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5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [Illinois, Maryland, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada] Vol.5


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Название :  5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [Illinois, Maryland, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada] Vol.5
Продолжительность :   26.33
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   725 rb

Кадры 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [Illinois, Maryland, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada] Vol.5

Описание 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [Illinois, Maryland, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada] Vol.5

Коментарии 5 Scary TRUE USA Horror Stories [Illinois, Maryland, Colorado, Oregon, Nevada] Vol.5

Lazy Masquerade
Woooah, we're halfway there! But which state's story has been the spookiest story so far?
Comment from : Lazy Masquerade

I like that my state had a crazy mindfuck glitch story
Comment from : Samsara

Makes me grateful that my only false memory was of a movie named Shazaam existing when in fact only a movie called Kazaam existed
Comment from : MissJJoan

That last one reminds me of that one Forensic Files episode A guy suffered a massive, lethal head injury, but didn't die immediately There were trails of blood iall/i around his house, even in his yard, and they couldn't figure out why Turns out, after suffering the TBI, his practically zombified body went on autopilot, and carried out his morning tasks by itself, before he collapsed from blood loss and died He got the mail, made coffee, got dressed, etc, all with half his fucking skull missing The human bodies are fucking insane sometimes
Comment from : GiraffeFlavoredCondoms

Pan!c on
The Tom story was so scary
Comment from : Pan!c on

Personally, I don't believe any of these stories, mainly because if they're written by"Americans," how come you narrate them using British words & slang?brDoesn't add up, Sunny JimbrAlthough, it does occur to me the phrase "true story" is more accurate than most think: These may be considered Stories that are "real stories," and only have a few grains of truth sprinkled inbr"I'm not making this up" br"You're not gonna believe this, but" br"Most people know I don't believe in all this"brWhen a story is too good to be true, usually it isn't
Comment from : ScoCon86

Colorado: So, this has happened dozens of times over the years, but you never thought to get a picture of any of them?
Comment from : Ralin

Pocket Fluffal
I know the resurrection dog story is meant to be creepy, but I couldn't get the image if the cow scene from Me, Myself and Irene out of my head and I did have a little chuckle
Comment from : Pocket Fluffal

Jonathan Powell
Never going to America again!
Comment from : Jonathan Powell

Amber Graves
I am from Oregon, and that story fits the state description
Comment from : Amber Graves

Tokiya Kills In Sight
That Waiting Room story can’t possibly be real False memories aside, people can’t teleport like that Also, the names in the story are so generic Jason and Tom?
Comment from : Tokiya Kills In Sight

Beatrice Soila
The Waiting Room to reminded me of Jason Bourne, MK Ultra ❤
Comment from : Beatrice Soila

Colorado stories always have something to do with dogs Everyone has one here but damn lol
Comment from : Ghøst

Brandon Reyes
The Waiting RoombrI don’t think that was a glitch in the matrix I just think that Jason was a reincarnation of Tom
Comment from : Brandon Reyes

Amyra Batya
So A dog zombie? Like, from the movie "Pet Sematary"?? 😂🤣
Comment from : Amyra Batya

The Colorado story honestly sounds like it was inspired by Resident Evil
Comment from : HippieGamer

endor fiene
never trust people who make paper mache stuff
Comment from : endor fiene

Jean Perez
Everytime i think of oregon, i thi k of oregano
Comment from : Jean Perez

tj doyle
Dude that Illinois one was lane as af What about all the mothman sightings in chicago or the cole hollow monster or the mass ufo sighting at o hare Someones lame ass story about deja vu or premonitions or whatever was a real let down
Comment from : tj doyle

the dark horse runs
Somehow I knew Maryland's would be about a highway incident Either that or the Appalachian trail 😆
Comment from : the dark horse runs

George Wolff
Obviously the dog story is completely made up
Comment from : George Wolff

no one
I have a really hard time believing these stories The doberman story sounds like someone who's obsessed with resident evil
Comment from : no one

bacon soup
Comment from : bacon soup

ur dad
That man the person said they saw in the Illinois story just sounds like your average person from Peoria Illinois
Comment from : ur dad

Comment from : ifheavenwashuman

(JB) Грязный Гриб
Watching at 3am, the last 2 states are one I live in and one I grew up in, and it's at 666k views
Comment from : (JB) Грязный Гриб

The Wulf Pack
When you go hiking in Oregon and run into the wild, majestic forest meth heads Running and dumping that pack was the best choice Reasons to never hike alone and always bring a gun
Comment from : The Wulf Pack

matvey x ivan
the doctor one was the kid remembering his previous life i swear
Comment from : matvey x ivan

Shrimp Bisque
The Illinois story definitely sounds like reincarnation is involved My guess is the tall guy is the one who killed Tom, Tom reincarnated as Jason, and the killer recognized Tom through his new incarnation somehow
Comment from : Shrimp Bisque

