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10 Things To Never Say In An Interview


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Raluca Chelaru
Hi Bryan, I just set the start date for my new job that I got with your help! thank you for your amazing advice! Everything worked just as you put in your videos Including getting a 10 increase on my salary and 1 extra week of PTO during negotiation
Comment from : Raluca Chelaru

JuJack Marketing-YOU WILL BE SEEN!
Unfortunately, a majority of people think that because they sent their resume, they should not have to explain their work history to an interviewer
Comment from : JuJack Marketing-YOU WILL BE SEEN!

Mart St
One question I asked during a recent interview was "what is a typical day for the position? "I did my homework but when they asked if I had any questions I asked what a typical day would be in the role Is that a good question or a bad one to ask I had good vibes from the interview it went over the scheduled time I am waiting to hear back
Comment from : Mart St

Lyle Brownrigg
Also, don't bad mouth your last job You'll be be seen as a disgruntled employee They want positivity
Comment from : Lyle Brownrigg

Nim Bhharathhan
Disagree with the first names bit In Australia everyone goes by first names (except teacher-student or older doctors - younger ones tend to use first names to patients) – even your boss is on first-name terms Also dealing with police officers (except NSW and QLD [to a degree]) they use first names, and even if they introduce by surname, and you see their first names it doesn't make a difference It depends on the situation
Comment from : Nim Bhharathhan

Duelling Descartes
The profound arrogance of the people making these decisions Are they hiring for Google? Are they hiring for the UN? How about Black Rock, or Microsoft or Tesla?
Comment from : Duelling Descartes

That said, listening to the details, this is a good summary, thank you!
Comment from : HighLanderPony

"I expect you to read the job description very thoroughly" Cool, than can't I expect you to read my CV very thoroughly? :P
Comment from : HighLanderPony

I hate interviews! I think they want too much No one wants to train anymore Any advise?
Comment from : Morgan

A company called me to interview for a lower tier position which I didn’t apply for that one HR mentioned they filled the position I applied for so I asked what the lower position entails to see if they would be transparent It was a lower tier position, 10k pay difference & just overall disrespectful 🙅🏾‍♂️

420 Troll
lol @ come with a list of questions! how about: how many hours a week do you expect me to work? what are the promotional opportunities? what do you do here? what is the job? how much do you pay?
Comment from : 420 Troll

420 Troll
lol imagine not asking what the hours wee absolute madness and garbo advice
Comment from : 420 Troll

Vintage Swiss
Speaking as an executive:brbrI have done the absolute opposite of this videos advice for my entire career Worked out well for me
Comment from : Vintage Swiss

James Karrie
I have to ask about what the job is because job postings are way too general to make sense of them
Comment from : James Karrie

Ivory Johnson
This is required viewing in our business class
Comment from : Ivory Johnson

Helena Ferreira
Thanks so much Brian for your work, very helpful!
Comment from : Helena Ferreira

"Mission, vision and statement" no offence, but most people just want the money, and don't give a rats ass about that stuff(not that anyone should admit that in an interview but we know it and you know it)
Comment from : Thrax

Mirza Khalid
Excellent video and the tips are exactly to the point Sir based on my experience with interviews Thanks for sharing
Comment from : Mirza Khalid

HVBR Slice of Life
So basically, you're experienced at hiring bullshitters Glad we clarified that one You hate honesty No wonder so many companies suck at finding long term talent They're populated by recruiters like you You always find the psychopaths and bullshitters and filter out the honest folks If you didn't filter out honesty, you could maybe find better workers who aren't good with interviews but may be excellent workers, instead of the other way around
Comment from : HVBR Slice of Life

Uhhhhhhh “I don’t wanna question your motivation for talking to me”…uhhh to get a job and be paid… can we just be honest and instead of you wasting an hour of time before you tell me some crappy salary I will decline let’s get that out of the way and move to what I will do for that salary
Comment from : Derek2k

yeah you are talking bullshit man lol, not asking about your salary? what your job is about?
Comment from : GoodGamer

