Название | : | How to Handle a Manipulative Person | Stephanie Lyn Coaching |
Продолжительность | : | 8.49 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 1,2 jt |
Divorced 23 yrs and he is still out to destroy me He promised to hurt me for the rest of his life He wasn't kidding Not just the danger of him constantly lurking around but his consistant trail of flying monkeys 42 yrs of hell for marrying a monster Comment from : @donnaceders5433 |
I came here after watching Stephanie Soo's video from 4 years ago And this is a great explanation of the topic Thank you for sharing this Comment from : @ihwa9566 |
Awesome 👍🏽 Comment from : @user-we8yj9fg8z |
Recently l had block a person's number due this issue unfortunately Comment from : @darylcumming7119 |
"I'm sorry you feel that way And that's the end of it" Comment from : @ItsSoarTime |
This is very helpful Comment from : @lisabolo26 |
Can a people pleaser, also, be a manipulator? I see both in certain people I feel like they aren't self-aware enough to know they are doing it on purpose It's like a left over trait from childhood Comment from : @limeglasses |
❤ Yep Comment from : @reneewade |
I understand what you’re saying about the word no Comment from : @lindavincent678 |
I just went through aĺl this with a master manupulator, gaslighter, and covert narc Word for word Threatened suicide if I didn't do what I said immediately Comment from : @FC-ku4ez |
I never thought the person I look up to for so many years is an abusive manipulator, my dad The sad part is he uses his age as a tatic to try and get what he wants (in his 70s) He uses the words "Im going to pass away one of these days if you dont spend time with me" or he will say "I do everything for you, youre selfish, and you dont love me anymore" Ive been dealing with this for 27 years of my life and when I watched your videos I dont feel as afraid anymore as I once was Also the support from my husband helped me greatly cause he told me my dad is manipulative and I never knew that Its sad that I cant believe Im already going to be in my 30s soon and Ive been emotionally abused for so long No more and Im going to learn to fight Thank you ❤ Comment from : @liveontheclassics |
You described almost EXACTLY what my sister is putting me through (I said no to babysitting) Thank you so much for this video Comment from : @cuppy57 |
It’s so helpful to explain how this personality formed! Comment from : @yichispiritual |
i always say these people's brain stop maturing after 3 years old they can't handle or solve relationship issues like an adult ie talk it over properly Their policy is, 'with me or against me', if u disagree with them or never laugh at their jokes, is a death penalty Comment from : @spaideman7850 |
I need to hear this, i work with manipulator and i stand for myself but its so hard Comment from : @Anna-te5qc |
2:10 Culture beat mr vain 🤣 "i want what i want and i want it now" aha Comment from : @francisgalarneau576 |
😊i am starting to value myself Comment from : @aklev5745 |
I'm so tired and always having to guard my time So tired of pushing back I've got to start saying no because saying yes is killing me Comment from : @cenalanier6703 |
I searched on youtube about this because i thought my partner was a manipulative person, turns out I'm unconsciously the manipulative one Comment from : @citradelamustikasari2248 |
Thank You Comment from : @_Girish_Nagaraja_Gowda |
That tracks with the manipulative character research I was doing a while backbrbrIt said that the 2 types of manipulator are the Victim and the Bully, and that they're technically one in the same and a good one switches between the 2 depending on the situationbrbrFor example, one may play the Victim card first, but no one buys into it, they play the Bully instead Comment from : @ReligiousPrime |
I did those 3 steps to my exbf After i said sorry, he was still aggresively backlash at me But i chose to be quiet 😁 I'm really grateful now after break up Thanks GOD Comment from : @user-fu3kf2ct2n |
I am thankful to be distancing myself from the manipulative people My therapist taught me how to discern manipulative people Comment from : @meghansouth581 |
I personally hate when people delay their response to a yes or no question from me I feel like their being passive aggressive/ indecisive/ inconsiderate Comment from : @LornaSatchwell |
There so much truth to this! Have lot a problem with growing up as kidstill today I get very overwhelmed have hard time standing my ground I am getting better still have alot to work on! Much appreciated for this video!❤ Comment from : @jonathankeesey7906 |
The problem w the manipulator in my life is that they always play victim and they use the times I’ve had emotional outbursts to justify their actions Comment from : @stephs8277 |
This is what someone is doing to me Comment from : @AFibcRVR |
You can’t imagine how much I needed this🙌🏻💔 Comment from : @Panjshirwatannm_R |
Before going on medication for depression or anxiety, make sure that you're not surrounded by assh*$(@s first Comment from : @amiblack8294 |
This is extremely harmful advice and will lead you down a very lonely path Comment from : @bigcaptrap4370 |
None of this is valid , this is literally practicing gaslighting and justifying selfish behavior Comment from : @bigcaptrap4370 |
The way I had to deal with my “manipulative” friend who has never ever agreed nor believed that they are this way, is by taking care of their inner child, being humorous with them and doing an intervention (with recorded evidence involved) brAND (A BIG ONE): giving them a leadership role so they are forced to listen to others feedback to do better & be responsible for others… brThanks! Comment from : @TomBradyiscool |