Tina K
You have to confess to a Priest Not to your family A Priest is like " JESUS"Ordained each
Comment from : Tina K

Lane Bown
The Waiting Room is bs
Comment from : Lane Bown

Lazy rocks
Comment from : l

Mary Beth Reimer
The story from Illinois sounds like a reincarnation, but with a twist!
Comment from : Mary Beth Reimer

I seriously love you lazy! This was great!!
Comment from : limjahey

May Walser and Poppy the Beagle
Holy shit, that Illinois hospital story legitimately creeped me out 😮
Comment from : May Walser and Poppy the Beagle

I often wonder how plausible some of these stories are And though I still feel some are made up, I grew up in Oregon and that story, while of course could very well be made up as well, sounds like something that could absolutely happen there! brWhether the stories are true or not, they are all entertaining and you do a great job telling them!! Love your content sir and I'm glad that I stumbled upon your channel Hope you keep on succeeding!!
Comment from : BLM FRESH MEX TANK

I also have weird and uneasy memories from my childhood which I have no clue if they are real or not Pretty annoying
Comment from : SP

V Santos
Part five (5 - V), not four (4 - IV)
Comment from : V Santos

Burt Knighten
There's a couple of b s stories on this one
Comment from : Burt Knighten

Probably because I'm stubborn and have a distinct lack of fear of death If someone handed me a shovel and told me to dig at gun point, I'd tell them to shoot because I'm not digging my own damn grave They want to bury me, they're going to have to dig it themselves What you going to do? Beat me? sounds messy Go ahead and do it I don't care I'd be damned if Imma dig a hole
Comment from : Toothless

Seraf Pusefu
I love the Colorado story, but god, I hate it so much at the same time It's so incredible creepy and justbrrrr*shudders*
Comment from : Seraf Pusefu

Bostons and a Tot
Story #1: who in the US says "hare" vs rabbit? Already feels fake
Comment from : Bostons and a Tot

Alex Jeffrey
The first one sounds like this person stumbled across some art students lol
Comment from : Alex Jeffrey

Rita S
15:59 :O
Comment from : Rita S

Hoodz Entertainment
Second Story Las Vegas Nevada Mafia🎰🎰‼️
Comment from : Hoodz Entertainment

The one thing I've picked up from this series so far, is that it really sucks to be named Tom
Comment from : SodaBit

Could you please try and find more stories from Arizona?
Comment from : Ray

Kaleena Rose
Dammit Lazy LOL I nearly jumped out of my skin at 5:56 😝
Comment from : Kaleena Rose

Jaimz Wicklund
I'm just waiting for this wiesr animal wolf go super same 4 o 7
Comment from : Jaimz Wicklund

Boolacha 26
The IL story- I'll take 'memory of a past life' for five hundred The doctor's probably a normal guy, and bumping into him and the thing that killed him as tom is probably a coincidence, but man, what a hell of a coincidence do you think the thing saw him going into the hospital and went 'oh hey i killed that guy once i wonder if he remembers didnt he end up dying here, wouldn't it be funny if i said hi?' and decided to show up or something?brimagine getting reborn and you dont even get cool powers, tho
Comment from : Boolacha 26

7th) 0:49
Comment from : nikolai

Mario R
Awesome stories! Listening to your channel daily Lazy Thank you for all that you do Big shout out to your channel’s artist Anthony Brilliant work, absolutely stunning! 👏🏼
Comment from : Mario R

Jo Harper
I'm late to these videos but the trucker's story reminds me of what happened to my mom when she was younger She was driving a dark mountain highway in Idaho with loads of twists and turns with a river below She drove too fast around a sharp turn and her truck flipped off of the road and rolled a few times She came to, upside down and managed to crawl out of the cabin She walked to the road and started following it back to the last town she passed She said she felt drenched like she fell in water, she kept having to wipe her face and her eyes so she could see the pitch black road She finally saw headlights as another motorist rounded a corner and slammed on their breaks They apparantly sat in their car for a minute before jumping out and running to help her Apparantly she had been wiping blood away the whole time and was covered and the motorist had the biggest fright of his life trying to process what he was looking at After realizing she was a young woman badly injured he went into rescue mode The next day her father and his friends went to retrieve the truck and found it one flip away from falling into the river below
Comment from : Jo Harper

I like how you show this gorgeous, rural mountainous picture for the Colorado story despite the story taking place just outside of Denver Riverdale road is in the suburbs lol 😂
Comment from : TheNuckinFoob

rich T
Never leave personal affects behind when running from crazed druids That’s like how to not get cursed 101
Comment from : rich T

Yootoob Suks
I lived in Oregon for thirty years, and I've never heard anything like that first story before Personally, I find it highly questionable Americans rarely use the word "hare" We say "rabbit" And I've never heard one of us say that someone is "out of their head on some sort of chemical" We say something like "they were drugged out of their goddamned mind"brbrJust saying that one may be total bs 😂
Comment from : Yootoob Suks

hello, bees
The first sounds like Rusty Lake larp
Comment from : hello, bees

Starkeia Maisonet
Omggg I freaked out when that thing with the mask on starting coming my heart bout to come out my chest lol
Comment from : Starkeia Maisonet

