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Junk Volume: Why You Must Avoid It For Max Muscle


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Коментарии Junk Volume: Why You Must Avoid It For Max Muscle

Nick Valin
I'd love to know how this principle works with the secondary muscles worked by compound movements For example, does a hard set of pull-ups count as a hard set for biceps? What about lat pull-down? Seems like a big grey area to me
Comment from : Nick Valin

nathan alvidrez
Would you also recommend adding triceps to your back workouts ?
Comment from : nathan alvidrez

zach smith
How many reps per sets for hypertrophy?
Comment from : zach smith

Joe Hudson
Dang bro I'm always doing Hella high reps
Comment from : Joe Hudson

5th Element Cannabis Production
33 ads for a under 10 mins video Go f youraelf
Comment from : 5th Element Cannabis Production

Hi Jeff I do a PPL Split but only do it 3 days a week I have one rest day between each workout but i take all my sets (except warmup) to complete failure I do 2 Sets of failure Per exercise and do about 2 to 3 exercises per muscle Is this fine?
Comment from : Chronium

Aadidev Sooknanan
Jeff goes from cute to Chad and back with FULL mastery jeez
Comment from : Aadidev Sooknanan

Andi 84
i make 4 sets per exercise Set 1 to warm up the muscle and let it know what will happen, high reps ( ca 20) Set 2 significantly more weight and repping til 2 or so shy to failure, 15 reps set 3 and 4 are maximum weight to get to around 8 to 10 reps, both til failure thats it Also, i'm doing this all the time with every exercise, 2 full body workouts a week, which is enough to grow for me monday and tuesday
Comment from : Andi 84

Jaguar Jim
I don't ever lift that way Im doing just fine I train light Never get injured And im at max strength Weight and size are ideal 12 bf Never bulk Always is peak condition
Comment from : Jaguar Jim

nah man, 6 sets per workout per muscle ? bruh no way i cant this few for chest for example, i do around 30 sets a week
Comment from : BAa

The AI Muse
Hi Jeff,brI just stumbled upon your channel a few days ago Thanks for the quality content I love the data-driven approachbrQuestion on sets: brMany workouts will called something like "arm-blaster" and perhaps include 3 different Bicep exercises, each with 4 sets each That would be 12 sets of Biceps in a single workout Would you consider that excessive, or does the minor variations in different bicep-exercises make it viable?brAppreciate any input
Comment from : The AI Muse

Doilio Matsinhe
Awesome content here
Comment from : Doilio Matsinhe

Nick Nderitu
Andrew Tate does 10,000 reps light 💀💀
Comment from : Nick Nderitu

sebastian p
Great video
Comment from : sebastian p

It is the combination of science and hard work that makes Jeff Nippard stand out I wish sports science was always so scientific instead of being religiousbrWatching yourself in the mirror while exercising; Stretching and mobilising without a specific need or goal (would count as junk volume); brThere are so many things still being recommended based on old habits without any scientific proofbrGo to any youth football club and you will see the coaches implementing stretching before the actual training because 'we have always done it this way'
Comment from : GTS

Alharbi Abdlrahman
I lift weights to use all my energy, and get stronger and not for muscle growth Mostly 23 sets for chest 😂
Comment from : Alharbi Abdlrahman

Michał Pawelec
Question: what about bodyweight excersises like pushups? If I'm doing let's say 3x30 per day does it mean it's junk volume?
Comment from : Michał Pawelec

Day 5 BIrds
Quit wasting time at the gym and do high intensity training
Comment from : Day 5 BIrds

I feel like the delta missing here is rest time between sets
Comment from : zcar

Bar Dir
Just let people train and stop confusing them with your weird demotivating videos
Comment from : Bar Dir

Isak Andre Føreland
Comment from : Isak Andre Føreland

Colin Peterik
Thats a side address mic,brNot front address FYI
Comment from : Colin Peterik

Aye P
I've always thought increasing the volume helps you break through plateaus when you've hit one?
Comment from : Aye P

Tanmay Joshi
Very well said!
Comment from : Tanmay Joshi

Ilona Suska
nothing like over explaining the obvious
Comment from : Ilona Suska

Cash Money
What does 6sets per muscle mean?? 6 sets for upper chest and 6 sets for Lower chest or total 6 sets for whole upper, middle and lower chest?
Comment from : Cash Money

