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7 WORST KITCHEN DESIGN MISTAKES (u0026 how to fix them✅)


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Название :  7 WORST KITCHEN DESIGN MISTAKES (u0026 how to fix them✅)
Продолжительность :   14.03
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Просмотров :   936 rb

Кадры 7 WORST KITCHEN DESIGN MISTAKES (u0026 how to fix them✅)

Описание 7 WORST KITCHEN DESIGN MISTAKES (u0026 how to fix them✅)

Коментарии 7 WORST KITCHEN DESIGN MISTAKES (u0026 how to fix them✅)

Frugal five-foot tall home owner here I splurged on hand-crafted 29" countertop--bull nosed and homey like something from the Greek islands I love with wood stools underneath for sitting This is my only built in Cabinets (1/4 price of built ins) are beautiful, steel, highest-quality industrial, tall garage models, 14" deep on amazing casters I can reach everything Looks great, works great, saves a ton of money
Comment from : @earthangel2524

Bro was cooking a banana hahaha
Comment from : @spike60735

You could have pointed out the significant reduction in capacity of counter-depth refrigerators before pushing the idea Do people want a frig with reasonable capacity? If yes, it'll stick out beyond the adjacent cabinets Duh?
Comment from : @kennethr8322

No problem at all with a fridge coming out a bit
Comment from : @barygol

the gap above cabinets also gets super dirty super fast - it's basically open shelving with all the attendant problems of that, except it's really hard to reach
Comment from : @ninawernick6501

Why is this one of the best youtube videos I've ever seen? I just wanted to glance at some things to make sure I don't screw up my kitchen, and I got an in depth, overwhelmingly useful take on kitchens! Whoa
Comment from : @bryantaylor1572

Sorry, I tried but I do not understand having music playing while you are speaking A professor does not turn on music when the lecture commences
Comment from : @dorenandsara

Great ideas
Comment from : @georgetaylor1063

Counter depth fridge maybe looks better but a as a family of 4 we can't function with the space it provides for storing our food We love to cook at home, eat outside the house rearly so our fridge has to be big To top that off we are regular Americans and we do not own 5000sq ft home and we can't knock the wall out to shove the fridge into the bedroom It is what it is and it doesn't bother us that fridge sticks out 3 inches more, it always had and it's a fact of life
Comment from : @barbarabieniasz9824

wonderful video thank you!"
Comment from : @RifuloftheWest

Good 👍 1 Falconlibrary 💜love ya work, from Aussie Beth
Comment from : @bethcarroll2970

you can also install drawer sliders into your standard cabinets, which are not very expensive
Comment from : @stevensyrko7109

I bought a less deep counter depth refrigerator and it is not worth it for a family that loves to cook I’d rather have it sticking out or build counters around it that are deeper It’s just not functional for a family A single person or maybe a married couple that doesn’t eat at home 3 meals a day, fine I literally bought a regular cheap refrigerator for the basement and I find myself needing to store the other half of a weeks worth of food in that refrigerator and running up and down the stairs every day At least I’m getting great exercise
Comment from : @SRose-vp6ew

“We panic bought a house because we were homeless” 😂
Comment from : @isaacbarnes3764

Don’t be “strategic” about your cabinet colors Express yourself and enjoy them And when you don’t like them anymore change them
Comment from : @katieheense5269

Personally, I found this video super helpful It broke down common errors in a way that anyone can understand and the suggested fixes are practical for someone like me who's not a kitchen expert I'm looking forward to making some changes and avoiding those design blunders!
Comment from : @JanetThomas-nr6sk

Lol, he’s cooking a banana 🍌
Comment from : @adaptedbythedans

My fridge sits in a corner by itself directly across from the countertop
Comment from : @corilia9529

And in my opinion if your kitchen sink is not big enough to wash a giant frying pan, thats a problem I do not out them in the dishwasher
Comment from : @corilia9529

What bothers me is WHO thought putting the microwave above the stove was a good idea Im short and i just dont like it
Comment from : @corilia9529

Kitchen triangle sucks Use 4 separate zones : dishes, stove, food prep, serving
Comment from : @LiberatedMind1

regarding the fridge, no home with more than 2 people in it "needs" a counter-depth fridge
Comment from : @vtmegrad98

