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3 Things You MUST Know Before Buying an LED Grow Light ??


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Продолжительность :   17.26
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Просмотров :   704 rb

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Коментарии 3 Things You MUST Know Before Buying an LED Grow Light ??

Peter DeCicco
just watered u lol
Comment from : Peter DeCicco

Joe b Iden
I wouldn't purchase a cheapo led either buye a good one first time, better quality crops and they last longer than Chinese cheaps, get a good Chinese one, Samsung
Comment from : Joe b Iden

I absolutely understandbut im yet to find, let's say my mars hydro ts 1000, its 150w, it pulls 148 from the wall brHave you actually seen a 100w pull 180 from the wall???? Ive never seen that big of difference
Comment from : CmmnSenseRules

Urja Verma
Hi Kevin, please do a video on Temu LED grow lights, I am trying to grow African violets, tomatoes, lauki (long squash), chrysanthemum, mints, Indian Basil (Tulsi), capsicum 🫑, hot red 🌶️ chillies tiny ones, lettuce I am absolutely not sure which grow lights to buy and which of my plants would need it in winters Now it's summer but I want to prepare in advance and find affordable options Thank you!
Comment from : Urja Verma

Dennis Greer
What it boils down to is that unless you have a LOT of expensive test equipment, you're going to have to trust the manufacture's numbers If they're lying, you have no way to know until after you've bought the light and seen how well it works
Comment from : Dennis Greer

For Posterity
Efficient is not the same as effective Often they are on a sliding scale The most inefficient brute force ways can be the most effective
Comment from : For Posterity

For Posterity
LED lights are great, the only setback I see is they cannot produce UVB light so you still need HID bulds, or a straight up UV bulb lol
Comment from : For Posterity

Tom Lee
Thanks, great explanation! Your links are showing not available for the lights…I suspect the pot growers are buying them all up😳
Comment from : Tom Lee

KB KatherineB
Dude, I just wanna grow some food in my condo on a small shelf system Don’t need or want all this technical info! pLEASE!
Comment from : KB KatherineB

Mojo Jojo
Super helpful, thank you!
Comment from : Mojo Jojo

David Marron
You could have offered a worse option and a better option without selling out to your sponsor Just show that the better one is much less cost efficient and more expensive to purchase The explanations of the metrics were good, but it felt like a big advertisement
Comment from : David Marron

doug sylvester
What's your take on KINGLED KP series lights Glad I watched this video good info for sure
Comment from : doug sylvester

Joe Perry
Thanks that helps👍
Comment from : Joe Perry

Simplify Gardening
nailed it pal its a shame that they promo them in all sorts of ways that confuse, any company that's listening, get your messaging right and rule the market
Comment from : Simplify Gardening

Led works great for me I have viparspectra p2000 and results were very very good
Comment from : UrbanOutsider

Comment from : JOSE RODRIGUEZ

Oy vey, I just want to grow some food This is the answer I'd get from my neighbor who grows lots of pot under grow lights TMI for me
Comment from : M DW

Wes Brewer
Best explanation on LEDs here, thanks so much for the info! Would love to see you and migrow get together and talk light
Comment from : Wes Brewer

I watched about 6 videos on this same thing, and yours was the only one to make sense to me THANK YOU! Liked n Subbed!
Comment from : Faye

Freaky Gardener
I am NOT scientifically intelligent, but I THINK the simplified way to say it would be that you would want a high conversation efficiency
Comment from : Freaky Gardener

Tony Tony
Basic stuff few others u should put in 2
Comment from : Tony Tony

adrian gough
Thankyou ! Great information and extremely well delivered One thing i still don't understand is how some manufacturers say that a light has "FULL SPECTRUM" Presuming this refers to 'visible spectrum' of 400nm - 700nm, how does this relate to the colour temperature of the diodes being used? for example HLG use a 4000K (i think) diode in their diablo boards which could be referred to as medium in the visible K range Would there be any benefit to having a row of each say 3500k 4000k 4500k - 7000K ?brI understand the nm is a measure the wavelength of light and K color but are they relative ? Or am i completely misunderstanding how this all works
Comment from : adrian gough

Mike Crystal robert
Food I want big ole nuggets😁
Comment from : Mike Crystal robert

Jessica Petrin
This has been the absolute best explanation of grow lights out there Ty so much for sharing your knowledge:)
Comment from : Jessica Petrin

Why does he say "right?" after each point he makes? I thought he is giving correct information So, why would he sound so uncertain, or why would I need to be convinced?
Comment from : majrminer

Caitlin Conway
OMG Thank you!!! This video was SO helpful!!!
Comment from : Caitlin Conway

Erick Castro
Do you still use grow lights?
Comment from : Erick Castro

Craig Evardson
Comment from : Craig Evardson

jo jpjo
If a light works ,it's a,goid light stop trying to think you got to spend thousands of dollars,to get a grow lightebay lights as, you call them are great lights
Comment from : jo jpjo

