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Flying Around The World in a Pilatus PC-12?


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Название :  Flying Around The World in a Pilatus PC-12?
Продолжительность :   14.58
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   90 rb

Кадры Flying Around The World in a Pilatus PC-12?

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Коментарии Flying Around The World in a Pilatus PC-12?

I’m buying 1
Comment from : Murat

Robert Murray
I know it might be unrealistic but I would like to learn how to fly this airplane There is a small airport 5 mi from my house which would be great to fly from
Comment from : Robert Murray

Willie Gillie
A bunch of Maharishi YOGA types here in America today Do they know what they bring upon themselves? We are an ungodly hodge podge of souls today here in America Deserve what happens to us now that we are whore after other gods Our blessing is gone So many led astray
Comment from : Willie Gillie

Kelly Wilkins
She is awesome!
Comment from : Kelly Wilkins

Looked like some of these pilots couldn't see in front of them
Comment from : spcbell3246

Can you make a video of small planes with the longest range?
Comment from : Zion

josh smith
It’s great it’s just 3x more than it should be
Comment from : josh smith

"If Zara can do it, so can you" - no that's not how real life works
Comment from : andythealien

Shadow 3091
Could you do a comparison between the PC-12 and TBM? I know that they are different, but I'm unclear on how exactly
Comment from : Shadow 3091

Cyrous Khavari
Swiss make, and designe their planes, like their watches, with precision, quality and accuracy
Comment from : Cyrous Khavari

Shane Robinson
Mate, when you hit Brisbane your more than welcome to stay at my place, share a few beers and a BBQ!
Comment from : Shane Robinson

David Barr
Good video, but you failed to mention that, in fact, Amelia (Rose) Earhart DID fly around the world in a PC-12 The year was 2014, it took her 18 days I know this because, besides extensive media coverage, the company I worked for at the time was one of her major sponsors for that trip
Comment from : David Barr

Roberto Forbes
Can you make a video of single engine and multi engine aircraft that takes you around the world?
Comment from : Roberto Forbes

Kwame Oga Yeboah
You based in NG?
Comment from : Kwame Oga Yeboah

Onyx The Misfit
4:58 what an earth are you talking about?
Comment from : Onyx The Misfit

Flying with You
Comment from : Flying with You

Pedro Peladoni
Thanks präsident trump
Comment from : Pedro Peladoni

Amir Kazemi
$8M NGX vs $35 used PC12
Comment from : Amir Kazemi

Tomasz Wojcik
As someone who flies the NGX regularly I can tell you that the prop low speed function is not noticeable audibly in the back but you lose about 10kts in cruise so very useless function IMO
Comment from : Tomasz Wojcik

Bill Howard
I’m fascinated with ANY PC-12
Comment from : Bill Howard

Peter Wakeman
PC24 less noise more speed and range thanks
Comment from : Peter Wakeman

marco polo
twin engine is better in case of malfunction!! single engine stops over the ocean and u gonna meet our friends sharkies the sharks, u will be very welcome by them during lunch time!!
Comment from : marco polo

Red Baran
Hello I wanted to become a patron but when I try I get "This patron isn’t supporting any creators at the moment"
Comment from : Red Baran

NaijaPilotX Max
Thank you for the fligjt path I will try it in msfs20
Comment from : NaijaPilotX Max

Nicholas Rucinski
i feel like i’d want a twin engine just in case
Comment from : Nicholas Rucinski

It has only one engine, so it would never be my choice
Comment from : lucderan

Xu pi M
Hello everyone, guys this video just inspired me so much that now I'd like to give it a try to circumnavigate in solo And guess what if i make it i would be the first African pilot to do it So now could we have a talk about how should i do to make it happen, maybe you have a few hints for me Many thanks!
Comment from : Xu pi M

Idehen Presley
Love your videosbrAre you from Nigeria ?
Comment from : Idehen Presley

Rob Brown
The content creator is a good person I brought something to his attention and he took the time to check into it I will refer all of my pilot friends to check out his channel Great content The Pilatus is my dream bird
Comment from : Rob Brown

Nicolaus Nemba ST
Comment from : Nicolaus Nemba ST

Rob Brown
You left out the black pilot who flew around the world that is why I gave you a thumbs down Let's try to be more inclusive in your videos
Comment from : Rob Brown

Marco Melo
Hello from Recife! Count on us if you need help on your journey when passing by! Cheers and good luck!
Comment from : Marco Melo

Dugan Kelly
Nothing is impossible? Let's see you put the toothpaste back in the tube
Comment from : Dugan Kelly

Chris Maes
Comment from : Chris Maes

If you don't come to Aussie or New Zealand it does not count as around the world

Joe Smith
Thanks to all the modern navigation equipment she won't be another Amelia Earhart!
Comment from : Joe Smith

It’s a whole lot of money for a plane with no bathroom
Comment from : C N

Mule LPi
This was a good, solid and informative video Some of your early efforts got some pretty heavy criticism, much of it unnecessarily harsh in my opinion but still valid But you stuck with it and your vids are much improved It is clear that you love aviation and work hard at learning all you can about it under what I suspect are some real limitations based on your location Good job, man
Comment from : Mule LPi

Woodland IT Guy
The PC12 is one of the best single engine plane every made If any single engine could fly around the world, and do it comfortably it would be the PC12
Comment from : Woodland IT Guy

Lallu Manohar
I would like to have it without all that cozy interior and luxury seats,I will put a coule of multi purpose air sofas,brAdd two wing mounted fuel tanks for range enhancement, Survival kit, inflatable boat,lot of fuelbrThree men 600 poundsbrSofa 100 poundsbrSurvival kit 250 poundsbr8000 pounds of fuelbrFood and beverage 300 pounds brOther items 500 poundsbrReady to fly
Comment from : Lallu Manohar

Uber Menschen
Piaggio P180 will circumnavigate the earth faster, higher, with style and comfort
Comment from : Uber Menschen

Colin Boone
Just started flying the PC12 (and I’m lucky it’s an NGX) 2 weeks ago, and WOW This airplane is incredible in every way imaginable It is BY FAR my favorite airplane I’ve ever flown So impressive, so smooth, so perfect
Comment from : Colin Boone

How is the crossing from Hawaii to LA possible? It's 4k Km distance and the PC 12's range is 3k Km max
Comment from : wegsicat

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