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Learning HOW To Rear Queens with Grafting / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping #beekeeping101 #queenbee

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Название :  Learning HOW To Rear Queens with Grafting / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping #beekeeping101 #queenbee
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Коментарии Learning HOW To Rear Queens with Grafting / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping #beekeeping101 #queenbee

onthe nosery
Comment from : onthe nosery

Robson Pitaya RR Brasil Viveiro Flora Rica
Muito bom o vídeo 👏
Comment from : Robson Pitaya RR Brasil Viveiro Flora Rica

Rodrigo gabrecht
Comment from : Rodrigo gabrecht

Paul Buiks
Awesome, so exciting Yes Genetics are key so interesting and obtaining breeder stock is another level Appreciate the video
Comment from : Paul Buiks

The Joseph Colin Experiment
Do you like the Saskatraz? Compared to my Italians, i really prefer my Saskatraz I've heard Fredrick Dunn speak highly of the BeeWeavers, likely will requeen with on of those, or the Saskatraz next springbrThanks
Comment from : The Joseph Colin Experiment

I just admire your work
Comment from : Anna

christian shannon
Yes Yes Yes , you are using freshly drawn comb to graft from Have mercy I’m proud of ya I also find it so much easier for me to use jewelers glasses with strong magnification to see the larvae easily
Comment from : christian shannon

christian shannon
Something I learnt this year is to give the best colonies two frames of 100 beeswax foundation Taking two frames of capped brood to bolster other hives I do this a week before splitting the big colonies A freshly drawn frame of clean comb with lots of eggs seem to make the healthiest queens and greatly increases mating chances Those queens became eggs laying machines
Comment from : christian shannon

Emanuel Rossi
Great videos, question I’m looking to also get into grafting for next year but can’t really find any good books or YouTubes on the subject any recommendations
Comment from : Emanuel Rossi

I use the Jenter Queen Rearing unit – been using it for over 30 years very very simple to use, no grafting is required, the eggs can be transferred a couple of hours after they have hatched - the younger the egg the better the Queen
Comment from : HoneyBEE TEK

wayne watson - cedar branch hives
I'd wait till spring, it's way to late this yr ! It won't work !
Comment from : wayne watson - cedar branch hives

Marijn Sanders
Yes, wrong time to graft, but still might get succes and if you continue next year you will have more experience to start with brIts never a wrong time to learn brJust make sure you don´t forget to take care off youre other stock, you wilk need te bees next year I dare a queen breeder with good stock to donate this amazing lady, 1 breeder queen in spring she can breed queens off so she can have plenty off quality drones in the air the spring after brTime will tell if its a good investment She has tons to learn but i believe in her 🥰
Comment from : Marijn Sanders

Benjamin Meadows
Seems hard buy I wouldn't try it
Comment from : Benjamin Meadows

The Hive and the Honey Bee
you are too late to be doin this not a good idea imo i hope pple dont do it now but i love your ambition!!!!!
Comment from : The Hive and the Honey Bee

Castle Hives
I like your log book that you keep I really should try to keep better records like that I’m thinking next year might be the year I graft, we’ll see I’m going to try using the Chinese grafting with bamboo when I graft
Comment from : Castle Hives

The Texas Beekeeper
Great job Emily! I look forward to seeing how they do I love it when the bees pounce on a small hive beetle LOL For seeing the larvae, I'm sure you already know, but the black plastic foundation (or full frames) work great for that Also, since even with the black foundation, it can still be pretty hard to see, I got some magnifying glasses from the dot coms They come in a case that has multiple lenses and they have a built in LED light They're YOCTOSUN brand and I have to say, I don't think I could do it without them Not near as well anyway You can actually see the grafting tool scoop up the larvae I look like a dork wearing them, but I look like a dork without them too, so no harm there 🤓 Thanks for sharing your journey and good luck with those grafts!
Comment from : The Texas Beekeeper

Azure B Apiaries
Swarm cells and full box splits in spring will be your best way to increase a yard strong and catch local swarms in bait hives? Grafting is a high maintenance route that's more geared towards production IMHO Btw suggest you get use to bee venom asap,it's an amazing medicinal right there at your disposal:)brHappy beekeeping!
Comment from : Azure B Apiaries

Mike Wrobel
It sounds like you will be putting queen cells or virgins directly into your production hives (that is, you are not putting them into a mating nuc for them to mature and mate first) Make sure that you do NOT pinch off (kill) the old queens, no mater how bad they are You should be prepared to store them caged and in a queen bank (amongst some broood frames over an excluder) If your virgin queen does not successfully return from a mating flight or otherwise fail, you can re-introduce the original queen(s) It gets really tough to buy mated queens this time of year
Comment from : Mike Wrobel

