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Jordan Peterson - BREAK UP with YOUR PARTNER when they DO THIS


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Название :  Jordan Peterson - BREAK UP with YOUR PARTNER when they DO THIS
Продолжительность :   8.13
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Просмотров :   1,3 jt

Кадры Jordan Peterson - BREAK UP with YOUR PARTNER when they DO THIS

Описание Jordan Peterson - BREAK UP with YOUR PARTNER when they DO THIS

Коментарии Jordan Peterson - BREAK UP with YOUR PARTNER when they DO THIS

Monica Bronson
Were you watching my life from 1989 to 2008? 🤯
Comment from : Monica Bronson

Shame about juden peterstein lately tho
Comment from : Ducklesworth

Farhia Farah
Who iam familiessssabirenEEEs patients EsEartiesflower pEse Respect sooooooo WELCOMEEEE and sooooo weldoooooown everlife livelife plenty till pradisE SENERATIONSSS SENERATIONSSS
Comment from : Farhia Farah

Maria N
I didn't realise how much I had suffered and was suffering until my ex (15 years) cheated Best thing he did, as that broke my bond with him
Comment from : Maria N

what he means when he says watch your life is like if you’re playing GTA or some thing you play it from a first person or third person view Most people aren’t self-aware so much in fact that they don’t even know themselves so if you go on about your life for a week seeing everything from a third person perspective above yourself and you judge yourself from that character from that position gives you ultimate power to change your life
Comment from : DerpHacks

Buy a Huski; a lot of books, buy a log cabin in some nordic country Stay put Watch the world burn
Comment from : Svp3rN0v4

PETER Müller
Nice victim comments here A speech from old rich man which talks in the name of a system which separates people trough status Well done
Comment from : PETER Müller

AT 6:28 "find a mode of life that is so meaningful that the fact the life is suffering is no longer relevant" BUT: know the consequences of your decisions and have a PLAN for your life For me, dedicating 60h/wk to teaching poor kids was meaningful, for decades I had no husband and no kids; all my time & energy went into teaching & helping poor kids Now I'm retired and: single, no kids, with NO ONE in my life There are consequences to devoting your life (60h/wk) to a "purpose" such that you have no time to have an intimate relationship and/or raise children Have a plan for your life
Comment from : Jango

Audio is great Stock footage is awful Really unnecessary and stupid
Comment from : Michael

Apples Nicolle
Jordan Peterson is the GOAT!!
Comment from : Apples Nicolle

Stop associating with lying psychopaths lol 😂 br😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Comment from : Ishnala

Vault Dweller
Facts I hit bottom with the end of my last relationship last NovemberbrbrNow I'm making more money, I lost 45 pounds, I'm happy and confident, and I'm so clear headedbrbrHitting bottom was the greatest day of my life
Comment from : Vault Dweller

Farhia Farah
Who, Familyyyy EsEartiesflower PEse RespEct
Comment from : Farhia Farah

Joe Collucci
I'm treading the thin line of happiness and complanency I wish it was easier
Comment from : Joe Collucci

Terresa Marthy
Cheating in a relationship is an unforgivable betrayal of trust that can not be remedied, at least for me brThere is no excuse for it and, again for me, marks your character as a person as flawed beyond redemption, in the regards to a relationship; thanks to alomd genius for saving me from that bloody cheater
Comment from : Terresa Marthy

Thanks Daddy
Comment from : SashASMR

Joan Sheekey
Yes it’s time reo move in no man shouled make any excuse Not two see yu in 5 months tgats bad and disrespect I keep relly if yur still texting him and begging well it’s not going reo get better it will get worse he knows are she knows yur right at home waiting on them they can get yu back anytime don’t do this reo yur self yul be walked on dismissed and told I’m not married reo yu all a slap in yur face when yur needie
Comment from : Joan Sheekey

Ghost Rebel Society
For me it's music & that's such a huge struggle because everything in life only wants to take that away from me AI the music industry you can't sing a song and not be associated with other music and everything someone has heard before It's like people think they have a right to be connoisseurs of your soul Music is a product to people not a life force So when your life force is turned into a profit for others to cannibalize yeah makes living a little hard I don't know why people want art to live in a prison Art is a reflection of the soul Why would you want to kill the soul?
Comment from : Ghost Rebel Society

Kassim🕊 alSultan
Most important thing I’ve learned over time leave when you see the first red flag They will keep popping up and the longer you stay the harder it becomes to leave
Comment from : Kassim🕊 alSultan

morefaiththanever DBA
Isn’t a soulmate GoD
Comment from : morefaiththanever DBA

Nothing like Jordan Peterson telling me about my house mess and telling me to do something about it, loser 😂
Comment from : Razzy