I willlive with the fridge hangover Counter depth fridges are just too small for my large family
Comment from : @jessiem7222

Who has a fridge that deep anyways?
Comment from : @aaronbeing7189

Comment from : @sterlgirlceline

Corner drawers are a dream compared to lazy susans Who gives a crap what they look like when you pull the drawer out? Lol
Comment from : @smgwarrelics

Are we just not going to talk about the banana on the stove?brbrGreat video, enjoyed watching with my son because we are renovating
Comment from : @NeenaShetty-kd8bv

"Below the waist, the first 12 inches are OK"
Comment from : @zagraniczniak4120

Nice video kitchen design❤❤❤❤
Comment from : @maritescadiz8141

14 years ago, I turned off cable because i abhor commercials Now, I can do the same with YouTube channels BUH BYE
Comment from : @ruthiemay423

My next home with have a dedicated room for the kitchen -- open floors aren't for everybody LOL -- PS dutiful house manger here
Comment from : @TeamBrooksx6

Some people need to get a life! In a Facebook home decor group, someone told me that my brand new fridge isn’t filling the 𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓻𝓮 space (there’s 4” of space on either side of it) and that I should buy another fridge My husband and I bought the fridge we like, and we’re keeping it
Comment from : @QDS2

what is inchesdamn it "how many bananas" would make more sense for the rest of the world
Comment from : @user-sh6hl3xz5u

lol the range
Comment from : @ailecerreip8750

I designed my kitchen once it was beautiful and once it was finished i went to load it full of my stuff and all that and realized i only put 1 single drawer in 😂
Comment from : @Iburn247

I have a large refrigerator because I need the fridge space My kitchen needs to work for me more than it needs to look perfect
Comment from : @sharons5714

wish I had seen this video before designing my kitchen – it could have saved me a lot of trouble The tips on avoiding common mistakes were straightforward, and the solutions provided were easy to implement Highly recommend for anyone planning a kitchen makeover
Comment from : @arkstudio4810

Yeah the sticking out fridge may not be aesthetically the best but counter depth fridges don't have enough space inside
Comment from : @redclaw01

Why don‘t you just buy a different range hood and install it?
Comment from : @TheseusTitan

What floor is that?
Comment from : @fugerep

Totally First World problems
Comment from : @claudepoulin8558

these big issues will one day be my most important goals to tackle
Comment from : @tajmahalbybrii

Excellent video Glad I'm a fine furniture/cabinet maker, and building a beautiful kitchen is a cinch
Comment from : @colinchesbrough5772

The fridge one is weird The last apartment i had before we bought our house had counter depth fridge It had a beautiful kitchen but that damn fridge couldn't fit anything Couldnt even fit a large pizza box Its the perfect example of form over function Counter depth fridges is something that's on my list of items no never ever buy Weird to see it recommended
Comment from : @Francis__D

Lower cabinets are great If you have custom cabinetry made, they can do pull outs for the cabinets Or ShelfGenie, they customize pull outs It is the best
Comment from : @Candicetan

Could you please share some ideas for Bay Window in kitchen? I have two Bay Windows in my kitchen next to each other and I can’t get any good designs for them
Comment from : @nupurnpr1

Chapters and metric system should both be mandatorybrbrnumber one the dreaded sticking out fridge brnumber two low Cabinetry brnumber three trendy and bold colored Cabinetry brnumber four Gap above the cabinets a gap between the upper kitchen cabinets and a standard height ceilingbrnumber five inadequate lighting brnumber six blindly following the kitchen work trianglebrnumber seven my kitchen design mistake it's important to realize that we all make mistakes so I want
Comment from : @PabloBianchiOK

I keep seeing the fridge depth issue as a "mistake" but it's really just necessity When our kitchen was built 20 years ago, the cabinetry was built for a standard fridge Fast forward 18 or so years, standard refrigerators sizes have changed and are much deeper and wider Yes, they sell "counter depth" but they cost at least 1k more So, stop calling it a mistake, we all know it's wrong and none of us love it but that is the way it is
Comment from : @shannonackley2526

Come on, counter depth fridges are too small inside, you can't get a turkey in it ot a large pan Put pullouts in a lower cabinets
Comment from : @JSees

Hi I love yr kitchen I want you guys to make one for my house
Comment from : @shallotkgomanyane3113

