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Warning Signs When Buying Used GPUs: How to Detect Defective Video Cards


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I got a guy offering me 3080TI card that was used for mining (6months according to the seller) for 400€ which is lower than usual idk what to do
Comment from : @henril872

I'm here because my GPU is not showing up on my PC despite being lit-up and powered Bios, drivers, compatibility and settings don't seem to be the issue
Comment from : @digidragon1

How about random black artefacts that don’t take up whole space on screen and disappear quickly last 2 seconds There are no green lines Some times they take 20 of screen space Like black areas (large pixel effect) is this GPU issue? I have RTX 3090
Comment from : @gurugamer8632

Steve: broken tamper seal might mean they borked it trying to do maintenancebrbrAlso Steve (last video): there's no good reason for people not to disassemble GPUs to do maintenance!
Comment from : @michaeltorrisi7289

Great information and tips that I especially find helpful as I am trying to crash course all I can about PC gaming and the tech stuff regarding graphics cards I'm first time building a budget gaming machine out of an old HPZ 620 and purchased an EVGA GTX 1060 I'm waiting on some adapters so I can fire it up and thought about taking it apart to repaste while I wait but thought better of it because as you said if it is flawed I will be accused of being the one who broke it I also purchased a EVGA GTX 770 on a whim but got the 1060 when I found out the 770 is a power hog Can't wait to test them both out tho Really like this channel it's a great resource for an old noob like me, thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge
Comment from : @Alpha-ms9nj

I'm at 3 of 5 cards bought through ebay being defective
Comment from : @Marc_Wolfe

Thanks I just recently bought a 1080ti locally (always wanted one my 1060 is going out) I didnt see this before hand but Im not TOO much of a doof so Ill cross my fingers It looks good
Comment from : @rougeneon1997

Artifacting is an easy fix
Comment from : @BlacksnowFanficsandGaming

Really good advice, thank you Bought a 1080 a year ago and been perfect ever since Guess I got lucky Some protection buying on ebay,at least and use paypal for same reason
Comment from : @grahamhall2662

I bought a GTX 1060 6GB used for mining and I have stutter in some games, but I also think it's my processor (core i7-2600), I don't know
Comment from : @gregorysilva13

Linus beef existed way before boys😂 11:50
Comment from : @unknownbytes2874

Bought a few used GPU's, the human element is the first second and third thing I comb through every time I avoid anything that that says "ships from China", anyone with bad reviews claiming they were scammed (circumstantial), and check their history, if they have even a recent history of just selling random computer parts it helps Lots of context clues that help before even looking at all the pictures of whatever you're buying
Comment from : @jugarnaut40

When I resell a card, if it is two years old, I take 25 off the MSRP (at the time of purchase) AFTER I clean it up, replace the pads and thermal paste If I don't do that, 35 off If the card is 4 years old, 45 off MSRP, 55 if I don't "refurb" it If it is older, flat 75 and I might feel spending the time before sale depending on my mood Every time I have my listings, I describe all I did to clean it, what kinds of games played on it to give an idea of heat stress and pictures with full metadata and timestamp I've done this for well over 10 years and I try to give the person considering buying form me some confidencebrI am building a new computer at the end of this week as the one I have is 8 years old I am not sure if I will be reselling the old RX 580 I have It was one of the better MSI X versions, and I don't have any of the original packaging (that was another "selling point" I had on ebay) due to moving unexpectedly and having to trash it If I do, it may be "as is" since it is so old, and people are still buying it
Comment from : @JamesRichardsPlays

RX 580 8GB 2048 SP
Comment from : @JohnPaulBuce

you forgot to mention that if you can take apart the card - look for burn/solder marksbra common failure in older video cards is chip fall off, and the only fix is resoldering it, but that fix usually doesn't last very long so you gotta watch out for that
Comment from : @rogofos

Jesus I paid $180 for my rx580
Comment from : @BeersAndBeatsPDX

$700 for a 580 hahahahahahahaha that's so funny that he got scammed also 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 what an idiot LMFOAOAOAOAOAOAOA
Comment from : @TheJjbanks

I'm late but would my card be considered bad/going bad? Bought a used 3080ti for $750 from a local guy who says he got it second-hand for his build but never managed to complete itbrbrIt runs fine from the looks of it aside for one issue, the mobo fails to detect it through the display ports on startup (white vga light on the mobo), just shows a black screen with no splash logo so i can't get into the bios unless i plug into the Hdmi port or the mobo for cpu i-gpubrbrIt does however make it to the windows log in screen after showing the black screen for a few seconds and runs games just fine, even checked gpu-z and the card seemed legitbrbrI took my whole set-up to a pc building shop and they didn't really tell me much other than what i found out myselfbrbrShould i try to RMA it since it's still within warranty? (EVGA) or is it something i can fix?brIs it just going bad? Wut do now?
Comment from : @LordScrumpus