I don't understand why we care about the capacity of each diode If I have a 100 diodes that are outputting a 100 Watts vs 20 nodes outputting 100 watts The end is still a hundred Watts of light, regardless of how efficient each individual diode is operating at It sounds like having a hundred diodes at 18 is better than 64 at 58 To me that means that my hundred diode light will last significantly longer than the 64 diode
Comment from : Jeanius

This is by far the most informative video and easy to absorb based on your simple yet very informative explanations Looking forward to learning more
Comment from : Thedudegrowzzz

10:00 why does it look like an old man with pattern hair loss and glasses is peaking over your shoulder
Comment from : Eurotool

It's impossible to find a good website that sells them 90 of the websites I've visited received dozens of reviews that they are scammers and never deliver
Comment from : WoodCat

T Zurtex
I have a 1000w grow light and I have guava seedlings 🌱 and I don’t know what color/ mode to use
Comment from : T Zurtex

Valery Barbosa
Any recommendations for grow light strips? Everything I find sucks
Comment from : Valery Barbosa

Mike Morgan
Excellent explanation, thank you!
Comment from : Mike Morgan

interesting but why is the tent empty?
Comment from : xJuiCYxxJaYx

Why YouTube full of lies for subs
No shade but u probably shouldn’t be takeing advice from him he knows all this but don’t know u should never!!!!!!!! be so close to the light with out eyes protection???
Comment from : Why YouTube full of lies for subs

Shootin from the hip
Awesome video, 👏brAs far as the light, based on it's performance that price is in outer space 🌌 I actually just bought one superior to that for $30
Comment from : Shootin from the hip

Roger Spaulding
Sooo Your recommendations for a light?
Comment from : Roger Spaulding

Drone Flyer
I cultivated the like button!
Comment from : Drone Flyer

Nice break down and very informative!brbrDo you run both veg and bloom during veg or just veg light in veg? I have an out door grow with supplement led Because they only get 6 hours of direct intensive sun So I've got an LED added in I've read many times and places too run both veg/bloom in bloom But what about both in later veg especially? Thank you for this awesome video
Comment from : Moe

Tom M
Very informative Great video But now in 2022, i need a LED for my 4 x 4 tent Price is not a big concern, I want quality Which light do you recommend now in 2022? Thank you for your time
Comment from : Tom M

nom nom
everyone trying to sell you somethingi never know what to believe on youtube anymore
Comment from : nom nom

Great video thank you!
Comment from : Alex

t G
I’ve got a 2mx2m tent right now I’ve got HPS lamps which are costing too much really any suggestions on which LED is should look out for maybe? Nothing ridiculous priced over 1k each , thanks br(I’m fairly new to growing so don’t need the top tier stuff as of yet
Comment from : t G

so if a grow light says it emits around 25 micromoles per jule is that too much? Also how exactly can we verify the info these companies present?
Comment from : uNiQo

Billy Ballsup
Put a light meter under it to show us Them small ones are totally shit Unless it's for a two by two tent If you not going a real good led don't bother just get a lumatek 630 cmh it would blow that light off the map
Comment from : Billy Ballsup

Billy Ballsup
Heaps of LEDs are totally shit Iv had grow offs with mates with my lumatek 630 cmh I beat them every time it's laughable actually
Comment from : Billy Ballsup

elie eid
Thank you for educating, i have a question and i Would like to get an answer, looking to starts seeds in my garage, on the space i will use is 48 inches by 20 inches 5 shelves Which of the light will be the best for this issue
Comment from : elie eid

Luis Flores
Theres just a flood of knowledge every time! Exactly what we need! It's so strange having this information fill the gaps in my grow game No insight, to feeling confident about my first big purchase Thank you a compost heap load!
Comment from : Luis Flores

Last of a Dead Bread
Arrogant! Obnoxious!
Comment from : Last of a Dead Bread

Xalli Gonzales
I just purchased the Mars Hydro 6500 to use with the AC infinity grow tent and vent system I wish you could review more makers of grow tents
Comment from : Xalli Gonzales

sterling archer
What light is that?
Comment from : sterling archer

northy Land
I don't know much but I put lettuce or cucumbers under my grow light and they love it For my small home use seeing it work with my eyes is good enough for me
Comment from : northy Land

Michael Cooney
And here am I thinking in gonna plant some seeds in the winter… wow… rabbit 🐇 hole
Comment from : Michael Cooney

Russell Tonnesen
A REAL gardener talking? The sensible points to shopping for high performance grow lamps are covered here Thank you Epic Gardening
Comment from : Russell Tonnesen

ayush patil
Hey,brCan anyone tell me if I can use grow lights to get good produce of things like leafy greens? I don't get any direct natural sunlight only diffused bright light Will grow light give tremendous results
Comment from : ayush patil

dep one
LOL, i love how you pitch this light and at the very end quickly mention "thanks for sponsoring this video", of course, shill that light
Comment from : dep one