Cynthia Fitzpatrick
I was so depressed when I was married at times I wanted to take my lifemy husband was boring, never smiled, he had no personality at all I been on my own 10 years and I couldn't be happier, got my 2 dogs, good friends, most of all I got Jesusthat's all I need
Comment from : Cynthia Fitzpatrick

Jim DiGriz
The disturbing thing is most people do not try to fix the relationship They’re selfish, bossy, want it their way rather than compromising
Comment from : Jim DiGriz

Three things you want in a relationship brjust three things you wantbrright nowbrSmile♡
Comment from : Christina

Cruce Entertainment
You can accomplish so many great things in life, but it will be hard to accomplish great things if you’re investing too much time and energy in a bad relationship
Comment from : Cruce Entertainment

Vineet Rao
I like how this video ends with “loser” 😂
Comment from : Vineet Rao

Cranking It With Jeffrey Toobin
I never understood how this man gets so much hate
Comment from : Cranking It With Jeffrey Toobin

Chris Barrett
Im stuck in this spiral right now She betrays me in little ways every week literally Literally once a week theres some new bullshit
Comment from : Chris Barrett

Eliza Bethy
" You are trying to redeem someone who is not redeemable" This phrase is just what I needed to hear I tried for years, BUT, I DID learn Suffering has a purpose!
Comment from : Eliza Bethy

Jacob Tudragens
I've always tried to take that which is broken and work to fix it That describes most of my possessions But people aren't possessions, and only God can fix a broken spiritbrbrAnyway, now I'm used up, I don't have the strength or the desire to try againbrbr I sometimes feel that I wasted my lifebr I only have my children to show that I was even here brbrAnd they don't callbrbrbrbr No one calls
Comment from : Jacob Tudragens

People say how can there be a God with all this evil in the world but I say with all the evil in the world there must be a devil and if there's a devil there must be a God that opposes it
Comment from : MrShmanckles

The most exciting thing for a woman to see in a man is boundries, principles, and morals Its rarely seen in this simp culture of men Stay strong and dont waiver no matter how hot she is and she will respect you at the very least
Comment from : Cornpop

Comment from : T2BRFU

That Guy
My wife is like that in public… she is pleasant in public… and a devil at home
Comment from : That Guy

Dan F
this is not good advice its just palaver if you get divorced it can ruin you financially
Comment from : Dan F

Geoff Roberts
Wow,if this is hell I’m not going there,for I understand love and hate at the same path It’s the journey we undertake,hopefully filled with compassion,for there you will find peace
Comment from : Geoff Roberts

Lam Nomnoms
thank you this was very helpful to hear going through a breakup with a terrible evil person
Comment from : Lam Nomnoms

Keith Mendoza
Anyone know the name of the ambient song in the background?
Comment from : Keith Mendoza

dumdum yumyum
Comment from : dumdum yumyum

White Gold
A place with too much order means that it's run by a tyrant This made me tear up I'm in a place like that, and the tyrant has just looked toward me
Comment from : White Gold

Marta Reads Tarot
I always advocate for a happy inside which projects a happy outside It is all in the eye of the beholder
Comment from : Marta Reads Tarot

“Maybe you should stop associating with lying psychopaths…” brYes, Mr Peterson, I do Thank you for your bluntness offered with truth and wisdom
Comment from : Juliana

“Stop associating with lying psychopaths and maybe you’ll be fulfilled and happier” 😢 that hit
Comment from : Coopfam

deno barrey
Life sometimes is hard 🤣😔
Comment from : deno barrey

Dana Yarbrough
Thank You
Comment from : Dana Yarbrough

Jake Jake
Yes lean to identify mental ill people and stay away from them at all cost They will bring you to he'll and laugh at you in your pain, from what they put you through Run my friend There are healthy people Find them! Don't let your self be destroyed by them on they way to healthy people
Comment from : Jake Jake

Matthew Dominic Mercury
Like right now or there's still salvation in wonder and strife
Comment from : Matthew Dominic Mercury

Federico Ascolani
Never never have children with someone who you don't really know
Comment from : Federico Ascolani

CORINTHIANS 15:33 Bad company corrupts good character
Comment from : EXECUTRIX

Matthew Mc
Comment from : Matthew Mc

grande cache
this is totally correctomundo thanks Mr J Petersen you are right on the money take care live long and prosper from NE British Columbia, Canada
Comment from : grande cache

Joseph Cazzuto
That would be hilarious if everyone watching this vid got dumped because their other half watched the same vid 😅😅😅 Including Jordan 😅😅😅😅😅
Comment from : Joseph Cazzuto

Samurai’s mom
I battled depression & anxiety for years It’s because I was married to assholes!
Comment from : Samurai’s mom