I got mine refurbished , rebuilt through a tech company for 100 bucks less than a new one Works great looks new
Comment from : @Triple7studios1

Look carefully at their ad Does it seem sketchy? Is the picture of a stock image, and not their own item? Does it say, No returns, or Untested? Is their contact email a gibberish throwaway account name? Does Google maps indicate odd seller location? Any one of these could be signs to hold your money and run like hell
Comment from : @aleksandrbmelnikov

hi i have a rule of thumb when buying second hands on the internet :bri always buy on reputable site that do have history of the buyer and the buyer has my history too (like ebay rakuten etc)brfor example i bought a 3090 second hand, first one was cheap but new vendor etc no way second one the seller sells regularly since 2005 and has good marks etc so why not , furthermore rakuten gives the money once i declare it received and in good shape
Comment from : @yussef961

11:45 Cracked me up when he said that the dented GBU bracket looks like it must have been handled by Linus 😄
Comment from : @adeboyegrillo3408

I guess I got lucky buying a used RTX 3060 from eBay, won it in an auction for about $249 plus shipping Aside from a few mildly dented heatsinks it works just fine as intended and hasn't given me any problems at all
Comment from : @AmorphousLibrary

I bought 1 year old asus 3070 ti from local shop, and it has still 2 years warranty I tested the card before I paid for it Ran Furmark software to check benchmarks, it was giving more than 160fps and temperature at 60-65 It was in good condition like new totally clean So I suggest you find local store to buy a used graphics card which has been used not more than 1 year
Comment from : @sohampramanik561

2:13 do not do that you’re scratching the shit out of the heatsink
Comment from : @Akotski-ys9rr

Used GPU,s aren't always bad just try not to get something that's too low quality There core clock is a bit lower GHz
Comment from : @andreasinobelarusmcewen5000

Tip: save up and buy brand newbrbrI bought a gtx 1070 and 1080 about roughly two years before the whole mining covid bullshit but wont trust any used computer item anymorebrbrThe two cards are still running strong though
Comment from : @dukenukem6431

For artifacting reflow the vRAM components and it usually goes away - there are many ways to accomplish it - better with reflow station of course - ideally preheat the pcb
Comment from : @airbornfpv8273

Comment from : @kineticbongos

Watching this AFTER I already bought a used card lmao 🤡
Comment from : @dylanguerrero8053

I bought a 3070 for $270 and its the bomb
Comment from : @sweigarnamnamnam4838

Iv purchase all kinds of stuff on ebay The biggest thing is to make sure they accept returns and have good ratings If they don't accept returns I don't even consider giving them my money My one and only bad experience is when I paid for a 1 terabyte hdd and received a 80gb hdd lol But it did have win10 on it as described I only paid like 20$ so I didn't even bother with a return or anything Maybe some day I'll use it for something But not likely because it's only 80gb! Lmao
Comment from : @FINNIUSORION

11:45 perfect example 👌
Comment from : @tonoymahmud5375

the linus burn😂
Comment from : @lakn-dm1ys

How did the gpu 3080 got 1950hz there?
Comment from : @whisky_cat

Thanks for the tips Just shelled out £525 for a used 3080FE on ebay arriving tomorrow Good luck to me!
Comment from : @corumuk67

I just couldn't trust any used GPU at all They are still expensive and if the people selling them don't care you will probably end up with useless crap and lose your money
Comment from : @b9bot148

Speaking of GPU sag, I bought a used GTX 680 recently for my WinXP machine (I hate emulation) and it had that issue, the cooler separated from the actual card I saw this in the Ebay ad, was worth paying only $35 and just ziptying the heatsink to the card, after replacing the thermal paste of course
Comment from : @GildedPoo

at 2023 you don t need to buy a used card and take HUGE risks the market looks fine for a new oneafter all the prices ofr used cards its silly like 80 of the price for a a brand new
Comment from : @user-ww6dw4by9w

700 buckos for a used RX 580? What drugs did the seller and especially the buyer smoke? In the worst of times I was seeing new nvidia 16 series way below that price
Comment from : @raidenpz

