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5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Montana] Vol.8


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Название :  5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Montana] Vol.8
Продолжительность :   41.53
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Просмотров :   1 jt

Кадры 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Montana] Vol.8

Описание 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Montana] Vol.8

Коментарии 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [New Jersey, South Carolina, Alabama, Kansas, Montana] Vol.8

Lazy Masquerade
Another USA Road Trip episode: Happy 5th of July! Oh, wait
Comment from : Lazy Masquerade

Carrie Crack Rock
What she says goes isn't a healthy relationship, ya cuck
Comment from : Carrie Crack Rock

38:00 why would you fire the whole clip? one shot to let them know you have a gun was smart A whole clip tells them you've panicked and potentially used all your ammo making the threat worthless
Comment from : J WELSHEY

Back in high school Lazy used to plug me up from behind in the bathroom!
Comment from : Q

Alexander Castellini
I feel like maybe New Jersey is jus a horror story in and of itselfbrbrLike One time I had to move to New Jersey Boom that it that’s the end Finished
Comment from : Alexander Castellini

What do you mean there was no proof of intent?? He forced himself into the house with a weapon Wth?
Comment from : SaraScreams

People are such bad liars I can rip everyone of these stories apart from common sense
Comment from : Butter

Indus S
there would never be “foot steps” in the dirt, but there could be “foot prints”
Comment from : Indus S

The first story the woman could of just doordash her coffee
Comment from : Estrada603

Orlando Wright
Randle already showed signs of 🌀 she thought it would be a good idea to have a date in the same starbucks?! No situational awareness whatsoever
Comment from : Orlando Wright

Joseph Crisamore
It's been a good ride so far Lazy, can't wait to continue down the road Brilliant work as always!
Comment from : Joseph Crisamore

Joseph Crisamore
Story one, girl didn't only play with fire she soaked the matches in gasoline But the guy shouldn't have gone serial killer mode
Comment from : Joseph Crisamore

Ezzy Salazar
I really, really wish the “pale white skin with long black hair covering its face” cliche would stop
Comment from : Ezzy Salazar

Joe Trimble
The Pine Barrens are no joke I can tell a scary story I experienced there Something just isn't right about areas of that wilderness
Comment from : Joe Trimble

Jessy Walz
Why the Swedish girl didn’t go to the police?
Comment from : Jessy Walz

Jessy Walz
Wait, what starbucks serves coffee in a mug? I have never been to one like that one
Comment from : Jessy Walz

The first story: you’re at a Starbucks but they gave you your coffee in a mug?? This story is pure bs based off of that alone
Comment from : eddiesubternal

Nina Orak
If the stories people send are fake or not will always be up for a debate since there's no proof except for the spoken word This isn't triggered by a particular story in this video, it's something I've been generally seeing in numerous comments for scary stories When people call out stories fake because of the way people acted, just reflect on your life and tell me did you always act accordingly and logically when something scary, shocking, unexpected or similar, happened?brbrA lot of times when something shady or threatening is brewing to happen, your mind doesn't immediately jump to the worst case scenario, it tries to find a logical explanation, like 'the house is settling' instead of 'a stranger is walking with a knife in your house'brbrWe're all different and react different brBrief example: when I got hit by a car while riding a bike on my way to work, I reacted poorly I was in shock, the only thing I was focusing on was that I'm still in one piece with my head on my shoulders and I didn't call the police, sue the woman, fight for myself all of that logical things that people think of when sitting at home, listening to a story (and judging) brbrI was never before in that kind of a situation nor did I ever thought about how to react if something like that happens Dealing with major anxiety at that time, the response of my brain was blocked, leaving only room for a panic attack and a wish to get away from there as soon as possible
Comment from : Nina Orak

The attic one straight up sounded like The Magnus Archives episode
Comment from : Tasso

nevada highway
like 2 minutes into the first story i was trying to immerse myself into the creepy narrative but the "he started drawing little hearts above the i in my name sometimes even next to it" in the super serious tone was hilarious
Comment from : nevada highway

Excalibur Prime
I thought yall were gonna give my home state SC some boring love story but plot twist, randals a damn stalker
Comment from : Excalibur Prime

Tina K
This dark road reminds me of the road from Wikiup to Yuma Arizona on the way to Las Vegas This is just what the road looks like Scary very Scary!!
Comment from : Tina K

The first story… Maybe stop going to overpriced Starbucks if the barista is creeping you A coffee is not worth putting up with a psychopath
Comment from : TCB-1

