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10 Things to Never Say in an Interview | Interview Tips


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Продолжительность :   11.29
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Cass Thompson Career Advice
What things have you heard you shouldn't say in an interview?
Comment from : Cass Thompson Career Advice

Wendelin Harrison
“Why do you want to work at XYZ”……well…this is just one posting on a huge list I apply to every day I NEED A JOB! Don’t make me do this fairy dance ‘Your values match mine, I share your vision, I want to take this step up in my career…’ NO, I NEED A JOB! ECONOMIC NECESSITY! I Have the experience, my last job lasted 16 years…JUST LET ME WORK without all the “career speak” … no…tip #6…hide your desperation 😭
Comment from : Wendelin Harrison

T Scott George
Great tips, these should be common sense, but asking about pay, is one I've though about, and probably not the best idea, it kind of makes you sound desperate
Comment from : T Scott George

Jessica Washington
Thank you I do have a question (quite a lot actually) I've heard on different interview tips that we should say "I did this" so the interviewer knows we are not shifting responsibility from self to a group it makes it you can't do anything on your own How do you balance when to say "I did this" vs "we did this?"
Comment from : Jessica Washington

Daniel Nunya Bidnezz
If I don't ask about what pay is, and they refuse to tell me, HOW IS THAT LEGAL???
Comment from : Daniel Nunya Bidnezz

I used several of your videos to help with the 5 interviews I had for the management position I wanted I was hired! Thank you!
Comment from : Redeemed

sofaking awesome
why waste time on interview if the pay is not worth it know what the pay range is up front dont go in blind and waste your time
Comment from : sofaking awesome

Mozen Grazen
Interviewing at SpaceX I had to admit I never rode in one of their space ships and in fact I had never ridden in any space ship Still waiting to hear back from them
Comment from : Mozen Grazen

Macy Esp
I’m sorry but this is wrong Asking about salary is a good sign It’s showing you care about yourself
Comment from : Macy Esp

Tim Hodgetts
I was asked about my salary expectations/requirements, and my answer was met with a nod and they moved onto the next question, but I also qualified my answer by saying that I was more interested in the opportunity than focusing on the money The chance to be part of a great team/company such as them is something I've been looking for Did it work? Don't know yet!
Comment from : Tim Hodgetts

Flying Red Tail Hawk
Nice video, it was very helpful for someone trying to practice or start the interview process Well done
Comment from : Flying Red Tail Hawk

Stellah Riunguh
I like you facial expressions!
Comment from : Stellah Riunguh

Sir Svengali
Why can't we ask about salary?brWhy go through 3-4 interviews, only to find out, that they're paying half of what I'm looking for? That's a waste of everybody's time brEven better, salary should be a mandatory line item in EVERY job description
Comment from : Sir Svengali

Charlotte Farrell
I've worked in Human Resources in different capacities and interviewing, in general, whether you're the interviewer or the one being interviewed, can be nerve racking I went on a second interview, yesterday I was told at the end of the first interview that I was being interviewed by one person I was interviewed by two people Being interviewed by more than one person is completely different than interviewing one-on-one It would have been helpful to tell me, beforehand, so that I wasn't blind-sided I think that the interview went alright, but it's difficult to tell sometimes I was dealing with two different personalities and two different interviewing styles, simultaneously Interviewing is difficult enough without not being prepared for this kind of interview
Comment from : Charlotte Farrell

New Consistency
you are beautiful and smart
Comment from : New Consistency

So I'm looking at videos of this bc I'm going to be applying for jobs soon should I tell whoever is interviewing me that I have tics? I don't have any innerpropret ones but I may interrupt them with my noises that are involuntary
Comment from : VinnyKitty

Angela Wilson
Thank you so much!! This video was very helpful and entertaining at the same time Lol
Comment from : Angela Wilson

Mikena Pierre Louis
Comment from : Mikena Pierre Louis

I can't handle any customer service situation I have 15 years of experience behind me so yes there are times when someone can say they can't handle any kind of situation if you have basic customer service skills it's not really that hard The reality is the customers always right make it right however you can because if you don't they're going to go up the block and that's the bottom line You don't have the upper hand here the customer does
Comment from : lillipop

