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3 haircare tips I wish I knew in my 20’s (part 3) ... the last one will save you conditioner #shorts


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Кадры 3 haircare tips I wish I knew in my 20’s (part 3) ... the last one will save you conditioner #shorts

Описание 3 haircare tips I wish I knew in my 20’s (part 3) ... the last one will save you conditioner #shorts

Коментарии 3 haircare tips I wish I knew in my 20’s (part 3) ... the last one will save you conditioner #shorts

Shriya Pandurang Pawaskar
Use castor with regular oil
Comment from : Shriya Pandurang Pawaskar

My hair gets rlly tangled when i do the squish to condish😢
Comment from : Blu€berryk@t

Kiana Ye
another tip for conditioner, using a scalp massager or a wide toothed comb or a wet brush to brush it into your hair, dont apply to your roots, and use a body wash or soap after rinsing out conditioner this prevents backne and trust me I had really bad backne before I started doing this❤❤
Comment from : Kiana Ye

I heard that you should not squish the conditioner in if you have fine hair or straight hair because it can cause breakage
Comment from : Natalie

omg tysm i will try this! also can you do a video on how to get rid of itshy dry hair and dandruff ty!
Comment from : Oliverose

I had COVID that lasted around 11 days At first, I believed I was ok but I started to lose more hair than usual Following some research, I am realizing it’s from the stress my body went through during that time and also the shampoo that I was using So I began doing yoga and meditation daily and changed my shampoo and conditioner to littleextrraa coooconion anti hair fall kit And today I don't face any hairfallbrThank you for this video! I'm feeling so much more at peace
Comment from : apporvaverma

Riayn Wheeler
I love how she said clarifying shampoos should only be used "a couple times a month" I only wash my hair 3-4 times a month already XD
Comment from : Riayn Wheeler

Sussanne Keith
Too much Botox going on😮
Comment from : Sussanne Keith

Kimberly DeConcini
No clogs folicles
Comment from : Kimberly DeConcini

The only one I don't understand is hair oiling My hair is already oily naturally I only wash it twice a week so by the time it's wash day it's very greasy Should I still try and add more oil to it or is it best to just wash the sebum and build up off as is?
Comment from : JL

anna weisenburger
I thought you were in your 20
Comment from : anna weisenburger

That "birthmark" on the lower neck might be melanoma (skin cancer)
Comment from : Kadenza

Kel Bell
You have the most gorgeous hair! I'm going to need to try the squish to condish;D
Comment from : Kel Bell

Monae Bert
Not true!!!! This has been proven to be false already Adding oil just makes the wash more difficult to clean That's it, period!! Stop lying to us Plse no pre-oiling
Comment from : Monae Bert

"HOT water"?
Comment from : hyacinthdibley2

Christina Gomez
Comment from : Christina Gomez

Please what hair oil do you use
Comment from : Hello,itsready!

Charlie o-o
I have dandruff before and after shower What should I do? Help😢
Comment from : Charlie o-o

I don’t squish I twist
Comment from : Allysandre

Comment from : M G

Miss Anna
You’ve got the perfect type of hair that even washing with a soap would still make it look good 😉
Comment from : Miss Anna

Comment from : Alloniya

Why would you fuck up your hair just to wash it? You dont need to wash your hair every time you shower like if its not greasy theres no reason to wash it why would you oil it up first
Comment from : Mikado

Don't waste oil lolbrJust don't wash your hair for a week and you'll have super protected hair loool
Comment from : MideaMusic

sera a
Just want yall to know you should do your own research bc most of this is half true or just bullshit Oiling your hair will not prevent fall out Fall out is natural anyway The only hard and fast truth in this video is that clarifying shampoo is more harsh on your hair because it is designed to deep clean buildup
Comment from : sera a

Natalia E López
I have a very oily scalp so I don’t think that pre-oiling would do anything
Comment from : Natalia E López

mary burger
NOTHING you put on your hair on the outside makes it grow 🤣🤣🤣 hair is dead as soon as it comes out off the hair follicles 🤣🤣🤣brYou need a healthy diet with all food groups so your hair folicles can make healthy hair !
Comment from : mary burger

