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Vita 2000 LCD screen vs. Vita 1000 OLED screen comparison - using Malicious Rebirth, Mega Man 2, UI


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Название :  Vita 2000 LCD screen vs. Vita 1000 OLED screen comparison - using Malicious Rebirth, Mega Man 2, UI
Продолжительность :   8.19
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Просмотров :   275 rb

Кадры Vita 2000 LCD screen vs. Vita 1000 OLED screen comparison - using Malicious Rebirth, Mega Man 2, UI

Описание Vita 2000 LCD screen vs. Vita 1000 OLED screen comparison - using Malicious Rebirth, Mega Man 2, UI

Коментарии Vita 2000 LCD screen vs. Vita 1000 OLED screen comparison - using Malicious Rebirth, Mega Man 2, UI

9 лет назад… как же быстро время идёт
Comment from : Bandit_Senka

El Primer Paso
Glad i have 1000
Comment from : El Primer Paso

The lcd has alot of yellow in it looks terrible
Comment from : 7upSodapops

Dragons and Angels
OLED still a vivid color, which is better The 2000 version is a bit some light shades Plus Theres always a way to increase BATTTERY CAPACITY in ur PS VTA 1000 BATTERY MODZ that is And i stil owned a 10yr old PS VITA 1000😎👍
Comment from : Dragons and Angels

Jacabo Blanco
OLED is soooo much better brbrWhy couldn't they have just upgraded what they did with the 2000 model but kept the damn OLED?brbrnow both products are inferior to one another in different ways That's not how a new version should work
Comment from : Jacabo Blanco

Ren 89
I'm looking at this in 2022 cuz I can't decide to mod my old 1000 (kinda wanna keep it legit and just use my games collection on it) or get a 2000 and mod it
Comment from : Ren 89

Erik Edward
If only the Vita stayed alive long enough for it to get a upgrade it would have been nice to have the slim body but with the original screen from the 1,000 model
Comment from : Erik Edward

The 2000 model has warmer display than 1000 model
Comment from : Gustavo

Lost Soul
I saw the Mura effect on OLED
Comment from : Lost Soul

kamel alhakimi
how to know if your vita oled or lcd
Comment from : kamel alhakimi

for me battery and low weight is more important than vibrants colors
Comment from : zoiuduu

Vita 1000 😎👌
Comment from : cuervito

(Gamer Bros) MaximuZ712
1 big downside about the 1000 model is that the oled screen will not last as long as the lcd screen, whether it is through burn in or natural degradation, oleds die much much faster than lcds There is absolutely no denying the beauty of the 1000 screen but long term the slim will survive many more years So in 25 years when the vita is a retro console like the gameboy you will glad to have a slim that still works Love both models, but like the smaller backpad of the 2000 much more
Comment from : (Gamer Bros) MaximuZ712

Jean Castillo
6:47 that was beautiful on 1000 like I had to rewatch that
Comment from : Jean Castillo

OLED is actually more power efficient, but the battery’s bigger on the slim
Comment from : Frozia

The difference is amazing fat one looks 50000 times better
Comment from : Blehstor

OLED master race
Comment from : Racer

SpecOps Gamer
I have 2 psv 2000 and one last 1000 model the other 1000 I had finally died All 3 are mint condition So my question is should I just use my last 1000 since it has a nicer screen or keep it mint and use one of my 2000 as my daily?
Comment from : SpecOps Gamer

No contest when one have an easy to find/ phone charger The other one pain in the ads to find them
Comment from : clerus17

Sayyam Nasir
Oled will always win There is no competition👑
Comment from : Sayyam Nasir

spiele mal vita pets auf der slim
Comment from : Jessica

bungee cum
Fuck you, Sony
Comment from : bungee cum

Rakibul Haque
Idk why everybody keep saying that the slim model doesn't look good I got both and I think they are very similar I prefer the natural color of the led over oled's color
Comment from : Rakibul Haque

Juliet dakar
oled wins
Comment from : Juliet dakar

-𝚓𝚞𝚕𝚒𝚊 ! ♡
People, I'm going to buy a PSVITA but I'm in doubt about the 2000 LCD or 1000 OLED Help me
Comment from : -𝚓𝚞𝚕𝚒𝚊 ! ♡