Ah man! I just had a interview with a company that was my dream job I did almost all of these things on the list 😔 Probably why I didn't get the job
Comment from : americanguy87

Alex Kuhar
As someone who's seen my fair share of questionable work environments and recruiters, I would've considered withdrawing my application halfway through the list I have yet to see the recruiter, who would be able to clearly list the duties, involved in BAU, and any show of unprofessionalism ("I don't want to question your motivation" or other entitlement) would be a red flag big enough to consider withdrawal on its own
Comment from : Alex Kuhar

Lord Ramen
ya i agree with most of wat ya said except strongly disagree with the salary question brbrYou refuse people who just say lets negotiate or let you make the first move which is screwed upbrbrWhile someone who is just curious say they need health insurance its frowned upon just massive double standardbrbrEither you put it on the job posting or your bring it up first thing when speaking about the job cuts out all the bs
Comment from : Lord Ramen

Raphael Martins
Interviews for software development jobs never say the salary
Comment from : Raphael Martins

Just lie Tell the recruiter exactly what it wants to hear It is just some corporate shill and it does not care about you as far as it can throw you
Comment from : Kenjiro5775

Sorry bro, but if your company is going to try to lowball the salary you're landing in the no-pile for mebrFirst rule to negotiating salaries, never be the first to mention a numberbrbrAlso, this shitty video just landed your channel in the no-pile
Comment from : S G

I was very embarrassed at a job interview once for a highly technical positionbrwhen it wasn't till the end of the 1 hour that they told mebrthey were offering the minimum wage -brthe same wage that a sandwich hand would get at a coffee shopbrI felt like getting angry so I couldn't wait to get out of the placebrIt's best to get some idea idea of pay before you go to an interviewbrCompanies are there to exploit desperate people -brand sometimes they got top people for peanuts butbrof course they wouldn't hold on to such staff
Comment from : Bobby

You probably should have turned off your heater or air conditioner before recording Or perhaps you’ve made the mistake of not having an Apple Silicone computer that doesn’t require and old-school fan to keep its so-yesterday processor cool
Comment from : rollvideo

TheKaiju Complex
The fact that we have to play these dishonest borderline dehumanizing games just to pay our bills and have a place to live is so depressing to me Idk if im built for the job market
Comment from : TheKaiju Complex

I'm working in a field which requires going to a customer's plant site Employer often like to brag they have customers all over the country, as if it doesn't mean YOU'll be doing the driving all over the country Often unpaid After a few bad experiences with this, I started to ask if this travel time is compensated If it ends the interview, it ends it
Comment from : JasonRobards2

Regarding the first 2 points you brought up - it's not always that obvious what a company does or what your job entails Let's take my domain for example - a company that develops software will post their description as "leading in technology offering high end solutions to the automotive industry" and "creating experiences that inspire users" (and these are actual quotes) And their are in need of a "developer at x level" That would mean a software dev there can do anything from Android programming for dahboards to testing tire resistance and wind aerodynamics Or maybe we just improve prior programs efficiency or develop cnc software for the machines? Or maybe qt Or testing It's not even clear what programming language you will be working with or if you have any prior expertise with that Who the hell knows So it's better to ask
Comment from : ionicafardefrica

"Don't say you're nervous" - as someone with GAD who has some social perception impairments, this makes me even more nervous >_
Comment from : MibaCallabus

Kuba The Goat
i rlly think ur HR guy not a some1 who is looking for jobur badur talking like HR guy how has 0 IDEA about the job
Comment from : Kuba The Goat

A company knows how much they are open to pay for a certain role If they don't share the salary range assigned to that role, they want to bargain you, and if the do so they don't value your work Most important thing, a hiring process is an investment for the company but it's also for the candidate, so it's best not to waste anyone's time
Comment from : daniffig

