bikes are for fun But keep on believing its biking the answer to all Urban travel No thanks, will take a e-scooter that can fold up, take up next to no room under my desk at work or at home (Oh and i love my bike(s) btw)
Comment from : MegaMagicbeans

That would be a welcome change and should improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists I worry about how you would inforce such rules brCould it be made mandatory to do a short educational vid or even test before car taxed renewed (just an idea) brAlso at 056 cyclist is undertaking a car that's likely indicating to turn left I understand your proposed rules, but that in itself is dangerous (the bike would be in a blind spot and probably the car would not see the cyclist until it was too late) I would suggest that would be poor cycling?
Comment from : TheCu8tc

robert sheppard
This would be a good rule, however my concern is educating those who are "going straight on " to check for possible turning vehicles/cycles before just stepping/cycling on as depicted in the video, and as is often the case by people using zebra crossings
Comment from : robert sheppard

Aaron White (sir sweetcorn)
good on paper but laws like this can make people complacent say the pedestrian one if they suddenly decide at that moment they are crossing but "because i have right of way i dont need to look"a car that has already committed to the turn probably wouldn't be able to stop a simple whoever is already in position before the other person signals may be better
Comment from : Aaron White (sir sweetcorn)

Stuart King
Would you like to know who has right of way at a junction? It's simple NOBODY DOES!!!!!!brbrThe UK does not use a 'right of way' system, it uses a 'Give Way' system and usually there are funny little double broken lines accompanied by painted triangles on the road and silly little signs saying "Give Way"brbrIf you can't work out who should give way you shouldn't be on the road
Comment from : Stuart King

Ian Brown
When I was learning to drive I was aware that those following the route of the main road, cyclists, pedestrians, have priority, which is the same as right of way It seems that too few motorists are aware of this!
Comment from : Ian Brown

Well that is how it works currently An explicit clearer rule would remove all doubt and confusion though
Comment from : cjeam

Wendy Jane
Early on in the video you show a car about to turn left with a cyclist going straight on I agree with comment about the cyclist not in the correct position when passing a junction, but also Iwould have thought it was common sense to wait for the cyclist to pass before attempting to make the turn Suppose they are all in too much of a hurry to wait a couple of extra seconds!,
Comment from : Wendy Jane

Adrian Ajjavin Gifford
I fully support this campaign however find another word for "unsignalised", it's difficult to understand fully what it means
Comment from : Adrian Ajjavin Gifford

David P
There is already a rule that you should give way to pedestrians crossing the road that you're turning into
Comment from : David P

Trooper ThatsAll
The junction has a white broken line, which states GIVE WAY - I don't see why there needs a change, just clearer and harsher penalties, the number of bloody-minded drivers who don't give wayTrooper
Comment from : Trooper ThatsAll

Paul Ritter
Creating a rule for is fine but the problem is making it enforceable Drivers should give way in these instances to more vulnerable road users - cyclists and pedestrians - as a matter of course, its a moral issue Sadly many car users and their van and lorry counterparts have a mindset driven by a sense of entitlement which tells them their needs are uppermost
Comment from : Paul Ritter

I noticed the use of that old cliché it's my right of way in the videobrI was unfortunate to be traveling in a vehicle whose driver attempted to cut across Infront of a twenty ton truck because "it was his right of way!" The truck driver had no intention to give way to a tiny mini The car was extensively damaged but luckily we weren'tbrIf only road users were more polite to each other
Comment from : Pete COOMBER

Plush Red
Good rule change It might be worth noting that the Highway code uses "priority" rather than "right of way"
Comment from : Plush Red

Martin Weller
Full support, next challenge getting any existing driver to read and understand the Highway Code, good luck
Comment from : Martin Weller

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