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Making Queens The Easy Way! Beekeeping 2020 #beekeeping #makingqueens

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Название :  Making Queens The Easy Way! Beekeeping 2020 #beekeeping #makingqueens
Продолжительность :   6.31
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Просмотров :   39 rb

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Коментарии Making Queens The Easy Way! Beekeeping 2020 #beekeeping #makingqueens

Shake some bees in that 3 frame or join it with another ain't enough bees to raise all that brood and eggs its doomed
Comment from : @user-Sandgrounderhoney

Higreat video If a young Queen hasn't straightened out her laying pattern in a week, replace her A young Queen lays 2to four,generally Laying workers usually four to seven The best way I have found to stop laying workers is put one frame in different Queen right colonies The pheromones stop the laying workers or the hive kills off the laying workers If someone has a better way I'm never to old to learngreat bee keeping all
Comment from : @jamescraig8601

That little hive doesn’t have enough bees or resources to grow One frame of bees and brood and some syrup can save them If you don’t do anything their dying, a slow death Once the colony balances out the queen will straighten out her egg laying
Comment from : @markbee5787

I get the construction of doing poor man’s queen rearing however you would get a stack of queens as well just by putting a frame with eggs on it into the hive and they would still raise a bunch of queens like in any other colony , I’m not really sure this method is even needed when you can just add a frame with eggs in it Just something to consider
Comment from : @fishmut

Now you have a queen but she is a virgin Can you put her in a hive without a queen?
Comment from : @hlkotzehendrik7198

Add more bees
Comment from : @mysticalsprings1998

U have a laying worker Bad queen with no pheromones Adding bees won't help Graft into queen cells Watch other people's videos before u make your own!
Comment from : @troysilver6853

I'm gonna give that a try , never saw that before , thanks for sharing , great video!
Comment from : @KajunHomestead

this is how i make queen bees youtube/zAWT4prTFAs
Comment from : @KatrinMelite

you remember the big iron man suit tony stark made especially to fight the hulk, thats what i would wear for beekeeping
Comment from : @genkidama7385

It takes them about 5or6 days to make a queen cell and Cap it off
Comment from : @alblakesley3284

When they lay multiple eggs in cell They are probably going to be drones or a queen cell
Comment from : @alblakesley3284

My queen is running around just dropping eggs, the workers are either eating them or putting them in cells I also have 2-3 eggs in each
Comment from : @TheSoilandGreen

I guess my brother in law has given up with battling bears He is not keeping bees this year You are doing a lot of cool hobbies A lot of my hobbies depend on pollinators This is the first of your videos I watched without a bunch of adds Keep the bees We are depending on you
Comment from : @timothyrothrock4173

you need to triple the bees for your cell builder I would add pollen patty and sugar water as well
Comment from : @mileawayhoney

Maybe my thinking could be new queen or not enough room
Comment from : @dalegirard9740

They will only build Queen cells in the downward position, the bottom didn't work due they would have to build them upwards going against how a Queen lays and hatch in and out of the cells
Comment from : @marvinlaird1971

They seem to need some pollen sub queen won't rear quality brood without a protein source
Comment from : @dorian298

Double or triple egg layen in cells generally points to layer worker bees yet it could also point to a lazy queen Either way, the best thing is to requeen and give them a frame of young brood from another hive
Comment from : @bradgoliphant

Comment from : @dogalarclk1541

That is the first time I seen poor mans queens Curious what caused queen to lay multiple eggs in cells
Comment from : @BuckeyeHuntingAndFishing

Sorry I'm afraid your going to be disappointed in trying to take those call off plastic foundation to make any splits , it won't work That's why you should only use plastic for honey frame never for brood ,
Comment from : @beedazzledbees3893

If she is a new queen it may take her some tiime to start laying worker brood That's totally normal Give her some time
Comment from : @simopr09

Thanks for sharing you might have a laying worker in that one hive I had that happen to one of my hives last year Hope all is well with you all and hope you have a great day
Comment from : @strugglingbeekeepermarkcot9642

Bees are amazing!
Comment from : @LiveMoreOutdoors

Would you sell your honey I was disappointed I didn't win any last year
Comment from : @dkjphills79

great video of your bees
Comment from : @CoffeyOutdoors

If the small hive has cells with multiple eggs, it means you have a laying worker
Comment from : @bwakel310

Good stuff right there!!!! Thank you
Comment from : @raymondurban3388

Great to see the bees working away there Just wondering if you heard about the new invasive bee from asia spotted in washington state
Comment from : @paulhuval6579

This is amazing! Your outdoor videos are so relaxing! Keep them coming!
Comment from : @ClassifyMedia

Nice as always
Comment from : @earth-News301

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