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Have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient? #askreddit #reddit #redditstories


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Название :  Have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient? #askreddit #reddit #redditstories
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Кадры Have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient? #askreddit #reddit #redditstories

Описание Have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient? #askreddit #reddit #redditstories

Коментарии Have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient? #askreddit #reddit #redditstories

Gotchu Fam
It was unprofessional but deserved of the aunt Glad things turned out well The aunt could’ve ran as soon as she got confronted but good thing she did That doctor has a good heart
Comment from : Gotchu Fam

She probably would've never confessed if they didn't lose their shit and yell at her And saddly people don't usually believe kidsespecially because after that injury you could blame it on: "Well she hit her head pretty badly so she is imagining things"
Comment from : ScavenderBird

Gabriella fiador
Instead of completely focusing on the child they decided to file a complaint on you OF ALL PEOPLElike you got a lot on your plate but decided to be mad at someone you saved your kid on put the attacker in their place
Comment from : Gabriella fiador

Athena Hera Laufeyson
Doctors should be allowed to yell at or say anything they want especially when defending their patients!!! That was entirely professional my good sir Keep up the good work
Comment from : Athena Hera Laufeyson

More professional than I could have been, if not looked on as badly by society, I would have beat the shit out of her, you can't hurt kids, that's way beyond fucked up
Comment from : Aminated

Some of you have rly high self control, i would punch her straight to the next hospital if i saw such story happening right under my eyes, as a child i had a pretty bad time myself im pretty sure that would open some wounds and il lose control
Comment from : SilverRay

Aqua 666
Yeah, a doctor yelled at me because I was scared when I got my cast remove from my arm, and I started crying
Comment from : Aqua 666

Dude sucks at minecraft
Comment from : Cyclone

Thank god that poor girl was okay
Comment from : naysaykiller

My doc when I was in elementary school yelled at me once (more, just raised his voice) when he learned I'd been flushing my ADHD medication which is probably why it hasn't been working all this time 💀
Comment from : Maxinac

"Ambulance driver" 😭
Comment from : SpongeBoob

"You are lucky I take my Hippocratic oath seriously"
Comment from : SteelWolfSentinel

Your friend neighborhood is ready!
Alright, so this person got in trouble for blowing up at somebody who smacked the kid in the head with a hammer And not just anybody the child's aunt And she gets in trouble, Because the parents complained real that parents are sketchy too
Comment from : Your friend neighborhood is ready!

Comment from : Urfavgabe

That sounds like a sane person who cares about a young child to me it was professional
Comment from : ℤᎾIℕᏦ⚉

Connor Magee
Getting a child abuser rightfully arrested is as professional as it gets Anybody who takes issue with a little shouting compared to the safety of a child can fuck off
Comment from : Connor Magee

Technically yes This behavior was unprofessional and inappropriate But that brGoes to show that the action is not the only part of the situation we should consider The intent is just as important
Comment from : SK

Yoshi Yoshi
And this is why we say Women☕
Comment from : Yoshi Yoshi

Yoshi Yoshi
And this is why we use the phrase " Women☕" 😐
Comment from : Yoshi Yoshi

There is nothing more professional, lets be honest that aunt deserves worse
Comment from : PJOZeus

Amaru Houston
You're a good doctor
Comment from : Amaru Houston

Kinoko Komori
i hope she spend the rest of her life in jail
Comment from : Kinoko Komori

Sig XM5 thumb
I believe all doctors should have the right to do this it shows they’re still human not just some robot wanting to harvest your organs for money
Comment from : Sig XM5 thumb

Sick omg
Comment from : amaura

zach w
I'm giving the parents benefit of the doubt that they either called the cops on the aunt or something
Comment from : zach w

Eden the cleric
what was unproffesional was that he didnt call the police
Comment from : Eden the cleric

It's not unprofessional to lose your shit at someone who attacked a child
Comment from : TheJoshissaxy

The Philster
Comment from : The Philster

Carlisa Sobolesky
Unprofessional? She struck her nice in the head with a hammer!
Comment from : Carlisa Sobolesky

