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Buying a Power Supply - Beginner Ham Radio


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Название :  Buying a Power Supply - Beginner Ham Radio
Продолжительность :   14.42
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   32 rb

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Коментарии Buying a Power Supply - Beginner Ham Radio

Great explanation very good, i need one for my MFJ 962E what do you suggest? Thanks
Comment from : @giulianoggg2035

Darn it, more stuff to buy!👍
Comment from : @DonzLockz

Thanks for the video! Any thoughts on a jackery specifically if I need to go from mobile to into the field? Thanks
Comment from : @defend223

Great video as always One question, not really related kind of When i do pota with my icom 7300, i only have my 12v dc battery directly connected to the radio, but another ham told me i NEED a item which will boost the 12v dc to 138 v dc is this true and if so , what is it called??
Comment from : @radioman3229

great video I'm a new ham and waiting for my Xiegu g90 in the mail What would you recommend for this radio? thanks
Comment from : @muskrat1949

How to use the power supply for the radio, because there is DC cable
Comment from : @v413n9

Do you have a video on using batteries instead & skipping the power supply if your into emcomm, pota , sota ect
Comment from : @BobBob-il2ku

if you are going to go for a switching power supply and operate HF, you need to be PICKY and get a quiet one or you'll regret it
Comment from : @MikeG-js1jt

Great Video Very well thought out
Comment from : @rayhill1855

Very good video You explain things very clearly and understandable Thanks
Comment from : @joelschuman1303

What power supply do you suggest for the Alinco 735T? The DC voltage range for operating this radio is DC 117V to 158V
Comment from : @BlackHamRadioUniversity

I didn't even know i needed one Bought a flea bay special, no worries on fm, but major noise on hf Neighbour to the rescue He found an old linear power supply in a garage sale for $10, fixed it and gave it to me As quiet as a battery
Comment from : @andrewperry605

Thank you for this video - really helpful for me in understanding the requirements I’ll need down the line and especially the piece about equipment pulling vs pushing amperage I needed it explained the way you explained it for it to click
Comment from : @spencerholtaway

Thanks for your video it was a great help for me to choose a power supply
Comment from : @johnbarney2739

The two main problems with most power supplies these days is that most are switch mode which causes RFI as discussed here, and most do not have over voltage protection Infact even most linear supplies do not have over voltage protection I bought a Microset PT-135 expensive at £250 English pounds sterling but it's Linear and has both short circuit protection and over voltage protection A lot of money for a PSU, but if it prevents you from loosing a radio that is far more expensive, surely it has to be worth it? the verdict? you get what you pay for why spend a fortune on a radio if your not going to power it with a decent PSU? it's a no brainer as far as iam concerned and not worth the risk! I can't understand anyone who is willing to spend a few grand or whatever on a HF radio, yet is quite happy to skimp on the power supply
Comment from : @timothybrown7792

Thanks! I really appreciate you and this channel I’m a new ham and your information has been really valuable
Comment from : @wd8gnn

This helps - I always got linear because that is what I go hooked on 30yrs ago Will have to consider the switching now - they are bound to be lighter :) Good presentation as you usual Ape, TY!
Comment from : @shawnp6653

This is what I wanted to knowbrThanks,brKO4HEK
Comment from : @timholtzclaw8930

Perfect timing Just bought an Icom 7300 and need a power supply The switching part I did not understand GREAT VIDEO! What power supplies do you like for the 7300?
Comment from : @RobertMacCready

If you pay more you get more - normally, yes You get what you pay for - this is rarely the case
Comment from : @livebyreason

I am a new Ham Do I need 220 volt to achieve performance Or do us systems work on 110 volts
Comment from : @fredjensen1683

So question… I’m a truck driver and still learning and growing Currently running a 4 pill and Stryker 955 from my truck batteries, which is about 200amp/145v … when I key up I drop to about 138v which I get is normal, alternator keeps me about 139v on dash… at 126v major components on the truck start to turn off due to a low voltage disconnect My question is, would a power supply ran into a 1500 watt pure sine inverter 12 DC/110-120 AC be a safer route as I consider moving up to a 12 pill?
Comment from : @KhoreyAM

