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BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL


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Информация о BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL

Название :  BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL
Продолжительность :   49.22
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Просмотров :   14 rb

Кадры BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL

Описание BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL

Коментарии BC reports 1,360 new COVID-19 cases over three days, along with 14 additional deaths | FULL

They have sold their soul Or are being threatened But when the books are opened they wont be able to say I was just doing what I was told Repent Henry, Horgan,Farnworth,Dix
Comment from : Langley

Gitte O
Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it!
Comment from : Gitte O

Kinik Ahau
Cases of what? You only "Report" what you want
Comment from : Kinik Ahau

From the Nuremberg trial 1945brHermann Goering to the question, "how did you convince the German people to accept all this?" He replied: it was easy and nothing to do with Nazism The only thing a government needs to turn people into slaves is fear If you can find something to scare them you can make them do anything you want"
Comment from : Cathleen

Hey Bonnie et al Once Nuremberg trials 20 are done, do you have a preference for firing squad, hanging, or lethal injection?brbrLethal injection would be most prudent
Comment from : HeavnIsEarth

maria noto a
Very interesting Texas opened a month ago and reported 0 cases yesterday and nooooo masks
Comment from : maria noto a

Gitte O
Predictive programming anyone? Watch London Olympics Opening Ceremony It's all there in plain sight Diabolical
Comment from : Gitte O

Gitte O
I’m old enough to remember when our immune system wasn’t considered to be a “conspiracy theory”
Comment from : Gitte O

On tweetie nice is one word Girl on your screen No spaces, I've got tons of info
Comment from : KatElectraGlide

So when tv says it's safe they are lying to you
Comment from : KatElectraGlide

Vaccine is a way out is coercion against the Nuremberg law these jabs are ki//ing a huge amount of people injuries are absolutlute horrendous I'm on tattered my nice is all one word girlonyourscreen
Comment from : KatElectraGlide

Henry still believes covid-19 is a virus hanging in aerosol around every little dark corner of the whole universe brShe ignore thousands of doctors who now pointing to telemetric warfare as the weapon used to penetrate the human body causing cerenkov radiation in the inner body cavity - exposing arteries to thrombosis and enlightened fungus to grow inside all of us Infections from fungus cause the blood clots and arterial thrombosis cause lung infections resulting in an unwanted immune responsebrFor months this Global Channel sensor the truth out by switching off comments
Comment from : L B

Sunny Liu
Compare to other places happing, fairly to say, BC officer does good job
Comment from : Sunny Liu

Never before in human history have we eradicated a disease thats been with us for 100's of years (the FLU) in 1 year and replaced it with one with the exact same symptoms and causes COVID-19
Comment from : J-rad

She stands there and says that You can register but there is no vaccine
Comment from : K S

Could it possibly just be another coincidence that after banning flights from India our BC cases dropped 50 and 25 nationally Why are we not recognizing this contribution to our living hell by our south Asian communities instead of apologizing for perceived past wrongs
Comment from : steve

For the future
lies fall apart
Comment from : For the future

She is encouraging peer pressure Yup Only a few kinds of people are into that kind of tactic
Comment from : seahawksphan

How many commercials do you need ??? They making so much money off this crap hahahahabahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
Comment from : seahawksphan

Abhishek N
Summary of Lytton doctor's letter brbrLasers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to play with cats brComputers were once a huge scientific breakthrough; now we use them to look at cats br brConclusion: Science was made for cats
Comment from : Abhishek N

Led Dred
During Dr Bonnie henrys question period she implied that asymptomatic people not getting covid testing was not true But it is it happened to my family who live with me on three separate occasions they could not get tested once - last was a few weeks ago in bc i was applying to getting a covid test and was told by bc government they could not get a test because they were asymptomatic i was however able able because i had symtoms was told they could got to work and do things as normal brOn cdc BC Centre for disease control web sit under When To Get a Covid test it states and has link to regulations brIt states "In BC, testing is generally not available through the provincial health care system for people without symptoms including routine screening for employment, travel, school, before surgery or for other health procedures Under "Should I get tested if I don’t have symptoms?brIf you don’t have any symptoms, testing is not recommended even if you are a contact of covidbrIn BC, testing is generally not available through the provincial health care system for people without symptoms including routine screening for employment, travel, school, before surgery or for other health procedures brIf you are unsure, use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to see if you need to be tested for COVID-19brLearn more:brRead the letter from the Provincial Health Officer on testing prior to travel in BCbrRead the information for health care providers about testing people without symptoms"brPhone up and try and get tested without symptoms you wont get tested This is another big factor in bc covid spread it costs money for tests and its money over livesbrCheck science People with no symptoms transmit more than half of all cases of the novel coronavirus, according to a model developed by researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention New studies proven march 2021brbrBcs government website was recently changed to include airborne unsymtomatic covid 19 spreadbrThe virus can be spread to others from a person who has COVID-19 but who hasn't yet developed symptoms or from someone who never develops symptoms Most people become ill from being in close contact with someone who shows symptoms such as coughing and sneezing
Comment from : Led Dred