Mr Bolopy
Nice 👍
Comment from : Mr Bolopy

I'm guilty of number 9 I went for an interview for the Heineken graduate programme They asked me if I liked beer, I said nobrI got no offerbrIn retrospect it was a good thing
Comment from : dodid0

Raquel Navas
I have a group interview at 5 below tomorrow at 4pm
Comment from : Raquel Navas

Need this for my future job 👍🏻 thanks
Comment from : Caoximhe

Amy H
Stop using the word "like" in real life and in interviews!!
Comment from : Amy H

Dawson Dudark
This is the reason I am overwhelmed looking for a job I am not good at lying to people and that is exactly what you have to do in an interview You have to play mind games with these people it seems like
Comment from : Dawson Dudark

Much Love
@cassthompsoncareeradvice I GOT THE JOB!!🎉🎉🎉
Comment from : Much Love

Jayme Le Breton
What would you suggest when they don't care about your experience or qualifications on your resume when they'd prefer your personality to match theirs?brI was so lost I had this happen last week for a job interview She herself barely paid attention to me from the moment we met After we shook hands and introduced ourselves She walked and bit fast in front of me I want to say a out 10 steps ahead of me She asked how I was I replied loudly enough for her to hear me Yet she didn't hear me So I repeated myself louderbrDuring the interview when she spoke to me, she barely made eye contact She asked me if she had asked me certain questions yetbrAlso why does it matter if I show up for an interview that they consider a more relaxed and I am wearing a bit of make-up (which I do for me not them)? All these new rules on what to wear for certain types of job interviews is overwhelming I thought they all still preferred us to show up at least a dressy casual, looking nice Not in a pair of dark jeans and a casual shirt or t-shirt
Comment from : Jayme Le Breton

Hello Looked through the comments and couldn't find a single one that addressed asking about training Do you think it's okay to ask on a job interview if there is training or not? I'm a little hesitant to ask because I don't want them to think I don't know how to do the job But there are ways about doing things certain companies like to do them, so I figured I'd ask brbrHoping for a reply I have a video interview with a hiring manager on Monday Thx
Comment from : neetrab

Bryan Meils
I'm applying for a job at a hospital but I'm nervous that I won't get the job even though I've been doing housekeeping for a very long time I just think that I'd never know what the interview were his thinking and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad
Comment from : Bryan Meils

Katryna McIntyre
Sept 16, 2022: Thanks very much for the tips Kate
Comment from : Katryna McIntyre

Cynthia Lopez
I have an interview at a car wash and I said I’ve never been there
Comment from : Cynthia Lopez

Lesley Joseph
Thank you for doing this video
Comment from : Lesley Joseph

live life
I have my second in person Interview after 4 hours! So nervous and I don't wanna ruin the progress by saying the wrong thingsOh GodWill give u a shout out If I make it!
Comment from : live life

Never ask about salary? Not wasting my time for $10/hour I don't see how it's not acceptable We work for pay to survive It shouldn't be used against you
Comment from : R M

Grace Bautista
I got my Job with your tips, Thank you
Comment from : Grace Bautista

James Marshall
GREAT INTERVIEW TIPS ! I especially like #6 as I almost led in the "I really need this job" direction before I caught myself!
Comment from : James Marshall

The last in person interview I had asked me nothing but questions that involved talking bad about my previous employers and co-workers Was a huge red flag and I'm glad I didn't get that job
Comment from : LittleSimmer

Dexter D Evans
I understand what your saying about “we” in reference to collaboration, but I’ve heard sticking closer to “I” statements resonate more with employers especially in leadership positions
Comment from : Dexter D Evans

I had someone berate me DURING AN INTERVIEW: "why haven't you asked how much the salary is?" Maam you should've put it in the job description! She made me feel so bad
Comment from : Abril

I'm never bold enough to ask about pay anyways but I hate that you're not supposed to I'm not at this interview for fun, I need a job to support myself and my family
Comment from : Unoriginal_Name

Franky Lundy
This bih is stupid I got recommended and got the job
Comment from : Franky Lundy

