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Beekeeping | Raise u0026 Hold Your Own Queens In Limited Space

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Название :  Beekeeping | Raise u0026 Hold Your Own Queens In Limited Space
Продолжительность :   24.54
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Кадры Beekeeping | Raise u0026 Hold Your Own Queens In Limited Space

Описание Beekeeping | Raise u0026 Hold Your Own Queens In Limited Space

Коментарии Beekeeping | Raise u0026 Hold Your Own Queens In Limited Space

Pradeep Koushik
Is it possible to reliably detect from bees roar if queen bee is missing?
Comment from : Pradeep Koushik

Comment from : carnica_rashidi

sanen jamir
Sir, is it ok to introduce queen bee to a queenless and hiveless swarms?
Comment from : sanen jamir

Andrew K
Thanks Looking forward to try this
Comment from : Andrew K

Harvey Pillor
Hello David I intend to start my beekeeping experience when I retire to SEA I had a question I will graft as you do queen rearing following your methods My question is about the number of nurse bees needed to raise a queen I thin, as my hives in the tropics will be a good distance apart and my transportation will be a scooter, OTS queen rearing may be included in my tool kit of queen replacement Could I use a two or three frame Nucleus hive?
Comment from : Harvey Pillor

Brown and Daughters Honey
I either rolled a queen or she was superceded in my weakest colony I'm going to combine that colony with another but now I have to make a split to keep the status quo If I had a queen I wouldn't have to risk a walkaway split or buy a queen Great video, thank you
Comment from : Brown and Daughters Honey

I have been watching your videos and they have been so informative I was initially planning honey production but after all the videos, I can see that hive management and queen rearing is the way to go and the honey will be the bonus Thank you for what you are doing I cannot wait to put all I've learned into practice starting this spring And learn as I go
Comment from : Keith

Desmond Tomlin
D how long can I store a mated queen
Comment from : Desmond Tomlin

I only have two hives Should I raise queens or instead do splits using nucs?
Comment from : Vlad

I have raised bees with my great-uncle for about 4 years now The bees keep dying off in the winter (Michigan) He decided to stop raising bees, however, I still really want to continue You are a huge reason that I'm confident I can do it independently I'm 16 now and can't wait Do you have a good video for surviving the winter? Thank you!!
Comment from : Jacobees

Brad Brown
Do you use a horizontal style hive? I’m interested in this style and raising queens Thx
Comment from : Brad Brown

Amy Robeson
Comment from : Amy Robeson

Ricardo Ferreira
Old queen right? Gap bood
Comment from : Ricardo Ferreira

Mike Nye
What’s done with the surplus’s queens that hase no use or function to you?
Comment from : Mike Nye

Jeff Harper
Thanks you teach me a lot Love it
Comment from : Jeff Harper

Grammy Midwifes Suburban Homestead-LISA
Great information and no nonsense instructions! It was great to meet you and Sheri at HLC!
Comment from : Grammy Midwifes Suburban Homestead-LISA

Richard Orris
Hey Dave< hope you're recovering from the "Hive" event:0 Anyway, I would like to Ox Vape my bees but I recently installed a Winter Bee Kind board from you Must I remove the candy board during treatment? thanks for everything bees you do richard
Comment from : Richard Orris

Daniela LE MOAL
Thanks a lot from Madagascar
Comment from : Daniela LE MOAL

J Hulin
Excellent and valuable You are answering the key questions Thanks for doing this Much appreciated
Comment from : J Hulin

Holly Schroeder
David I downloaded your book on queen rearing but I would like a copy of the written book How can I order one? Thank you!!
Comment from : Holly Schroeder

craig rose
If you only wanted a single spare queen why would you bother grafting when you could just add a frame of eggs like you would do a walk away split?
Comment from : craig rose

Clayton Jensen
Hey David, I’m interested in buying this queen reading course but why buy the course if you are going to be turning out YouTube videos about queen rearing? What does the course offer that your YouTube videos don’t?
Comment from : Clayton Jensen

Ross Hetherington
A recent inspection we did of our two backyard hives revealed the Queen from each hive was located on the end frame So, they can be found on the ends We are in Canberra, Australia Love your videos
Comment from : Ross Hetherington

Madmort0 Madmort0
the amish i buy my queens from use candy corn to plug the cages
Comment from : Madmort0 Madmort0

Mark Cross
David the reason I started bee keeping was to help keep the bee population up and healthy This is the best information that I am lacking to do this goal Keeping God's creatures going Thank you so much Mark
Comment from : Mark Cross

Courtney Ostrander
Hello David;brWhat do you do with the Bees in the matting nucleus that you remove the queen from?brCan you combine them with the hive that you put there queen in?brThank You for all of your great videos, and your time teaching us newbees!
Comment from : Courtney Ostrander

Pat Gooch
I'll see you at Hive Life Save me a Queen rearing book!
Comment from : Pat Gooch

