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Growing Rose Cuttings In a Potato Debunking the Myth


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Название :  Growing Rose Cuttings In a Potato Debunking the Myth
Продолжительность :   6.16
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Просмотров :   1,1 jt

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Коментарии Growing Rose Cuttings In a Potato Debunking the Myth

Susan Losey
Thank you so much for sharing
Comment from : Susan Losey

Thenewsuperhead Dabride
Actually the potato do work but it works alone you don’t need to add flowers to it or a stem you can just put the potato in water a glass bottle with water and leave it alone it will grow into a flower
Comment from : Thenewsuperhead Dabride

Dianne Clanton
I tried the roses clippings in the potatoes, but I used honey as my growth hormone My clipping actually started to grow roots, but unfortunately, I had to move my pot outside for lack of space, and I didn't keep them sufficiently watered I plan to try it again and pay more attention I think I didn't water mine as much when it was in the house The potato didn't rot, it just kinda shriveled
Comment from : Dianne Clanton

Portrait of the Artist as an Old Dog
You can dip in honey also
Comment from : Portrait of the Artist as an Old Dog

Sandra Cogbill
I have planted rose cuttings in a potato successfully before This year I planted 3 rose cuttings in potatos using rooting hormone, I got 3 great potato plants hahahaha
Comment from : Sandra Cogbill

Patricia Tooming (The Plant Park)
😂water roots aren't terrestrial roots, so you're making your cuttings root twice, just root them in dirt like every other grower does, we don't water root anything We know betterbrAnd why are all your cuttings cocked off to the side? Why is your soil so clay heavy? Why are your cuttings so long? Publicly available rooting hormone is 9999 talc powder so a waste of money and worthlessbrIf it will root with talc powder it will root on its own IN HEALTHY LIGHT WEIGHT SOIL
Comment from : Patricia Tooming (The Plant Park)

bang bang 9er gang
I have one thick green stem Its from my great great grandmother My nana I am so glad I saw this before I went ahead and did it Ibreally want this to take off Im buying the house Im in and the stem i got the bush from is well over 25 years old And want her to look down and smile when she sees her rose bush ❤
Comment from : bang bang 9er gang

Heidi Maddux
Is that a myth you have to put the potato in dirt
Comment from : Heidi Maddux

Michelle Broussard
Sorry, I’m confused Do you just put a rose stem in water and it will grow roots?
Comment from : Michelle Broussard

Faith Midnight
Would this work with a cherry tree?
Comment from : Faith Midnight

Danthuy Vuong
Why are you covering it with a glass jar for ? 😒
Comment from : Danthuy Vuong

The instructions are to dip the rose in honey, NOT growth hormone 😮
Comment from : Enlight

God you’re long winded be quiet already
Comment from : imjustaaron

Janina Simons
SORRY, just came across this, and from the look of the STUFF in the supposed potate and rose attempt It is disgusting, doesnt look like good soil, doesnt look cared for,brAND many well respected Nurseries show how to do this properly Maybe you should look them up
Comment from : Janina Simons

Philip over
All transplanted plants must be watered in Once the cutting has roots, there's definitely no need for the jar
Comment from : Philip over

I think you like to hear yourself use senseless verbiage and promote yourself as a horticultural genius If the process doesn’t work for you, simply say I tried it, didn’t work, so I do this
Comment from : mark

Franchi C
Thank you so much for spreading the truth and for showing us the method that works Thanks for the time and energy spent in making this video
Comment from : Franchi C

Skye Lord
You saved us a 5 lb bag of potatoes, just subbed, thanks!
Comment from : Skye Lord

Lostforstories 🇺🇦
And now, somebody made a short clip tik tock lookalike of it, except they put honey on the dang stem and told it will grow into a bush
Comment from : Lostforstories 🇺🇦

ernest fultz
Knowing what I do about cuttings and potatoes, I would say the potato works, how ever not the way you did the test A potato is basically pure food storage, and seals out dirt contained disease Parts of a potato will even rot while growing potatoes from eyes I would suggest trying 1 inch pieces of potatoes with an eye on them so the potato doesnt rot while its being used as a starter I do my roses outdoors in the spring and fall under mason jars
Comment from : ernest fultz

Andrew Galpern
The soil looks dry Did that have some effect?
Comment from : Andrew Galpern

Robyn Reynolds
Do I put the newly planted cutting in the sun with the glass jar over the top? Or should it be kept in the shade?
Comment from : Robyn Reynolds

Netti Gaming
Rooting powder straight in soil keep in greenhouse done
Comment from : Netti Gaming