Lindsey Wright
So today I just filled out a application for subway and I hope I get the job
Comment from : Lindsey Wright

Aiden Balaux
I'm 14 and I've got my first interview tomorrow, this was very helpful god bless
Comment from : Aiden Balaux

Queen kingdom👑
I am really very worried about my interview because I am going to interview next week and I have no idea no any experience about any job because I didn't any job before😥 I don't know what happening with meI am just afraid 😟
Comment from : Queen kingdom👑

Alayna Mejean
Literally so scared atm this will be my first job and I have an interveiw soon (date hasnt been set but they want me to come in for one) Im not too sure how interviews work so far besides the obvious questions and answers I know you arent supposed to show that your nervous and what not but that just makes me more nervous haha overall im an anxious person so I dont know how im supposed to not be during the interview
Comment from : Alayna Mejean

Cookout hired me without even telling me the pay 🗿 I lasted 2 days there lmao
Comment from : Marrionna

Tiffany Cooper
I got a job interview this Tuesday and I am glad I come across your video 💙❤️
Comment from : Tiffany Cooper

I will be going in for one of my first interviews in 12 hours and I've been watching these kinds of videos to try and get some knowledge
Comment from : cyberfox2020

Hello I had an interview today and the managers kept on telling me if I’m serious about the job does that mean I’ll get hired??
Comment from : Giselle

Harry James Smith Music
This job hunting game is crazy, when you realize that there are people who actually don't need any of this thanks to nepotism and favoritism
Comment from : Harry James Smith Music

psycho gaming
Watching before my interview lmao
Comment from : psycho gaming

Kitty Luvs
Thank you for those information
Comment from : Kitty Luvs

Kohn Futner
lol don't ask about pay are you crazy? 😂 I negotiated myself $2 more an hour based on talking about pay of course you talk about compensation unless you're a total newbie perhaps some of these interview videos are chop full of bad advice for very fearful and timid interviewees
Comment from : Kohn Futner

The Vegan Couponer
8:41 - 🤣 🤣 25 years ago young me had an interview with Starbucks She asked me what kind of coffee I drank 😂 I answered far too honestly and even made a face and said Oh I don’t drink coffee Needless to say
Comment from : The Vegan Couponer

Slay jay gang
should i tell them its my first job
Comment from : Slay jay gang

Bobert Portis
Got an interview Monday
Comment from : Bobert Portis

Lindsay Taylor
For salary, I suggest asking the HR manager if they are not interviewing you! In todays world, salary is a huge aspect!
Comment from : Lindsay Taylor

In Woods
Got an interview in less than 30 minutes, hope it goes well!! 🙏
Comment from : In Woods

Alizay McKee
I have an interview with my current job for a promotion today and I'm nervous but wish me luck
Comment from : Alizay McKee

Jasmine Berry
Watching this because i got an interview tomorrow at 4pm
Comment from : Jasmine Berry

Kwam D
This was very very helpful!
Comment from : Kwam D

Interview in two days and I’m sooo nervous 😫 wish me luck
Comment from : KevasWorld

YN HasEnteredtheChat
To everyone out here scraping the change out of their cars or out of the couch cushions I'm proud of you Do not give up
Comment from : YN HasEnteredtheChat

Kim Barbeau
Interviewer: What would you say your biggest weakness is?brMe: Answering stupid questions
Comment from : Kim Barbeau

I asked the hard question and also got hired! I’ve been there three weeks and love it!🥹
Comment from : mbg140897

I actually just had interview and they reached out to me and told me that I didn't get the job because I mentioned I was nervous I did super well with my presentations and answering their questions, but the fact that I mentioned I was nervous is literally what cost me the job I asked the hiring manager for feedback and there was no negative and mostly positive other than the fact that I mention a few times I was nervous
Comment from : ikatsunagi

Raeanna Phipps
I have an interview tomorrow morning with Nissan and I always come back to your channel Cass! I will keep you updated on if I get it The job aligns perfectly with my resume, so I’m hoping for the best!
Comment from : Raeanna Phipps

Also, don't over use the word "like" It demonstrates no confidence
Comment from : magic2506