Thank you for this video! I resonated with it so much and find your tools extremely helpful Comment from : @cheyennemckinnon5927 |
Very helpful and clear I will listen to this a few more times I like how you are able to say what we find hard and why without making us sound defective and in need of more self reflection and introspection Comment from : @melliecrann-gaoth4789 |
The most affective manipulative people are the ones closest to you Comment from : @cnshufufjoshua |
This is the best and clearest advice I've heard, and it resonates deeply with me Thank you! Comment from : @itchystitchy |
This is absolutely stupendous, Thank you so much Stephanie for this, I really needed to hear this, You're absolutely beautiful, I'm standing my ground, I will not back down, No matter what, I will not be groomed, Coerced to be in a relationship, Peace, love to you and everyone, Thank you universe 💞😀✨️⚘️🥰😍🧿🌈💎😃🐴🦄👽🌌👁🐉🧝♀️💫😁🛸🐺💞😀 Comment from : @ninjagirlnomeansno9403 |
I love you brMy question?brCan i hurt them indirectly? For joy Comment from : @west4996 |
My mother is child-like, has tantrums, is emotionally and verbally abusive, has told me she wants to punch me in my face because I stand up for myself (the only reason she hasn't punched is she knows I'll mollywap that bish), she's pushed me (I pushed her back), she's allowed her boyfriends abuse me, she's competitive, uncompromising, wants me to jump when she says jump, doesn't think other people's boundaries are for her, uses my vulnerabilities, lies pathologically, threatens, bullies, entitled to getting what she wants (there is no saying no to her), thinks she's the smartest person in the room (she's the stupidest person I have ever known), loves to dominate to the point she has zero friends because she's insufferable Comment from : @-norsecode- |
Im not gonna back down No to abusive people Thank you Comment from : @chiegomezlustre88 |
What if this person is a family member that has other mental issues such as Bipolar? Has does one handle that? Comment from : @jamesholguin7349 |
Do you have tips I can follow, so I won't be manipulated ? Comment from : @marie0019 |
step out of line &get 'you turned your back on your family' &the kids parroting italso these people have NO flexibility when it's THEIR boundaries NONE Comment from : @chris-mp2py |
ya they don't consider others feelings The person in my life is not even specific on what they want or why they act like they do It's pretty much out of the blue and maybe there is a reason but it is unclear That's why its so confusing I write affirmations on my bathroom mirror and that is what I will write this week: "I'm sorry you feel that way " my new phrase Comment from : @juliegarthwaiteclark168 |
it’s not about her reaction, it’s about mine Comment from : @overplayed3553 |
"I'm sorry you feel that way" Wow Thank you for that It's simple but powerful and leaves no room for confusion Comment from : @mrsm222 |
Manipulators are emotionally childish, never learned how to respect boundaries, learned that if they pushed they'd eventually get their way and people caved in They're extremely insecure and can't take no for an answer They'll use your vulnerabilities to control you and get what they wantbrbrThey prob had a dominant manipulative controlling parent while the other parent caved inbrbrHow to deal with these toxic people:br1 Know what you want and how you feelbr2 Stand your ground Knowing what you're doing is best for you, even if others don't agree You're putting yourself first You don't need to (over)explain yourself for saying 'no'br3 Be prepared for backlash to make you feel bad They could be bullying, blaming, guilt-tripping to try to throw you off center All you could say is: "I'm sorry you feel that way" Comment from : @PixieRose7 |
I'm a people pleaser and codependent Comment from : @PureSparkles22 |
My Ex Narc done what ever he wanted growing up His Mom was hard core alcoholic He didn't know his Dad until he was older I use to feel so bad for him until he was so manipulative and always lied and cheated and said mean things He was a 10 year old in a 65 year old body It was aweful Comment from : @susanweaver6946 |
Currently going through this co parenting with my ex husband In the 5 mins we meet to exchange our daughter, he tells me everything that’s going on with him I leave feeling heavy and weighed down I’ve struggled for so long being a people pleaser even feeling guilty for doing what’s best for me He guilted me about him not working ,so I told him he could take a break from child support My 9 year old came home from being with him even saying she feels so bad her dad had to buy her food because he’s broke Such a manipulative man Is there any advice that can be given to help stop him from doing this again to her like he did our oldest kids Comment from : @christylee35004 |
I’ll admit I’ve caught myself want to push someone to resolve a conflict with me before they were ready to talk about it and I think it’s because their avoidance made me really anxious and left me to torment myself mentally fearing they would leave me Not realizing my wanting to fix things now was pushing them in that direction It sucks waiting for someone to feel ready to talk to you, some never do but I’ve had to learn how to calm down that fear of abandonment Comment from : @jennas9063 |
How do you heal your heart from these people? I keep thinking on how a manipulative person hurt me Comment from : @teresagomez2109 |
