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The BEST HDR gaming TV for Xbox Series X and PS5 | 4K OLED TV


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Коментарии The BEST HDR gaming TV for Xbox Series X and PS5 | 4K OLED TV

Arunit gurung
😢😢😢 My mother brought sansui 55 inches br 4k ultra hd tv prime series i m going to purchase a new branded Xbox series x next year what do you think will it work on my sansui tv
Comment from : Arunit gurung

Rhys Hunt
Does it support dolby vision gaming at 120hz on xbox series x
Comment from : Rhys Hunt

Comment from : WeSoŁy

Lg is sponsored this Video, and you use an Sony oled😁😁😁👍
Comment from : G_MACHINE

Yoo finally someone played Overwatch with an OLED tv in a video I've seriously been looking for such videos since it's an esports game and latency and how blury your screen matters Especially so when you're constantly panning your screen around trying to follow a Genji on to of your head
Comment from : Slime

just dev
Here is the thing The dishes looks amazing but it is looking amazing on my (very early generation) IPS phone screen I am starting to think that source of the image is far more important than the monitor itself
Comment from : just dev

Doesn't matter when I see that title screen I still get chills Lol
Comment from : tjh221

Immersive Gaming
I am here for the burn-in comments 🍿
Comment from : Immersive Gaming

macgyver mac
Yeap I have been gaming on the G1 about two week now and I love it
Comment from : macgyver mac

Jonny Qwest
Do you have a link for the desk that you are using?
Comment from : Jonny Qwest

Getting the 55 inch model Black Friday cant wait!
Comment from : BigDavos2you

Mental Smarties
I bought a 65 inch LG C1 last week for $1799 at Best Buy It’s been freaking incredible Have it in the living room hooked up to my receiver, 4K Player, and my gaming PC since my desk and monitor are next to it Whenever I want to play a game I can literally now just launch the game on the PC and relax on the recliner and still get the high refresh rate and high resolution with no sacrifices It’s incredible! It’s my second OLED I have the 65 inch VIZIO in the bedroom My next goal is to get the 48 inch as a monitor Can’t wait to see what LG does next year
Comment from : Mental Smarties

When LG comes out with the 42" version next yearIts going to sell like crazy 48" might be too big for some computer setups
Comment from : Fckyll231

Reg banks
Awesome set up man Looks amazing
Comment from : Reg banks

Nick F
Hey villa Do you plan on releasing the G1 comparison video?
Comment from : Nick F

The middle of the screen should be eye level Looks like you need a riser or stand to have it sit higher so that you aren't looking down as much
Comment from : strictlynineties

Hi, villaman just a quick question Iam looking to buy a 4k bluray player, do they all play dolby atmos audio, thanks
Comment from : bazzahun

Thirivikraman Veeramani
why didnt u upload it in HDR ??
Comment from : Thirivikraman Veeramani

5:40 Villaman, seems like the tradeoff is your eyes, those reds could be burn in literally, you are just too close I have the 55 Inch GX Oled and i make i'm 8 feet away YOU ARE TOO CLOSE, don't listen to what people say, i am telling you are too close
Comment from : ROMAIN WHITE

name mous using? thanks
Comment from : Neto0055

Doc Robotnik
Apparently the G1(£3000) and Z1(£30,000) have solved the burn in issue (that or the 6 year warranty covers burn in on those models now!)brbrI use my 65CX for GeForceNow and Stadia, great response times for streaming games from the cloud ☁️
Comment from : Doc Robotnik

Dirk Manderin
I have 2 Sony OLEDs myself, and getting the A90j 83" once the price drops a bit I don't think I would ever use one for PC monitor though Your taskbar, background image, desktop icons, etc WILL get burned in It's just a matter of time The best you can do to keep that from happening for as long as possible is to not use wallpaper, no desktop icons, hide your taskbar, and move your windows around once in awhile I know it's a sponsored video, but you really should mention the downsides as well
Comment from : Dirk Manderin

Mckaylund Tuttle
I’m playing ghost also on a oled brIs it super dark in the huts (homes) for you too? Seems to be a pretty dark game
Comment from : Mckaylund Tuttle

Christopher Arocha
good video was thinking about ultrawide, but for the price and quality it seems OLED is the way to go!
Comment from : Christopher Arocha

Greg Jones
Yep, smells like a paid promotion just as disclosed
Comment from : Greg Jones

dee brown
Yes big man from yard you're always be on point with your videos Man keep up the great work badman thing
Comment from : dee brown

Timothy Kwong
Love your content and the production quality of your videos Keep up the good work!!!
Comment from : Timothy Kwong

If you game only, maybe Using OLED as a monitor is asking for trouble Ya, they getting better at preventing burn-in, but not 'over 14k hours' good (backlight on, 22k hour total time) that my LCD TV used as a monitor has done so far Most of that with static browser toolbars that would have killed OLED
Comment from : Midniteoyl

Noah C
Another great video Two questions: 1) can you please share your picture settings for this tv? 2) what keyboard are you using in this video (it looks nice)? Thanks
Comment from : Noah C

I'd be hesitant about using an OLED as a monitor, especially if you're using it for both work and gaming It would take a while before you see any burn in, but it would happen a lot sooner than if you were just using it for entertainment purposes
Comment from : cun7us

Tried out the 48 CX, something about OLED that up close causes heavy eye strain for me Had to switch back to IPS monitor ASAP
Comment from : Enyownz

A Lama Snackbar
great unless u play on pc alot and will definitely get burn in after a year or 2
Comment from : A Lama Snackbar

Scott Smith
Great review and great content TVM!! Please keep up the great work man, your doing very well
Comment from : Scott Smith

What about the problem of burn in for using it for media creation or just on pc with pretty consistant interface layout?
Comment from : G E

This video was timely I am trying to decide whether to get a smaller OLED, 48 inch vs a 65 inch I am leaning towards doing a smaller gaming set up on a computer desk vs a big TV living room set up Any thoughts on pros and cons of each?
Comment from : khannibal75

Black Bond-007
Villaman, can you do a part#2 in full Patois? Lol Kidding! Keep up the great content Been following your content for sometime now Salute!
Comment from : Black Bond-007

Sir Jon Smith III
I wanted to upgrade my dell ultra wide ips monitor over a year ago I was disappointed with the features, picture quality, and price of all higher end monitors I went with a 48 inch cx I was lucky enough to get a 3080 tuff (at msrp) It is still amazing (I also got the extended warranty from BB, just to be safe)
Comment from : Sir Jon Smith III

Nazrul Islam
Sony OLED tv sponsored by LG 🤔
Comment from : Nazrul Islam

Jonny Qwest
Did you just do a LG sponsored video with a Sony A9S?
Comment from : Jonny Qwest

Sam Fisher
Comment from : Sam Fisher

Home Fry
Here early Favorite videos on YouTube, let’s goooo
Comment from : Home Fry

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