Название | : | Italian Health Care Overview |
Продолжительность | : | 10.40 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 32 rb |
Very similar to health care system in Russia Comment from : @tori7495 |
How is the actual care We are moving from Boston which has some of the best hospitals in the States Comment from : @Paul-yd6rr |
wow, i came to Italy as a tourist and after I did some medical exams I was diagnosed with cancer, as I don’t speak Italian, the person doing the paperwork said I should pay 800€ for those exams Moving forward I was paying for blood test and scans which is like 70 and 400€ I paid 3700€ for a surgery and now the same person assisting me says I need to pay 3300€ for every round of chemo I have some doubts because I’ve never directly paid to the hospital, the person doing all the paperwork is family so I thought I could trust me Do you think those fees are accurate ?? Comment from : @jhondugg4053 |
I really enjoyed watching this , I think you are my new crush Comment from : @emnaywajaber2582 |
Is Italy’s health care card / system recognized and accepted in all EU countries? Or only in Italy?brbrPlease let me know Thank you Comment from : @angelosedacca1940 |
One of the worst medical care Africa is better Comment from : @romaartrooms2931 |
Rafa what Health insurance I can buy fir 6 months visit? Any referral? I’m a student Comment from : @angelicaponce4763 |
I am a registered nurse in Bangladesh Now i am in Uk and studing Master’s in public health How can i apply in Italy for nursing job and which requirements are needed Could you give information please? Comment from : @shamimajannat7216 |
That link didn't work Comment from : @EricOnYouTube |
This is very informative and helpful, thank you! Comment from : @MikeS29 |
my god i hate america Comment from : @dacracking5768 |
The Italian Triage system are very similar to some of the hospitals locally here in Ohio Comment from : @kleocatra9675 |
You have a more hipster looking in this video Comment from : @ilBUZZo |
So basically Argentina with Italian acent ;) Comment from : @vikib1758 |
Hican we pay for the tessera sanataria in advance for example paying for the year 2022 in October of 2021? Comment from : @krishneelkumar6119 |
Il tutto e legato al isee dipende dal reddito Comunque l'attenzione e molto buona al nord Italia al sud meno Qui si può vivere con serenità e relax una malattia non e un problema insormontabile lo stato sociale funziona Comment from : @henryvenis9772 |
The world economic forum ranked the italian health care system at the first place worldwide, togheter with Switzerland and few other countries in Europe Usa is way way far below Comment from : @marcome1953 |
You kind of forget to mention the hundreds of years european countries had no universal health care this only started recently after WW2 also you can have massive social spending when essentially all of Western Europe lives off of American protection if Western Europe actually had to invest in their militaries this would not be the reality Comment from : @matthewnugent2256 |
i pazienti con malattie genetiche rare(o condizioni preesistenti) riconosciute non pagano nulla per le visite e trattamenti della malattia Comment from : @Lorre982 |
Interesting that you are living in my region How come did you end up there? Comment from : @marcovalentini596 |
We are planning on living in Tuscany for one year after COVID What are the basic health care problems for retired Americans? Comment from : @billligon4005 |
That’s why mortality was over 10 percent with recent covid19 outbreak,brI am a physician in the US , system is not perfect but across the pond is neither , and I love italy , my second home Comment from : @johnnytolengo742 |
WTF IS WITH THAT MUSTACHE ????? sorry Rafael I'm done listening to you!!!!! Comment from : @josephcarulli5337 |
Italy’s focus on prevention, rather than treatment, is what I believe keeps the Italian health care system at such a high rank 2° in the World Health Organization’s listing of top countries for quality health care Comment from : @andreyabella1920 |
You have an amazing voice Comment from : @pouryalalee1256 |
I love the Italian systel, I live here, the prblem of waiting line exist, but i prefer to wait, to having a risk to not afford an insaurance I think the greatest problem, is the difference of infrastructure quality and quantinty in the territory (in the north usually have more hospital with better quality whan the south) And obvious the solution will not be the shitty US-like-private-system Comment from : @russodario3679 |
Ciao Rafael, Thanks for the useful info I have been living in Lucca for a year now with the elective visa process getting me a permesso di soggiorno It is now time to renew the permesso and I need to get health insurance I am living in pensione and want to find the most low cost insurance available to meet the permesso requirements Do you know what the specifications are to meet that requirement?brWhen I checked out your nomad insurance, my age of 69 did not allow me to get a quote from them Is there age discrimination with getting insurance, I wonder? Buh Comment from : @marykieran6512 |
Do you happen to know if expats who are retired (and therefore not earning salaried income in Italy) are eligible for inclusion in the public healthcare system? If so, is there an amount that is payable annually to cover this since there is no deduction from salary? Thanks Comment from : @thecryptostrategist2433 |
