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Body Donors: My Life After Death | Part 2 | (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories


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Название :  Body Donors: My Life After Death | Part 2 | (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories
Продолжительность :   44.58
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Кадры Body Donors: My Life After Death | Part 2 | (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

Описание Body Donors: My Life After Death | Part 2 | (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

Коментарии Body Donors: My Life After Death | Part 2 | (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

mike was enbalmed? his body doesn’t show any signs of enbalming 🤨 there’s absolutely no incisions on himbrbrafter watching the dissection, he wasn’t enbalmed his blood was drained, they are not the same thing at all
Comment from : @lokithorn9413

Kristie says getting closer
Comment from : @rustytipton7290

How come nobody tells them the organs shut down after 7 years? 7 years is a a body lifecycle and cycle of saturn Ooohh wait, your not supposed to know that
Comment from : @sweendawg7274

Thanks to this generous people who choose to be a part in cancer research ❤
Comment from : @aliceberni3604

Comment from : @sweendawg7274

Thank you
Comment from : @othername1000

I donated my Mother, that is what she always wanted, I want the same My granddaughter was killed by a hit and run as she crossed the street, we donated her heart and both kidneys I know she lives on
Comment from : @Jackie1952

What was wrong with the 1st guy eyes I've never seen that
Comment from : @user-ek3ob8ec3l

Man most of the students have nice blue eyes, too bad black people can't have nice blue eyes 😢
Comment from : @tonyscott6837

Thank you to all the people that give there bodies so that people can live theirs
Comment from : @caroljohnston4018

This is 4 years ago and so much was learnt from the kindness of these donors and their families that have made treatment so much easier for many people today The people training in this video have most probably gone on to do great things thanks to the generosity of these beautiful people Thank you so much and RIP x
Comment from : @galgal2275

This is gratifying to see I have my body designated for medical instruction I joke l will finally get to go to medical school
Comment from : @missg5940

Full respect for those that passed , their families and those that learned from their donation Bless them all A well produced show , thanks for the upload 🇦🇺🦘
Comment from : @tans6207

God bless the the people who donated there bodies Very selfless act Prayers for the families who lost there loved ones 🙏
Comment from : @anonymous-vb2hj

Diana King, may you rest in peace and continue soaring through the skies and keeping the rest of us in good spirits
Comment from : @eBaum96

Comment from : @user-if3lk9li8b

He doesn't look real Looks like a rubber body I would never donate my body That's crazy!
Comment from : @Nisie23

A special thank you to Mike and Diana, two wonderful people who gave the gift of knowledge to medical students by donating their bodies The loss of a loved one is a deeply personal and intimate thing and to share that personal experience with the public can be difficult We have so much social conditioning particularly in the West against death and dying It's treated as something squeamish and disturbing and we don't like to talk about it or see it But it's a part of life and everyone will experience it sooner or later I think that examining and discussing death and the human body through documentary films like this might be a way to dispel those negative stigmas So, again, thank you to Mike and Diana and their families for allowing us to witness this profound experience Peace, love and blessings
Comment from : @jaytc3218

Them students look scared to death They are going to medical school & have to get used to this It's the human body If they can't work on the body, they should probably reconsider their major
Comment from : @angela-ji1cg

I have arranged for my body to be donated here in the US Tennessee University This solidified my decision!
Comment from : @crazydiamond4565

I gave my body to Science so hopefully people can learn I am also an organ donor so hopefully my body lives on and saves lives ❤
Comment from : @deanawells4395

Some ppl in this world are phenomenal human beingsWith all the bad and Unjust in the world it was beautiful to see a documentary about amazing humans in all capacitiesbrId also like to say That Danielle is a classy example of a well raised daughterShe was very well spokenCompassionately intelligent on who her Mother is & wasbrI cried through most of this Documentary however ill never forget Diana & MichaelMay they be in heaven!
Comment from : @user-eg3hc2mg7m

No offense but the narrator made a mistake If Diana Parchute jumped on her 57th bday she couldnt have died @ 54 she wouldve been 57!
Comment from : @user-eg3hc2mg7m

so much hard work to become an dr i hope one day to help teach medical students as one of there body donors as I'm thermally ill young man so decided to give consent to body donation in the hope to help teach medical students Anatomy i wish all well in there studies and pray you carry on to become great dr take care
Comment from : @michaelskuce3677

This is one of the most important and impactful documentaries I’ve ever watched brI’ve seen it three times now and my respect for Alan and Diana is huge Amazing legacies they’ve left
Comment from : @MCLamb1984

