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Remove These From Your Resume! - Tips On How To Write An Effective Resume


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Коментарии Remove These From Your Resume! - Tips On How To Write An Effective Resume

Question, how do recruiters use the Skills section if LinkedIn? The skills section is limited to 50 skills and the skills required by employers are often worded differently or are very generic thats why I always get a low match in Skills
Comment from : ket1217

Mad Max
I staple a $20 bill to mine
Comment from : Mad Max

Tom Bittikoffer
Don't design your resume even if you're a designer because you should have a portfolio they'll be looking at it Plus design is about communication and purpose The purpose of a resume is to highlight experience, NOT design
Comment from : Tom Bittikoffer

Dave R
This is funny - I just updated my resume and many things I did are red flags from this video Thanks for the tips I will be updating my resume to return it to a more business professional style
Comment from : Dave R

The entire recruiting/hiring industry is bullshit Fuck all this, I'd rather not participate in the modern workplace at all
Comment from : Tecnocris

Bluebird Traveller
I am so glad to hear that references are becoming antiquated I feel like that is a lot like the skills graphic no-no --- useless and subjective People can hire someone to be a reference! It's better to have a solid resume, interview a background check that checks out
Comment from : Bluebird Traveller

Deydrania Diancecht
Don't use a ton of keywords That ends up being a giant paragraph of nothing but hashtags and no one but the trashcan wants to read them I never got callbacks when I did this format on a resume When I did my own, my phone kept ringing brbrI do a splash image on the cover sheet showing I was in the military and inside, I listed my education and my relevant job history I don't include dates or that I worked at Taco Bell inbetween relevant jobs (don't like being unemployed) brbrThat's all a resume needs No employer wants to read a resume filled with buzz words or lengthy stuff like that My resume only states what is needed to get their attention and the interview reveals the rest
Comment from : Deydrania Diancecht

Christian Jadot
Granted, it is slowly dropping off my resume, but my job history is easier explained with a graph than anything I could do written Laid off and rehired from two different places having two part time jobs, and being deployed a couple of times It made no sense in written form, and every interview I had to walk the interviewer through the work history Until I did a timeline of my work history which explained everything at a glance (But I am in a semi-creative field)
Comment from : Christian Jadot

Aaaaaaaaah hi
As someone with a degree, an unimpressive internship, who is two years out of school, and has no experience in my field, applying is daunting I hope my food service experience doesn’t hinder me from being hired, it’s all I’ve got
Comment from : Aaaaaaaaah hi

fatimah gouveia
What about referneces
Comment from : fatimah gouveia

Jessie P
The last 2 tips 😂… I was like 😮😮😮 Remove skills completely… got it lol
Comment from : Jessie P

For the city and state, if I live in a suburb of a major metro area and I’m applying to remote jobs, do you recommend I list my actual city or the major city?
Comment from : qualityrat

Sean Brookstein
Great video, thanks alot!
Comment from : Sean Brookstein

I'm a dinosaurso i just asked 2 people in their 20's what they use for spaces between sentences and both looked at me funny They both said they don't care how many are used, but just always used 1 space They weren't "taught" either way 🤷🏼‍♂️
Comment from : G_Machine_Joe

Eric Forest
Graphic Designers should also skip adding graphics - particularly if those graphics disrupt quick consumption of the resume details Showcase creativity in the portfoliobrbrBar charts are for the reasons you listed But also because there is no established metric 4/5? On what scale? For what aspects of the given domain?
Comment from : Eric Forest

Greenfang XYZ
Job market? It's a lottery
Comment from : Greenfang XYZ

Greenfang XYZ
what if your name is Shanika
Comment from : Greenfang XYZ

Zachary Hein
What i find interesting is that they are discriminating for certain demographic information, like marriage and children…
Comment from : Zachary Hein

Teacher Ken
07:08 what should we put for an address if we are American citizens who are currently living outside of the USA but are applying to jobs in the US in preparation of returning to it? @lifeafterlayoff
Comment from : Teacher Ken

Teacher Ken
04:06 can some buddy explain why photos are discouraged on American resumes? Employers are going to look us up in social media and Linkedin anyways It seems like a form of equality washing
Comment from : Teacher Ken

jason hobson
Excellent information! Thank you!
Comment from : jason hobson

E Mendez
Bruh I failed the first one
Comment from : E Mendez

Brett G
I always hate coming to the end of these helpful videos Its all the same "For a low, low price of $500 I'll teach you how to write a resume!" lol
Comment from : Brett G