Kennedy Norman
The parents reported it !!!!????!!??
Comment from : Kennedy Norman

Ted Kaczynski
this guy is not a doctor and this never happened
Comment from : Ted Kaczynski

And Crafter
i would kill any one of my siblings if they intentionally hit my kid in the head with a hammer
Comment from : And Crafter

"have you ever seen a doctor yell at a patient"br(Paraphrasing)brbr not the patient BUT-
Comment from : ■gummi■

I'm pretty sure doctors are required to report this stuff, no?
Comment from : Infernoraptor

They should’ve called the police instead of being unprofessional Though what she did was morally correct, it was unprofessional unfortunately She should’ve called the cops in the room, not the aunt
Comment from : Planet-Z

“Have you ever heard a doctor yell at a patient?” brbrb”i was the doctor”/bbrb”I yelled at the aunt not the patient”/b brbrRedditors never listen
Comment from : Planet-Z

heavy from Team Fortress 2
He earns my respect or she earns my respect
Comment from : heavy from Team Fortress 2

Jon Chase
I am a firm believer that doctors should be able to write orders to bitch out a patient or family member, under the guise of ‘patient education’
Comment from : Jon Chase

that poor little girl
Comment from : Lia

my mother used to be a labor and delivery nurse and she told us about this one couple she was caring for in the hospital the woman was in labor, like actively pushing out the child, and her husband was on the phone shooting the shit with his friends planning to hang out with them at the bar in a couple of hours she yelled at him to get off the phone because his wife was having a fucking baby (with a bit less swearing) like she was scolding a child apparently he was super embarrassed and ended the call right there, but she was FUMING
Comment from : Pokeparkwiipikachusadventure

Respect the doctor
Comment from : Leo

Dana Marie
I call bullshit Any doctor would know not to let on they know anything until police arrived as they are ✨mandated reporters✨ this could potentially spook the abuser and there is not a chance that woman would’ve been allowed into the room with that child again
Comment from : Dana Marie

Dusty Paladin
I think it was very professional that you held yourself back to bough to not hit the aunt in the head with a hammer
Comment from : Dusty Paladin

Chloe Evans
I hate that reactions to stuff like that are even remotely considered "unprofessional" that is always the right thing to do I finally work in a customer service job that allows me to actually defend myself and I still am not used it Hope this doctor is still in business
Comment from : Chloe Evans

how tf???
Comment from : nogoodhumorhere

Laci Hodges
I hope she is spending her life in prison
Comment from : Laci Hodges

falling off your bike onto your head wouldn’t put you in the hospital like that
Comment from : J

You call that unprofessional I call it justified What the actual fuck is wrong with people
Comment from : Diablo

Helen Bontje
Any reasonable person can totally understand going off on that Aunt! I certainly would have had a few choice words for her! Hope that girl's parents pressed charges, she could have easily killed Praying the girl has no long term ill effects!
Comment from : Helen Bontje

Tahiti Kruse
The look down after player fell
Comment from : Tahiti Kruse

Karma Flavor
Honestly, that aunt deserves to be thrown into jail! Why would you even do something as disgusting and sick as that?
Comment from : Karma Flavor

Julia Juana Rodriguez
Honestly I swear every single time there is a question for someone it's either answered with not me but someone I know or in this case not the patient but her aunt
Comment from : Julia Juana Rodriguez

se no
Not unprofessional just hummer nature to get very ticked at someone hurting a kid
Comment from : se no

Whydidn't they call the police? That's basically attempted murder
Comment from : themindgayer

✨ANne  Rockstar✨
Wouldn't you call for code pink ?
Comment from : ✨ANne Rockstar✨

Doctor needs to be rewarded! Hope the aunt is in jail
Comment from : DSM

Erik The Reddish
"My behavior was unprofessional" is such a stupid statement It got shit done and it got done right
Comment from : Erik The Reddish

