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How to Choose a Grow Light: T5 Fluorescent vs. CMH vs. LED Grow Lights Explained


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Название :  How to Choose a Grow Light: T5 Fluorescent vs. CMH vs. LED Grow Lights Explained
Продолжительность :   16.39
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Просмотров :   398 rb

Кадры How to Choose a Grow Light: T5 Fluorescent vs. CMH vs. LED Grow Lights Explained

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Коментарии How to Choose a Grow Light: T5 Fluorescent vs. CMH vs. LED Grow Lights Explained

Epic Gardening
Enter the HLG 550 V2 R Spec giveaway: bitly/30yeDBz
Comment from : Epic Gardening

Jared Malakouti
Could you post updated links to lights you recommend? All of the links in the description have expired :/
Comment from : Jared Malakouti

@ kevin u should make a video on how to set an analog timer I have 1 how frustrating
Comment from : aquarius4444

Sheri Matukonis
It's Feb 1st I have 6 weeks to last frost and no indoor space or green house to start seeds I'm impatient and now going shopping Lol Need to do some cleaning to make a space for them
Comment from : Sheri Matukonis

Nombre Apellido
Thank you Sir! You are the Neil deGrass Tyson of the greenhouse Respect
Comment from : Nombre Apellido

Scott Matthews
Hello fitlrst time grower but not daftbrI havebrhmatioud arthritis and my trade or job is self employed plastererbrI'm thinking of growing for pain relief CBD is not workingbrOil is a heavy max grow min productsbrI have sace for 5 X 25 ltr pots X5 brUnder zuse 600w each X5?brHelp
Comment from : Scott Matthews

Mike Tond
what about halogen lights like the yellow case shop lights
Comment from : Mike Tond

T Morrison
FYI- lots of the links are inactive now
Comment from : T Morrison

Sabertooth Wallby
Why aren't there any black people in this video?brbr#racist
Comment from : Sabertooth Wallby

Fernando Godinez
Can I grow vegetables inside the garage during winter time with some kinda of setup?
Comment from : Fernando Godinez

Kelly name
Great video I laughed when I saw the dead plant on the shelf behind him Yep, his vid is on learning about "grow lights" to grow plants with a dead plant behind him with a grow light above it
Comment from : Kelly name

I'm really curious to hear how things have evolved since this video It's really tempting seeing the much less expensive LED grow lights on Amazon (which have great reviews, if I can trust them) I can't tell if prices just have gone down in the past couple years or if they are just poorer quality lights
Comment from : vargonian

Indigo Magic
Good day, my window sill size 115 x 57 inches and another about twice longer, Im looking for an easy installing lamp or a few to accommodate my plants in a winter In a simmer they r on a balcony Pls advice the best option to add lights, cause my side is West and I dont get as much light as necessary, especially for berries The plants on window sills are placed tight, so the best option i guess should be- to hang something over them? I also prefer the full spectrum Thank you in advance All the best!
Comment from : Indigo Magic

Matt Hawkins
You maybe should have focused a bit more on what you're using your grow light for A T5 for seedling propagation vs another system for growth through harvest makes a big difference
Comment from : Matt Hawkins

Linda Ertel
I have a greenhouse How do I enter the contest? I look at YouTube on an I-phone
Comment from : Linda Ertel

Donald Stepp
I have a skylight in my house it's somewhat opaque does this help? Or better off growing in a room that gets sun?
Comment from : Donald Stepp

Charlie Tao
Hi Kevin, brbrI noticed you also dabble in growing dragon fruit Now that growing dragon fruit is really taking off, what grow light would you recommend for growing high sun demand plants like Dragon Fruit in an indoor environment?
Comment from : Charlie Tao

jeffrey wolf
You're right I still have my eight bulb T5 light system that was my very first light outside of a Black Dog led one was for Virgin one was for flowering I actually now have a bunch of one bulb T5 4-ft sections and I do the perimeter of my tents It really adds an extra bonus around the outside edge which usually is lacking most times Especially in the corners However I just got today a ceramic high pressure sodium Eye Hortilux SE600 Quite a upgrade from the T5 days
Comment from : jeffrey wolf