The problem we have in the north is that around may 10th the colonies want to swarm but its too early to start raising queens so we buy the first batch of queens just to delay the colonies before raising our own queens Im tihnking of using the nicot system starting April 25 to see if i can get them earlier
Comment from : Yoav

what do you think of the nicot system?
Comment from : Yoav

ECP - Bees, Coins, Prospecting
David, Wrapped my smaller hives this past week with the polar vortex… Some have said this is not needed… Thoughts?
Comment from : ECP - Bees, Coins, Prospecting

Ernesto Monell
Good strategy Mr D Burns
Comment from : Ernesto Monell

gary Stewart
101K now! Yayy! Headed for 200K LOL
Comment from : gary Stewart

Norm Koster
Do you use the plastic queen excluder
Comment from : Norm Koster

Frances Moore
Ha Davi9d good video, The queens I bought was always rejected in a month they were destroyed and the hive had made q cells it is a waist of money to but beesbr David hope u have a Merry Christmas to you and your family
Comment from : Frances Moore

Roger Jones
Oh and fyi sevierville is pronounced like severe weather Ive lived about 30 mins from there all my life
Comment from : Roger Jones

Roger Jones
Great tips thanks for sharing your knowledge
Comment from : Roger Jones

Melissa Clark
Thank you so much for your videos, I'm hoping to start my first hive this spring in South Carolina 🥰🍯🌞
Comment from : Melissa Clark

tj hughes
Dow you sell bees in the spring
Comment from : tj hughes

Tony T
I am excited to follow this series Thank you David! ps I like the bobble head 'David' 🙂
Comment from : Tony T

Always appreciated hearing some Queen rearing tips from you In your online course, you didn't talk too much about how to set up the mating nucs Would you mind covering that a little bit more in this series, please?
Comment from : CrispyThirteen

Steven Tavernaro
Which video explained the cup maker your father-in-law created? Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!!
Comment from : Steven Tavernaro

bob often
Thank you David
Comment from : bob often

Lisa Laney
Thanks David! I appreciate your videos! You inspire me to try!
Comment from : Lisa Laney

Joleen Cannon
I had to laugh over you trying to pronounce Sevierville
Comment from : Joleen Cannon

Cathy Montgomery
David, what are the dimensions of the shelves on your queen banking frames? Thanks
Comment from : Cathy Montgomery

George Zanotti
Thanks! Following these closely and plan on using these techniques this Spring!
Comment from : George Zanotti

East Sussex Bee Enthusiast Peter
Thanks for that David, a very Happy Christmas to you and your family Roll on the spring! Peter
Comment from : East Sussex Bee Enthusiast Peter

Brian Hultquist
Enjoying the Queen rearing episodes Can you walk us through from a day or two before she hatches and how long after hatching will she take the mating flight and when can we expect her return Also, would you introduce another virgin queen to the same box in case the first fails to return?
Comment from : Brian Hultquist

Mark Reese (N5SRA)
Great info about Queen Banking!
Comment from : Mark Reese (N5SRA)

Louise Ibbotson
Great idea David , teaching us all in the winter months 👍👍hope for great queens in 2023
Comment from : Louise Ibbotson

Bees and Tractors
I'm loving this series! I printed you gueen rearing book and I'm ready to try this in the spring! I've always wondered how and for how long you can bank queens You really helped! I'm really looking forward to the next video David Thank you!
Comment from : Bees and Tractors

George Boyer
David can you talk about walk away split are they good are bad to do
Comment from : George Boyer

Dana G
what is the process to get the queens mated?
Comment from : Dana G

Was wanting to go to hive life but when i looked the tickets were sold out Sad I'll be missing seeing you! I live about 30 minutes from there and it's pronounced 'severe-vull'
Comment from : Quantized

charlie gioe
Great video, David, very knowledgeable and very understanding the way you explain it
Comment from : charlie gioe

Bruce Snavely
Stay in the game - best advice ever to queen rearing Thank you David
Comment from : Bruce Snavely

FreeBees Nature
Hello from România,, i m a beeginer beekeeper
Comment from : FreeBees Nature

Sharie Cloyd
Hello Sheri and David, It's now turned cold in Georgia ! Wanted to wish you both a Merry Christmas Really enjoy listening and still learning over and over Thank you and Take Care !
Comment from : Sharie Cloyd

Thanks David, You're the best I'm inspired again!
Comment from : ThAt-ZeTeTiC

Thank you so much! valuable information 😊 have a merry Christmas
Comment from : Don’t HURT the HARVEST

Midnight Rein
There's a slim chance I'm gonna be in a lot of trouble here in the new year, so I've been trying to figure out what I can do in whatever land I might be able to afford a down payment on on my little fast food check and tax return We're rural and there's plenty of market in the area for honey and wax, so I'm trying to educate as much as I can before I might not have the resources to do the researchbrSo thank you, genuinely, for sharing your art
Comment from : Midnight Rein

Kathy Hathaway
Hello David I had three of my hives year before last that was massive an I COULD NOT FIND THE QUEEN AT ALL Here is another little quicker way I found to find a queen an yes it is a lot of work but it works great an you probably David have done this one before is getting a empty deep box an put a queen excluder on top an shake all your frame of bee thru the excluder till you find the queen Ya I found all three queens an got them marked to help down the road to find her Maybe this will help your people also As always thanks for all you share with all of us I have plans this year to try my old hands an eyes at raising some queen I think it will be a little easier on my pocket $$$ THANKS
Comment from : Kathy Hathaway