Matthew Dixon
Working as ER RN I can see how it can be viewed as unprofessional However, in that case that is the correct thing todo in my opinion Only thing that would make it not professional if the would be swearing uncontrollably or swing ay the aunt
Comment from : Matthew Dixon

Had more restraint than I would have
Comment from : Rhythm

Pow the Potato
as long as it's not limiting you it's fine, don't wanna turn rows into a primarily forearm exercise tho that's why we isolate thrm from each other, you want your back growing too, obviously
Comment from : Pow the Potato

Jesus Christ that’s dark
Comment from : BakedStoner69

kiwi bby
My doctor yells all the time Lol
Comment from : kiwi bby

aesthetical rose
I would be more concerned if he hadn’t lost his cool Who learns something like this and doesn’t? Like honestly, props to him for being able to stay composed long enough to stabilize the kid
Comment from : aesthetical rose

Golden Pup Gamer
What the actual fuck
Comment from : Golden Pup Gamer

Should have called the police immidiately brDon't call the aunt back in Don't let her in the room with the child Simply stabilize the child, call for backup/orderlies and have the police informed to arrest the abuser
Comment from : iamnuff1992

Quantum Chord
No, no, that was beyond professional That’s absolutely saintly A psychotic aunt basically trying to maim or kill her niece needs to be yelled or thrown out of a window for something that vile
Comment from : Quantum Chord

Hilarious that op, as every single fucking redditor does, not only didn't watch the doctor yell at a patient it wasn't even yelling at the patient Why can't redditors just answer the fucking question
Comment from : Gravy

thank god you did
Comment from : cee

Justified to say the least
Comment from : Mebot1996

Alex Jones
This sounds like an episode of House
Comment from : Alex Jones

the minecraft gameplay makes me want a hammer to the head
Comment from : moomie

I’ve yelled at so many relatives in the ER they all deserved being yelled at
Comment from : RN Q

More professional than what I would have done 💀
Comment from : BuffChicken

Gage Thornewell
Imagine saying standing up for the right thing is being unprofessionalI’m sorry that’s just being human
Comment from : Gage Thornewell

Brandon Murphy
Plot twist He bash her head with a hammer and yells, how does it feel, looks like a mighty bike incident huh
Comment from : Brandon Murphy

Ann Harlow
Comment from : Ann Harlow

It may have been unprofessional but at least you did the right thing confronting her aunt
Comment from : MrFantasticHD_

ab cd
She deserved way more than being shouted at stupid ant 🐜 sorry I know it's not joke time but the subs need checking
Comment from : ab cd

Dark Souls Vet
There is no being professional when you deal with degenerates
Comment from : Dark Souls Vet

Elise Jordan
Honestly, knowing that this doctor cares that much about a kid they just met would make me hire them to be my kids doctor in a heartbeat
Comment from : Elise Jordan

Joseph Victory
Not professional but arguably much better for her soul than calling the cops
Comment from : Joseph Victory

Iridescent Aurora
You have every right to be “unprofessional” when it comes to defending/protecting a child
Comment from : Iridescent Aurora

No It's bpro/b fessional
Comment from : octo

Demitreus Adams
Had a doc yell at me for trying too leave after a stab wound
Comment from : Demitreus Adams

Damn That’s Crazy
Poor baby brIt’s a miracle she was alive and responded
Comment from : Damn That’s Crazy

Romanian Reaver
Unprofessional would be dumpstering the aunt after hitting her with a dose of ketamine
Comment from : Romanian Reaver

My mom did My mom took me to the pediatrician when I was 7, because I had red dots all over my arms Turns out that was petechiae, an early sign of ITP, and the pediatrician tore into my mom about getting me to the hospitalbrbrThat was 2008, I’m 22 years old now and I’m spleenless, and alive
Comment from : Cori

Did no one notice that the parents completely brush off the fact that the aunt hit the child with a hammer
Comment from : errorsans123

As an aunt of a 1 year old I could never lay my hands on her preciousness, not in 10 years, not in 20 😭 Wtf is wrong with people
Comment from : Blubableful

There's a major difference between being professional and being right
Comment from : FISHY FISH

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