Billy Ballsup
Cmh heat is about 4 to 6 degree above your room the tents in
Comment from : Billy Ballsup

I only raise seedlings using mine so I have 5 metres of 4000K LED strip chopped up to fit in the particular shelf unit I usebr30 watts over 025m2brAbsolute efficiency is not very important as it's usually cold in my house when I'm using it
Comment from : yangtse55

Hi Epic Gardening, Thank your information If i just want a grow light to for my potted lemon tree for the winter, which grow light would you recommend?
Comment from : shadowraiderx

Jaymo Biggety
I like how you talk to your audience like they could be growing anything indoors, even though they are all growing one thing "if you know what I mean"
Comment from : Jaymo Biggety

What's a good light for indoor plants non edible such as alocasias?
Comment from : Pharaoh

Debby Depalmer
I am growing house plants and bug eating plants
Comment from : Debby Depalmer

cheyenne moon
Don't touch the glass of the bulb with your fingers! The light will heat the oils left from your hand's and explode the bulb!
Comment from : cheyenne moon

Nate Pierce
I was told not to touch the bulb with my hands as our oils decrease the life span of the bulbs
Comment from : Nate Pierce

tommy wong
I wonder why no use light strips for growing It's super cheap
Comment from : tommy wong

mathieu dagenais
I am growing spinach, green and yellow beans, beefsteak tomatoes, tiny tim tomatoes, large cucumbers and long stem green onions Which grow light would work I am currently using my storage room It gets up to 22 degrees celcius with the light on and 19 when it's off The humidity is between 50 and 60 But my tomato leaves are changing to purple and curling down and my cucumber leaves seem dry and turning brown at the tips
Comment from : mathieu dagenais

Anything changed in the past couple of years?
Comment from : MS MS

Que Serasera
So I bought some LED panels They didn't say anything about lumens or Kelvin All I know is that they are 300 watts and they need to be 3 feet or better over my seedlings
Comment from : Que Serasera

Donna Freeman
Enthusiastically starting seedlings first time w just 2 bulbs in regular lamp in front of a windowThey need more Budget is tight
Comment from : Donna Freeman

Charlie Simbajon
even your not given those lights, viewer or someone watching this video is aready a winner indeedGod Bless always
Comment from : Charlie Simbajon

Now that was a great giveaway CHEERZ RESPECT 🙏💯🔥
Comment from : J&KTRIPLE _G_

Urban Backyard farmer
Darn! I guess I missed the giveaway 🤣
Comment from : Urban Backyard farmer

Dan S
When you handled that CMH bulb you should use a tissue or clean rag , oils from your hand could prematurely affect the life of the bulb great video thanks
Comment from : Dan S

Velk Egger
Coming back to this in 2021 and seeing the same exact stuff that's almost half the cost of what it is now is heartbreaking
Comment from : Velk Egger

anything wrong with the Samsung LM281 diodes? theyre much cheaper
Comment from : melangkoh

How do you think the HLG Diablo 300r would perform in a 2*3*5 or is that overkill and if so what do you think would be a good alternative? I had the viparspectra P1500 but found it to be a little bit mmmm too little I was thinking about the Viperspectra XS200 please lend me your thoughts they both have Meanwell drivers and Samsung diodes, is the diablo R300 too much for the 2*3*5? Thank god I spent the last 3 mos studying or I wouldn't have understood a word ya said!
Comment from : Andre

Shauneil Scott
Thank you!
Comment from : Shauneil Scott

Jason Lopez
Don't get china LED lights ❔🤯brI'v had bad look Whent to HPS
Comment from : Jason Lopez

Jason Lopez
I just got 5 HPS grow 🪴 light 🤔⁉️brOr should I just get LED lights ❔💭☺️
Comment from : Jason Lopez

J Swizzy
thank you, this was a great video for a new grower I have watched a lot of different vids and you did a really nice job going slow and explaining concepts at a high level
Comment from : J Swizzy