Kelly Royds
It's not good to wash your hair with hot water
Comment from : Kelly Royds

Мария Шинкарева
The fuck's oil for? I try to wash it out because my hair's greasy why would I put even more oil in there 😭
Comment from : Мария Шинкарева

NC Pictures
Like hell I'm putting more oil on my already McDonald's deep frier oily hair 😂
Comment from : NC Pictures

Summer Sign
You should change the title from East Asia ➡️ China
Comment from : Summer Sign

Yes my grandma taught my mom,yom taught me
Comment from : XY Z

a r friedman
Sorry I have hairspray in my hair brbrHair oil is meant for clean hair, notcdirty hair
Comment from : a r friedman

Makai Threads
None of these are true brIf you think you should oil your hair AT THE SCALP and/or before washing, you know literally nothing about hair care and nothing about how shampoo works 😂
Comment from : Makai Threads

Hayley Z
Don't wash your hair in HOT water!!!!!! WARM TO COOL is best! Hot opens your pores yes, but it can also weaken the hair folicle! If tou wash with hot, seal/close with COOL!
Comment from : Hayley Z

Lynn van der Mijden
How long before showering should you oil?
Comment from : Lynn van der Mijden

A Gold
For person's with curly and dyed hair should ALWAYS do this with conditioner before getting in a pool For those with locks this oil is good prepool
Comment from : A Gold

Hailey Balmer
GIRL Who told you any of that? The thing about clarifying shampoo was correct, but the rest of it was hot nonsense That oil isn't protecting your hair, you're just shampooing out extra product And "scrunching gets more conditioner into the hair" what?! I'm a scruncher for sure, but that's not getting extra nutrients into our hair It prevents breakage and ensures even coating, that's all it doesbrbrTry oiling bafter/b you wash, it'll keep your hair from being quite so brittle at the ends
Comment from : Hailey Balmer

Personally i have really fine curly hair and i use clarifying shampoo every time i wash my hair for me the best way to apply leave-in conditioner is use a ton and use a wet brush to fully coat my hair root to tip, it also provides some hold
Comment from : AM

If you have fine-stranded wavy/curly hair and notice your hair looks weighed down you may want to try using clarifying shampoo frequently and just have a very good leave in conditioner like a heavy one that you dont wash out using oil treatments is also great but if youre doing that i would highly recommend you clarify much more frequently if you dont want your curls to be limp
Comment from : AM

Kanha Vlogs Happiness
We Indians have been oiling hair before hair wash and definitely that is an amazing method to protect hair 😍 🙌
Comment from : Kanha Vlogs Happiness

What kind of oil do you use before you shower?
Comment from : Melz

Bobbie-Jene Henderson
I have an oily scalp so I need clarifying every time! 😅
Comment from : Bobbie-Jene Henderson

Oiling your ends before shampooing is fine, but don't oil your scalp
Comment from : Kat

Thanks for helping me make the decision not to regrow my hair to be long again lol 😂
Comment from : Luckycharm💕

Guadalupe Bautista
I often get compliments on my hair and all I do is wash my scalp with shampoo twice and condition the mid and ends of my hair
Comment from : Guadalupe Bautista

I've started oiling before bed the day before hair wash day, my hair is soooo soft now
Comment from : spanky

Oiling pre shower just makes you use more shampoo to get the oil out and wash more frequently Better for your hair to clean thoroughly and go longer between washes
Comment from : Dorian

Angela Margall
I can't use oil on my hair
Comment from : Angela Margall

Leyla Nurbek
wait she's not in her 20s???😭😭😭
Comment from : Leyla Nurbek

Joanie Dee
Ok adding oil before you shampoo is like "paying someone to throw mud all over your car so you can wash it" an actual salon owner said that, i can't remember his name but the salon was called Live, Love, Locks He makes more sense and gives great tips without trying to sell you anything 😊
Comment from : Joanie Dee