Dennis Finan
Starbucks does it all the time
Comment from : Dennis Finan

Juan Bracamonte
Imagine your husband came down from the attic, crazy eyes, scared as hell, telling you there's a weird devilish humanoid ghostly figure up there and you chuckle and just tell him it's a rat Bro there was 2 demons in the house that day
Comment from : Juan Bracamonte

With a heavy heart… “SO IMMATURE!” 🤷🏻‍♀️🦶🏽🙌🏽✊🏽
Comment from : Sweetelle

greenbeenie hunter
Thank you for the stories, but is it REALLY that hard to get a female to voice the female portions of your stories?????????
Comment from : greenbeenie hunter

Matt H
The Kansas story was a really good fictional horror shortbrbrThe Alabama one was good fiction too Know how I know it's fiction? No tourist EVER goes to the shithole that is Alabama
Comment from : Matt H

Giveme Vodka
ok the NJ men in black story, WHY WOULD YOU STAY???????
Comment from : Giveme Vodka

gracie ariella
HELL NAW i clicked this video cs it said nj and ofc, it’s in my location🙃
Comment from : gracie ariella

M Raymer
Alabama story is a super easy question to answerof course she was in on it
Comment from : M Raymer

Eric Worley
5 years is actually a fairly lengthy sentence compared to what a similar offender who had no real priors and didn't harm anyone or take anything would typically get
Comment from : Eric Worley

Making someone do a project you wanted to start but don't have the decency to help out? Not surprised
Comment from : WhitePlum

Ursarkar E Creed
I'm still a woman, things a skinwalker would say lol
Comment from : Ursarkar E Creed

Darren M
12:15 that man's wife has got his balls in a vice
Comment from : Darren M

no one
I don't believe the second one bc they didn't explain that went to the cops with that info If you knew what the girl looked like, that would be useful to the cops Just saying
Comment from : no one

Why is everyone assuming the Swedish girl didn't talk to the cops? Hell for all we know the cops talked to her for information after learning she had been at the bar with the two victims Stop assuming shit
Comment from : biffyqueen

Sydni Penalver
I'm a barista and I wrote hearts on lots of cups I really hope I'm not giving people the wrong idea 💀
Comment from : Sydni Penalver

v t
On Alabama story - this is either total bs or this Swedish girl has zero shame and guilt She was the only one who could ID the perpetrators knowing the other girls were drugged to amnesia, yet she watched the news and thanked her lucky stars that it wasn't her didn't think about giving any leads and evidence to the police The rest of the story is her wondering about the most irrelevant stuff and not once saying - "of course I gave my version of events to the police" no, it was - "I wonder if Madeline was a goody or a baddy" you couldn't make it up (or I guess you did)
Comment from : v t

Anti Hero
Comment from : Anti Hero

Dave Allen
The Swiss girl in Alabama story bothers me on many levels if it's true, and I do say IF The fact that she doesn't say she went to the authorities means we have to assume she didn't, if the story was true In my opinion unless there is a documented story of this incident to prove otherwise it's one of those made up "traveler" stories Happy belated 4th of July to all, possibly the most important day in world history
Comment from : Dave Allen

Michael Z
"Why'd you bring a handgun?" Is the last question that would ever fly through my mind in that situation
Comment from : Michael Z

Realeza x My40isTheNew25 Pacific x Palisades
I think the first one is a straight lie
Comment from : Realeza x My40isTheNew25 Pacific x Palisades

Realeza x My40isTheNew25 Pacific x Palisades
The first story is absolutely hilarious
Comment from : Realeza x My40isTheNew25 Pacific x Palisades

Panos the Wonder Child
Dude from Kansas really didn't want to renovate the attic for his wife 😆
Comment from : Panos the Wonder Child

Andrew Tucker
If the Alabama story were true, not saying it isn’t, why wouldn’t the woman go to the police and fill them in on who the girls left with?
Comment from : Andrew Tucker

Im Clueless
i love these stories but most / if not all of these are fake They are not "TRUE" stories
Comment from : Im Clueless

great video to watch when im fuming with anger rage hatred mad hate everything
Comment from : jekyll

Some of the stories this guy tells(amazingly btw) makes me not wanna full time in my rv lol 😆
Comment from : Rvaventure