Zach Walden
I guess the citizens are not angry enough
Comment from : Zach Walden

Gitte O
Declaration of Geneva br brAS A MEMBER OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION br brI SOLEMNLY PLEDGE to dedicate my life to the service of humanity br brTHE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF MY PATIENT will be my first consideration br brI WILL RESPECT the autonomy and dignity of my patient
Comment from : Gitte O

JD Saint
MRNA when injected into your body hijacks your cells proteins making ribosomes to produce the components, so your cells produce the corona virus spike protein that gives the virus its crownlike appearance So your cells are being edited to attack the virus It bypasses your own immune system instead of engaging it as other vaccines have done in the past Moderna, Pfizer/Biotech and Arcturus Therapeutics are deploying a never before approved messenger MRNA technology
Comment from : JD Saint

Gitte O
Henry is in breach of the Hippocratic Oath for doctors to "First, Do No Harm" Should be charged for breach of trust, medical malfeasance and held accountable But, in this totalitarian lawlessness, only the people will pay the price with their livelihoods, health, and life itself
Comment from : Gitte O

Lee Brittan
Case numbers generated by a test (PCR) never designed for this purpose against a virus yet to be 'isolated' with a 85 or better false positive ratemean nothing! These sick criminals have destroyed the globe based on manipulated numbers Do your research!
Comment from : Lee Brittan

Barry Anderson
If you’ve had it what level of antibodies do you have compared to the antibodies your body produces after the vaccine dose 1 and dose 2 ??
Comment from : Barry Anderson

Aboot 25,000 people died in Canada of the China virus Aboot 75,000 died in Canada by abortion in the same period brjust sayin’
Comment from : rob379

Top Basketball Insights
Thanks doctor bonnie HenrybrBecare full everyone!!
Comment from : Top Basketball Insights

Branko Matkovic
Mind control garbage for the weak minded and stupid
Comment from : Branko Matkovic

Branko Matkovic
Listening to her is like watching an infomercial
Comment from : Branko Matkovic

Branko Matkovic
Bioweapon designed to sterilize
Comment from : Branko Matkovic

Branko Matkovic
Psychological warfare on the slave to con you into taking the experimental nanotech bioweapon
Comment from : Branko Matkovic

j parks
doctator henry should be removed immediately Almost all ICU patients are people who have been double jabbed The charts don't lie Henry does
Comment from : j parks

M Whitaker
What about Moderna??
Comment from : M Whitaker

Comment from : johnh23z

Riley Canuck
'public health security' is being used to overrule and control our legislative bodies, legal systems, and law enforcement agencies the Council of Chief Medical Officers of Health and the Pan-Canadian Public Health Network are effectively acting as a shadow government in this country under the blanket of power provided by 'public health security'
Comment from : Riley Canuck

jeffrey westgarth
thank youcant understand all the mean commentsthe virus came from Wuhan not Victoriascience not pseudo pls well sourced scholarly consensuspublished studiesno to out of context clickbaitplease dont hide behind wacky monikerslearn critical reading skillspeace
Comment from : jeffrey westgarth

Leroi LaPue
Oooh "cases" eh? Sounds scarylike the boogeymanand Godzillaand some other made up crap!
Comment from : Leroi LaPue

Rolande Marin
All lies check it out your self
Comment from : Rolande Marin

Hauwa Yakubu
Now I trust and believe what my friends are doing online🥰g4cracks help me recover everything I thought I lost who ever recommend him did a great job💯✅
Comment from : Hauwa Yakubu

Melinda Driver
The crabby branch noteworthily preach because australian briefly thaw of a hot huge experience didactic, internal radiator
Comment from : Melinda Driver

Alex C
Even New York, USAs worst hit spot has lifted mask restrictions Can we put these garbage people in the next batch of trash they plan to send to the Philippines
Comment from : Alex C

joe H
So take an brexperimental potentially lethal drug nobody knows the long term effects brof to stop the spread of a virus that's not been proven to existbrbrA drug made by manufacturers that state that it does not stop anyone brcatching it nor passing it on Manufacturers who like insurance brcompanies will not take legal responsibility for it, and won't sell it brunless the government guarantees legal impunitybrbrDrugs that cause 30 Americans a day to die of random coincidences after taking them At least they get some numbers though
Comment from : joe H

joe H
AstraZeneca Woes Persist as Vaccine Side Effects Generate HeadlinesbrbrAstraZeneca’s woes continue as blood clot causes man to lose half his intestine, India reports 26 cases of blood clots and Indonesia suspends 45,000 doses following death of 22-year-old man
Comment from : joe H