Spend as much as you can Radios come and go but you will still be using that power supply twenty years from now So buy at least twenty amps and the best quality you can find
Comment from : @stevewarren4292

Just getting into the hobby and working on move up to general so i can get more toys I wanted to ask if you need one power supply per radio or is there one that i can run two radios off one power supply? Like a HF multi band plus a cb on the side
Comment from : @skinny4070

Buddy! Was planning to do this segment today and thought I would check YouTube first to see if anyone I knew had put together a nice demonstrationbrbrYou did!brbrI’d like to use the video on today’s show to talk about power supplies All of course credit your channel in the description section as well as talk about what a great guy you are during the show This is really well done I have a few power supplies lying around I was going to use as samples to talk about but I think you covered it pretty well brbrIf you’re not told this enough, thank you for all you produce here It takes work It takes a lot of planning and effort Keep them going buddy!brbrAll my best to you my friend,brbrLarrybrde K7HN
Comment from : @HamRadioLiveShow

Great video! Informative and concise I'm learning electronics, so the first thing I did was go out and buy every bit of vintage kit I could get my paws on for next to nothing cost wise So now I have several radios and several beefy, and heavy, power supplies As all of the radios are corded for AC mains (even the 1954 NC-300), I'm left wondering why I would want to use the 50lb 138v Gem Any information regarding this would be greatly appreciated Cheers!
Comment from : @fullwaverecked

Vintage Midland CB Radio Power Supply Mod 18-143D? How do you use this?
Comment from : @jesseobrien5864

Great video! Thank you
Comment from : @andrewgrundel2199

The Alinco dm-330mvt is a good PS, ?
Comment from : @kenwood6573

Great information Many thanks
Comment from : @KT-ut9zg

'Thanks This is a subject to most hams on YouTube just skip over They do rig review videos and tell you everything about the rig, but it just magically turns on I guess powering the radio is just something that most people only think about once when they get their first rig and just forget about
Comment from : @John_Henry83

Wut up Apewent from Switching to Linear when I bought a 7610, noise went way down73 WØDN
Comment from : @henrycross8776

Man I'm just burning through your vids Thinking ahead of a possible (highly likely) next step into the ham radio black hole, getting a FTM-400XDR and using it for home use (possibly followed by a second for mobile in the truck) Great input from your vid regarding the power supply standpoint as I'm learning all this That said if you have any suggestions for a good power supply that pairs nicely with the FTM-400XDR it would be appreciated
Comment from : @Cr0cket20

No nonsense and to the point! Nice!
Comment from : @wanderingidiot9742

When you say “noise”, is that something one hears when receiving, or that others hear when one is transmitting?
Comment from : @michaelpaul9236

#MNHR br#TeamReplay brGreat video Ape, lots of good info
Comment from : @TheNoCodeTech

There’s price, quality, and speed (availability) You get to pick two at the expense of the third
Comment from : @GMAN420BC

Buy a Cell Phone and stop playing with that junk
Comment from : @jimjimsandburg2754

The law of diminishing returns Paying double does not equal double the equipment but it is better (usually)
Comment from : @txpatriot7044

Thanks once again for providing honest input to multifaceted hobby brAlso thanks for not having your intro to your videos with blaring rock music
Comment from : @richardpena7275

Hi,good video well explained, having a 40 and 60 amp switching power supply I found your video very informative, I agree don't buy the cheapest, thanks from Rotterdam 👍
Comment from : @Bernard-John

Thank you
Comment from : @glenmartin2437

Very good information I have a switching power supply that makes no RF noise at all Switching power supplies are getting better
Comment from : @davidsradioroom9678

Subbed, 73 de VK6MMB
Comment from : @michaelvk6mmb901

The huge problem with EVERY "switching" power supply I've tried is that they throw out a massive amount of "Radio Hash"!!!!!brI've discovered that even the most expensive of these have not solved this "RF Hash" problem!brSo, no switching units for me!
Comment from : @robinj9329

