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Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary


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Информация о Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary

Название :  Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary
Продолжительность :   59.11
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   43 rb

Кадры Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary

Описание Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary

Коментарии Bitcoin: Digital Gold? | Cryptocurrencies | 2022 ENDEVR Documentary

Kevin Dixon
I will be forever grateful to you, you have changed my entire life and I will continue to preach your name to let the world know that you saved me from huge financial debt with little investment, thank you Mrs Lily Rohbinson
Comment from : Kevin Dixon

29:59 Song name? :)
Comment from : Pryme

Chri Lin
3425 reg the flag man/dangers of the car, the attempts at prohibiting printing/knowledgeit is so nice to know the elite is always looking out for the people and trying to selflessly "protect" us all 🤔😑 that's probably why they chose christianity too as it puts all the blame on the individual (you sinned n now being punished don't blame or come to me complaining about having to give up most of your food in taxes) Also it "places" humans as the crown of creation; no more bother with nature religions and being grateful or caring for nature, go on exploit itand pay me more taxesso we can wage war (in the name of god) so I can increase my power and glory
Comment from : Chri Lin

Danco Vrboski
Sevvernoto akedonhe 500 godini ynazat smetan 6:17
Comment from : Danco Vrboski

Danco Vrboski
Bitonot I lokymot vo 2022 godina noviot proet USA 4:56
Comment from : Danco Vrboski

Laila Alfaddil
The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn't depend on the government Especially with the current economic crisis around the word This is still a good time to invest in various stocks, Gold, silver and digital currencies
Comment from : Laila Alfaddil

Danco Vrboski
Starsym 63 godini nikopat nesyyhe 2:56 ətraf imav prva bewe za matematika I kemia dedomi a jas Pokywav vadredno za sobrahaen teknihar nemiodewe otkaz 2:57
Comment from : Danco Vrboski

Lucas Morgan
I would advise you to invest with any amount you can afford but before you start you should have a professional broker to guide you and trade for you and generate profits while you receive the profit The market is currently too volatile for someone without experience
Comment from : Lucas Morgan

G Ash
Which music is played from 0:38?
Comment from : G Ash

Eller Ellerek
Bitcoin is indeed a digital gold
Comment from : Eller Ellerek

Jacob Gary
bEverybody is concerned about the market going down but refusing to take advantage of it Most of the Crypt0s and blue chip stocks are down at the moment and now is a very good time to invest in them The best decision I ever made in my life was investing in the crypt and stocks market Trust me guys, it really pays a lot! The market is experiencing a fierce correction and now is the best time to stack up on those blue chips/b
Comment from : Jacob Gary

Atomik Laser
crypto is shytco - a $5 coffee costs $25 in crypto to trade!
Comment from : Atomik Laser

bob stown
Bitcoin is a scam Manero is a little ok
Comment from : bob stown

Theodore Silas
I love the grounded reality of this channel, its normal to see so many investors panic amid a worsening bearish market but it is also important to note that the market situation is nothing new in the crypto world Several factors are driving negative sentiment in the stock and crypto markets right now including inflation, a shaky stock market, rising interest rates, and recession fears As a result, BTC has dropped significantly from its all-time high, breaking below several key technical levels As a crypto investor, the current situation might seem bleak However, there are several tried and tested expert suggested investment strategies that can help you accumulate the current crypto storm, in few weeks of implementing trade with accurate signals directly from Theo Ryan, I have been able to accumulate over 19btc despite the current state of the market
Comment from : Theodore Silas

Sheri Robinson
Loaf of bread is $400-$600
Comment from : Sheri Robinson

Alexander Sama
Buy Bitcoin
Comment from : Alexander Sama

SithLord Hibiscus
Crypto is scammers paradise and needs to be regulated and traceable with federal backing The computer science and programming needs to be taught bc it’s quite comp,ex I hate banks, but this is just computer coding
Comment from : SithLord Hibiscus