2 weeks ago I bought EVGA 3090 FTW3 on eBay It had water block installed which I didn't care as I was planning to use fans anyway When I got card the back plate was all sanded/grinded off all the way to aluminum so no serial number on it (that was my bad as I didn't check ALL the pictures in the listing) Water block still had water in it and card was packed back in original anti-static bag Oily residue all over card Fan/radiator assembly was heavily dusty and showed moderate corrosion for some reason After cleaning it with isopropyl alcohol and installing thermal pads the card failed to boot Next day it booted but crashed as soon as it was getting in Windows After messing with thermal pads of different thickness I managed to make card run after all but my motherboard still beeps a code regarding memory when I boot my PC with the card however PC boots into Windows anyway It does not do it with other cards In the end I made card to run and pass 3DMark benchmark and several games I threw at it for several days without a single hick up So I decided to keep it brbr When all that was happening I thought that I will return it so I went and bought another one Seller claimed it ran in mining rig for a couple of weeks before they pulled the plug on it (Etherium switched algo) and that it is in pristine condition The description was more than just stating card name and was written by person with soul so it I felt that it is genuine description and the card should be good buy It happened to be true The card looked and felt brand new with all the accessories intact( even EVGA sticker was there!) So I was lucky with that one for surebrbrSo beware when you buy Prefer cards that were not messed with before at all: no pads replaced, no water block installed, not from mining rig Ask seller before bidding/buying and decide to your best ability
Comment from : @SpetznazSamson

Thanks a milion for the useful info 'Just bought an artifacting 6700xt on Ebay I now know what to troubleshoot next
Comment from : @articchar-lf

they got rx580's for $150 now brand new lol
Comment from : @AlwaysOnP0int

Watching this before I buy a evga 3080 for $300
Comment from : @mannywuuud

I currently have a 1660ti with a 1080p 75hz display I am looking to upgrade my GPU Is it better to buy a used 2080ti or a used 6800xt? The 2080 to is $600 Canadian and the 6800xt is $20 more Canadian
Comment from : @abumuad

I’ve bought a couple of used video cards over the years, can grab some great bargains I only use eBay as it has buyer protection Haven’t had any issues
Comment from : @Benjamas-

Buy in person
Comment from : @g1expert102

As someone that doesnt know shit about PC's and is looking to buy a custom built PC locally maybe I dont want a PC anymore
Comment from : @zureai

I recently had to dive into the market for a new build and ended up hitting a unicorn I did a lot of research on the card advertised Made sure it had LHR and checked the SN against the EVGA website to find out the card was only about a year old Pulled the trigger because it was a reasonable price but ended up receiving a completely different card with the same GPU instead This one still had all the plastic scratch protection on it, no signs of dust, smelled brand new and had 2 gigs more memory than the one I thought was purchasing Needless to say I was skeptical at first, but after checking the part number with Asus and contacted the seller to make sure it was okay to bench it I decided to keep it Ended up getting an incredible deal on a basically brand new 3080
Comment from : @bige2986

That fan with the broken blade actually looked really cool when spinning lol
Comment from : @Kisanorame

Comment from : @BLCKPPRMN

You didn't say anything about what happened to me when I bot my gigabyte Radeon AMD R9 270x second hand that was newer than my CPU and motherboard which was an intel core i7 3770@340GHz on a gigabyte z77x-d3h When I installed the card it just wouldn't recognize the Video card and didn't work lucky for me I upgraded my bios and the card worked so that's something you need to do as well when buying a second-hand video card upgrade your MB bios
Comment from : @dannymartin8690

early 2014, got a used zotac 580, worked for 20 minutes, went to 80C blew up discombobulated the heatsink shroud, shielded the processor and mem, dabbed some acid on suspect parts, baked the board for 5-7 minutes combobulated it back together got 20 more minutes out of it, blew up deadbrif you put the guy who sold it to me for 180 bucks in front of me, i would vaporize his assbrwhat a POS @^@$^$^$@
Comment from : @kwazhims3lf

i haven't bought new in almost a decade Saved a fortune :)
Comment from : @lexzbuddy

You put too much thermal paste on that EVGA card!
Comment from : @DankyMankey

I had to clean and re-paste my 4870x2 after 6 years IT really made a big difference I had 11 years with it before retirement
Comment from : @evileyeball

I decided to buy a used R7 265 After talking a bit with the seller about it's history (was pulled from a dead pc and he didn't know whether it worked or not) I decided that I'd give it a shot since it was sold for cheap and he seemed like an actual good-mannered person incase anything was wrong with it Paid for the card, got it and it turned out that it boots into Windows just fine but doesn't display any video I immediately told the seller and thankfully he returned the money that same day and was bummed just as much as I was lol I also got to keep the card, and I am currently trying to "revive" it by trying to install NimeZ drivers for their hybrid gpu capability, since I have an igpu to use as video out Currently waiting for an update so I can install thembrAt the end of the day I really shouldn't have dived in head first even if I knew what I was going to get myself into, but I'm still very thankful nothing too bad happened
Comment from : @nideko4384