Kessi Niktange
5:49 "Precautions"? I think you miswrote "a minigun"
Comment from : Kessi Niktange

Ashley Rozanski
Shout out from Maryland 💗💗
Comment from : Ashley Rozanski

Did the last story take place in Hagerstown? Wouldn't surprise me if it did lol
Comment from : JoshCraver9000

Torgo Saves
First story - sounds like they missed their appointment with the Wickerman
Comment from : Torgo Saves

Mikey Zero
Malheur (County) is actually two words: mal heur, which is French for "misfortune" or literally "bad time"
Comment from : Mikey Zero

Im Clueless
these arent true at all, just saying
Comment from : Im Clueless

David Radcliffe
The doberman was a Cerberus from Resident Evil!
Comment from : David Radcliffe

illinois story is awful, not in the sense that what the story is about being bad, just in the fact if Chicago hadn't been said that one time, it wouldn't be on this list
Comment from : Crusty

Any Maryland folk?
Comment from : Ajaaxxx

El Prez
The Waiting Room story and the Dog story are genuinely really creepy
Comment from : El Prez

Rug & Tub
Hey, Oregon here Real sorry about the sticks and the rocks, but you spooked us Not a cult or anything, just very financially bereft furries :/
Comment from : Rug & Tub

Marilyn Owens
What do you call it when someone goes missing in the Pacific northwest? brOre -gone!
Comment from : Marilyn Owens

Lil Biscuit
I used to live in Brighton, Colorado right outside of Riverdale Road Lots of creepy vibes there
Comment from : Lil Biscuit

Jackie Acheson
Born and raised in Oregon I've lived in that forest Weird shit happens here Not just in Portland
Comment from : Jackie Acheson

قصة أسامة Osamas Story
The Nevada story he’s grandpa could’ve gone back alone with water & food to save them
Comment from : قصة أسامة Osamas Story

Katelynn Lewis
Gosh I stumbled over these videos like a week ago and have just been bingeing and out of order I might add, I only have one other video left and that "Waiting room" story is probably the creepiest story to me that i've heard so far!
Comment from : Katelynn Lewis

The three-eyed Prophet
i guess i would have cut that zombie part in pieces and burn them to ash
Comment from : The three-eyed Prophet

Gabriel Ulloa
I was looking through the videos to find my home state (NV) las Vegas and i know we have a lot of mob history but now days and since I lived here for 29 years and even my parents the mob everyone knows about Vegas is either long gone or very undercover to be able to run the casinos I guess what im saying is it was disappointing since we haven't seen a lot of us living here have never seen them or heard about them even to work at a casino you need to pass a whole state background check so if u fuck up in Miami it will pop ups here so mob is long gone the drugs cartels run drugs around here now and mobster had to get extra clean and far away from that life or lose their casino love my history just wished was a story from someone normal that you can say a I live here that can happen to me and get you thinking not another mob because its Vegas story lmao I really like your channel and love binge watching your videos all the way from Las Vegas
Comment from : Gabriel Ulloa

Jelle Baas
Damn, I got like a heart attack when i saw the part with the person with the rabbit mask running towards the camera!
Comment from : Jelle Baas

Jessica Anduza
byawn/b draw the curtains already
Comment from : Jessica Anduza

That riverdale road is like 2 minutes from me 😱
Comment from : 12-Gage

Devon St Denis - Richard
That dog brought mange
Comment from : Devon St Denis - Richard

Jackackster 1
People doing weird rituals in the woods at least it wasn't global elites oh wait (Bohemian Grove)
Comment from : Jackackster 1

Raeyne Jaymeson
The waiting room didn't feel like a glitch in the matrix It seems more like Tom was reincarnated into Jason Whatever it was, it gave me chills
Comment from : Raeyne Jaymeson

An Absurd Existence
that fucking rabbit "jumpscare" shouldn't have scared me nearly as much as it did, fuck you Lazy 🤣🤣🤣 brbrbrI would have never expected one from Lazy Masqeure so it caught me way off guard
Comment from : An Absurd Existence

Dude thats a freaking skinwalker that has invaded your farm
Comment from : A D

Oh kay
The last one is horrible, I feel so bad for everyone in that crash and everyone that witnessed it
Comment from : Oh kay

Hashi Demon
Comment from : Hashi Demon

The Illinois one could be a past life memory
Comment from : Emma

Jennifer Lonnes
Riverdale Road is no joke - it's truly haunted I'm glad I don't live close enough to experience what it has to offer
Comment from : Jennifer Lonnes

Kababalaghan Chronicles: Tagalog Horror Stories
The Oregon story is the scariest for me followed by the Nevada story
Comment from : Kababalaghan Chronicles: Tagalog Horror Stories

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