Riley Canuck
vaccination rates have nothing to do with the collapse of third wave covid cases most regions in north america (including quebec, ontario, florida, and texas) had a third wave peak around April 15 like we did alberta, nova scotia, and india (!!!) all peaked 2 - 3 weeks later and are on their way down again a simple google search will verify this
Comment from : Riley Canuck

joe H
Eric Clapton ‘Feared He Would Never Play Again’ After AstraZeneca Vaccine, Says ‘Propaganda’ Overstated SafetybrbrThe 76-year-old musician, who lives in the UK, said “propaganda” described the AstraZeneca vaccine as “safe for everyone” In the US, vaccine makers are running ad campaigns on TV and social media targeting the vaccine-hesitant
Comment from : joe H

Comment section is wild Two main comment groups: People shouting "tyranny" and people shouting "liar" but providing no specifics about what they responding to I don't know if these are loons or bots
Comment from : AnonymousJohnQ

Riley Canuck
oh look, it's Liar-in-Chief Henry and her faithful dog Dix
Comment from : Riley Canuck

Cosmic Harmony
Comment from : Cosmic Harmony

Marie Dorion
Liars dc Bonnie shame Can you when you know that the CDC changed their numbers and their accounts in the hospitals and paid the nurses to do so people do you research and you’ll find it before they turn it all off
Comment from : Marie Dorion

Comment from : BOY HAW

Kathy Bryla
I wonder how it feels to stand up there on a podium lying to the public and the whole time God knows you are i cant imagine how you live with yourself daily
Comment from : Kathy Bryla

Kathy Bryla
Everything open up in uk also
Comment from : Kathy Bryla

Hang these traitors
Comment from : hdmlih

Gitte O
The welfare of the people has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience Albert Camus
Comment from : Gitte O

Is this how North Korea began
Comment from : Wedgie

Drew Davies
Adrian dix is the most boring person I have ever listened too
Comment from : Drew Davies

Comment from : Ben

Alex Kyrychenko
Imagine what is in the vaccine, if the desease doesn't existbrThose brain damages want to get rid of you before economic Armageddon destroys All !!!!
Comment from : Alex Kyrychenko

European Database Of Adverse Reactions Following COVID-19 Vaccines: br10,570 DEAD & 405,259 Injuries br CDC : "Over 259 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 10, 2021 During this time, VAERS received 4,434 reports of death (00017) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine"
Comment from : James

Alex Kyrychenko
She said, those who died this past weekendbrUgly girl - is lying, no-one died at all
Comment from : Alex Kyrychenko

Alex Kyrychenko
You don't recover from Brain Damage
Comment from : Alex Kyrychenko

Alex Kyrychenko
Brain damage - these guys!!!!!
Comment from : Alex Kyrychenko

Alex Kyrychenko
Did he say my name is Dicks?
Comment from : Alex Kyrychenko

Gitte O
Comment from : Gitte O

Lawrence Bruce
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today
Comment from : Lawrence Bruce

Poppy Seeds
It’s all dirty, the whole American medical establishment The FDA is dirty The CDC is dirty The vaccine manufacturers – dirty Now they’re all playing the dirty game of trying to con all of the pro-science, pro-natural health enthusiasts into getting the jabs They’re using propaganda and coercion tactics (think vaccine passports) to force us to inject dirty vaccines into our blood and tissue Vaccines that are dirty with pathogens Vaccines that are dirty with mRNA that create protein ‘prions’ that cause blood clots and dementia
Comment from : Poppy Seeds

Question Everything
Yawn Same old story: After the long weekend we may ease some restrictions, get the vaccine, wear a mask, yadda yadda yadda Check out some of the crowds at the sporting events in the US Not here They don't give a damn about your health, it's about control
Comment from : Question Everything

Ann Lin
Comment from : Ann Lin

Justin Blackface
We have a name for a bird like this, in the UKbrIt rhymes with squat
Comment from : Justin Blackface

Omg 14 people passed in 3 days
Comment from : Xrumourz

Dmitri Aleexev
Open everything to pre-pandemic normals and let people travel internationally
Comment from : Dmitri Aleexev

Nada Ostojic
To save your time to watch a video -------> the same lies over and over
Comment from : Nada Ostojic

Gitte O
Comment from : Gitte O

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