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COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL


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Информация о COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL

Название :  COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL
Продолжительность :   59.15
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Просмотров :   16 rb

Кадры COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL

Описание COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL

Коментарии COVID-19: BC reports 559 new COVID-19 cases, one additional death | FULL

Saint Martins
4 months between shots ? Bonnie & her gang are NAZI's experimenting with our lives the same wat Nazi's did during the 40's When new variants are created & people start dying they should be punished !
Comment from : Saint Martins

Ken Davies
Dr Henry is doing a fantastic job Thank you Dr Bonnie
Comment from : Ken Davies

David Byrd
Have they found the seasonal flu yet The one that happens every year for the last 100 years
Comment from : David Byrd

Joey Sharp
why don,t you guys get a real job oh you are most likely third generation government welfare what does a cases mean were are the suicide no and heart attack,cancer no give us those
Comment from : Joey Sharp

Robin Hooper
It's quite amazing the comments I'm reading Ask yourself what is the motivation behind the misinformation they post Bonny is not getting paid more to give you false information There is no financial/social benefit to what you perceive as propaganda Tell me would you as an individual spread misinformation if there is no benefit for you Even if the info is false, would it not be better for you to side with caution Do you really need to have a loved one sick/die to see that this is very real? Take yourself to anyone of our hospitals and see with your own eyes that there are people suffering
Comment from : Robin Hooper

Looks like all the paranoid, anti-science, anti-government, conspiracy loving people are gathered here in the comment section
Comment from : J M

VQ Garage
Comment from : VQ Garage

Red Pill Bulgaria-V20
Those two (along with many other corrupt bureaucrats) will be charged with "CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY"
Comment from : Red Pill Bulgaria-V20

Gitte O
Henry will need to defend her abuse of power in the absence of science in a non-emergency 1-3 March at BC Supreme Court All medical ethics and oath violated for purely political agenda Fraud and Crimes Against Humanity Experimental biologic agents until early 2023 Nuremberg Code violation Unconscionable No informed consent Unwitting recipients of unsafe so-called 'vaccines'
Comment from : Gitte O

Joe E
Funny you never offer any condolences to any other cause of death Only for COVID related demises Hmmm, how obviously that works into your agenda of promoting your 'CATASTROPHY STORY' of this virus that's only a pittance
Comment from : Joe E

Joe E
Doctors ( and Health Officials ) are such a sorry lot performing such diabolic witch hunt of a virus which is nothing more than a nuisance I have yet to sanitize ONCE yet since the beginning of this "so-called pandemic' I touch and pick up for disposal each mask i see discarded I lick shopping cart handles and NOTHING I can't seem to get this DISEASE for love nor money Its fear mongering GET IT AND SPREAD IT !!!!
Comment from : Joe E

Comment from : Ben

spiritual lobster
I'm no math wiz but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that some things aren't adding up
Comment from : spiritual lobster

BK Rodgers
Still NO HARD FACTS to support WHY we have restrictions Who cares how many cases, stop with the fear mongering and let people live as they see fit
Comment from : BK Rodgers

Neil Yakuza
The test are not accurate Why not test for antibodies in the population? The curve is going down without the vaccine
Comment from : Neil Yakuza

Rob D
Anyone think that more than 1 person died in 1 day from the seasonal flu last year? Oh ya, there is no 2020 or 2021 seasonal flu
Comment from : Rob D

You tell the truth like a Tokyo rose
Comment from : N L

Boo! you're not funny! bring back iraq war! he was funny!
Comment from : backfire357

If your results come back negative, you’ll be able to quarantine at home This quarantine is mandatory and will be enforced If your test results come back positive for COVID-19, you’ll be required to immediately quarantine in designated government facilities - Trudeau, Feb 22, 2021brbrHey look it’s the 1930s again with some communism thrown in for good measure What does it take for Canadians to rise up and save what’s left of their country?
Comment from : squish085

How much money are these people getting from China to tell us lies
Comment from : 1tribble