Nahed Khairy
being too casual: i would like to share the following: while being interviewed, the interviewer received a phone call during which the caller on the side was obviously talking about a cat The response from the interviewer included what implied that After the interviewer hung up, I had the choice either to act as if I heard nothing or to get engaged I chose the latter The interviewer was quite uncomfortable and asked me if she had cat hair on her sweater I was not hired
Comment from : Nahed Khairy

Bichael Stevens
A lot of the things here don't exist in Europe: we are open about salaries and hours, unlike backwards Americans that hoard hour and wage information like a dragon on a gold pile In America, it's offensive to inquire, in Europe, you need not inquire as it's all revealed in the job ad
Comment from : Bichael Stevens

Excuse me but most people want a job to make money to pay rent Who cares what the company does
Comment from : GeneralGayJay

Toughen Up, Fluffy
"Can we just skip all this crap and give me a job?"
Comment from : Toughen Up, Fluffy

French Connection
I never ask questions at the end, still get the jobs
Comment from : French Connection

Asking about hours is exactly what you should do! It protects the employee from landing in a bad job and can give a strong warning if the employer don't know the answer! I once resigned on an offer, because they mentioned hours only after I asked and these were 10-18 Also If you don't signal that you care about work-life balance, don't expect that employer will care brOf course you can leave this question till almost the end, as it is the employer who should give that information - ideally it should be already in job offer if it's not flexible brAlternative would be just droping the offer when you get a signed deal from them and work hours are unsatisfactory But that's a worse way
Comment from : OldSkullSoldier

Don't ask about the pay, but you better damn well answer my questions about your pay expectations Yeah, fuck that
Comment from : DROOtoob

Selling your time for money is well, nah Watch the movie office space from 1999 This video simply teaches you assumed subservience Don't look interested in money, don't ask about time commitment, tell us about your salary expectations so that you make the first offer and now we know we don't have to pay you a cent more but can certainly whittle you down This process is antiquated and useless Come up with something new It's 2023
Comment from : Rick

Remember people, the economy wants(needs) people that can take the shit, meanong they are gonna have a breakdown because the only reward is money, just grow up* people, or they will find someone that seems more grown up, whatever that means
Comment from : Fe

Mummified Gamer
Asking what is the job is often unavoidable as employeers like to post deliberately vague job descriptions, or worse outright give the wrong job description As for not wanting to waste my time, I wish that was true, there are recruiters who get off on grilling candidates even when they decided in the first 2 minutes that they are not going to hire you
Comment from : Mummified Gamer

Big Game Jim
Now wait a minute Don't ask what salary is cause you don't even know what the job entails yetHey though tell us your salary expectations I can't imagine how companies are having turnover issues
Comment from : Big Game Jim

And also, run away if you walk into the room for an interview and the walls are covered in motivational quotes, vision boards about teamwork, and love bombing style crap about being a “family” 🙄 or job description that were a bit loose, like ads for a receptionist or admin who also cleans bathrooms, makes sales or does cold calling (a different job), does payroll (a whole job in itself), is a PA for the boss (another job entirely), for some reason needs a driver’s licence (to sit at the desk and do general admin duties? really?) etc
Comment from : LaraD

many/some of these depend on current labor market situation, type of role and type of candidate ie if they come from agency that head hunted them or they are applying directly
Comment from : paradoxical

I disagree about the pay portion I dont want to sit through a 45 minute interview before even knowing what the job pays Every single job that has withheld pay range until the end of the interview has always been below market and if I had known it before I applied or interviewed I never would have bothered wasting my time
Comment from : Horrorclause00

Ryan Hughes
Clock watcher Here's something I've noticed over the yearsemployers don't respect YOUR time Any time you give to the company over and above is not only expected to some degree but more often than not it's taken for granted But you leave one minute early or come in one minute late and you're practically stealing! I have always HATED that attitude "WE EXPECT YOU HERE ON TIME but don't you DARE expect to LEAVE on time!"
Comment from : Ryan Hughes