Comment from : @mariobertora

42:26 "this is the only trip we get"? How would you know that? Maybe you just don't remember your other consciousnesses? OK, I grant you, this particularly version of you is the only one You're the only Napoleon Bonaparte You might be the only Pocahontas Gandhi The only Sigmund Freud or the only Siddhartha or the only Henry VII or Miss Nancy from Romper Room or Polly Nichols (one of Jack the Ripper's victims) or Nanook of the North or Chairman Mao or Mao's wife, head of the Gang of Five Idi Amin Dada's various wives We never know for sure Julius Caesar or Walt Disney or Montezuma or one of the human sacrifices or any of the millions, billions of aborted babies
Comment from : @paulaharrisbaca4851

Diana was a tough Lancashire lass
Comment from : @James-lm6wt

Unfortunately they didn’t seek for the real doctor of doctors God to whom nothing is impossible that could health them They put their trust in men and accepted death, to God nothing is impossible He can health you from and illness
Comment from : @fotsolarry4015

What a sobering story Everyone should watch this in order to realize that all is vanity
Comment from : @nissifarms

The accents, just no
Comment from : @Hellokitty3427

Pray god❤maybe they have a After life my heart goes out for their loved ones it's so hard to imagine your own death or death of a person you love ❤
Comment from : @honeyrose__66

My grandmother passed of cancer and she donated her body to science I always thought that was the most amazing thing to do Instead of putting your chemical filled body inside of a plastic coffin to take up space & pollute the earth, donate your body & make a difference to mankind & science My grandfather chose a shroud burial Wrapped in eco friendly cloth I am so proud of their choices ❤️
Comment from : @KimberRoncevichBalatbat

My grandmother died 3 months ago and donated her body It was hard no funeral or anything just here one day and gone the next I hope they are treating her remains with respect
Comment from : @evilsaddist666

I would love to be able to do this 😞but I don’t know what it is, it genuinely scares me and I don’t know why,
Comment from : @megannorris9995

My Mam's a donor and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, she's 78 She's terrified, I'm breaking in two, but I've got to be strong for both of us I've known of body donors and this documentary has helped with a few questions This is so hard, I don't wanna let my mam go, not yet It's good there is a service afterward, and the students go to it with families and the doctors This was an excellent documentary, very well done to come full circle and see someone being treated with skills learned from your family member Still heartbreaking to think Mam will end up on a table being cut open though, it's her wishes and we will fulfill them
Comment from : @TwistedTiara

May God bless those souls who don't know what selfishness is, and those scientists who help develop medicines to save other lives and also teach new health care professionals ❤️
Comment from : @MedullarisConus

I have always questioned if I wanted to donate my body to medical science I faced multiple bowel surgeries and heart failure during infancy I now realize I have to People donated their bodies and helped save me by being used for experimental surgery and training The least I can do it continue the cycle one day
Comment from : @emmygraphicss

I signed up over 20 yrs ago to donate my body, through Science Care Why let it go to waste
Comment from : @mschlund1

I think those are very good people pookie about others you know that your body to science this so amazing I would love to donate my body to science I slept with HIV I would like to donate my body to science freaking find a cure for this no one have to go through this pain and he might can find something that make you feel like
Comment from : @kurtisjundavis9890

Thank you
Comment from : @cherylburas6914

I love you girly
Comment from : @cherylburas6914

That is the saddest documentary I have ever watched I had a lump in my throat the whole time Still feel sad as I am writing this
Comment from : @dawnf6617

This brought a tear to my eye Rest in peace, Diana King and Mike Bowyer
Comment from : @fraser_mr2009

Why are they talking like there's no life after death
Comment from : @abbyanderson524

People live on as long as there are people around who knew them and tell about them My first son asked me, when he was 12: "why am I important?" I told him, that he is the bridge from the past, which are his parents to the future, which will be his children, to continue the circle of life for this branche of mankind, which is called our family
Comment from : @gkdresden

Thank you What a beautiful story about beautiful people
Comment from : @archygirl1750

I'm donating my organs and body I let my daughter watch this so she understands the reason I'm doing this and don't think I'm just doing to save money I think more videos of this should be put out to help families to understand more
Comment from : @purelightfreespirit696

I'm a 65 yr disabled vet and Im donating my body to science because I feel I can contribute more than just getting cremated or put in the ground and to help along with teaching our future generations about medical and terminal illness or development of new medicine for maybe live longer life God bless to all those students who chose this career to better help Mankind!🙏👍😇
Comment from : @donald7517

Thank you for this documentary I've learned a lot
Comment from : @maceyland1

This was such a beautifully made piece I enjoyed parts 1 & 2 very much My dear friend passed away 2 years ago and was the first person I ever knew to donate his entire vessel to medical science It was his wish to teach future doctors about his condition
Comment from : @ozarkoracle7389

I want to donate my body to science but I’m in the medical field and currently work with cadavers Some people are so disrespectful to the cadavers I am so lucky to work with a group of people in Florida who handle the cadavers with utmost respect, but some of the students just don’t appreciate the gift
Comment from : @smalltowngirl4415