Very good info I have had questions about Amp ratings, and yeah, it's what can be pulled from the source, it is not pushed Great point that people should know Thanks & 73 ya METER NERD
Comment from : @AD6DMDennis

Descriptions of "how they work" is either over simplified or spouted from a position of not understanding principles of electronics
Comment from : @albertmorris4889

The thing I do not understand about HR power supplies is that all our equipment says 138v but some PSUs adjust from 4 - 20brIf I am buying a PSU for ham radio I want it to be 138v with anderson power poles and no cigarette lighter socket
Comment from : @Tump2010

Nice work, Ape Surprised to not see the MFJ-4230 not mentioned, though obviously you're focusing on difference aspects of power supplies and not every one you own
Comment from : @jbgreer

Now I’m wondering about my power supply I bought it when I was clueless about anything radio the day after my tech test No problems but never really thought about it much
Comment from : @raymaffit

10:23 Who is looking for digital meters when looking for low noise?
Comment from : @2EOGIY

I use a simple 7A power supply for my CB and a 30A dual meter for the ham side Both are rugged and up to their respective jobs but I have come to realise that the meters and controls on the twice the price unit offers very little extra advantage over the simpler unit Lesson - get the right power rating for your requirements first and foremost
Comment from : @johnnorth9355

I appreciate the information a lot of really good stuff that you covered I the video 73 AE4OY WILLIE
Comment from : @williampeacock9473

3:10 Amplifier or Power Supply 😉?
Comment from : @JosephVE3GKT

You're definitely from Balmere
Comment from : @lizzyfan1986

Switchers generally run at higher voltages and require a crowbar circuit to protect you rigs from higher voltage runaway ? brKC3ONO
Comment from : @kevinkc3onohelijeepworld953

My first power supply was a jetstream manual adjust voltage, 30a peak, that thing was noisy in more ways than one I turned an old cabinet into a faraday cage by lining it with copper meshing Used emt to wire for receptacles inside the cage, bonded the emt at both ends and bonding jumpers around fittings I put the power supply and HT charging stations in it, along with chokes on everything Not sure if it made a difference but it sure felt like it did, the room didn't feel as "heavy"
Comment from : @akabacon8374

I have used PC power supplies for years If you do the same get the right one, and make good connections, etc There are several websites showing how to convert a quality PC power supply to a lab grade power supply
Comment from : @andyschrack4466

You must be saying "radio" in something other than something plugged into a 110vac wall plug either directly or through an isolation transformerbrPerhaps for experiments?
Comment from : @ProperLogicalDebate

Nicely presented information I have both switching and a linear power supplies and I think the new switching supplies have gotten a lot better with the RF noise I will say however that my switching supply is audibly louder with the fan that cycles on and off as needed for cooling My linear just has a big heat sink and no fan so it might be something to consider for some Hams For me, my house is rarely quiet anyway so it's not a big deal If you like to tinker and DIY repairs I do find a linear a bit easier to service If my switcher fails I'll likely just recycle it and get another Take care
Comment from : @cwbellmare

20210215-Mo2018, 😎 Nicely done Good presentation
Comment from : @MartinJDavidson

Tekpower TP30SWV is a 30a power supply You said 10a
Comment from : @twohandsandaradio

Well done
Comment from : @TheHamNinja

🤯 I just ordered my first power supply this morning Now I wish I'd had got this one
Comment from : @LanceSheppard

I always buy a switching power supply that supplies a continuous 30 amp This will be good for just about any transceiver out there
Comment from : @manoffaith2501

Transformers are used to either “step up” or “step down” AC voltage, it the case of our power supplies the transformer steps down (decrease) the voltage The rectifier converts the AC to DC
Comment from : @N2YTA

Great info!
Comment from : @Scout75PortableRadio

I use this exact power supply runs both my 2m and 450D no problems
Comment from : @immunitycorrupts3641

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