Lower cabinets w large drawers for pots and pans are the best!
Comment from : @leeboriack8054

Item 10 Microwave above the range is a huge mistake, for height challenged people and for safety reasons
Comment from : @user-lz1ym4cv4t

1:50 sorry the fridge sticking out is not a design flaw; there are two types of fridges, counter depth (24-30in) and standard depth (30-36in It’s up to the consumer to decide which is better for them Standard depth “sticks” out a bit more giving the consumer more overall interior space This has nothing to do with a kitchen design flaw as counter depths are standardized at 24in…if everyone followed your rule, no one would ever buy a standard size since ALL cabinets are 24in…😂😂😂
Comment from : @Cloud_Surfer

This video doesn't just point out flaws; it's a crash course in creating a well-designed and practical kitchen space The host's engaging style and real-world examples empower viewers to navigate potential errors with confidence, ensuring their kitchens are both visually appealing and highly functional
Comment from : @joshgray-fv5dd

Video starts at 1:43
Comment from : @zbjz

So annoying that this designer doesn't understand the difference between a shelf and a cabinet All the cabinets in her kitchen are cabinets Does she have fixed shelves or does she have shelves on drawer glides ?
Comment from : @sailorz3

Thank you so much for your nice kitchen tips, I really appreciate it especially the idea of living spaces between the top cabinets and the ceiling, I agree it is not aesthetically pleasing I also adopt the idea of drawer below waist level Thanks for the 10 tips
Comment from : @NerolinksDesign

Wandered here to get some tips for renovating my 4 square metres (40 square feet) kitchen and just burst out laughing at 10:49 "when kitchens were much smaller"
Comment from : @arimolyki

What are your thoughts on quartz countertops that have hints of yellow instead of white in them Do you think that it is dated?
Comment from : @The045199

Mistake #1: Buying more fridge than you really need I currently have a 17 cu ft, 32 inch wide model that's about a third full of non-consumables that keep better in the fridge (some paints, wood putty, glue, etc), and still have plenty of room left Think about eating less - that helps, too And of course, always opt for a counter-depth fridge Not missing my 24 cu ft (icemaker) model AT ALLbrbrMistake #2: Buying a fridge with an ice maker BIG mistake Those things eat up a huge amount of real estate, plus are notoriously trouble-prone Buy a smaller fridge without an icemaker and get the same amount of net cubic feet Quit chomping on ice as well - that will help and save you trips to the dentist (Ask me how I know this) Exception: Iced tea - which you shouldn't be drinking anyway, except when company comes brbrMistake #3: Buying into the modern notion that that huge blob of stainless steel doesn't look imposing and overwhelming in your smallish kitchen Granted, they beat the almond and light green numbers from the 70's, but they still look like you're in a commercial refrigeration business You want your kitchen to look warm and inviting instead - you eat and form an appetite with your eyes first So, keep your food cool by submersing it in a watertight container in a nearby creek If that's impractical, do as the British do and hide that blob behind panels There are videos on YT that explain how I got my sliding fixtures (a necessity for retrofit panel-attaching) for about 17 bucks USD from the British version of Amazon You don't have to shell out 10k-plus for a fridge to do this!brbrMistake #4: Thinking you're in a subway QUIT installing those tacky white subway backsplashes (as pictured above) and other incredibly ugly backsplashes just because that's what's readily available You ireally/i have to pound the pavement nowadays on this one I lucked up on this as my family home kitchen was constructed back in the day with a 4" square segmented cheery light yellow itasteful/i backsplash that mimics the look of matte tile Nigh impossible to find that sheet material nowadays, but just stay away from that subway stuff if at all possible brbrMistake #5: Painting everything in a gloss finish Get a cheap spray gun made for the task and use LOTS of Floetrol to spray paint your cabinets in a matte finish that will hide imperfections brbrMistake #6: Thinking other people's taste is as bad as yours It's gonna take a lot of time, hassle, and money to undo your garish mistakes and set things right if you're looking to sellbrbr- GREAT advice about avoiding stooping/crouching down to retrieve stuff and also about setting the cabinets too low with excessive gaps to the ceiling You can mitigate some of the crouching inexpensively with pull-out stainless steel baskets that ride on drawer-slide rails It took me far too long to smarten up and do this regarding the space under my sink
Comment from : @netterstyl