Manolo Konosko
Unless you are responding to an ad for a well known company such as Apple or Walmart, you'll be seeking work (such as in IT) in some firm that is unknown to the public, but serves other companies in some industry In the case of IT, many firms describe what they do in obscure terms, roundabout or very generic ways You'd just be glad you found a job Contrary to what they tell students, you don't have the pick of jobs when you apply, unless you are some highly skilled genius in high demand You may get offers, and the choices won't be as clear cut as when you read a nutrition label at the supermarket It's a gamble
Comment from : Manolo Konosko

Jason Samuels
Can i bring a little notebook and pen to the interview? (to jot down notes and not forget any questions i may have)
Comment from : Jason Samuels

Sorry, but hard disagree about asking about salary, maybe if more employers were upfront about the pay they would be more likely to ensure someone stays on instead of bait and switching them once they accept a position and that person decides to leave later on
Comment from : squallofthedai

Henry Rogers
Great channel you have I enjoy hearing your knowledgeable insights brbrMay I be candid? I'm retired, in my mid 60s Had a long bountiful career in Creative I believe I was "aged out" of it in my 50s That's life, I suppose I've had one job after retirement No longer there and enjoying my leisure timebrbrHere is my newly developed take on employment as it pertains to me today: The interview My basic overall attitude Here are my skills and experience Take it or leave it I'm not going to kiss your ass to get this job And if you do hire me, the moment I even sniff any petty office politics or sense that you, as my manager are a worthless, clueless schmuck who has no business running a department, I will drop whatever I'm doing and walk off the job and leave you in a lurch with unfinished work piled up to your ears while you sink in it as if it were quicksand! I've done this several times in my youth I did that also with my recent after retirement job also Burning bridges? That's all they're good for nowadays
Comment from : Henry Rogers

Eternyl Studios
If the company doesn't provide a salary / hours in this day and age - best to move on from them
Comment from : Eternyl Studios

bankaiii bankaaa
Not asking and demanding about the work hours will end you with at least 20-50 more work hours which most if not all the time is not payed Very stupid advice from a so called "professional" Work is not charity and not only every hour, but every second must be payed and payed well Anyway I'm long past these retarded job interviews, good luck to the young ones with their corporate struggles
Comment from : bankaiii bankaaa

WholeWheat KittyFeet
I got my job literally by barging in on a conversation and asking them if they needed a technician who frankly doesn't give a damn about morality I was joking but I got hired in one week Especially when I showed up to the interview all the software mischief projects I made that could save a ton of money Course I ended being a loose cannon in an office with little to no ethics And that fits me like a well paying glove and I'm happy We're all kinda scummy and i love my co-workers and even my boss Who I always call boss
Comment from : WholeWheat KittyFeet

1:48 you speak like true job interviewer As a man looking for job i don't give half a f about company vision/mission and values Especially when we are talking about corporation that sheds those 3 gimmicks like snake sheds skin when it suits itbr2:14 From my experience most of job decriptions are misleading and often you end up doing more things or different things than it was stated
Comment from : MrDeothor

Zineddine Houssoum
The company offers money, I offer my time, the company watches expenses and profit, I watch my time spent on work, it's unfair to expect employees to not be clock watchers
Comment from : Zineddine Houssoum

Right off the bat: I always ask about my salary because I have been offered waaay too many jobs with salary that didn't cover my basic needs As you say, it is not the company that tests me, I am testing the company too If they are not decent enough to mention the salary themselves, I do ask Always
Comment from : pacufka

William Rubinol
I watch these to see what to do in interviews What Im learning is corporations are fucking shit brbrI have to act like I enjoy your work? When you know damn well what work environment you've created brI can't ask what the job pays until the interviewer tells There's a fucking reason why California had to pass a bill that forces employers to disclose their pay I am not being fucking jerked around and playing professional for a low ball offer fuck you brbrIf the company doesn't fucking care, neither will IbrbrThere isn't some 1 road 1 direction type of way You want a worker, and I want a job You NEED a worker, but I can find OTHER JOBS brbrThe power lies in the hands of the employed, and we need to understand this brbrThese videos are helpful to me because I get to see the sick and disgusting bullshit the business thinks I can "expect" out of me I will not be taken advantage of again
Comment from : William Rubinol