Bro lookin like Meek Mill
Comment from : AS NWOA

Oh no, the Prism Lighting Science HO T5 V2 4'4 bulb was discontinued on the website What would you recommend that's similar? brI have a balcony garden (in Southern California) that's under a large tree so I'm hoping I can get more light my plantsbrThanks for your help/advice! 😊
Comment from : Ash

acce tom
Thanks bro such a useful video Big ups👍
Comment from : acce tom

Wraith Arms Resolutions LLc
Have you compared performance of cmh315 vs t5 8 bulb fixture in vegetative growth?
Comment from : Wraith Arms Resolutions LLc

Aaron Down
So what if I just want one light that will work with any plant or tree at any stage of growth? What are my options?
Comment from : Aaron Down

Michael Holmes
Comment from : Michael Holmes

Lonnie Pee
I just want to grow two tomato plants, cherry and San Marzano, and six or seven herbs, the usual for cooking Growcraft sounds as though it could be of the best quality, but any one of ChilLED's would be ridiculous overkill I'd like to spend $100, or 200 for a light that'll last a lot longer Any suggestions?
Comment from : Lonnie Pee

Lee Roy
Yo these LEDs are pretty expensive up front I got a decent yield would of been better if I didnt pack my grow area brAnd made sure to lollipop and trimm Frosty tight buds Very potent just didn't like the bud size 1lb golf ball size and 1lb the size of marblesbrWish I lollipoped and trimmed This time I'm doing 10 plants instead of 32
Comment from : Lee Roy

Fernando Caldas
At a low budget, I made my own ligth painel And I used a lot of videos just like yours Thank you, for your help
Comment from : Fernando Caldas

But fails to point out that touching that cmh with your bare hands is a major nono Exploding bulbs and fire anyone? LolbrGood video otherwise 👌
Comment from : JonasJones

Captain Obvious
I really appreciate your show man you've answered a lot of questions for me I am actually getting started and a little bit of a beginner I know just enough to be dangerous I used to have a 500w HPS which when you walk in the room looks like you were walking on the Sun but also put out a ton of heat I totally just nerd it out on the video man just let me know when you're ready to give away a light😉 I will totally take one because I am shopping right now
Comment from : Captain Obvious

Rachelle C
So happy you made a video on grow lights! You are THE man on plants!! 🌱🤣
Comment from : Rachelle C

DrDamodara naidu Vallabhaneni
Please give the information on the number of LED lights required per square metre and electricity consumption Which light is better for initiating flowering?
Comment from : DrDamodara naidu Vallabhaneni

Brandon Holmes
Does anyone know anything about the umax-2000 and zeggwell ss2000 220 watt grow lights I'd appreciate any info
Comment from : Brandon Holmes

Phil Tseng
Get the top brands (Fluence ,Gavita or Fohse) LED growing light at one third of their price
Comment from : Phil Tseng

Simplified125 dollar Lithuania 80 cri, 4000k, 126 watts LED high bay from Lowes It's the best light for growing in veg and flower Super high on the blue end and super high on the red end It's near perfect Pics to prove it O and this is for a 3x3 tent 3 to 4 medium plants easy

Hishine Group Limited
nice video
Comment from : Hishine Group Limited

Unknown Winters
Please get to the Subject
Comment from : Unknown Winters

Holistic Hydroponics
Great video, good talk 👍
Comment from : Holistic Hydroponics

Gregory Hoover
What is the lit up shelf behind you? A diy or did you purchase it? It would satisfy the wifes must look nice requirement
Comment from : Gregory Hoover

Just David
dam I'm late lol
Comment from : Just David

Zachary Rasner
dont ever touch the glass with bare hands on a high output light lie that skin oils can cause cold spots and the bulb and break or burn out fast
Comment from : Zachary Rasner

would it be better to have 2x100w grow light instead of 1x150w grow light? ex 2x MarsHydro TS600 ($152) vs 1x MarsHydro TS1000 ($140) more coverage, more wattage downside is more heat
Comment from : Jerwin

Robert Threm
Listen I watch countless amounts of videos from everyone and none of you explain ceramic metal headlight if you should use 3,000 or 4,000 bulb what one is for flowering and which is for vegetation
Comment from : Robert Threm

Stephan Biela
ich möchte auch eine lampe gewinnen ;)
Comment from : Stephan Biela