Vance Tilley
Fun videos! I use to fly cargo in and out of Willow Run Airport; now I live in New Zealand Your videos reminded me of the area around Ypsilanti brTip: if one hive is doing unusually better than the other hives in a yard…it may be robbing from the other hives 👍🐝
Comment from : Vance Tilley

Den B
Wrong time of year to be doing this
Comment from : Den B

Josh Tibbs
Curious to know what your drone outlook is Have you been running the desired genetics with other colonies generating drones with from queens with the desired trait Successful vsh/pol-line breeders run thousands of colonies for this trait Hence why I haven’t tried grafting and raising queens other than the splits I’ve done I get back excellent queens in my area but ultimately these queens are mating with all kinds of different drones getting a mix of genetics instead of a targeted trait
Comment from : Josh Tibbs

Michael Shelnutt
Kaymon Reynolds says “Good genetics, good nutrition, low mites”
Comment from : Michael Shelnutt

Rick Abrams
good for you i'm also in my third year i'm in the same boat with grafting 2mos ago i had my first hand of grafting #TotalFail but a great experience br14:45 i know exactly how you feel there the people that know what they are doing make it look so easy
Comment from : Rick Abrams

Ted Jackson
I bought 10 queens from The B farm in Louisiana They are there own genetics and are VSH Very good honey producers too
Comment from : Ted Jackson

Steven Kawano
Holy🐄that was Super interesting I never even heard of grafting bees before but it totally makes sense and that grafting frame is Pretty, it reminds me of an abacus board we used to have when I was a kid😊Nosy bees I cracked up at that, they really do need to mind their own beesewax!😉😂🐝So what r the other bees robbing from ur hives by the way? That's crazy they even do that but it sounds like ur bees Definitely have a Good defense system so Yay for that at least!🏰Well fingers arms legs and eyes crossed this works can't wait till the next one! Hope u are having a Great weekend and I'll see U in the next one my Favorite Keeper☺️#emilyisthebeesknees💛 #graftingday🤞 #idreamofbees💤 #suckyqueen👑 #beefithoney🍯 #myfavoriteyoutuber📺 #staycool🥵😎
Comment from : Steven Kawano

Casey Olson
Watch the videos Bob Binnie does about grafting Should help you a lot
Comment from : Casey Olson

CarolAnn Jacques
What brand is the suit that you wear?
Comment from : CarolAnn Jacques

Honeycomb Homestead
This time of year, I’m doing ultra bee pollen The bees love those patties and they are not over priced No high fructose corn syrup Most have it Be careful
Comment from : Honeycomb Homestead

Honeycomb Homestead
If you don’t open your hives, they will do more work and store more The smoke can mess with them on efficiency
Comment from : Honeycomb Homestead

Honeycomb Homestead
Funny how one hive will do so well and others do nothing
Comment from : Honeycomb Homestead

Geani Tsucuneli
Good luck with mating !Usual this part of the year you will get 35-40 of your Queens mate!! Too late for making Queens Mating them now naturally is very hardThat is why ,you need to learn how to make them in the lab
Comment from : Geani Tsucuneli

Michael Barnes
A magnifying glass hat works great
Comment from : Michael Barnes

Jim flawless927
What you need also is a set of op divisors the same ones that jewelers use that way to magnify just what you’re doing and you won’t have any more mistakes
Comment from : Jim flawless927

Mickael C
Hi, i juste wanted to add that you don't need to take the nurse bees and the ressources from the hive that you want the genetics from You can take them from other hives, no need to weaken your good hive before winter if you don't want to As long as the larva you graft come from the good hive they'll have the genetics you want, you can use weak hives to raise the queens
Comment from : Mickael C

Saras Happy Hives
Good luck 🍀 I am waiting for next year to try grafting again I stopped splitting here in Indiana just letting them build up for winter now I had a dream that I was keeping bees in an old hi fi stereo but spiders moved in on them 😬😂
Comment from : Saras Happy Hives

researcher Amateur
l really like your enthusiasm but in time you will find out that working With the bees, at the right time of year, when they would normally do it makes every beekeeping job a hundred times easier
Comment from : researcher Amateur

Semua ada catatannya ni kawan
Comment from : MAS NUR BERTAK

Jim flawless927
Good luck I hope everyone takes But what do you do with all the extra queens
Comment from : Jim flawless927

Chuck Campbell
🛫📖🛬brbrEmily,brDid you try Kona Queens in HawaiibrbrThey are very genetically sound and beautiful QueensbrbrThey sell Italian and carniolanbrThe Italians are beautiful in color and very calmbrbrGOD Blessbr📖🛐✈️🐆
Comment from : Chuck Campbell

Randy Clingan Farms
It is probably late to raise Queens and get them mated and laying to build up before winter Good Luck
Comment from : Randy Clingan Farms

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