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6 Reasons Why Someone Is Emotionally Distant


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Коментарии 6 Reasons Why Someone Is Emotionally Distant

Do you know someone who’s becoming distant lately?
Comment from : Psych2Go

Been married twice Both were emotionally distant, controlling, first was physically abusive I told them I am outside the door I knock, you look through the peephole, but never open the door By myself now for many years Supremely happier I am friends with guys, but don't want one in my life Showing emotions aren't manly Too bad for them & anyone who is with them
Comment from : E S

Kai Amayatakul
Comment from : Kai Amayatakul

It’s difficult to explain, but my parents would encourage me to be open But whenever I tried sometimes they’d overreact or just get upset I think this made me lose trust in others?
Comment from : Luna

Nisa Ridzuan
can i know the what the violin music in the background is called? :)
Comment from : Nisa Ridzuan

All of the above 🙋🏾‍♀️
Comment from : Harmony

Indrid Cold
I am as emotionally distanced as one can get I refuse to be emotionally ever engines again Thus, I keep others at a very healthy distant I require no friends nor a girlfriend They are worthless in the form most of them exist today
Comment from : Indrid Cold

Emma Keoghan
I’m going to start spending more time with myself I’m tired of feeling like I’m chasing friends or people to hang out with
Comment from : Emma Keoghan

Alison Canty
Does this include indifference?
Comment from : Alison Canty

Yes brbrPota
Comment from : Jessica

How funny this pops up when it did! The guy I have been trying to “be with” for 6 months now I swear is emotionally detached! 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m ready to throw in the towel!!
Comment from : lish5043

Pu abi
Is there any difference between emotionally distant, unavailable and avoidant?
Comment from : Pu abi

L Rowe
I can relate I am feeling very ebrOver whelmed
Comment from : L Rowe

L Rowe
I have a annoying, selfish roommate so I don't get any me time
Comment from : L Rowe

Anuja Rao
Your voice already makes me feel better
Comment from : Anuja Rao

Opening up is such a scam It toxifies masculinity and makes you poor
Comment from : jt_rooster

Joshua Byrd (victorious)
Some traumas happen gradually in adulthood Not all traumas stem from childhood As an adult you are expected to toughen it out at all times and to not feel anything The result is emotional detachment, especially when you are beaten down with it over and over and over again until you give up
Comment from : Joshua Byrd (victorious)

Strawberries Blueberries
I’m a very shy person and I shut down because I have social anxiety I have emotional trauma
Comment from : Strawberries Blueberries

Dahyun is JYPs Dad
I need affection and love Someone i could emotionally depend on But when someone is attaching to me, i feel angry I'm scared that they'll leave me I'm afraid of abundance
Comment from : Dahyun is JYPs Dad

I wish I had this problem I'm a basket case of emotions compared to most people
Comment from : DesertAngelFish

Rob E
This reminds me of the joker Anyways I was looking for guides to build an even larger wall I’m watching the wrong video lol
Comment from : Rob E

Alessa Dolan
The reason why am such a cold person is because i’ve been hurt so many times in my life that i don’t want to be hurten anymore so i keep a distance
Comment from : Alessa Dolan

Trey Jones
What's the instrumental? 🤔
Comment from : Trey Jones

Brittany Norrod
I feel worried that my boyfriend is emotionally distant because when he was growing up he had depression and it was hard for him because he was bullied When he was in middle school
Comment from : Brittany Norrod

Kelly V
I literally can't stand that the voice tone seems forced
Comment from : Kelly V

What should I do when my friend is being extremely emotionally distant?
Comment from : aRlt

Brittany Norrod
I am worried that I’m emotionally distant because when someone hurts my feelings I don’t feel like spending time with my friends or talking to anyone And want to be left aloneI have a fear of crying in front of people because I don’t want people to see me cry because when I start crying it makes my friends family and boyfriend worry about me because they think I have depression
Comment from : Brittany Norrod

I don't feel connected to reality anymore I have trouble focusing or sensing the timebrmost of the time, I feel nothing
Comment from : wildmint

Soothing Sounds
But what do you do to help?
Comment from : Soothing Sounds

feltbrwhen it gets to the topic about feelings with someone, it makes me so uncomfortablebri wish i could fix the problem because it makes me feel like shit
Comment from : Britney

Gabriella G
People have told me I'm cold and distant I'm just not always that polite And I don't display fake exuberant emotion
Comment from : Gabriella G

Psych2Go: "Do you know someone who sometimes seems emotionally closed off?"brbrThe person in the mirror: "👀"
Comment from : kfmdre

proud ally🏳️‍🌈
I have avoidant personality disorder
Comment from : proud ally🏳️‍🌈

ducko mocha!
No one understand
Comment from : ducko mocha!

I am like that and i want to change but don't know how
Comment from : PrincessJohn

jolly exploring
watching this because I was raised by emotionally distant parents who, despite doing their best, still managed to hurt me up until today
Comment from : jolly exploring

Look I really want to be close to people but for some reason no matter how much we open up to each other it feels distant God dammit I’m starting to believe I just can’t form any deep relationships at all
Comment from : finiya

Andrew Isac
Great vid
Comment from : Andrew Isac

Seb Jones
Number three and four is me
Comment from : Seb Jones

Do yall have any videos about how to not try to push people away? I really need one right now please if that's ok
Comment from : luckycloudwillow2348

Used to getting hurt when I’m loyal now i can’t trust
Comment from : Sublime

Spirit Gaming14
Ever since my sister left for college, everyone around me seems so distant
Comment from : Spirit Gaming14