Squinn E
Ok so, you guys are overreacting The LCD screen doesn't look that bad, and the differences look quite minute And if you see them with your naked eye, the slims colours aren't that washed out I'm not denying that the oled is bad, but you should still consider the slim
Comment from : Squinn E

Sangat Brar
Does the slim have 3g
Comment from : Sangat Brar

rudy colas
En noire en blanc, en bleu, en rouge en rose ou jaune Ou dans n'importe quelle couleur La PS Vita reste l'une de mes consoles préférées J'en possède plusieurs La première version, et la Slim J'ai craqué sur la Slim achetée d'occase
Comment from : rudy colas

I like them both The OLED is vibrant and beautiful, but the LED seems more console-ish to me, more mature or something
Comment from : Naerys

Andrew Wolfenstein
lcd is not "washed out" its actually the contrary, lcd displays more color accuracy while the oled displays more vibrant colors that tend to be over saturated and unrealistic looking
Comment from : Andrew Wolfenstein

Urraco Jalpa
The first game is not the same, they are 2 different versions with different colours And in Megaman I don't see any differences, if anything, the OLED seem more whashed up (look at the red of the oni's face) And the white of the OLED screen it's just messed-up, with that purplish-red tint
Comment from : Urraco Jalpa

Adhidev Jasrotia
Which one is better?
Comment from : Adhidev Jasrotia

The colour is a lot better on the 1000, makes the visuals actually look sharper
Comment from : LegendsNeverDie

minecraft powered
does the LCD effect the games??
Comment from : minecraft powered

minecraft powered
is PS Vita 2000 have a 3G data??
Comment from : minecraft powered

which one has better brightness outdoors?
Comment from : T

Thought long and hard and decided to finally get myself a Vita original Glad I did, prefer the OLED screen and better build quality in my opinion (Plus you can get them loads cheaper!)
Comment from : HIvanH91

Károly Grósz
Slim better
Comment from : Károly Grósz

The A Game
whats white on top and black on the bottom?brbrSociety!and also those PS Vitas
Comment from : The A Game

Neil Sky
Nah I prefer both Depending on your taste Im planning to buy slim because it's very light and comfortable in your hands
Comment from : Neil Sky

I thought his hair was cut in the thumbnail
Comment from : RetroJerky

Eduardo Walter
the old is yellow, don't like
Comment from : Eduardo Walter

I love my OLED screen but I might get a PS Vita with a LCD screen in the neat future
Comment from : SasukeTheRipper

2000 is faster than 1000
Comment from : 桐ヶ谷和人

I like the 1000 better not judeing
Comment from : Purple_dragon48

Most of the game available for vita were designed for a "LCD"" screen There is no native "contrast adjust", for just about all the games to correct for an '"OLED" screen Since it appears the whites are too white and the brights are too bright, blah blah blah
Comment from : psalmsamuel

Ton Master
Both screen are good and have their weak and strong point and sony don't mind to our arguments it just abandoned the Occident Vita
Comment from : Ton Master

Ton Master
dark color (LCD) get your eyes less tired on lighter ambience
Comment from : Ton Master

Ugly iPHONE 6 TFT display with '90s old school backlight vs Awesome GALAXY S6 AMOLED Things are the samebrYou choose
Comment from : batDIDO

i just hate how you can see the separation of the screen in the vita 200 the vita 1000 is just so nice looking with that light up PS symbol and the flushed in screen design I seriously do not know why people would choose 2000 over 1000 i don't think the extra battery life is even worth it depending how much you lose in functionality and in design
Comment from : ballin_arellano559

I would buy one, but I don't know whichbrCould you help me? Please!!!!
Comment from : Forgsha

Do you speak weeaboo?
Comment from : xXPinkGuyXx

-ZeD Kai-
For what you choose this fucking MEGA MAN for comparate screens !
Comment from : -ZeD Kai-

Ben Mazen
the ps vita oled better
Comment from : Ben Mazen

juan diego martinez ramirez
Slim dura el doble la bateria y para cargarlo es un cable micro sd
Comment from : juan diego martinez ramirez

juan diego martinez ramirez
Slim:mas delgado menos pesado por tanto mejor jugabilidad no calan las imagenes LCD:imagen oscura y clara,OLED:imagen mucho brillo y colores fuertes wins slim
Comment from : juan diego martinez ramirez