Mike mentzers method of HIT is IMO the best way to build muscle fast People think not becuasw it goes againsts the grain And lets face it ifvyou likecto workout who wants to do 1 set But i promisecif you do it right with serious intensisty (drop sets, squeeze at the top, negatives,) you wont want to do a another
Comment from : gindante

Sam Waddington
I follow a bro split and I perform roughly 12-14 sets a workout I recover fine, I progressively overload and I keep getting bigger I think too many people are trying to optimise everything Train hard with a good amount of volume, progress and you will make gains Across 5-10 years it does not matter, as long as you enjoy your training and keep progressing your lifts However, I train my legs twice a week because the doms from hitting them in one session are horrible!
Comment from : Sam Waddington

Marco Polo
Don't mean this in a real way but Jeff looks like a beast but gives off the same vibe as Daniel Radcliff whenever he talks
Comment from : Marco Polo

Bro it depends on the individual I burnout after 1 set, my second set is not productive as my form is compromised
Comment from : xerikl

Tukela Dlulane
This after I tortured my chest with 20 sets today is a bummer
Comment from : Tukela Dlulane

Craig Bonin
Jeff says do six sets and Mike Mentzer says do one brbrI try not to overthink it and just do three sets and 20-30 mins treadmill afterwards I’ve gotten results that way so I will stick to it for now
Comment from : Craig Bonin

Your info is honestly so good that it's stressing me out thinking about the million different little things I could be doing that are messing up either my fat loss or my muscle gain lol
Comment from : xTheNameisEthan

Shaun Phillips
Need to ask if this is the same if your are enchanced or not?
Comment from : Shaun Phillips

Dan Letts
It takes just one set to failure to trigger the growth mechanism You don’t trigger the growth mechanism 18 times in a workout, you trigger it just once It’s like throwing a light switch
Comment from : Dan Letts

Michał W
I don't care about strength or big muscles, but about endurance Is junk volume still a thing I should worry about?
Comment from : Michał W

I used to murder myself 4-5sets per muscle per day on a 3day split I plateud stupidly hard 2 years in The next hear no visible change or change in weights Recently jumped to 8-12, murder sets I look pumped all day every day now
Comment from : 87Fox

jon gretty
6:19 lmao
Comment from : jon gretty

Florian Choquet
When he says 10-20 sets per week per muscle, I wonder if we should count variations targeting different areas of a muscle together Like should I count inclined bench press and and flat bench press together
Comment from : Florian Choquet

Valeh Salvatore
Amazing video
Comment from : Valeh Salvatore

Shollleee yt
Me after every gym education video - “I learned to go upstairs”
Comment from : Shollleee yt

Shakhter Siren
Not me watching this video after 20 sets of bench pressing some lumber
Comment from : Shakhter Siren

A- 113
Couldnt junk volume help with skill aquisition and therefore help in the aid of strength gain down the line
Comment from : A- 113

william edwards
I really like the video and I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but whatever that repetitive beeping sound is in the background was driving me crazy
Comment from : william edwards

now that i've done a ton of research and slowly overtime gotten myself started on working out i see how easy this is thanks to nippard and dr israetelbrbr"i have no time" can't be your excuse, it simply can't
Comment from : ruleset

Ricky Bucheli
If you do say 20 sets in a workout but you do chest, tris and calves, would that still junk volume or is it different because you're training different muscle groups?
Comment from : Ricky Bucheli

time to think “Be real”
Junk volume depends on the rep range
Comment from : time to think “Be real”

Tim Spaniol Jr
1,000 push-ups a day or bust
Comment from : Tim Spaniol Jr

this is bs theory, thats my opinion
Comment from : Jarek

Does this count for warm up sets or just working sets?
Comment from : Jmac2099

Congrats! That’s hands down the best dslr camera out there for video production
Comment from : Willberg

I don't have time for junk volume It takes me long enough to get through 12 separate exercises of 2 to 4 sets of 10 to 15 reps
Comment from : Scorch1028

Isaiah Z
Funny how I fell upon this video when I realized today I was doing a junk volume workout
Comment from : Isaiah Z

Do u need progressive overload to gain muscles? Cause my shoulder hurts when ever i increase weights ☹️
Comment from : RC