When young I tried to help people in relationships and in finance Young people are optimistic and have time to change After 40 I stopped helping unless they asked (and they didn’t) I still believe in young people can change but for people 45 and older I don’t hold my breath I have never allowed those who weren’t good for my mind and lifestyle to stick around longer than they had wanted to brbrMy mental physical financial health is my priority If I don’t take care of myself first, I am not doing my part being a capable independent adult I’d rather choose those who are in similarly mindset to be in my orbit than to surround by losers
Comment from : Jenesis

Megan Langhoff
I betrayed my love by sending one picture and an inappropriate message to another I know in my heart and soul that I will change for him and be 100 loyal But, am I fighting a wall?
Comment from : Megan Langhoff

Neha Singh
I just cant live with a criminal stalking me
Comment from : Neha Singh

Neha Singh
I just dont understand y they reject morality despite being educated n that too 'professionally'
Comment from : Neha Singh

Taking relationship advice from Jp is like learning to surf from stephen Hawkins
Comment from : VJ

Wtf this content has nothing to do with the title
Comment from : romancandlefight

scotty Toohotty
Very wise Take this message and keep it close
Comment from : scotty Toohotty

Tessa Hall
Sociopaths and narcissists have the best possible life Always winning and society encourages them because that’s the preferred personality type: self absorbed, callous, vain, shallow etc
Comment from : Tessa Hall

morgan catherwood
This dude sometimes talks and talks - could've gotten the point across in 2 minutes - blah blah blah
Comment from : morgan catherwood

Raoul Duke Jr
DrJordan Peterson is such a gift that always gives
Comment from : Raoul Duke Jr

Cody Thompson
Imagine that it's in the Bible! 1st Corinthians 15:33 do not be deceived bad company corrupts good morals
Comment from : Cody Thompson

Malibu Dolphin
Comment from : Malibu Dolphin

Wow !
Comment from : RONALD BOYTE

Scott Perine
I lost my wife of 30 years I was not the best I could be It took this loss to wake me up I only wish I would of seen this before her passing Today I know if I meet someone I will go about my relationship completely different Treating myself as well as them, so much better than previously did
Comment from : Scott Perine

John Smith
So this guy making the video make money off our views (ad views), but he doesn't ask nor pay JPeterson to use his recordings Sounds lucrative and, well, kind of like stealing I suppose the advertisers could care less, same with YouTube The company that owns JPs content cares, but maybe they can't do anything about it, or can't catch everyone doing it? Or the nature of this video is protected under some fair-use clause?
Comment from : John Smith

Brett Edgar
Comment from : Brett Edgar

April Groomes
Dang this breaking down The couples on Snapped 😢
Comment from : April Groomes

Dan Bello
Jennmy sons motherwas with her for 9 yearsI left her a week agoout of all the yearsI find out shes a narcissusthe first 6 to 8 months togethershe treated me like a king and had my backafter those monthsall she did was talk down on me and tell her family and friends false informationI've been saving message for the past 2 years to prove to her what shes doingso she fractured my skull
Comment from : Dan Bello

Matthew John Grabow
Too good
Comment from : Matthew John Grabow

Chris Welensky
The concept of cleaning your room borrows from the broken window mindset I remember years ago when my kids were tiny, we went to visit this very dynamic and successful couple Appone entering their home we were met with a trash heap from wall to wall with only a narrow path As we followed the guy my daughter started picking things up to clean up I'll never forget the look of confusion when I told her not to I still can't get my head around how those two with their kids could live in such filth
Comment from : Chris Welensky

Alpcr Dh
Sounds like the depths of hell
Comment from : Alpcr Dh

Charlie Bellvue
Been there done that!brSloppy seconds women are a dime a dozen, I was once married to a sloppy seconds woman and the whore went through eight different men that I know of the real number? God only knows!brThe Lesson I learned? Never Ever marry an English woman!brIf you do you are going to learn the true meaning of the word treacherous
Comment from : Charlie Bellvue

After my last relationship with someone who might be a narc, i'm really scared of even meeting new people Idk if i'll be able to trust anyone again The only thought of it makes me so anxious
Comment from : A S

This is incoherent nonsense He’s having a public nervous breakdown and people should leave him alone
Comment from : SuperStella1111

Ray G
People's ability to rationalize terrible behavior is astounding We mistake this for love oftentimes One of the biggest vehicles for emotional trauma
Comment from : Ray G

Marsha Baker
So didn't hear anything about What a partner is doing that would cause you to break up with them
Comment from : Marsha Baker

The Real Paddy Doherty
You might be right but your method is full of cruelty in its application spirals happen, hell happens , but being kind and gentle to damaged people also matters
Comment from : The Real Paddy Doherty

Ringo van den Heuvel
Really didn't want to break up, but i feel like my hand was forced and i don't work with forced ❤
Comment from : Ringo van den Heuvel

Stay away from complainers, excuse makers and victims They suck the life out of you
Comment from : tikka243412

dog paw
watch out for lying psychopaths, check
Comment from : dog paw

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