Airbus Chicharito
OLED win
Comment from : Airbus Chicharito

OMFG ! LCD use more power than OLED brWikipedia:brPower consumption:brWhile an OLED will consume around 40 of the power of an LCD displaying an image that is primarily black, for the majority of images it will consume 60–80 of the power of an LCD However, an OLED can use more than three times as much power to display an image with a white background, such as a document or web site[82] This can lead to reduced battery life in mobile devices, when white backgrounds are used
Comment from : ayoubleg45

What do you think of in screen wise? To me OLED looks more vivid accurate than new LED What would you choose for screen wise?
Comment from : yuna

I go with Psvita 1000 like screen look more sharp and brighter
Comment from : Lek

Abraham Alvz
LCD is better, OLED is over saturated and in the sun looks bad, LCD consumes less battery life, LCD displays color more natural, LCD lasts longer
Comment from : Abraham Alvz

Van Nguyen
New screen is LED backlit less vibrant vs Old screen is OLED more vibrant, has ghosting issuebrbrPick your poison
Comment from : Van Nguyen

I think the ps vita's screen is much better, for our eyes, than the original
Comment from : Kraizer

Darskul / Xioth AE
The OLED is brighter, but that's the only difference I can see Besides, battery power over processing power makes for funny trips when traveling
Comment from : Darskul / Xioth AE

PSV 1000 better screen yes, but PSV 2000 seems faster? Alson on ps1 games the colour seems better on PSV2000, as one can see in your compariison, PSV1000 is more orange, than red
Comment from : Sid REX

Lit AHSr
The 1000 looks more clearer 
Comment from : Lit AHSr

nova lover
ill gladly take the 1 hour less of game play the 2000 is too yellowish and you can really see that in the loading screen ive watched other videos and this one by far was the most informative thanks for posting!
Comment from : nova lover

Romeo Mike
wow the vita 2000 screen looks weird
Comment from : Romeo Mike

Tahsin Uchiha
ps vita 1000 > ps vita 2000
Comment from : Tahsin Uchiha

Best thing with 2000 is that if u have a cracked screen you can switch it
Comment from : Sairez1990

Nick R
Wow the the 1000 looks much better in comparison I sold my Vita about a year ago, really regret it and I was debating about going with the slim but got dang, after watching this, I'm sticking with the original
Comment from : Nick R

Comment from : 明日香田中

Rukasu Rukasu in tokyo
The new screen looks way better!!!!!
Comment from : Rukasu Rukasu in tokyo

Rabid Panda
miss my PSVITA :( you drop it once and it is fucked forever won't turn on ever again tried everything, i'm hoping the shock system on the slim is better
Comment from : Rabid Panda

Hércio Arantes Filho
3min 35s has a terrible white in LCD model sucked!
Comment from : Hércio Arantes Filho

Joshua Manriguez
The frame rate on the 2000 is a lot better the 1000 had a noticeably slower frame
Comment from : Joshua Manriguez

Angel Partida
On the video the screen on the bottom at times would be a bit bright but OLED seems better at times
Comment from : Angel Partida

Angel Partida
Not really, About the OLED colors being better It seems that the lcd has more defined colors than the OLED like when you compare the iPhone and the Samsung OLED screens, LCD provides truer colors and OLED provides richer and brighter colors since lcd is backlit
Comment from : Angel Partida

ps vita 1000 ;)

is this good in a bright light like the sun (psvita slim)?
Comment from : MrSlendermancat

Its Kheathjoe
the top ones better plus what is the top 1
Comment from : Its Kheathjoe

Philip Narkiewicz-Jodko
I dont see any difference on megaman
Comment from : Philip Narkiewicz-Jodko

Peter Taylor
When the new vita was announced I went and bought a second OLED one immediately I just hate LCD compared to OLED One hour extra battery is not worth the degrade in screen contrast and colour Most people own portable battery packs that will double the battery time of the release vita
Comment from : Peter Taylor

psvita 1000 & psvita 2000 have Wifi both ???
Comment from : Doom

Akashi Dark Angel
the 2000 loads games quicker?
Comment from : Akashi Dark Angel

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