Miguel Garcia
I have a question I had an interview and after the interview the employer said I’ll call you in a day or two with starting pay and start date does that mean I’m hired
Comment from : Miguel Garcia

Is it ok to talk about eventually looking to try to expand or grow into a different office within the company than the job you're interviewing for? I'm an environmental major and just trying to get my foot in the door
Comment from : Caitlin

Stephanie Benso
Cass, you are exceptional! Thank you for sharing your expertise with us Hopefully I can come back next week for your to shout me out after I land the job! (I also hope that was a confident statement rather than a cocky one)
Comment from : Stephanie Benso

Comment from : JacobTheToadMan

Mason Adcock
Thank you this was very helpful
Comment from : Mason Adcock

2:43 - as someone in a technical field I find a much better alternative is to ask about specifics If not specified in the job description, If they specify what technologies they use, I can ask them questions surrounding that It informs them that I've actually read the job description and it gives me a good idea of how they operate
Comment from : jakerockznoodles

Eva Gibson
These are good tips thanks
Comment from : Eva Gibson

Thank you for sharing about your ten helpful tips! From past observation during a job group interview, I've heard other people say THESE things: 1) "How much will I get paid hourly?" 2) "I'd like to make new friends!" 3) "I need the money" 3# is a verrrry bad answer 😆 The guy next to me iactually said/i that he "needed the money" A week after many others got hired besides myself, we didn't see that same guy because he wasn't hired Moral of my _true story_: If you are serious about getting hired for a company, do NOT explain your personal motives 😅😂
Comment from : Marianne1992

dear person reading this, you are so loved and good luck with your interview!🤍
Comment from : Katelyn

In other words, if you are a manipulative pathological liar with not a shred of conscience, you would do excellent in job interviews Welcome to America
Comment from : J S

Stephanie Michelle
Hahahahahaha talking about their competitor!!!! Oh wow Awkward lol big whoopsie hahahahaha
Comment from : Stephanie Michelle

Ravnit Ahden
Thanks for the tipsand nice lipstick shade🥰
Comment from : Ravnit Ahden

1 Ember
This is a great video Thank you I have 3 retail interviews
Comment from : 1 Ember

I'm 16 and got my first interview tomorrow! AhhhhhbrbrSo NErVouS
Comment from : SM

I asked the hard question and the interviewer lied and said nothing I was great But I still didn’t get the job
Comment from : angelheartonline

Jackalope B95
I made some of these mistakes, especially the salary I don’t like it when people don’t share the salary Otherwise it’s wasting both of our time What do you think? I’m all for constructive criticism
Comment from : Jackalope B95

Jodie Jett
When it comes to when they offer you the job and want to pay you x amount but you really do expect 15-20 more than that, how do you negotiate this higher amount? Or if they come out and ask you how much am I looking for in salary how do I phrase it properly? Thanks for your help!!
Comment from : Jodie Jett

ice cream
i have an interview tomorrow morning im in bed with covid :')
Comment from : ice cream

Paul Miller
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Comment from : Paul Miller

penny jane
Wow very intelligent tips!
Comment from : penny jane

Grilled Cheese Master
Me, interviewing for an industrial manufacturing job: "Oh yes, love your products I admire electrical substations as I drive by them and I just so happen to use electricity quite often"
Comment from : Grilled Cheese Master

I never prepared so much for a job in my life Thanks for a your help!!!!
Comment from : Inversion_wrld

Peder Blomker
Comment from : Peder Blomker

Emily Comstock
Is it acceptable to ask "What is your office culture like?" or "Can you tell me why this position is now vacant?" I've had this question asked when I've been on the interview panel and I've asked it with mixed responses
Comment from : Emily Comstock

Kayla Rose
I have an interview next week So I’m watching so many videos on how to better myself and get the job
Comment from : Kayla Rose

Shae Skye
I’ve been scrambling last minute for my interview today, soo glad I found your channel this is my 4th video already, amazing tips thanks so much
Comment from : Shae Skye

Take it from a guy who completely flopped on his first interview: If they ask you why you want to work there, DO NOT say “honestly the money/benefits” 😂
Comment from : Michael

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