The best bang for buck is full spectrum LED Quantum Boards This stuff is too complicated for starters Forget this just go buy simple Mars Hydro , Viparspectra P series or Artreum Hydra All about the 175 - 200 $ range
Comment from : skunk1955

giuseppe sam
Very cool information I understand some what but it would be nice to get that tank light
Comment from : giuseppe sam

Bryan Smith
You did not explain needed heat for the top for transpiration
Comment from : Bryan Smith

Damien Ayala Realtor
Comment from : Damien Ayala Realtor

Mathew Strat
Really thankful for the info and above all the easy explanations you give out Thanks to this video I was able to choose a good quality light (iL8x) that works for me and my plants Thank you very much!
Comment from : Mathew Strat

Hunter Meldman
How far away do you keep the HRG from the lettuce? I have an adjustable shelf
Comment from : Hunter Meldman

Ian Sommerfield
Ive been using the iL8x for the past 6 months and i couldn't be happier I dont know why they're not so recognized but theyre one of the best out there You get what you pay for, the quality is extra good and not enough people know about them!
Comment from : Ian Sommerfield

Edward Darst
It's a nice light for the rich once you make one good for the poor side and family
Comment from : Edward Darst

Derick Vanembden
I got 315 watts ceramic metal Haile
Comment from : Derick Vanembden

No its not probably it is because u use mh vege and hps flower He said probablywho mans is this
Comment from : TeW33zy

Evo Eater
What kind of specific grow ?
Comment from : Evo Eater

Darlene Young
Please What's the best grow light if you only have a 2x2 closet with no ventilation possibility other than opening the door
Comment from : Darlene Young

Mark Tristan
What about halogen work lights
Comment from : Mark Tristan

Eka Marie
Awww dang it I’m 9 months late!! 😩😩
Comment from : Eka Marie

Buck Reynolds
Don't know what I'm supposed to say but I'm looking for a good light got a 4by4 tent been disabled since 2001 oklahoma is a legal state like to get off the pain pills by using weed
Comment from : Buck Reynolds

iain bambury
Sir I'd love to advertise your company lights I want to do a grow for first time I don't have lot money I hope u can help me out I'm way make youtube chanel on growing sir I real like ur t5 light sir hope I hear bk from u love ur chanel sir I'm from scottland
Comment from : iain bambury

Zoie Cohen
Here's a list that helped me outbrwhinylcom/blglts-guide/brIn the end, I went with #6brbrbr"2:45"
Comment from : Zoie Cohen

Touching a hid with your fingers wat a pro
Comment from : Agremen

ܔܛܔܔ ܔܛܔ 83ܔܛܔܔ ܔܛܔ
Great video but you should never touch a CMH bulb with bare hands, always wear a cloth glove or use a clean cloth or even a clean sock if you have to handle it It should have a warning right on the packaging saying so Even a small amount of oils from your fingers can create hot spots that can even pop your bulb if on constantly or not passively cooled during long periods of operation
Comment from : ܔܛܔܔ ܔܛܔ 83ܔܛܔܔ ܔܛܔ

Cat Bro
Liked* Nice clear breakdown :) brbr6:16 I'm petrified to touch any of my CMH bulbs bare handed, not sure if the exploding bulb thing is a myth but I just assume not chance itPhilips is a great choice btw, we've used budget CMH bulbs (Vipar, iPower, Chinese etc ) and the light output from Philips brand is obviously differentwe've been 2 years on our latest set with no measurable dimming
Comment from : Cat Bro

darb rolyat
2021 Led lights still cant compete with the hps 1000, sorry kids!
Comment from : darb rolyat

michael hart
I'm actually trying to grow Venus Fly Traps, not that other crop Does anyone know what the optimal wavelengths are for these plants?
Comment from : michael hart

Grow Slow
Optic LED 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Comment from : Grow Slow

Brandon Houston
Bro bro don’t touch the light bulbs with out gloves can cause light burning out early
Comment from : Brandon Houston

They're growing weed? Is weed a bad fucken word or something?
Comment from : sunalwaysshinesonTVs

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