Narcissist abuse, past, parental, partners,friends I’ve lost all desire for a relationship My teenager drains most of my emotional energybrbrI know I will never go “all in” in ever again I’m honest about it and don’t hurt anyone
Comment from : AJL2007

Comment from : Itz_Nathael

Wavell Julius
Doesn't help brBut nice video
Comment from : Wavell Julius

Obviously, I'm a heartless butch
Comment from : Alina

Michael Owino
Comment from : Michael Owino

22MND018_Swetha Sri C V S
This channel is greatly helpful ❤
Comment from : 22MND018_Swetha Sri C V S

My emotional tank is on empty in my relationship and I don't know how to express this to my very loving new boyfriend #Stressed
Comment from : Zah

I just stay in my room most of the day and don’t talk to anyone
Comment from : Amberboba2011

Sun Rise #
Comment from : Sun Rise #

The patients it takes to be emotional understanding and patient Is draining
Comment from : Mangy

Robin R3
Wow how is it that 7 fake friends i know distanced themselves from me 😀You want me to believe that they all had depression Whatever i'm getting used to it
Comment from : Robin R3

Simple Girl TV
My sister is like this with me and I hate it! She will & has never opened up to me I’ve always showed her love & support it’s like a brick wall!
Comment from : Simple Girl TV

Michael Bateson
Oh my god that's me!!
Comment from : Michael Bateson

Cii Jhay
Yeah i have a friend that like thisbrI want to understand her But she didn't say what she feel Sometimes i feel if we're friends or not
Comment from : Cii Jhay

Only child of divorced parents, lived mostly with mother who worked/slept most of the time, dad eventually got remarried and moved away, only saw him every other weekend, and so another woman's kid got that constant presence and support instead of me Spent most of my time on video games, was fed a junky diet most of the time, and it felt like I had zero emotional support when it came to the more complex struggles of growing up They always loved me, I knew that, but the parenting style was very detached and it took me until I was in my 20s to start realizing how badly this messed me up emotionally, and it's been a very hard realization that I'm still working through
Comment from : BraveNewTube

I'm like the apple toben apple hater, I'll ruin your life and taste sweet yet soft and I have a big brown spot
Comment from : Oneofakind999

Black Shadow
bWhen you lowkey relate to them all/b oh-
Comment from : Black Shadow

Raisa Siddique
So how do i deal with these types of friends? Any tips? I don wanna lose a friend
Comment from : Raisa Siddique

Curtistine Miller
You never know what someone is going through
Comment from : Curtistine Miller

ivan abed
Am i the only one who has this problem I can get close and be close to someone but i can't do if there is nothing that can keep the relationship going like work, of school etc I cut everyone and doesn't feel anything at all for it, even former best friends doesn't last The only thing i don't cut is family and the sole reason is i live in the same house as them
Comment from : ivan abed

What it feels to be emotionless when an friend invited you to play in his house you all have fun and trys to make me laugh to but feels nothing like an empty canand when you all have a family bonding they ask me why dont i smile or have funbecause everything means nothing to us we dont wanna feel love,happiness,sadness,depression,and pain
Comment from : dogge

I just feel like so many people are distant nowadays its really sad but I guess covid also made it worse
Comment from : SwordsnOrchids

Cresheer 310
I'm in this video and I don't like that
Comment from : Cresheer 310

Lilien Calvel
In my life I have learned that no one loves no one Not even husband and wife Seeing this I see how flat life really is I don't really associate with no one and I know that many people think that I am crazy but I don't care what others think of me Nothing really has any purpose or meaning and I see no need to try to make something of nothing If I see an attractive face I am not phased by it If a person seems charming in some manner I don't feel no attachment in no way I really don't feel nothing for others and I know they don't feel for me
Comment from : Lilien Calvel

This video was about me lolwas told toay appparently I come across as cold so yea pretty bummed out
Comment from : Nicolas

Pita Niubasaga
I relate to all of them and I don't know what to doI don't even feel myself anymore I need to shake it off but I don't know howI feel numb
Comment from : Pita Niubasaga

tsukiko emi
In conclusion, I'm emotionally distant
Comment from : tsukiko emi

mz moth
Silly voice does my head in
Comment from : mz moth

Emma Keoghan
Finally a video that perfectly describes me
Comment from : Emma Keoghan

An Idiot
The best coping mechanism
Comment from : An Idiot

How do u handle someone like this if ur talking to someone and u both love each other but shes very emotional intimacy 😕
Comment from : LowkeyLV

John Donnelly
Obviously there's only so much isolation from a spouse has a toll on the soul, even the hopeful romantic types: /
Comment from : John Donnelly

Speak up ffs
Comment from : mmartinisgreat

Crystal Renee Music
Just my view point: if someone is emotionally distant Please respect their space Unless you think they are suicidal or something extreme like that brbrPeople are distant for a reason, and they need not explain to others why Forcing yourself into their space is disrespectful, even if you think you're trying to help brbrWhy do people build a fence around their home? To keep people out, that's why! Yet no one questions or disregards the reason for building the fence The "why" is usually respected and understood brbrThe same principal applies to people whom are emotionally distant Respect people's space and way of living, unless they are in danger brbrGreat video btw ☺️ I'm Just sharing my thoughts
Comment from : Crystal Renee Music

ytfever guy
I reconnected with my high school ex gf recently I believe her to be emotionally disconnected and could be on the psychopathic, narc spectrum Regardless of her level of romantic interest, I felt like I was interacting with a total stranger and not someone I shared history with It really freaked me out She does not seem able to open up emotionally
Comment from : ytfever guy

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