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HOW TO GROW CURLY HAIR TO WAIST LENGTH | tips (that actually work) to grow long and healthy hair


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Название :  HOW TO GROW CURLY HAIR TO WAIST LENGTH | tips (that actually work) to grow long and healthy hair
Продолжительность :   7.38
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Просмотров :   163 rb

Кадры HOW TO GROW CURLY HAIR TO WAIST LENGTH | tips (that actually work) to grow long and healthy hair

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Коментарии HOW TO GROW CURLY HAIR TO WAIST LENGTH | tips (that actually work) to grow long and healthy hair

What kind of deep conditioner do you use?
Comment from : sarisima

What haircuts do you get? Curly or regular cuts?? ❤I really want to know because I love your hair
Comment from : Learner77

Eyerus Amber
one word: genetics
Comment from : Eyerus Amber

I accidentally burnt of a section of my crown area I'm so mad cause it messes up a good amount of my hair styles I'm in the process of growing it out
Comment from : Cantetinza17

Garifuna Melen Roots
Take care what is growing! I don’t think so may I care the old growth meaning the end of my hair
Comment from : Garifuna Melen Roots

Beauty Space
Beautiful ❤
Comment from : Beauty Space

Can you post the link to the henna you use? I’ve only heard of it for tinting the hairs color so I want to make sure I get the right one!
Comment from : LA

How do you deal with single strand little fairy knots? I have them all over and even high up on strands If i trim them my hir would be short af
Comment from : noface181

Thank you I use coconut, sesame, olive oil alone or with henna it makes a huge difference i also mix with henna cloves water honey and mayo, sometimes yogurt brbrFlaxseed gel as well brbrCurrently using Rosemary water, onion and garlic water not juice
Comment from : ب

pamela mitchell
I SWEAR BY DEEP CONDITIONING TOO! No one believes me when I tell them this helps but they give me a hard time
Comment from : pamela mitchell

Shaneka Watts
Love this, if I may how old are you? Trying to make sure I can still achieve this length even at my age 😮‍💨
Comment from : Shaneka Watts

Daisha Rodriguez
I noticed topical hair care is key to luscious locks but for me I noticed the best hair I’ve ever had came from a change of diet some things include eggs, avocados, spinach, Greek yogurt, protein, and more but this isn’t all I eat but it’s a healthy take on my diet and hair growth journey also take multivitamins and vitamin e and never skip a day❤
Comment from : Daisha Rodriguez

Dawn Nash
What's the best for tangles ? 😭
Comment from : Dawn Nash

My hairs didn’t curl until I was 8, during 5th/6th grade I straightened my hair almost daily I’ve been wanting to grow my hair thicker and longer so it would hopefully look prettier when it’s curly These tips were very useful so thank you 😊
Comment from : Tea

LC Bridgeport, CT
Thank you so much for this video omgoodness 😢😅 but question you mentioned Henna?? Why type of Henna products are you referring 🤔 too??
Comment from : LC Bridgeport, CT

Blue Turquoise
I started deep conditioning for the past few months and my hair has grown so much I also use a leave in conditioner Will begin a pre-poo routine next weekend Let me see how that goes
Comment from : Blue Turquoise

Musical Sapphire 💎
Remember kids: quality over quantity 😉
Comment from : Musical Sapphire 💎

I like to grow long hair but I don't know what products to use

Chablee Peterson
❤❤❤❤love your hair
Comment from : Chablee Peterson

comunidad rizada
Que tipo de rizo tiene??
Comment from : comunidad rizada

TT Rodriguez
Great Video your hair is so beautiful God bless you 🙏 ❤️ thank you for sharing:)
Comment from : TT Rodriguez

D Sham
It’s hereditary MOSTLY and taking care of it This video is BS!
Comment from : D Sham

My hair is slightly straighter and im trying to get to this😩
Comment from : Rara36

Shiwadin Alshami
And if you can make a video about this
Comment from : Shiwadin Alshami

Shiwadin Alshami
Please tell me about supplements
Comment from : Shiwadin Alshami

Shiwadin Alshami
What kind of supplements and vitamins you are take?
Comment from : Shiwadin Alshami

Thank you so much for the advice! I love to do hot oil treatments they help so much and I also do conditioning treatments My hair is still short but I just got a cut You are the best girlie! ❤
Comment from : Caroline

Myfirstname is Jonny
I’m bald but I liked this vid because she’s beautiful ❤😊
Comment from : Myfirstname is Jonny

Faith Thweatt
Comment from : Faith Thweatt

Caeli Gratia
I love this! Also I really enjoy fenugreek oil occasionally for my scalp
Comment from : Caeli Gratia

Andraya Genskow
What is your hair type and density?
Comment from : Andraya Genskow

Ruth Tejada
And can you mention the henna that you use ?
Comment from : Ruth Tejada