Do not buy used cards after the crypto crash, they are beat to hell, constantly ran 100, worn out fans and most likely have custom vbios that's tuned for compute If you are a gamer now is not a good time to buy used
Comment from : @mightylink65

in my high end laptop after 1 year use in gaming and other things a cleanign and repaste lowered temp when gaming with 25F for me!
Comment from : @R1ChArD83

More tell us more brMore examples of what and how to trouble shoot
Comment from : @strydyrhellzrydyr1345

Omg look at how many cards oh I'm gonna cry it's such a beautiful sight
Comment from : @strydyrhellzrydyr1345

Using a metal flathead screwdriver to scrape off thermal paste!?!? Thats hella noob
Comment from : @_MrWavy_

90c lol Jesus i feel like my pc is throttling at 65c I also feel like thats its hottest tempature ill run it at it wont due nearly as good in games above that
Comment from : @weirdestbarley

I gotta say, that viewer paying 700 Dollars was quite stupid That was a bad deal even during the price high
Comment from : @xPandamon

I recently bought a 3090 from a local guy for $750 It was dusty and used for mining for about a year, but I was willing to take a bet on it because he was willing to let me return it if it didn't work, since he hadn't used it for some time The card was no good so I returned it to him which he was cool enough to honor I feel much more confident buying locally
Comment from : @thomassvevo

I wish the people would grow up the culture on periodically change thermal paste and thermal pad VRAM and contact cleaning with specific products before selling but it's too much even for them
Comment from : @dennys82

2:32 lot of 3-fan cards have this imminent
Comment from : @LegacyIvyTerascale

I can tell what this guys favorite word is, anyone want to guess?
Comment from : @haveacigar5291

Watching this now as I just bought a £100 Gigabyte 2060 from auction and now needing to find ways to test it before I regret my decisions
Comment from : @maxroyden3121

HEY! I also bought a broken rx580 lol, I only paid 200$ but still It sort of worked initially but I kept having to reinstall the driver ever week and it kept not working right Like I'd turn my computer on sometimes and my screen would just be green and I'd have to try again
Comment from : @LandTorpedo69

My 7000 Series just went black screen on me, nothing to even check for, thing had fresh paste and was cleaned RIP good boy, you served me well
Comment from : @jody024

Perhaps Linus handled it! LOL!
Comment from : @mennser

LOL "A soul", hilarious You put a smile on my face today sir
Comment from : @jiffy9910

this video is now golden
Comment from : @Hi-levels

John 3 verse 16 ^_^ brplease search the Gospel (Bible) all who read this brYour soul is far to precious to gamble in thinking there is no hell or need for salvation in The Lord Jesus
Comment from : @JesusSavesJohn3verse16

99 of used cards will be from mining, good luck buying the 1
Comment from : @vc4961

Send me one 😩
Comment from : @SahilVlogsX

Super helpful video, Steve! Thank you!! My EVGA 3080 10GB FTW3 Ultra Gaming, bought directly from EVGA's B-Stock in Sept 2022, has been "Space Invader" artifacting, crashing games to desktop, PC rebooting, and even having MoBo post issues I'm using my backup RTX 3060 XC 12gb backup card with no issues whatsoever, even when running the card full out in Ultra settings while gaming I use a time-tested late-model Corsair RM850x to power my AMD 5600x system, built in Mar 2022 I plan to RMA the 3080 as soon as I've eliminated all possibilities (monitor cables, card DP/HDMI ports, PC case temp/cooling, power delivery, etc)
Comment from : @wile-e-coyote7257

AMD's historical Radeon versioning is NOT logical Love ya team red, but your video card generations and product numbering prior to the RX 300 series (and maybe even after) was just grade AA pasteurized vitamin enriched horseshit My Windows XP retro gaming rig has a Radeon HD 6000-series card that is genuinely a higher-end card than my RX 200-series card That shouldn't be
Comment from : @knghtbrd

You da man Steve Keep up the good work
Comment from : @9999plato

I have an idea: Look at the ebay seller rating Done
Comment from : @NeuroPulse

Hey Thanks so much for the review Think I might’ve been victim to purchasing damaged card put the card in, installed drivers and soon as I did that the fans started spinning high speeds and base clock runs way over base clock MHz in after burner Can’t reduce fan speed unless I do it in after burner GPU fans startup immediately when booting windowsDo I have real problem do you think? Can it be fixed? Would really appreciate some help if you canthanks
Comment from : @Rhutt258

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