I stood my ground not accepting the narcs criticism I said NOI set a boundry and the narc started texting word saladsIm ignoring this potential friend nowwhom was very charming when we first metAll of your videos prepared me Word saladsimagine thatthe narc must have not been used to the word NOThank you for your insightful and meaningful videoshope I never hear from this one again as I am completely unavailable Continuing to listen to you for more stength and positive reinforcement Comment from : @donnasloane9031 |
I was manipulated by a woman to giving her a ride, I didn't know her cat had distemper and one of my cats passed away from it PLEASE 🙏 learn from me to NEVER fall for some sob story Comment from : @SuperAllison20 |
Who really loves us? Who we really love? Comment from : @stamenkovazhanina9355 |
Something that has helped me is learning these statements brbrNO (is a full sentence)brbrIAM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR OTHERS HAPPINESS OR FEELINGS Comment from : @leep6279 |
Daddy was a Simp 😂 Comment from : @MrTrda |
to be honest "sorry you feel that way" is also invalidating and dismissive I'd suggest to acknowledge how they feel while standing firm & refusing to give them any power over your choices Comment from : @vnalith851 |
This is still so excellent and helpful many moons later Thank you Comment from : @robertmaxwellcole |
I found out how to deal wirh this , get and stay away from them Comment from : @danarchambault8723 |
How do I handle a bully or controlling person at work Comment from : @angelamcnab972 |
My daughter is 19carved out of her mother both are extremely manipulative and that's why I broke up with her mother and now my daughter is behaving the exact same way and our relationship is in the shit house I'm prepared to walk away from the abusedaughter or not its been going on the last 10 years and I'm sick of itI'm prepared to walk away Comment from : @boxingfit |
maam i have a question? can a manipulative person change?? or should we just leave them by ? Comment from : @afridilite9371 |
this is so relatable 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 Comment from : @afridilite9371 |
I think she is amazing, I want squeeze her cheeks, both sets Comment from : @MasterBuilderofTruth |
Shoot I was hoping this would make me realize the person I was going to move in wasn’t manipulative, but it only made me realize it’s going to get worse Comment from : @cannsmith |
Wow how sad Comment from : @charityellison5578 |
Wao, this is nice Comment from : @abioyeoluwafemi2932 |
Thank you for this imfromation I found this video educated me Comment from : @briannarust2913 |
You do not have to explain no It is another boundary issue in having to jusitfy your human right to say no, as it is not ok and does not fit with your values or beliefs etc Comment from : @shereeholland172 |
Thank you! You really help me! Comment from : @leticiakatarine1300 |
How to start loving yourself in a healthy way and don't become egomaniac like narcissists? My very good friend with whom me and boyfriend spent a lot of time find a new girlfriend and completly cut us off We were really sad about it After two years he suddenly has some spare time and invited us back to his fancy new life I wasn't particularly happy about it and after few meetings our friendship totally faded away Am I right when I say it is his fault? Or should I be generous and say that he knew what was best for him at the time and he was just busy and I should respected that? Who comes first? My ego or his? ;) Comment from : @kwetinka0170 |
Wow, nail on the head Comment from : @JohnCiambriello |
this is one of the finest form of manipulating someone saying i have done so many things for you,you cant give me what i want in return,cause its not about helping that person,its more about was that the requirement of that person,you cannot keep bombing the other person with your unmet expectations,thats horrendous Comment from : @steffidas4785 |
RADHE RADHE JAI JAI RADHE Comment from : @---bk2hj |
Jesus this was much needed I feel crazy all the time and I appreciate your slow rational thought Comment from : @colinmcintyre1769 |
I only started using any of this behavior once I knew it was completely over but he was still trying to string me along into his harem of women he was lusting after even though he had DECEIVED ME (as well as the woman he was triangulating me with at his birthday party)brbrIt helps the manipulators lose their taste for you when they realize you will mirror their crazy back at them until they go away!!! Comment from : @hillarylanier2931 |
A maybe, a perhaps or a possibly to them is a yes So watch out for that I've been far too accommodating for far too long especially with family 🤮 Comment from : @aspadeaspade7163 |
This video literally made everthing so much clearer, Thankyou so much ❤️ Comment from : @JosephHartley |
the more I listen to these videos go to counseling and spend time in prayer and meditation the more I reclaim my space the clearer my boundaries get and of course the manipulators in my family and community of origin put me on their not nice list Comment from : @williamchevalier2224 |
My mother in law 😖 Comment from : @angelwingsandthings3483 |
Stand ur ground 👍 Comment from : @ayushdutta1410 |
I’m not sure the idea of saying ‘i’m sorry you feel that way’ I was told once It was exactly from a manipulative person She doesn’t care about what I feel after the things she did to me Comment from : @usedec8678 |
God dam do u know my father!! Comment from : @yaraalkhalidi5861 |
Wha to do with such parents? Comment from : @gargiyadav4539 |
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