You’re so right about the refrigerator sticking out… looks awful!
Comment from : @melaniemarkwell8689

Many thanks!
Comment from : @adriancuellar9384

Low cabinets are ergonomically helpful on counter space ,I’m even designing the new uppers lowered for easy reach, draws are nice but adjustable shelves in cabs are good ,
Comment from : @susanfennimore3152

I have no problem with my refrigerator sticking out Calling it one of the worst blunders is kind of funny
Comment from : @deblynne9440

One idea to offset higher costs with lower cabinets having drawers would be to downsize (purge!) your kitchen inventory in order to eliminate unnecessary upper cabinets Shelving looks very nice in a lot of situations, and a pantry could be used to store less often used items to help eliminate upper cabinets
Comment from : @marlaplunk2833

12:46 That's basically me
Comment from : @TulgaD5

The 1950s house mom is better than what we have now, and no different from the twice divorced single mom It's still one woman working in the kitchen
Comment from : @Gendo3s2k

Oh no! A fridge that is not aesthetically pleasing! Maybe Christmas afternoon wasn’t the best time for me to look at kitchen DIY renovation ideas This is the second YT video I’ve found that put me off within the first 2 minutes The assumption that most people have exposable incomes…the vast majority of the world’s population are struggling to feed our kids Looking forward to the day when upcycling/re-cycling are the norm Already flashy, opulent living is becoming tasteless and just uncool Nothing personal against you You are probably my a lovely person
Comment from : @emilyroseayres84

why that kitchen guy stirs a raw banana while leaving the hood on?😮
Comment from : @jenniebjestp

Excellent Video! All great points
Comment from : @KitchenMagicOfficial

You’re wrong with very first point brMost of the customers preferring counter depth fridges nowadays brSome keeping their existing one Eventually when they buy new one, for sure they’ll go for counter depth If we make stick out panels with crown finished, obviously will look very bad when you buy your counter depth brDesign according to the future availability brGani
Comment from : @ganigranites

You design mistakes is really a liability mistake and a heath hazard: bumping heads
Comment from : @kreyolappliance1469

What about when you have 10 foot ceilings in your kitchen?
Comment from : @kathrinlancelle3304

You are awesome
Comment from : @ahmadaddurobi

My frustrations: 1The counter space next to the stove is so limited I need a big space to prep! 2 The sink chops the counter in half 3 Deep cabinets that are hard to access
Comment from : @corinnelopez66

This was amazing!!! Laughed so much Loved your humor, style and of course the knowledge sharing 👌
Comment from : @MrGucciClass1A

The lazy susan is the dumbest thing i have ever had in a house cabinet My twins used to get in it and spin so i guess that's thw only good use for it We have lived here for 3 years and have not once put anything in there
Comment from : @nicolereadstarot

Comment from : @indigodande4345

That gap above the cabinets always drove me crazy The space above attracted dirt and grease and had to be cleaned several times a year After a fire when we rebuilt, I insisted on having the cupboards reach to the ceiling
Comment from : @Coupal1

Number 4 is personal choice, I hate how cabinets look all the way to ceiling
Comment from : @82dupont

Who has this much stuff in their kitchens? Crock pot, coffee maker, blender, tea kettle, pots, pans and utensils
Comment from : @82dupont

thanks for all good advices, by the way Is he frying banana without peeling Maybe that's is also one of your kitchen mistakes :P
Comment from : @AllwinCharles-gd8up

Comment from : @JohnDoe-hl1fd

Thanks for these wise tips!!
Comment from : @lynnbutcher6027

It's nice to have confirmation that I bought the correct size of skinny appliances for our One Wall Kitchen Counter depth and to proper scale for a 8 foot 9 inch Straight layout kitchen space
Comment from : @hchayes9431

Wow You should do a video on how to way make up well You make up is beautiful
Comment from : @honeydew4576

So basically do what you want if it makes you happy! Got it!!
Comment from : @sunshine19701989

Wow, listening to you is like listening to an astrophysicist explaining the intricacies of cosmos!
Comment from : @chachakanjar

You should do a kitchen deal from a old 1900 farm house My refrigerator is in a addition added to the house
Comment from : @derekgilson9479

She could have sent that range hood back immediately (or not ordered it until they actually lived there), OR she could go get a shorter husband
Comment from : @signalfire6691

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