Blain Kennith Trades [SIGNALS & ALPHA]
Superbly articulated info here Equities, commodities, bonds, metals and crypto is losing value versus the US Dollar in unison Are we experiencing inflation or is the media tricking retail into becoming exit liquidity I endeavor to always share my thoughts and analysis/alerts on my channel
Comment from : Blain Kennith Trades [SIGNALS & ALPHA]

Only time will tell In the meantime is better to get involved :)
Comment from : @Alex₿TCtherapy

Sarita Loves Living
At first glance, I thought the film maker was Graham Stephan
Comment from : Sarita Loves Living

Josué Yuman
Bitcoin cash is Bitcoin
Comment from : Josué Yuman

Everyday you just hear inflation and yet ignorant people still belives in their goverments money 🤦🏻‍♂️if you just give a 1 chance to trust in BITCOIN you may hold wealth in couple years
Comment from : PIKOLO390

Totally agree 10yrs is the plan in the space since 2017 I created this 1 & many more on ETH maimicitygov
Comment from : swfsecurityman1

Scott Fred
Incredibly insightful channel I will forever be indebted, you’ve helped me and my family a lot, your videos, advice and lessons are inspirational helpful to us, I now earn every week You’re such a blessing to this generation, we all love you Mrs Maura my personal trader
Comment from : Scott Fred

Mooers Products
bTo possibly create wealth good enough to retire, diversification is indeed necessary to achieve your goal I realized the secret of creating wealth with the guidance of a financial professional and would love to share my ideas with the ignorant ones here/b
Comment from : Mooers Products

Cosmic Force 🎮 Crypto Gold Rush ⛏ @WavemStudios
Fantastic work :-)
Comment from : Cosmic Force 🎮 Crypto Gold Rush ⛏ @WavemStudios

David Scott
Glad to see that you are benefiting from Mrs Keily Morrison mentorship I did, and I'm still reaping from my decision to work with her
Comment from : David Scott

Ciao, potresti aggiungere traduzione in ITALIANO ? Grazie
Comment from : ordnave


Crypto the end of money that is, your money goes down the toilet if you invest in Crypto
Comment from : Dan

Documentary to sell fear to prop up Bitcoin What a joke? brWhy value BTC to USD? Why not to gold or wheat or oil? brEvery single commodity is valued in USD which means BTC is nothing but a virtual commodity brI hope BTC drop to zero
Comment from : HuiChyr

Tony James Watt
It's the sAme documentary
Comment from : Tony James Watt

J Krii
Virtual coins are just modern Ponzi schemes useing your hype Value of Bitcoin is a round zero as long as it is not a legal payment system Wich it will never be EU and China has decleared that brbrGold and other valuable minerals are used in thechnology, medicine, construction, art etc even foodbrbrThis video is a scam
Comment from : J Krii

Fran Riding
Another way for the rich to take from the poor
Comment from : Fran Riding

Thomas EC Smith
How's that digital gold coming along? 🤣
Comment from : Thomas EC Smith

🤣🤣and what about bitcoins on the 16 June ? 😅
Comment from : B FILMS

Christian Hegemann
Der Bitcoin wird sehr bald verboten werden, wie schon in China Wenn die CBDCs kommen
Comment from : Christian Hegemann

Geo Leno
Don't get mislead that BTC is digital energy in reality is the biggest Electricity theft device in the world making people poor
Comment from : Geo Leno

Cool Girl 007
The fundamental of Bitcoin is? Can I trade with my house not USD ?
Comment from : Cool Girl 007