What about the use of a plastic bottle with cap removed instead inverted Jar as many videos show?
Comment from : irishguy200007

John Soogi
the video I saw they used honey instead of the rooting powder cam u do one with honey instead and see if it really works? I'm thinking it might because of the anti-bacterial properties in honey
Comment from : John Soogi

What soil ?
Comment from : rao

Don Preziosi
Did you water this at all?
Comment from : Don Preziosi

Mr no one
I just try it
Comment from : Mr no one

lisa lovell
You need to use a potato that has eyes
Comment from : lisa lovell

Shirley Hansford
I bought 3 rose bushes, only 1 lived Unsure if 1 got too little sunlight and the other too much brThe 1 in the middle lived
Comment from : Shirley Hansford

David Ramirez
Next time use a raw potato not a baked potato
Comment from : David Ramirez

matt horus
how long do you keep the greenhouse cover once it's rooted and potted?
Comment from : matt horus

Sondra Todd
Wverybody know when you plant a potatoe it grows my mom grew thld like to knowm all the time why did this one not grow i wou;
Comment from : Sondra Todd

Priyanka Dutta
Good,, people shouldn't misguide others thanks for showing the truth 🌈🌼🌼🌷🍫
Comment from : Priyanka Dutta

Jennelyn Cahiyang
What is the name of the product that mix with the potatoes
Comment from : Jennelyn Cahiyang

Mario Alarcon
I think you planted the potatoes too deep dummy
Comment from : Mario Alarcon

You have to dip the root I honey before u Bury it n make a big hole put honey in put stem in n bury
Comment from : Darry

Anthony Holden
I now have a lovely Ropato plant It tastes and smells divine
Comment from : Anthony Holden

Soham Ruhatiya
U need to remove buds
Comment from : Soham Ruhatiya

Robert Bonobo
why didn't the potato sprout?
Comment from : Robert Bonobo

Jackie Mejia
I did this experiment with other plants, but lef it outside with enough sun and shade and it was a success
Comment from : Jackie Mejia

Uuuh the way she just grabbed the little worm and put it aside 😨😨😨
Comment from : FranCecy001

Ryan Hill
TYSM I’m been looking for this vid
Comment from : Ryan Hill

Teresa Snow-Angel
I did this experiment a while ago the rose stem died off but the potato grew like wild fire--go figure!!
Comment from : Teresa Snow-Angel

antony kulik
So if I buy a dozen cut roses,and if I leave them in water for a month,they would sprout roots?……changing water daily of course
Comment from : antony kulik

you either did not give it enough air or had it in direct sunlight

Did you change the water at all during first month in vase?
Comment from : K M

Roseanna Brown Warrior
I saw a paper wet on the bottom an put in the potato Does it work
Comment from : Roseanna Brown Warrior

Liz Lowe
I'm still wondering how she managed to plant a potato and have it rot instead of growing into a potato plant? Not exactly 'green fingers'
Comment from : Liz Lowe

Carmen Sanchez
After you get your roots would you please kindly advise what kind of soil should you use to promote growth Also, how big a pot for backyard cement patio?brI would love to plant my grandmother pink rose in my front yard eventually Just need to make room with current bush brThank you
Comment from : Carmen Sanchez

Did you purchase that potato in a food store? If so, it moist likely has been treated with chemicals to prevent the potato from sprouting Not to say that there is some validity to planting flower stems in potatoes Just saying, any chimerical treatment would most likely guaranty this experiment a failure
Comment from : 2000SkyView

Jigna Bavaliya
Comment from : Jigna Bavaliya

Afsar alikhanj
آهنگ عاشق نبودیسیاوش
Comment from : Afsar alikhanj

Thank you so much for not letting me make that mistake with the potato 👌
Comment from : JO ERDAHL

Theresa crafts
You buried it too deep It needs water and most importantly, you enclosed it with no air You have to provide a vent opening like a plastic bottle with the lid off so it doesn't rot Your "experiment" was flawed from the start You should have tried it many ways, not just one You proved nothing
Comment from : Theresa crafts

Doug McColl
score the stem of a growing plant and around the scored area hold a ball peat moss in place with tin foil, as tightly as possible and keep it just moist A few weeks later roots will be growing from that part of the stem into the foil surrounded ball of peat moss! Now, cut the stem below the roots and plant your new rooted rose!
Comment from : Doug McColl