I wish they would show these types of documentaries in health class compared to what they actually show
Comment from : @KarlyC

I recently lost my husband I sometimes feel like he will walk in the door
Comment from : @susanrawson6318

That guy that thinks there’s no after this is very sad guess he found out he was wrong 😊 cause there definitely is a after
Comment from : @Jkl306

What daughter calls her dad by his first name! Shameful
Comment from : @jamiecolon4628

I love the way the university memorialized these donors! My mother donated her body in the US and all they did was send me a bill to receive her cremation remains and a letter telling me how her body was used The way it was utilized totally went against everything they told her I am still heartbroken and devastated to the point that I will no longer be offering my whole body donation to them I urge all to really do your research before you commit to a donor program I still support and respect whole body donation but just want everyone to be fully educated before signing any documents
Comment from : @dodi1205jb

I cry while watching the video and listening some testimony by the body donor with there family All thing's in this world are temporaryBut life is too much interesting😇🥰
Comment from : @alvetmaelausa1061

I bet Emily is working circles around the hospital now 🥰🥰…🤞🏼🤞🏼
Comment from : @leahhayes8256

It’s surreal to hear their voice while they’re alive juxtaposed over their bodies
Comment from : @infamous1857

Oh Mike!
Comment from : @abdullah5196

Hearing Mike speak as new medical students view and prepare to dissect his body is very life and death affirming My condolances to his family and thanks to his daughter for her input Diana's nursing career helped advance her generous decision to donate her body She gave to so many A wonderful woman and life🕊
Comment from : @polkcellar

Do they have to embalm them
Comment from : @lauriemcdougal2609

Think I'm on the way out soon, this looks like a great way to avoid me family paying for funeral costs and help a bit, very informative, thank you
Comment from : @thetravellerandhisbuddy6340

Funny how you can immediately tell a british person by just their teeth 😬
Comment from : @DeviIInADress

What a beautiful gift to humanity these people are God bless their generous souls 🙏🏾
Comment from : @Michelesaid

i decided to donate my body yrs ago after my dad did, they gave me a report on everything they did and what parts they used like the arteries, a knee replacement, the heart he died from emphysema and many other things i cant remember
Comment from : @elianazz

Love this doc…dissection was so fun We had a few people get woozy, but on the whole we did good as a group 😂 they weren’t offered a cup of tea though, cause we went to school in the US 😅brbrThe hardest thing for me personally, was that NOTHING looks like it does in the books (the vessels, landmarks, etc…) It’s all those dull flesh-toned colors and we thought we knew more than we did going it cause we’d been looking a books with the veins, arteries, etc all colorized 😂
Comment from : @corgisrule21

If the world had more people like you, it would be a better place You make a difference, Dr Igudia thank you for curing my Hepatitis B virus and introducing your medical products to the worlds
Comment from : @mujahidyalhassan2481

California is more of this right extreme you will feel skid row the death toll I'm going to know that they're hurting with disturb me that that person is hurting
Comment from : @laticanthony2327

I called Dr g also the autopsy her and her husband I need to touch him I need to come visit you and touch him I don't trust new York State I need to touch it all the insecting that effects it smell I need to feel that they are hurting please distinctive women can give children relax
Comment from : @laticanthony2327

37:35 not him checking the nurse out
Comment from : @Ideku8

Embalming in romania
Comment from : @dariusasmr1049

I understand what this man is saying about suffering that’s my biggest fear suffering not death i am a believer in resurrection so for me is just open and closed case people don’t feel see or are conscious of anything so really i don’t fear death i like to know something why are this people not using masks around cadáveres? Because of dead bodies fumes
Comment from : @mariadasilva863

Remember people we are nothing be nice to all humans ❤️
Comment from : @mariadasilva863

To all that lost someone in death read revelation 21:3-5
Comment from : @mariadasilva863

I want to give my body to science how do i go about it ?
Comment from : @mariadasilva863

I think I should go for medicine and avoid the surgical studies 😬
Comment from : @raisul_raj

I have signed up for body donation, this confirms my decision even more Blessings to those families who respect the decision made My family support my decision as I explained my reasons to help others after my death 💜
Comment from : @ukanita865

Sir Mike and Madam Diana Hats off to you!🎩 Huge respect 🙏🏻🥺
Comment from : @PhilaArtistry

The circle of life is scary but truly amazing
Comment from : @anon4041

These people were amazing Greatest respect to Diana and Mike and their families Giving that gift to young students for the bettering of their abilities with living patients is so admirable I loved that they had a service to remember that gift at the end and read their names and lit candles, it was a beautiful mark of thanks and respect Sending prayers to all the families and friends of those who passed❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼
Comment from : @lauj888

🥀 Thank you
Comment from : @Kiemixo

I did a year of prosecution in college
Comment from : @aza1479

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