Angeline Baekhave
Why not give us a detailed list of what’s in the vaccines and side affects!!! Remember the pharmaceutical industry is not liable if u get paralyzed or die, u r life will NOT go back to normal, u will still be required to wear masks, it does not guarantee u r protectednor protected from other strains
Comment from : Angeline Baekhave

Angeline Baekhave
Get rid of elderly firstthey know history!
Comment from : Angeline Baekhave

G Man
I think their just trying to keep this going to bring in the reset but its falling apart on them so ther getting desparate and telling us ther's 'variants'
Comment from : G Man

Ken D
Wake up sheep of the world , this is not about any virus , it is the governments way of resetting the worlds economy, governments are lieing to the world , what happened to the old seasonal flu virus ?, even radio stations are lieing to the listeners ,it just goes to show you how weak people can be controlled ! an independant survey was done and showed 98 percent of deaths were not caused by any virus but were caused by under lying health issues and i for one will never take any virus vaccine >
Comment from : Ken D

Gitte O
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever” br― George Orwell, 1984 The mask being the human boot in the 21st century Don't forget, after the brprotective (final) solution of the experimental biologic agents, you'll still need to wear a mask (or two), presupposing you survive the assaults on your body
Comment from : Gitte O

Adam tool
Comment from : Adam tool

Gitte O
We must gather courage and resist, for future generations In Italy, the cops first joined the protesters in Naples, and now in Rome
Comment from : Gitte O

Joe Pipito
Hey Adrian your middle name should be sucking
Comment from : Joe Pipito

DrHenry has become a very wealthy woman( net with over 10 million) by shilling for WHO the last few decadesShe is a extremely dishonest and cold hearted womanI noticed she didn’t say “ be kind” todayshe wants you to turn on your fellow citizensdon’t fall for her act
Comment from : KDoolittle

The government who cried wolfso when the serious disease is released no one one will take it seriously
Comment from : Nothing2See

But W8t
Comment from : But W8t

Joshua MacKinnon
Comment from : Joshua MacKinnon

The 1 death was probably a motorcycle accident or something
Comment from : SDX

Peppy Mohawk
The only way this goes away is non compliance
Comment from : Peppy Mohawk

Biased media Follow Rebel Media and get a different perspective
Comment from : Sotdot

Pete bobcat
Dont take it itll take us out thats what they want to get rid of ppl who went thru this in other countries
Comment from : Pete bobcat

Gitte O
Evidently, Henry and the BC CDC haven't bothered to analyse the dismally fraudulent science behind Pfizer, Moderna or AstraZeneca 'vaccines' She could have made a single phone call and have an independent analysis sent to her from back east, from Dr Michael Palmer who analysed covid and it's biologics and can be viewed or read at Vaccine Choice Canada Most of us actually need to work for a living while she is playing deadly games with people's lives, counting meaningless fraudulent test results and practising her fear tactics Despicable In total violation of all ethics Better doctors in third world countries; certainly more intelligent and astute ones Epic deceptive disaster
Comment from : Gitte O

gary h
You addressed the vaccination of yourself and Mr Dix in a pretty urgent manner brbrYou and Dix arebr1) over 80?br2) comorbidities?br3) front liner?brbrNone of the above Got it
Comment from : gary h

Ol P
Can someone ask about ivermectin? This stuff is getting real
Comment from : Ol P

DrHenry is not a nice lady
Comment from : Saxon

Stefan M
Why all of the sudden are the cases and deaths dropping? Couldn't have been the lockdowns or the vaccine Could it be that you frauds just lowered the CT levels for your PCR test?
Comment from : Stefan M

Hugh Arrdum
Cases mean absolutely nothing
Comment from : Hugh Arrdum

Steve joes
These 2 are absolutely pitiful
Comment from : Steve joes

Gitte O
Treasonous Traitors Criminals"just following orders"
Comment from : Gitte O

Michael Hunt
FAKE cases using the FAKE PCR test Sorry DIXno one believes you anymore
Comment from : Michael Hunt