so che parli anche italiano quindi lo scrivo in italiano che con l'inglese zoppico brc'è qualche imprecisione brbr-la trappola del pagare è quando si hanno disturbi che necessitano di esami ( Xray, tac, pet etc) o di visite specialistiche ma non sono cose urgenti cioè si va dal medico di base, questo ti chiede di fare una visita specialistica ( si prenota e in base alla priorità si può aspettare da giorni a mesi) poi lo specialista ti chiede gli esami ( e anche qui si aspetta da giorni a mesi) poi si torna dallo specialista ( questa volta è più veloce l'attesa) e poi con il referto si va dal medico di base non si finisce più allora ci si paga di tasca propria lo specialista ed eventualmente anche gli esami quelli che vanno al pronto soccorso con il codice bianco sono quelli che cercano di velocizzare le cose ed è per questo che c'è una "multa" brbr- gli ospedali privati non si pagano quanto pensi, spesso costano zero anche quelli lo stato riconosce un costo di X euro per ogni tipo di intervento e solitamente copre le spese branzi, a volte conviene andare nell'ospedale privato a fare le analisi costa meno che non pagando i ticket bril business degli ospedali privati è simile al modello alberghiero, si pagano degli extra per avere una bella stanza singola, la tv satellitare, buon cibo, wifi, bagno privato, privacy e altri confort, ma non si paga per la medicina in caso di pronto soccorso o ricovero brbr-io, al contrario di quanto sostengono molte persone, ti sconsiglio caldamente di andare in un ospedale privato se hai problemi seri gli ospedali pubblici non sono in competizione, collaborano serenamente tra di loro e sono tutti in contatto si consultano, non esitano ad inviarti dal miglior specialista in un altro ospedale per un intervento, per interventi speciali i medici si spostano da un ospedale all'altro e hanno come appoggio anche i policlinici universitari gli ospedali privati sono isolati e non rinunciano a niente, mandare da un altro un paziente significa perdere soldi le peggiori cose le ho viste proprio in quegli ospedali non in quelli pubblici Comment from : @stefanoballiero8319 |
You can be a radio commentator, Comment from : @Once800- |
How will I get a cheaper apartment in Italy Comment from : @victorigbinehi608 |
What about the force vaccines?? How is it over there please? Comment from : @is08bella1 |
Not your average Gringo? Is that a word used in Italy to describe Americans? I know that word is used in Latin America to mean an American But wasn't sure if that word is also in the Italian language Comment from : @CMM726 |
Ma che bella voce! Comment from : @tizianapalmisano7974 |
How does it work for Italian citizens dall'estero (registered in AIRE al commune) that normally reside in North America and are in Italy for a visit? Do you know if we are covered or do we need additional travel insurance? Comment from : @5knucklesfrank |
Great broadcasting voice by the way! Comment from : @DJPTEXAS |
My daughter has moved to Italy and living in her nonnas house She has a Italian job as a English teacher and pays into the Italian tax system She has a medical condition and will need on going medical attention and prescriptions She is not able to register with a doctor without a S1 form from the UK UK say she is not entitled to an S1 and she is not working for a UK company in Italy Now what can she do She has been told she has to pay She has Italian id Italian residency and code fiscal Why does she have to pay Her E111 is only for emergency care not long term Comment from : @mariaedwards3169 |
I'm an US ARMY veteran Are there any ARMY bases that can treat veterans in Italy? Comment from : @cyberkat6615 |
What type of care is there for people who have terminal/cancer illnesses? Comment from : @TheTCband |
ci sono parecchie inesattezze sul nostro sistema sanitario:-) Comment from : @paolamarino4580 |
Well, if you don’t want to wait you can go with the private medical service You pay the full cost but you will not wait so long (at least we have choices) Comment from : @beab2850 |
Ciao RafaelbrGreetings from Guatemala I am a last year medicine student here in my country and I am searching some options for doing my medical residency in a foreign country I was searching some options in Europe and Italy seems a very good one, but i cannot find very good information about the exact pathway to follow and all the paperwork I need to do I wanted information about how is the lifestyle for a physician there in Italy and some other advices and questions related to being a doctor there I wanted to ask you if you know someone who i could talk with and who can help me to know how is the process for taking a medical residency in Italy or you can help me in some way with that, I will appreciate it a lot!brThe last thing I like your videos a lot, Very good work mate! Comment from : @rolandocastellanos592 |
"PRONTO SOCCORSO" is literally ----> "READY AID" just to be PRECISE I know, I'm PEDANTIC like a FRENCH man, but you know what they say French and Italians are COUSINS Comment from : @capricornouno |
Welcome! Great information on traveling to Italy and dealing with healthcare We are considering another to Rome (one of my favorite places to visit) Fortunately have not needed healthcare previously Comment from : @Sciencewithkids |
If we did triage the way Italy does, so many would be bianco it’s not even funny Haha Comment from : @WhitneyReacts |
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