I might just take out a loan and start some dumb business myself if I have to jump through all these damn hoops and please idiot recruiters who are scared of colors and reading just to work some miserable, soul-sucking job 9-5 Pain in the ass
Comment from : YabaiModding

Andy Patrick
12:00 if I see "quick learner" on a CV, I assume it means "I don't have the skills you need but I still hope to blag my way into a job!"
Comment from : Andy Patrick

Joris Geysens
While some valuable info, this just shows how broken the system is!
Comment from : Joris Geysens

Susie Christianson
I'm confused I am a graphic designer I've been doing graphics since 1997; however, from the time I started doing graphics (1999) until now, if I remove irrelevant job history, there are huge gaps in my resume I worked on fishing boats, worked for dept of fish & wildlife, temp exec admin for c-level mgmt What do I include to apply as graphic designer in between 1999 and now? And 1999 is waaaay longer than 10 years ago Can anyone help me understand this new world?
Comment from : Susie Christianson

Thank you
Comment from : J*Dubzz

I started this video with low expectations because I thought I had an excellent resume turns out I am using ridiculous clichés! :O Thank you brHas the job market changed in the past 5 years? I was recently laid off and looking for work (in tech) for the first time in five years, this is the first time I've received multiple rejection letters, "We regret to inform you" :( Nothing in two months I have never been out of work for more than two weeks What's up with that? I am highly skilled, lot's of good examples of prior work, and have a very and perhaps unique diversified career Maybe I need to do serious re-work on my resume and portfolio?brbrI'll look at your resume rocket fuel
Comment from : sssdeecee

Heki Laon
good video, packed with advice!
Comment from : Heki Laon

Clay Adams
Also make sure you write an amazing one page cover letter that shows how well you have researched the company This will set you apart more than you know
Comment from : Clay Adams

Michael Dunlap
Let's not move past a point here - you need to be reasonably qualified for the job you're applying forbrThrowing out a resume at a job you have no qualifications for doesn't help anyone Yes, you might need to apply to X jobs to be able to collect your unemployment, but you might as well apply for things that are at least close to what you're qualified to do
Comment from : Michael Dunlap

Samantha James
The part at 3:00 on columns is very important I had a really fancy resume that was laid out in columns It looked amazing, but I was just not getting any response from it Turns out the automated sifting programs were only reading the first column and not the next one that had all the relevant information!! When I removed the columns I started to hear back from employers againbrbrSo do be careful using columns in a resume I learnt that the hard way
Comment from : Samantha James

Baba Ghanoush
I agree with most of this but the bigger issue is that a lot of companies are accepting your resume on a website and there they ask all the questions to say to avoid like full address or your minor in college My biggest pet peeve is forcing me remember dates, to the day, for a job duration The month shouldn't even matter Are people staying that short at a job that the month duration is making a difference?
Comment from : Baba Ghanoush

Byeteaching - Career, Resume, & Interview Tips
Thank you for shedding light on the common mistakes teachers make when seeking jobs outside of education It's crucial to understand these pitfalls to make a successful transition Excellent advice!
Comment from : Byeteaching - Career, Resume, & Interview Tips

keith angstadt
Another reason to not list past salary is if you are downgrading If you were formerly in a management position and burned out, you may be applying for a lesser paying, non-management job Interviewers can see that as a red flag in my experience
Comment from : keith angstadt

For work history that's more than 10 years ago, do you still list it on the resume with just one liner (title, company, start to end date) and skip all the bullets or not listing it on the resume at all?
Comment from : goldenstyx

Selling Soul 5 Bucks
I got rejected from a job recently because I wasn't in the same city Of course I'm going to relocate to that city that the job is in immediately after accepting a job offer but I didn't even get that far to tell them They didn't even allow me to put a cover letter in the application either which could have been a chance to mention that Really stupid and frustrating getting auto rejected because they don't realize from my resume alone that I'm going to relocate Now I just put the province I'm in and that's all
Comment from : Selling Soul 5 Bucks

What race you are? What if your name is a dead giveaway of what your race may or may not be?
Comment from : Sharky

Government jobs require your entire work history, for your whole life
Comment from : HAND FUN!