So beautiful!
Comment from : Sheena

Pink Flower
I am Ethiopian and i have exactly similar to your hair Can you please tell me what type of hair you have? Like 3b, 3c or 4a? I am always unsure what type of hair i have You are very beautiful :)
Comment from : Pink Flower

SiMya Wallace
But what shampoo ,deep conditioner do you is
Comment from : SiMya Wallace

Is it true that when your hair isn’t receiving the proper care it takes more time to dry out?
Comment from : Kescazuos

Britany Kilgore
This video helped so much Can you tell me anything about using olaplex no3 on curly hair
Comment from : Britany Kilgore

Kay Covington
what's the number one thing that can grow your hair
Comment from : Kay Covington

Love your video
Comment from : Evy

This might be weird but can you do one for curly people who have to wear caps at work ? (Also styling tips) I work in fast food so I have to wear a hat and I'm worried about any damage that might be doing from sweat accumulation / having to slicking the curls down, etc Any tips would help and be greatly appreciated! (:
Comment from : forsurefurshur

Oil that scalp!
Comment from : Severi

The Way of Truth Ministry
Thankyou for this video, what type of deep conditioner do you use?
Comment from : The Way of Truth Ministry

You are so right about hair growth! Such a big misconception about the growth of people who are considered black or Africa America
Comment from : LaVanya

Paola Animator
Thanks for the advice! I'd say my hair is similar to yours I've been deep conditioning, making sure I eat healthy, etc I have questions: 1) I've never done a proteins treatment Should I start doing it, or is my hair fine? I read online proteins treatment is good when the hair has been dyed, straighten, etc I haven't straighten my hair in years and I avoid color hair dye 2) What are your tips for trimming ends? I have lots of hair so I get nervous if I trim the curls will be uneven I'm used to the hairdresser at salons straightening my hair and trimming but I now have my mom trim for me I dislike salons since I always feel like they trim too much of the ends But I'd like to learn to trim my hair myself every few months only when I see breakage starting to happen at the ends My curly hair is currently up to my bra length when stretched but I'm hoping it can grow longer to waist/hip length Not stretched is past my shoulders/my back
Comment from : Paola Animator

Tatianna Arce Canal Oficial
I been doing aloe vera plant my hair loves it
Comment from : Tatianna Arce Canal Oficial

CM Lee
When was your hair short? I did not see any short hair length
Comment from : CM Lee

Thank you for the advice! Also; really cute jeans!
Comment from : Pinkladyisv

Brittany Williams
Thank you for mentioning genetics People will literally ignore all healthy hair tips and blame long hair solely on genetics When your hair is damaged, its because of bad hair care habits But when your hair is long and healthy, its magically because of genetics
Comment from : Brittany Williams

Sherley Jean Louis
So I'm going to be starting growing my daughter's hair next week and she wants to get the link here that you have in this vidso how do I do that because she has like mid back length hair
Comment from : Sherley Jean Louis

Johari Malek
I’m African American and my bestie is Mexican Went to the same hairdresser to get highlights Her new growth hair needed to be highlighted way sooner than mine It was drastically faster, in fact double the length in the same time In 1 month her hair grew an inch and mine 1/2 an inch So the rate of growth really is different based mostly on genetics
Comment from : Johari Malek

Buni Love
I can’t help but die when you kept saying pre-poo brI am a child 😂
Comment from : Buni Love


Comment from : Mo

Rosemary oil works amazingly for hair growth
Comment from : jill8573

TT Schrock
What henna do you like best? Can you please advise or send link? Thanks!
Comment from : TT Schrock

What deep conditioners do you use?
Comment from : romanfashion33

What deep conditioners do you recommend?
Comment from : Daniela

Shiber boyz
maybe breakage, but my Mexican friends have super long locks and it grows ultra fast
Comment from : Shiber boyz

LeSweetpea パリス
such a great video!! thank you <3
Comment from : LeSweetpea パリス

sosita sosita
Can you share how you do your henna treatment? As to avoid breakage and such Thanks
Comment from : sosita sosita

Is there a henna brand you use?
Comment from : Diana

Cactus Flower
I love this!!!! I also wanted to mention that if anyone has hard water in their homes spritzing the hair daily with distilled water removes any traces of minerals and leaves the scalp clean and healthy and the hair will stay moisturized longer!
Comment from : Cactus Flower

Once I started deep conditioning weekly and trimming just my jagged ends every 3-5 months, I noticed such an amazing difference Less tangling (virtually none unless I did a lot of styling that week), retaining more moisture, I went from low porosity to normal, more shine and thickness throughout the strands, and so much less breakage throughout the week and on washday I chopped off all my hair in September 2020 and did this consistently up until now (Nov 2022) My hair is currently between shoulder and bra strap length depending on if it’s straightened out or not If your hair is prone to dryness, breakage, and buildup on the scalp & you have finer density hair, I really recommend weekly wash and deep condition Even when I get lazy, I start to see the single strand knots and brittleness coming back after more than 10days of no wash day I have “4a” hair btw
Comment from : JanieBee01