Nicolas Vincent
🖕Henry! How many ODs? 1 covid death? Good! Not enough!
Comment from : Nicolas Vincent

peg jones
Recoveredrecoveredno one heard of long term effects from covid,may not be contagious but this virus leaves long term problems
Comment from : peg jones

More false promises from Mr Dicks the guy that ran the NDP into the ground I guess he doesn't get it no vaccine equals more cases By the way is that the only suit you have or is your closet full of them Boring color matches the boring person
Comment from : phelanator

Coronavirus cases are falling, more vaccines, see? We’re all going to be just fine 🙂
Comment from : aryan

Gitte O
@roccogalatilaw @denisrancourt @dockaurG @randyhillier @DonaldWelsh16 @PoliceOnGuard @OnCall4ON
Comment from : Gitte O

Dar Son
With all the money she makes you would think she could at least dress classy while lying
Comment from : Dar Son

Gitte O
We are under attack War against humanity No alternative but to RESIST, REFUSE, DO NOT COMPLY Now the journalists are referring to those of us who are defending people's health and civil liberties as "terrorists" or "dangerous" It's up to us, even though many legal teams and scientists are fighting back in court They need our help Remember, we are many They are few Take off those muzzles to speak upand breathe Historically, slaves were made to wear them In Guantanamo Bay, the 'terrorists' still are wearing them, distanced, isolated in their cells, limited outdoor mask-breathing Modern day torture and enslavement
Comment from : Gitte O

99 of which will fully recover, and be fine
Comment from : Edward

Gitte O
criminal negligence medical malfeasance violation of Nuremberg Code must inform, fully, any and all persons as to risks of experimental biologic agents before consent can be given
Comment from : Gitte O

Can Dr Bonnie confirm to us that the SARS-COV-2 , COVID -19 has been ISOLATED , from any sample ? They have to provide us with the REPORT OF THE ISOLATION
Comment from : James

Any politician can answer to the question below ? brDoes our constitutional rights still exist or they are not in force any more ?
Comment from : James

Boogie man
This is the worst panicdemic in human history
Comment from : Boogie man

Boogie man
Omg 1000 people died from Covid involved among many others reasons
Comment from : Boogie man

Boogie man
OMG 1 death that was Covid involved Shut down the country and force everyone to wear diapers on their faces
Comment from : Boogie man

nana buster
Average age of death from the “thing” is 82 years old WITH underlying health issues She’s such a liar
Comment from : nana buster

Fion Choi
When it will all be ended? Lock people up, control people by making use of so called virus & vaccine Please stopall powerful evil group, so called "our government"!!!!!
Comment from : Fion Choi

j parks
Why don't you report how many cases of paralysis, blindness, uncontrollable shaking, and death have happened due to the "vaccine" or MIS (medical intervention shot)? Why are you keeping it all secret?
Comment from : j parks

SalimaGis Tomala
Comment from : SalimaGis Tomala

Paul D
pants on fire
Comment from : Paul D

Jerry Dick
you better lock them up at the NDCCP Chinese hotel at the airport
Comment from : Jerry Dick

Jamie Siple
honest, if you stop testing only what is necessary I wonder how many cases will be?
Comment from : Jamie Siple

Bryce J
Bonnie , not only have you broken your oathe , you've damaged countless lives You're a horrible person
Comment from : Bryce J

Ron Metcalfe
were there any other contributing health issues affecting that individual that passed away ? everything nowadays is blamed on Covid 19 to help justify the lockdowns !
Comment from : Ron Metcalfe

Suzy McHugh
The number of cases are just thata number of cases that does NOT represent a death count
Comment from : Suzy McHugh

Jason Street
starts at 4:34
Comment from : Jason Street

Judith Brock
save your breathtalk about known successful treatments like Ivermectin
Comment from : Judith Brock

John Arthur
According to John Hopkins Professor, Covid is 77 down due to herd immunity in the US says back to normal perhaps by April
Comment from : John Arthur

Celena Cathleen
Enough with this scam already Look at all the dislikes Most people are not falling for this anymore
Comment from : Celena Cathleen

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