Robert Bigott
I am 76! Physically and mentally fit My last 3 interviews, for a mechanical/electrical journeyman position have each been 1 1/2 hours long How do I overcome the apparent age bias Note my qualifications are stellar
Comment from : Robert Bigott

I had to put a photo on my resume because Im a white guy with a not white guy namebrI get more responses with a photo
Comment from : starvin666

Big Steve
I have a lot of work experience in the past but I have not worked since 2014 And this is due to a long-term chronic illness that prevented me from doing simple things like walking around But now I'm better so how can I create a resume with that in mind?
Comment from : Big Steve

S Stewart
I was part of a professional group and one of the presidential candidates for the group had an email address that I think had the word bikini in it I wrote her and said “this might not get past filters of some of the people in our association “
Comment from : S Stewart

Kevin Sands
So what you're saying is that bias and prejudice is common, non specific, subconscious and even normal Got it
Comment from : Kevin Sands

Arlen Burgin
Nice intro music!
Comment from : Arlen Burgin

G Fuente
Laid off in May by accounting firm Have been studying for CPA and hope to certify by November What to do with that gap in employment (May- November) ? Should I explain the gap with the CPA study? Thanks
Comment from : G Fuente

Daniel Sullivan
Never, ever leave "Mensa" on your resumebrbrEagle Scout? Never take it offbrbr36 years as an IT Executive Recruiter here - 32 as an agency owner
Comment from : Daniel Sullivan

Chris Davis
I enjoyed this video For somebody with an Business Admin Degree brbrJust what would be considered a skill? Like performing business valuation, financial ratios, etc?
Comment from : Chris Davis

I'll take off old, unrelated employment I think I have an internship from 15 years ago! I'll take that off as well This is a good video for all levels professionals Thanks for posting
Comment from : 10akee

Jonathan Quesada
Almost no companies are taken resumes anymore They require you to fill out forms directly in their web sites, and they usually like to ask all the points you are recommending to avoid, stuff like race, gender, marital status etc
Comment from : Jonathan Quesada

Even shorter summary: when writing resume imagine seagull gona read it No bright colors, no bright ideas, everything you write will be used against you))
Comment from : tonnyblake21

B Jo
Do you have videos for someone at retirement age looking for consulting or part time positions?
Comment from : B Jo

Rasp Berry
If I don't put my age, from the year tha I have graduated and my first jobs it is obvious
Comment from : Rasp Berry

Absolutely wrong about microsoft skills As an employer if you have those youve got a better than average chance I've had too many people come up for job that isnt really computer heavy but it is required and had teach them from the ground up Microsoft skills are absolutely a plus!
Comment from : Draklen2

Tim Reilly
Very informative Thanks
Comment from : Tim Reilly

On the last point you mentioned on the resume issue I had the worst time getting my first real job until I removed karate instructor assistant from my job history Went from 0 interviews to 5 interviews in just a week
Comment from : Dracoflame

Wally West
No full address? Every place I've worked, including my current job, sends stuff in the mail At the very least tax documents
Comment from : Wally West

No experience, no internships, just a degree Pretty clean and concise resume that is avoided like the plague No resume writing advice is going to help me with that and this impossible Software Engineering market
Comment from : Loki

Maryam  Hayaly
Comment from : Maryam Hayaly

Tricia Brown
What if I have MS Office skills that are more advanced than most people’s?
Comment from : Tricia Brown

I would think color would bring attention to your resume Many hiring managers overlook good resumes
Comment from : Harmony

Ashley Iz Cozy Gaming
what are your thoughts on including those generic terms like "independent self stater" "team player" "quick learner" etc in a resume when the job description lists those things? I see those terms used in a ton of job descriptions I apply for so I thought the ATS may be screening on those terms, do systems look for those generic terms if it is in the job description?
Comment from : Ashley Iz Cozy Gaming

Great advice all round My old resume was based on template of my brother's when he was applying for analyst roles I wanted to go into financial accounting and never seemed to make it past the initial screening I didn't end up getting anything with it When I changed my resume to a more simple design, I got more interviews and got the job I really want
Comment from : TheMattew777

Julie Kostas
So very helpful I thought I was current but I discovered a few passe items on my cv Thank you!
Comment from : Julie Kostas