First of all you did not pat down the soil at all, (too loose) and you did not water the soil either, (I understand the potato is giving moisture- You still have to give some water to the soil once a week) and Lastly, the pot must be put in a sunny window or outside sunny area The finished product that you showed looked like you hadn't watered it for a month, soil was way too loose also Very Sloppy and sad work you have shown At least make an effort and treat it as a living plant, as it would have been, if you had taken care of it
Comment from : USA#1

you did it too deep lol
Comment from : LithaMoonSong

Grant W Whitwam
Just skip the rose and cook the potatoes, add butter and salt, mmm, mmm
Comment from : Grant W Whitwam

Rot feed the cutters
Comment from : 1234BABBS

Yasmin Basaria
Thanks a lot for sharing with us how to grow a rose plant from a stem I'm going to follow your channel now onwards But could you please elaborate if the pot needs to be placed indoors or outdoors and for how long before the cutting goes in the ground
Comment from : Yasmin Basaria

Indupriya K
i think we should plant in boiled potatoes to promote root growth since root growth will not happen in compact raw potatoes expecting a reply
Comment from : Indupriya K

Rashel Adams
So stems from store bought roses with no leaves left on it died but clippings from a rose plant with leaves left on it lived I'm not surprised
Comment from : Rashel Adams

Brad P
"I went ahead, and I'm going ahead, and so let's go ahead, and we're going ahead"brbrJesusbrbrHow many times can you "go ahead"?brbrCut that out No need to keep saying that
Comment from : Brad P

Edward Willis
I'm trying the potatoe method now but like this idea much better
Comment from : Edward Willis

Ron Mort
You removed the eyes from the potato I believe the idea is not to cause the potato to rot, but for the potato to grow new roots, with the cutting benefiting from the root growth
Comment from : Ron Mort

Glass jars kills it use the plastic bottle
Comment from : Ade

I've just watched a potato/rose video and there was no mention of growth hormone
Comment from : Khasab

Cheri Ben-Iesau
Thank you! Now I can eat the potatoes
Comment from : Cheri Ben-Iesau

Belinda Chambers
Nothing could live being handled like this!🌻🦋🌈
Comment from : Belinda Chambers

Ortons Goldberg
No water
Comment from : Ortons Goldberg

Caroline Almond
Your suppoes to leave a set of leaves No plant will grow without leaves!
Comment from : Caroline Almond

Pam Bradley
I tried growing a cutting from a vine using the potato method all I got was just the potato growing thick stem ,Does the Potato method work at all ??
Comment from : Pam Bradley

Mike Paterson
You used tiny weedy little stalks nit think woody ones
Comment from : Mike Paterson

Maximus Barbarosa
You didn't do the "gimmicky method" properly
Comment from : Maximus Barbarosa

Cindy Fowler
You did it incorrectly
Comment from : Cindy Fowler

Pauul Parker
how is that possible
Comment from : Pauul Parker

Of the videos I've seen the bottle should be open The rotting potato will provide nutrients
Comment from : J W

Jane Davis
OMGGG Thank you so much for showing us how to propagate roses!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I'm glad I can take root hormone and potatoes off of my grocery list! YAY!! YOU ARE AWESOME!!! TOTALLY SUBSCRIBING TO YOUR CHANNEL THANK YOU!! ❤️❤️
Comment from : Jane Davis

Deanna Lynch
What is the best time of Year to do this ?
Comment from : Deanna Lynch

Maggy G MTL
How much do water the roses during this process ???
Comment from : Maggy G MTL

Тетяна Ф
Вы что, издеваетесь?brТеперь мне из-за любопытства придётся язык доучивать 😜
Comment from : Тетяна Ф

Olaye Osamudiamen
Potato and honey and no glass jar!
Comment from : Olaye Osamudiamen

John MacDonald
Well I tried this a couple of weeks ago and not only do I now have small leaves starting to emerge from the rose stem but I also have completely new leaves pushing up from under the potting mix Perhaps your use of a solid sealed glass jar instead of a plastic bottle with the cap removed made the difference🇦🇺🇦🇺
Comment from : John MacDonald

Liz Castillo
Comment from : Liz Castillo

Makur Mas
Thanks bro , the last time I tried it , none of it was successful It really was a hype scam brBut my potato did not rot since I used a fresh ones
Comment from : Makur Mas

Phil Geraci
I dont get this? I put roses in water all the time They die??? What the heck???
Comment from : Phil Geraci

Y Flegal
Thank you for this information
Comment from : Y Flegal

Hajo Rodyk
You’ve debunked nothing As soon as you deviated from the specifics, you lost You used glass jars, that’s when you lost
Comment from : Hajo Rodyk

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