We need further explanationbrbrBitcoin has a cycle to correct themselves We see this several times Their value always being corrected every several years It wont go to the moon How to see this, how to brace for the impact That's what we need people to be educated onbrbrThe characteristic of whale market also influence Bitcoin Many genius are smarter than me They are prodigy in financing They also have huge capital Their brain power and financial power act as a "Whale" than can drag the whole market around with their power When to pull the rug, when to bullish, when to publish the hype, etcbrbrThis whales are carnivorous They are the danger to Bitcoin itself Un-regulated market does left people with nasty consequences Left the people on the jungle Its the survival of the fittest It all wild west The strong will eat the weak Just like the last crash, many whales managed to eat many innocent mom's and dad's bitcoins value The religious slogan "HODL" apparently aren't as strong as this whale's power People live lost, literallybrbrGold didn't work like this since the gold whales do think for the gold market The whales for golds are military powers with nukes that DOES think about their citizen (and the market potential the citizen hold) Also, gold are hard to move around Multiple airport have system to monitor the golds that passing thru Gold also gonna need state of the art protection to build something like Fort Knox There is some limitation on gold that can prevent some gold whales going crazybrbrWhile Bitcoin are weightless (I'm not talking about quantum theories, please don't go that way), and really easy to move around Making the control of it much more harder Meaning, Bitcoin whales are hard to be controlledbrbrMy point is, I don't have problem with the Bitcoin I have problems with this whales Until this whales somehow put in a leash to be tamed, innocent people gonna get eaten againbrbrI don't know Maybe there will be some kind of financially gifted and technological prodigy group that act as overseer to the Bitcoin When whales start bullish, this group will become the bear that warn people Some kind of Bitcoin Bears group, CryptAlarm, or anything with catchy name This bear must have equal power to the whales Must have substantial influence to the people Have the bear paws to maul down the bull They must have the cannon to prevent the avalanche They are to control those whales anywaybrbrBitcoin (or any crypto assets) need this as mechanism to protect its market To keep the people's trust on the crypto market A utopia, really Since the bear cant be corrupted, or it will be just another whalebrbrBecause in the end, its just the video say Everything does work on trust
Comment from : Snails

Comment from : Singh

Graham Andersen
LMAO! I thought comparing gold to fiat paper money was hilarious But not as hilarious as comparing gold to funny money that doesn’t even exist Just a bunch of imaginary numbers Goldbacks > Bitcoin
Comment from : Graham Andersen

Ika Brahmantya
I believe in blockchain tech to be valuable to humanity but not bitcoinbrCentral authority, whether you like it or not, is needed in our society
Comment from : Ika Brahmantya

mt h
Don't try to tie bitcoin to gold to make bitcoin look better Bitcoin is what it is well, nothing Gold is the same store of wealth it has been for many centuries Bitcoin may need gold for prestige association, but gold certainly does not suddenly need bitcoin When countries start establishing their sovereign digital currencies bitcoin will die out or be legislated out gold will still be available and valuable
Comment from : mt h

Really? Not a single word about Rothschild's money supply monopoly, fractional reserve banking and how every fiat currency is deemed to fail? Bravo, well done Tools
Comment from : K_Teck

Ruben Ortega
Best films ever Thank you
Comment from : Ruben Ortega

Cries & Smiles
The west has Central banks brChina🇨🇳 And Russia 🇷🇺 have social / central planning brAfrica has a lack of coordination brbrCheers from west Africa br🦅
Comment from : Cries & Smiles

Crypto is the biggest Ponzi in human history, this is ridiculous 🙄
Comment from : Theyjustwantyourmoney

Moise Levi
Will be soon below $5000
Comment from : Moise Levi

Digital gold 🤣🤣
Comment from : GBP

Eva Langley
crypto will never recover from Luna brgone are the days of the innocence brnow is the start of the new era brthe days of the fools
Comment from : Eva Langley

Daniel Bawce
Like it or not guys, Bitcoin is here to stay Its always easier for you to join the trend than to fight it
Comment from : Daniel Bawce

Daniel Bawce
Astonishing quality & storytelling on this one! Incredibly well done
Comment from : Daniel Bawce

Hegante Tambok Tyanak
It's a cult
Comment from : Hegante Tambok Tyanak

The future is now!
Comment from : kungisans

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