Seeker Finder
Can you please do a series for your average blue collar worker?
Comment from : Seeker Finder

Cat Lover 23
This was Extremely Helpful & Useful Wasn't even aware of some of this Especially about adding your Address on Your Resume You've saved me a lot of Typing & giving unnecessary information Appreciate
Comment from : Cat Lover 23

Alejandro Gutiérrez
You send the resume via email, they call you for an interview and at the interview they read your resume to you, i mean wtf, can´t wait for recruiters to be replaced by AI
Comment from : Alejandro Gutiérrez

The Insider
My most impressive work was done over 10 years ago, and I've been unemployed the last 5, are you suggesting I make myself look less capable for the sake of brevity?
Comment from : The Insider

Gold Pill Will
I would always send my resume and cv as a PDF Any computer will open a PDF looking exactly as I intend it
Comment from : Gold Pill Will

Shawn Green
Could an adult actor use figures of genitalia and boobs and have it be kosher?
Comment from : Shawn Green

Also…I mean, do you really want to work for an employer that would screen you out for having kids? They’re likely going to make demands on you that aren’t very compatible with your life situation…so unless you’re looking to sue a company or be miserable…
Comment from : whisperedaria

As an ATS manager, I’d also like to add to the graphics, avoid using a graphic or word art to represent anything like a name or qualification Some people like to put the logo or “badge” of the certification they’ve earned, rather than typing it out Best case: This will get ignored by the parser Worst case: the parser will decide it can’t get useable info out of your resume and will reject it
Comment from : whisperedaria

Danielle Baylor
I am not a team player but yea, I wouldn't put that in my resume (even though they say don't lie 🤣)
Comment from : Danielle Baylor

Instructions unclear Still not sure if my Professional Underwater Basket Weaving Certificate belongs on my resume
Comment from : Dau

Denise Gore
What can you do when your name indicates your age?
Comment from : Denise Gore

TIL I'm a natural at this but what has always sold me was experience Got a lucky break early in my career and it has carried me throughout jobs
Comment from : JodouKast

Kenneth Yaeger
Note on GPAbrbrIf you held a 350 or higher even if it's on a degree from many years ago, it can show a history of working harder than your peers, even in a Vice filled environment like college
Comment from : Kenneth Yaeger

Please explain:brAll recruiters say we need a resumebrAll recruiters say we need a LinkedInbrDo not put picture, gender, race, or age on resumebrPut updated picture on Linkedin --- well you can assess my gender, race, and maybe even my age from my LinkedInbrThis seems like an irreconcilable contradiction
Comment from : TJ

George Gides
In terms of the microsoft part, I still see a boatload of JDs that still ask if you have Microsoft skills so not sure if the AI reading the resume will cut you for not having it on your resume
Comment from : George Gides

Funny about that You should put it in if jd uses it
Comment from : ctjmaughs

The Sunshine Show
I have been doing the same job for more than ten years Does that mean I should only have the one job on my resume?
Comment from : The Sunshine Show

Sergio Murillo
Ok this video has sold me on the Resume Rocketfuel class With these little snippets of advice have been useful and I didn’t know about Looking forward to learning more in that class
Comment from : Sergio Murillo

Marsha Jones
Thank you!
Comment from : Marsha Jones

Deh Prod
If I wanted to send you my personal resume, so you can look it over for criticism purposes, would that be fine?
Comment from : Deh Prod

I disagree with the assumption people know how to use Word and office programs Just last year I opened a word doc from someone who uses it every day and they didn’t know how to make tables The data was formatted using spaces to make the text align into columns and it was embarrassing I know of another person who printed an excel sheet, scanned the print into the computer and used that to email the data
Comment from : Jeff

Ashley Clarke
How to go about describing Mental Health issues (when they could be underlying reasons for leaving previous jobs)?
Comment from : Ashley Clarke

Best video Monotonous voice, but no-nonsense Just straight to the point
Comment from : silent4fail

Deirdre Kiely
In some states it's illegal for an employer to ask in any way what your salary history is It would be great if you could add this important fact to your videos A lot of workers don't even know about this and some are still intimated into disclosing their previous wages or salary
Comment from : Deirdre Kiely

Also, social media accounts have become your resume: FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc Yes, YouTube, too Employers will look for them Mine are pseudonymous
Comment from : KameraShy

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