Steve Olejnik
Boy I’d love to do this, but I'm hesitant because I'm in Southern California and we have Africanized feral bees I was considering doing green drone frames to flood the local area with Italian drones and maybe influence the temperment of local bees over time Thoughts?
Comment from : Steve Olejnik

Duane Von Bargen
Looking forward to the next videos on queen rearing After loosing several queens this summer and as you noted the setbacks, this is definitely something I need to know about ]brThanks for the videos David
Comment from : Duane Von Bargen

glen weidemann
Enjoy watching your videos from Australia Broke my leg in October, falling off a ladder getting a swarm out of a tree 🤣🤣
Comment from : glen weidemann

Saundi McClain-Kloeckener
Thanks for the idea on queen excluders between the boxes to find the queen Brilliant!
Comment from : Saundi McClain-Kloeckener

Blaine Nay
I'm too close to Africanized territory to raise my own queens If I were big enough to flood the area with my own drones, it would be okay But, the risk of Africanization is too high So, every year, I buy queens from breeders big enough to control the mating
Comment from : Blaine Nay

Dale Winter
You're awesome
Comment from : Dale Winter

Rick Sollitt
Great video DavidbrI look forward to your forthcoming series on Queen rearing My retirement intention is to raise Queens next year Only 2 Hives however, as you stated, you only need one!brThank you very much, from Western Australia, for this video and others to date Cheers
Comment from : Rick Sollitt

David Patrick
How close can I put a nuke to a hive? I have two, one is failing I did print the pdf of the queen rearing project and will read it to keep my mind to task I could not a specific link in your notes to taking the queen rearing course I wanted to check the prices
Comment from : David Patrick

Bryce Higley
Hi David, Thank you for this episode I understood or felt that I needed three or four colonies before I could start queen rearing You have encouraged me this spring to give it a try Right now is not a good time 20 degrees and dropping with snow Haha
Comment from : Bryce Higley

Steve Butler
Thinking of adding honey bees to go along with my Mason bees If I follow you right, getting too many banked queens in nukes isn't a problem cause you would just sell the excess nukes and go make more? Is selling a nuke more profitable than just selling a mated/banked queen?
Comment from : Steve Butler

How deep do you make the inside of the queen cup?
Comment from : MrChristopherharmon

Hello from Kosova🇽🇰🇦🇱🇽🇰👋
Comment from : IlirBad

Short Pants Bee Farm
One thing a person can do is split a 2 story hive at five days go through the queen less one and pick out the best cells cutting out all the small ones the ones raised from the youngest larva you'll find some that won't be capped yet no grafting required having some sort of mating box that you can just drop in the frames that's what I did my first time but with grafting you have more control
Comment from : Short Pants Bee Farm

Timber Valley Homestead
What if you get 10-15 virgins at one time and don’t have the boxes or nuc to place them in before the mating flight?
Comment from : Timber Valley Homestead

Triple C R Apiary
I'm going to raise 40 queens this year Double my apiary Positive thinking I just need to perfect making cell starter/ finisher hive
Comment from : Triple C R Apiary

Maro BroSki
Hi David I am very happy that you make that video making ass snowcones with your wife oh really enjoy it happy holiday and happy new year ❤
Comment from : Maro BroSki

Wildwoods Honeybee Farms
Nice Job David! Hoping next year to try to do some Queen Rearing Just depends, Thanks for sharing David! Have a wonderful Holiday! Take care!
Comment from : Wildwoods Honeybee Farms

Sammy Surrender
Thank you for all the info, David I thoroughly enjoyed your online queen rearing class I also purchased the booklet from the University of Arkansas (home state plug) that you and Jon Zawislak wrote I have 2 nucs ordered for April and this will be my first bee colonies I am excited to start raising my own queens Thank you, once again, David for all your efforts and hard work You are certainly appreciated
Comment from : Sammy Surrender

Maro BroSki
Comment from : Maro BroSki

David Patrick
67: I am really interested in learning how to do this I say "ignorance of something simple or something difficult is the same to me" Can I learn and be ready by Spring? I am in southern Oregon coast area pat
Comment from : David Patrick

Timber Valley Homestead
It’s “severe ville” Tennessee lolx I’m excited because I have a queen in mind that I definitely want to replicate/duplicate her genetics because wow her colony is just amazing! I’m scared to death to try though
Comment from : Timber Valley Homestead

Jason Gannon
The only problem I have not been able to overcome yet, this coming year that will nolonger be a problem
Comment from : Jason Gannon

Castle Hives
This is one skill that I have yet to learn I’ve wanted to try, but traveling for work limits what I can do Maybe this next season as I’ll be semi close to home Look forward to meeting you at Hive Life, I’ll have to get a book from you Cya tomorrow David
Comment from : Castle Hives

Angela Van Houten
Yep, I've had bad queens You've got my attention
Comment from : Angela Van Houten

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