Daniela Lizcano
I'm not sure about the oiling, I work out a lot and the oil might retain some of the dirt and sweat but I agree with the other two
Comment from : Daniela Lizcano

Jaroslaw Kuna
What do you mean "your 20s"??😮😮
Comment from : Jaroslaw Kuna

Yzabelle Jimenez
Hell no I am not squishing my hair that looks like it’s horrible for it common sense maybe if it was curly but mines pin straight
Comment from : Yzabelle Jimenez

Laima Ravillon
clarifying shampoo means shampoo to make color clearer, or just to "clear out" products and chemical residues from products?
Comment from : Laima Ravillon

Hair fall is very natural and necessary You will lose 40 to 100 strands a day Period
Comment from : ana

Not taking advice for a lady who has no idea what it's like to have frizzy hair 🤷🏻
Comment from : agavictoria

If you need to oil your hair before washing, you are washing it too often
Comment from : mimimurlough

💀 i only wash my hair like 5 times a month, should I use clarifying shampoo each time
Comment from : ShanaMoe

What is hair oiling? And I've always squished on my ends for conditioner, and I only apply it to the ends
Comment from : Ginger4ever

Asra Helena
My hair is very greasy at being straight AND fine, as soon as it's dirty (like, half/end of second day) it looks oily I've been finding a sort of routine with salicylic acid scalp exfoliant once a week (or when needed), clarifying shampoo and nourishing hair mask/conditioner
Comment from : Asra Helena

debbie yong
I’m sorry to know this 😢
Comment from : debbie yong

Daniela Pazos
omg get oil in your hair to protect ir from what you want and need to do to it, like if you are getting in the shower to get your hair clean shouldn’t that be the purpose? why would you make it harder?
Comment from : Daniela Pazos

Kristin Frazee
Yup, don't follow none of that!😁
Comment from : Kristin Frazee

Eeyan Ray
What works for you may not work well for others That said, as a hairstylist, please don't take the information in this video as accurate I can agree with the clarifying shampoo tip but I cannot tell you how misinformed you are about the other two
Comment from : Eeyan Ray

Advice for asian hair which is completely straight
Comment from : lmbarnes3

Using hair before taking a shower defeats the purpose of cleaning you hair from oils You’ll just put on more shampoo to remove the oil! Oil is for nourishing the hair so you should put it a few hours before a shower to make it healthier not protect it from shamppoo!!
Comment from : Q8IBOYS

Henriette H
Most of these are complete bs
Comment from : Henriette H

Pre-oiling your hair prior to shampooing seems like such a scam since the point of shampooing your hair is to get the oil out
Comment from : StinkyThePink

Zuko Stryder
Also know that you mostly should only put conditioner in the bottoms (anything not in the roots) and only shampoo the roots part of your hair, but it might just be for blondes and brunettes?
Comment from : Zuko Stryder

I have thick, dry curly hair and have always been scared to go to a salon I finally found one, and the tips they gave me have changed my life within 5 months brbrCoconut oil before you shampoo, (I put a little bit on my eyebrows before cleansing my face to keep them thick) The coconut oil does not have to sit and shouldn't be in your hair for days, legit just put some on before you shampoo You could use any oil honestly, coconut oil is the easiest and cheapest for mebrbrClarify once a month before you do a quality treatment you should have a cheap deep conditioner that your hair likes to use weekly and salon quality one you use once a month after clarifying your hair brbrHeat protectant: I know you not about to put heat on your hair without protection? if you do, you are literally playing yourself brbrEvery time I go for a hair cut they barely have to touch my ends and tell me my hair is healthy, But It was still frizzy and felt coarse They suggested a Smoothing/softening shampoo I tried it one time in the salon and was hooked Highly recommend if my issue sounds similar to yours brbrIf you shower with really hot water, at least turn it down some when dealing with your hair The hot water feels sooooo good on my back and scalp But if its too hot you literally dry out your hair (this is why they suggested the oil) If your hair is naturally oily to the point you wash daily, you could skip itbrbrFinally MSN tablets not only does it help with the pain from training, but my nails, eyelashes, and hair just grow My eyebrows have always been kinda sparse not anymore lol I have to shave a lot more, but I really don't mind If you have any questions please let me know :)
Comment from : Bre