George Burke
I really appreciate that you don't approach topics with a "one size fits all" type of answer There's a lot of conflicting information and it becomes hard to decide how to shape workouts, diet, etc Showing evidence and explaining how people may react differently is much more beneficial than the youtubers trying to sell their specific methodology
Comment from : George Burke

Jugg Dekaprio
This was me, 19-23 I would be in the gym for hours and started making negative gains 😭
Comment from : Jugg Dekaprio

me who just got back from a workout with 16 sets for chest 🗿
Comment from : Alex

Dank Memes 420
8:30 using a Logitech g600, a fellow man of culture I see
Comment from : Dank Memes 420

I thought he talking ab his junk
Comment from : Maiko

Diminishing marginal return - valid for many things
Comment from : DiggingNorway

Mike mentzer awsome
Comment from : mrjenson1

Mc Bubbles
Oh the mystery of the # of sets If 2 is good enough why not 4 How about just 1 set to failure? Hmmm 🤔 maybe Mentzer was on to something
Comment from : Mc Bubbles

Inspirational Cams
I love you
Comment from : Inspirational Cams

Basically an 8 hour arm workout
Comment from : TurnipKing

Peter Ammar
10 sets per session is not enough You should be doing 15 sets per muscle x2 per week( as a minimum) for better results
Comment from : Peter Ammar

John Cliff Alvarez
Taking all this into consideration and recognizing that the number of exercises per muscle group is highly individualized, does determining the optimal number of exercises within one session fall under the same context? Alternatively, is there at least a range to work from that ensures a comprehensive full-body workout, equally developing each muscle group, while avoiding imbalances and optimizing time and energy/effort output? This approach would also allow the trainee to steer clear of unnecessary volume (junk volume) For instance, I personally train 3 times a week, focusing on a full-body routine to target each body part directly 2 to 3 times weekly with the appropriate volume Despite keeping my intensity high and volume at a low to moderate range, I still find myself spending over 2 hours in the gym and feeling depleted by the end
Comment from : John Cliff Alvarez

These videos are motivating Is he natural?
Comment from : Andrew

Benny Lee
I understand that the goal is building muscle but doing these workouts if your a beginner is just "junk muscle" it's not athletic and the average natural human will still take 2-5 years to build a nice physique anyways, so at least your getting fit on your journey but if you are already in good shape I guess the study's show this is the best way to add muscle size
Comment from : Benny Lee

Wow Using AirPods Max for working out Baller 😂
Comment from : Soloskillz

Lorem Ipsum PJ
Legs is junk volume
Comment from : Lorem Ipsum PJ

Casper R
Great video Jeff Good to know that my split doesn't consist of junk volume 💪
Comment from : Casper R

Spartan Gaming Official
What about your push pull legs program? I mean it clearly has over 10 sets for chest on the push day
Comment from : Spartan Gaming Official

summary guy
-Lower down your reps to 10-12 at least and sets to less than 10 (but it depends on your ability to recover)br-Higher volume work is more beneficial for the back, glutes and quadsbr-Work to failure or close to it Do not work to the failure all the time if you're doing plenty (>6) setsbr-Decrease the volume of set by increasing the weightbr-Everything works
Comment from : summary guy

Great video, thank you!
Comment from : perspicacity89

Hey dude, are you natty?
Comment from : perspicacity89

Troy Brown
Great video Jeff Quality information and very well thought out Brilliant
Comment from : Troy Brown

Shoulders tho? Is it 10-20 for each delt or for total
Comment from : HmmItsTed

In regards to the study you mentioned under the ‘easy sets’ section, I wonder how many of those participants simply underestimated their 10-rep weight on purpose just to avoid embarrassment
Comment from : TheOvieShow

Kaioken 99
This guy was the Lil wrestler you knew that was highly skilled but small BUT also eventually blew up!
Comment from : Kaioken 99

James ingebretsen
Less is best 2 sets a body part works well for me
Comment from : James ingebretsen

Adrian Juric
Bro cmon u telling me this now Just yesterday i went to train legs and did 16 sets of 7-9 rpe and 6 to failure Now i cant walk
Comment from : Adrian Juric

Davey Kaart
But, but, but… I just switched to the Mentzer style of training😢 have been growing like mad on it
Comment from : Davey Kaart

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