DrEa CoLe
Make senseI have your length but not volume, overtime i have lost volume and even d curl pattern has changedhowever I used deep conditioning once and my hair was falling out as I wash it out after the prescribed leave in time, I also ended up with rash along my hair line and areas of my scalp I don't use aloe because it really itches my skin and scalpolive oil I will tryI use to use olive oil leave in conditionerI only wash with shampoo once a monthI work out n practice healthy eatingso I guess it's stress or hair product that's making my hair fall out as if I am on chemo 😔
Comment from : DrEa CoLe

Sincerely Yours, Yarénis Esther With Love!
Love this! Just found your channel and subscribed Question what henna treatment do you have?
Comment from : Sincerely Yours, Yarénis Esther With Love!

What’s your fav deep conditioners?
Comment from : V F

Noor -
One thing that I did and really helped is scalp oiling and scalp massage
Comment from : Noor -

The pre-poo advice was on point I feel encouraged by the fact that you also occasionally leave your hair in a bun for days and let it get tangled and there’s a solution besides just “don’t do that” Will definitely try it out
Comment from : Dani

Deep conditioners make a my hair shed so much compared to when I don't use it
Comment from : Emily

Chula Loca
How do you grow your hair so quick
Comment from : Chula Loca

Thank you! This is really helpful!!
Comment from : CodeCrochet

Toni H
Agree 💯 percent 💛🌼🌻💛
Comment from : Toni H

Is it bad to wet your hair everyday? I hate showering & not at least wetting it lol Might not wash it but def wetting it I’m wondering if that’s doing something to my growth
Comment from : SAMONALISA

Angelica Matos
Hey Jenny! Can you recommend a deep conditioner and prepoo? Thank you!
Comment from : Angelica Matos

My sister had such long kinky 4c hair we had to cut it and I’m gonna have to try her routine that my mom is giving her because it seems to be working I just want long beautiful hair❤❤
Comment from : lullabiezz

what hair type is this? its so pretty!
Comment from : SpinningAriel

samantha sutherland
You so beautiful, wow perfect hair❤️🤗
Comment from : samantha sutherland

Sixta Linares
What type of henna products do you used I’ve never heard of it before
Comment from : Sixta Linares

Mudi Movie
Comment from : Mudi Movie

Rk mz
Do you take any vitamins like iron? Maybe a what I eat in a day video
Comment from : Rk mz

How many years did it take to grow your hair this length from shoulders?
Comment from : Aphrodite

Eman Badry
I love you so much 🌹
Comment from : Eman Badry

Redacted ⭐️
Beautifulllll ☺️
Comment from : Redacted ⭐️

Chablee Peterson
Cool love it … looks so nice love your curly hair I’m a curly YouTuber 😎
Comment from : Chablee Peterson

lola elle
Did you ever go through a straightening phase
Comment from : lola elle

Spirit Medium Savonn Champelle
Love this advice!!! Ive been growing my hair out for 45 yrs and I just keep it simple I used Henna but my hair was hella hard even using oils, and it changed the color of my hairI have used Olaplaex and it is a game changer it made a huge difference for me since it repairs the bonds from the inside out Olive oil is a staple! Thank you for these tips Queen! Im due for a trim I just need to find someone I trust
Comment from : Spirit Medium Savonn Champelle

zarmeen hussain
This is amazing, can you please do a video how you use your henna pre washing and post :)
Comment from : zarmeen hussain

Awesome video, what henna treatment would you recommend? Is there a specific brand that would be good for hair products? 😊
Comment from : AngeeShantae

Denise Marie
Great video…I have the same hair and love the tips let’s me know I’m on the right trackrecently made flax seed gel and it works sooo good I’m working on growth again after bleach…btw I love your watch what brand is it …Peugeot?
Comment from : Denise Marie

Kirsten Ashley
Love this!! I do the same with my deep conditioners Haven't purchased regular conditioner in 5 years I totally forgot about pre-pooing on the other hand - def gotta get back into it Thanks for the tips girlie!!
Comment from : Kirsten Ashley

I have to try using the aloe leaf on my hair 🙌🏼
Comment from : uhdaysha

I like your unpopular opinion I believe it to be true too
Comment from : fruitypebs23

Tevin teff
do you brush you hair on wash day our use you finger
Comment from : Tevin teff

Britney Williams
Your hair is so beautiful Jenny! Thank you for sharing your tips!! 🤍🤍
Comment from : Britney Williams

Maricela Kee’Anna
Thank you for the tips! I want my hair to get long and thick
Comment from : Maricela Kee’Anna

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