Malinka Hallon
I don't care to much for my hair it grows grotesquely fast to the point it's annoying I cut it once a moth so it's a little above waist I'm 36
Comment from : Malinka Hallon

You can trust for whatever product she recommends based on her skin
Comment from : HALA

I have a very oily scalp and I can't use conditioner because my hair becomes dirty faster 😪
Comment from : rivera

Angel Maden
Remember all but the Rose Warehouse one! 🤣 I seem to have had a lot of time on my hands ❤️🤣
Comment from : Angel Maden

Madeline R
Bro I dont care how you apply it, it's still a rinse out conditioner and it can only do so much The rinse out conditioner just makes your hair easier to detangle and leaves a micro residue that has a half life of like two minutes lmao - if you want moisture to actually penetrate your hair that's the job of a deep conditioner (especially with heat because heat allows the cuticle to lift just a tad so product penetrates into the cortex of the strands), and if you want the moisture to lock in between wash days that's the job of a leave in conditioner and your styling routine
Comment from : Madeline R

Taylor Bechstein
My hair is oily AF so I have to wash with clarifying shampoo😂
Comment from : Taylor Bechstein

Yaitza Hernandez
Thanks for the videos! 🤗👍 Awww, the brotherly bond between Mammon and Lucifer is so sweet (even if Mammon doesn’t remember the half of what Lucifer said, lol)! 😊❤️ I love Mammon so much But, ohhh, now it’s time for Asmo’s spotlight! (Time to get a pact with him as well, hehe!)
Comment from : Yaitza Hernandez

Dont use product only oil
Comment from : LylieRandale

What Ever
The oil thing is bs There is no point, youll just use more shampoo
Comment from : What Ever

Maren Humblebee
I dont know I have to use clearing shampoo every single day to get my hair to have natural curls and to get through a full day without getting extremely oily And yes I have tried not washing for weeks and not using clearing shampoo it does absolutely nothing
Comment from : Maren Humblebee

Sam Khan
Sister no one can say they are going to janna because 'im good and pray alot' etcbrWe can an will only enter jannah through Allahs mercy Allah have mercy upon us all in shaa allah
Comment from : Sam Khan

Tejashree Shinde
As an Indian, oiling is something we are taught since childhood and as adults its part of our routine
Comment from : Tejashree Shinde

simmi chopra
Nice tips it's universal
Comment from : simmi chopra

simmi chopra
Beautiful❤ skin 💕 kindly shate ur secret to this and i will b happy yo give u best hair growth tips n maintenance too from India🇮🇳 love
Comment from : simmi chopra

Ur not 20???😳
Comment from : Kaden

Kenna Knopsnider
Straight up satire
Comment from : Kenna Knopsnider

Dandruff is caused by a fungus that literally feeds on oil It’s its favourite food 😂 do NOT oil your scalp if you have dandruff (esp caused by malassezia!) Hair oiling is also best suited to Asian hair types
Comment from : Geogaddi

Kayla b Bones
This is what black moms do to all their children hair; you’re welcome
Comment from : Kayla b Bones

I don’t necessarily think she lied about assault by a former partner, and I don’t doubt that the face tattoos have to do with mania/mental illness I think the chronic lying also has to do with that However, that doesn’t excuse her behavior We should be somewhat gentle challenging certain parts of the story She’s obviously extremely fragile, and is not capable of handling any level of fame I think ignoring her is the best policy in the future
Comment from : Meag

Fathom Gathergood
Don't use synthetic detergent to wash you hair, aka "shampoo" I make my own shampoo bars and no longer have a drying or split issuebrYou need to strip extra product from your hair, 1tsp apple vinegar, 1 cup of water
Comment from : Fathom Gathergood

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