Comment from : tadejci

Random Human
'The judge said that it could not be proven that he had intent to harm'brAh yes, because people who spend ten minutes slamming into someone's door with a deadly weapon clearly have innocent intentions
Comment from : Random Human

I take my firearm every time I go camping For this specific reason You don't know what kind of crazy fuckin people you will run into
Comment from : joemama

Comment from : sshadyh

' In this relationship what she says, goes'brbrYeah, that is definitely not a relationship More like dictatorship to me
Comment from : Esiaa

Guytrash Gurtdog
Holy shit I live like 2 miles away from friendship NJ lmfao great
Comment from : Guytrash Gurtdog

Quintin Sarren
Yo is that thumbnail a mf mitosis reference?
Comment from : Quintin Sarren

Patrick McDade
Until the guy came to her house I was sympathizing with Randall because it sounded like me when my social anxiety was terrible and I had trouble making eye contact or even taking to women I liked But he crossed the line I still have a small twinge of sympathy for him because I am not a stalker or creep at all but if I don't go somewhat aggressive towards ladies nothing happens but if I don't say anything nothing happens I'm still getting over a bad breakup
Comment from : Patrick McDade

i don’t think we’re in Kansas any more…
Comment from : prismstudios001

Lazy was a woman?!,,
Comment from : prismstudios001

David Vega
“I figured we were both adults and the situation didn’t need to be awkward” brbr😂 oh my sweet naive young lady First time on earth? 🤔
Comment from : David Vega

OK, just listened to the first one so far But come on - weird guy makes me uncomfortable EVERY DAY at Starbucks, acts oddly, just turned him down but oh, I know - I'LL GO THERE WITH A DATE!! I mean, if there is another place TEN MINUTES AWAY, seriously go THERE! The stalking wasn't her fault and something bad could have happened anyway, no matter what (after all, he had been stalking her) but this just doesn't seem like a good idea
Comment from : GoddessPallasAthena

Chad Cuckproducer
27:45 this is why we should all have cannons grafted to our left arms like a servetor from wh40k
Comment from : Chad Cuckproducer

spooky season
Comment from : KaminariGold

3rd) 29:01
Comment from : nikolai

Greg Artman
Since when does Starbucks serve coffee in mugs when you don't provide them with one
Comment from : Greg Artman

JR Soto
Love the intro bro!
Comment from : JR Soto

First mistake: Living in Wichita
Comment from : IAmTheStein

Blacksheep 82
I do not think I have heard many questions as ignorant as "why did you bring the gun?" Yeah because guns are at their most useful when left at home
Comment from : Blacksheep 82

Dylan Szafryk
Used to live in Billings ayyy
Comment from : Dylan Szafryk

The girl in the first story sounds like a real bitch
Comment from : pcolatravesty

Randall getting pissed off was not a surprise in the least 😐
Comment from : Delycan

Loki Belial
I can definitely top that Kansas story Hard to call that a "True" horror story I live 20 minutes away from Sally's House in Atchison, any true ghost hunter knows all about that I also spent 5 years working with a murderer who killed my childhood friend's little sister Just saying, what sounds like a poor creepypasta in Wichita is laughable to me
Comment from : Loki Belial

Peyote Cody
Moral of the Starbucks story: don't have a date at Starbucks
Comment from : Peyote Cody

Ok maybe these stories are fake but ya have to admit some do give you chills and if you ever find yourself in similar situations like these stories… Like camping and visiting a different Country these stories will come back into your mind I’ll bet
Comment from : Crikker

Kessi Niktange
29:15 I'm confused, I thought the brother was older?
Comment from : Kessi Niktange

Crow Post
7:41 Police should've been called the second you knew it was crazy magee
Comment from : Crow Post

I Like2Kill4Fun
The guy in the second story with the attic must’ve just got done watching the grudge If you’re going to make up a story don’t use one from a blockbuster film SMH
Comment from : I Like2Kill4Fun

Comment from : Soldaten-Norbert

South Carolina one isn't that dark and I live in South Carolina
Comment from : Monke

Traceè Blair
I call bs on the Alabama one She was new to the state and did not have any friends here or connections?? She was new to the country Very unlikely scenerio I hate the stories like this They sound fake when they are written like a once upon a time story Too many details I like it when its just a few sentences Like how you would actually tell someone you know some scary or terrifying thing that happened to you How its just 3 or so sentences and ur blood runs cold and you get those goose bumps and creeps I wish I could find someone that tells them like that Not these stories obviously made up
Comment from : Traceè Blair

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