Dont ask about money cause they know you desesperatly need money if your looking for a job
Comment from : Sam

Jakelyne Finan
I think I get what you're trying to say on some of these given a general audience, you never want to barge into an interview and start asking "so what's this pay?" or "how much do I have to work here?" but I think there are definitely respectful ways to ask the same question "I just want to confirm the expected working hours as I want to ensure they align with my out of work responsibilities and current obligations" I wouldn't bat an eye at this in an interview We acknowledge that people have kids and family obligations etc that often will take precedence over work, and I think it's a good question to ask as a potential employee so that you can gauge the work/life balance of your coworkers by their response brAs far as the "what do we do" question, I think that really depends on the industry Theres no doubt what the industry I work in produces, but I don't think for someone even fresh out of college would have a grasp at exactly what the manufacturing looks like, and often even the workplaces have IP concerns so there isn't even a lot of video or data about it available to research
Comment from : Jakelyne Finan

DARK the noble
The problem I have with these hiring practices Is if your a simply, just a hard-working person To these people you'd come off completely disintrested, and they'd promptly throw out your application They'll bareiy even take a glance at your resume And your achievements will go completely unnoticed And if I'm honest after what happened last year It got to the point that I kinda just accepted taking the lower paying jobs brbrIts not a matter of not wanting to apply myself There was a temp job I drove over 300 miles a day for in savannah at one point I showed up every single day on time Sometimes even hours early They laid me off before thanksgiving when the work started to slow down Unfortunately temp jobs don't look good on resumes anymore, but few employers look at that anyway
Comment from : DARK the noble

And never, EVER be yourself Being yourself is the best way to lose the job The more masking and dysfunction, the better The more lying and hiding, the better The more ass-kissing and deference, the better The more agreeable and bendable, the betterbrbrI'd rather be dead, but that's the world we live in Honesty will NEVER work for you, so avoid that at all costs
Comment from : DrumWild

Mikeys Lab
Quick question with the salary expectation, For context I am a senior embeded linux engineer, recently I interviewed for a senior software role with a automaker The way I answered that question was, "I am currently in the $150,000 range, I would expect that you will be competative with that" Is that an appropriate way to answer the question?
Comment from : Mikeys Lab

Chris Xavier
Sadly inflation and the cost of living has made life more about money than ever
Comment from : Chris Xavier

Chris Xavier
It can be so difficult when you are heavily influenced by anxiety
Comment from : Chris Xavier

The Man The Myth The Legend
This guy and channel are so far off, with all these scare tactics
Comment from : The Man The Myth The Legend

Diana Alyssa
Comment from : Diana Alyssa

Gustav Östervall
A friend of mine said to the recruiter, "You have so many beautiful women working here" He didn't get the job
Comment from : Gustav Östervall

Mo elsaid
You are awesome thanks
Comment from : Mo elsaid

I'm never nervous at interviews because I realize that most interviewers are as big of an idiot as I am! As he's interviewing me, he's probably thinking of HIS next job and why he has to interview all these losers
Comment from : torydz

If people hate this advice for job interviews, they would hate the advice for med school and law school interviews 2x as much Its much worse and they expect you to act like a tool
Comment from : 0doublezero0

Just Me
Saying "axe" instead of "ask" is a negative Just as bad as saying "bro" in my opinion
Comment from : Just Me

Tanys Foster
Really funny that I'm 4 questions into your video, and I'm like, "I'm asking all these in my next interview bc I've had employers lie about each of these I'd rather get out ASAP than waste another second"
Comment from : Tanys Foster

Nerdy Things With Brendon
Do you have a video on what to say?
Comment from : Nerdy Things With Brendon

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