LED Lighting Accessories-LeDe Electronic
very professional
Comment from : LED Lighting Accessories-LeDe Electronic

Extreme, but just put a seed in and see if it grows If it does not sure, back up plant? This seems like nuclear fusion Cool video though
Comment from : RA CO

Mike Thompson
I have the Mars hydro grow lights and I used mylar film to surround my 4x8 table and after my seeds have germinated my plants just simply died and I am frustrated because I have planted new seeds and killed a new bunch of plants
Comment from : Mike Thompson

ghassan sadoun
In the end, it turned out that it was a paid advertisement prepared in a professional manner You had to present several models and differentiate between them, without prejudice to any of them in order to maintain your credibility
Comment from : ghassan sadoun

Takeshi Miyagi
very good information!
Comment from : Takeshi Miyagi

balhaar united
Their Drivers waste much power to
Comment from : balhaar united

Buy an Atreum High quality, dimmable, daisy chainable, efficient, and Made in the USA!
Comment from : 7munkee

I was shocked to find that a daylight Fein LED 60-watt equivalent light bulb actually is better than my LED grow light bars I started a number of plants on 3 different shelves in my mini-greenhouse that I have on the back inside wall of the den with no natural light and noticed that every plant started from seed under 3 Fein 60W equivalent bulbs had much shorter stems before leafing out, were much stockier, and the leaves the darkest green I have ever achieved All sprouted seeds receive the same normal plant food solution I am not abandoning the grow-light strips, but I am thinking that the spectrum in the daylight bulbs is full-spectrum and not partial I have started my own garden plants for many years, and nothing beats what I have seen this year My squash plants have never begun to vine before I put them into the ground, but these begun under the Fein lights are already wanting to vine at only 6 inches of growth
Comment from : Rondogardener

Adam Walter
If the tops of the plants get yellow, can it mean that light source is too low/too close ?
Comment from : Adam Walter

Richard X
Albo Pepper has shown that Mars Hydro is basically lying about their figures
Comment from : Richard X

Aaron Braham
very helpfuI, very articulate
Comment from : Aaron Braham

awesome video man answered a lot of questions
Comment from : BottleBass

Im so confused lol
Comment from : esa

Andrew Lankes
Hi! Can I use an orange gel over the LED light to warm it up for aesthetics in the home?
Comment from : Andrew Lankes

Dessert Storm
none of the lamps I see for sale give ANY information like this SO how to choose Can anyone recommend a model? Do the small grow lamps witht he pink light that I see for 20 or 30 bucks on Amazon do ANYTHING?
Comment from : Dessert Storm

This is myname
Wonderful videobrThis creator is a great example of how to grow a channelbrI first saw him foraging for food, when that was all the rage He is now into hydroponic farming which is now the rage He is adapting to what consumers want to learn about and is not confining himself into a single subject
Comment from : This is myname

Grow lighting
Something is unclear You said the actual power from Ebay light might be 180W? You are not sure right? If so, how could you compare it with LEDTonic Z5? Are you sure LEDTonic Z5 get 58 effecacy? How do you get the data from both of them? Pls state it clear Thank you
Comment from : Grow lighting

There is so much to learn with gardening and yet we don;t pay the farmers like Doctors ?
Comment from : DreidMusicalX

Marjah Nee
You don't do outdoors?brI've been waiting on your weed video
Comment from : Marjah Nee

Grateful Mann
LEDS are ridiculously noisy and compared to HPS very inefficient with poor penetrative and electrical issues, to many parts to fail and they do even the good ones, especially fan issues avoid if you're wanting to produce any good veges
Comment from : Grateful Mann

Need help I got a one “hemp plant” but I only got one led light 2ft long 32watts 53PAR/PPF Is that good or I need something better ?
Comment from : FOURFTP

Rafael Velardi
Comment from : Rafael Velardi

What size tent is that?
Comment from : SantoastyOG

Dave David
in your example the LEDTonic pulls 112 watts of power divided between it's 64 diodes that is 175 watts per diode, so similar watts per diode to the "ebay light" I do not see how this makes it more efficient the moles per joule seems to be the only way to know which is more efficient Or perhaps I am not understanding the comparison ?
Comment from : Dave David

Robert Blask
Comment from : Robert Blask

Joe Smith
after it runs out you go back and buy the lights maybe ?
Comment from : Joe Smith

Joe Smith
we dont have debug level 10 nut butter at 30 seconds is that youtube title your talking in ? you should debug the line of led so that we only buy functional for stories thats retail your not really including us as a people i dont like retail and nut butter that much
Comment from : Joe Smith

Food! Yes all forms, edible and smokable 💁🏽‍♂️🇺🇸😌
Comment from : PapiTellez

Dont put me in a box
What tent are you using and how is the light penetration during dark hours in it?
Comment from : Dont put me in a box

daniella longmore
Too much scientific jargon
Comment from : daniella longmore

This is a very well made ad
Comment from : MrScrewU

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