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Paul Manhart
Yea, I know what you’re talking about The Federal Government saving us from ourselves We don’t have the capacity to make important decisions 😬
Comment from : Paul Manhart

Paul Manhart
3 in one oil is holy oil The Father, Son and Holy Ghost At least that’s what we call it Holy oil
Comment from : Paul Manhart

Gordon Auld
They ask for has mat list but I've perchest products that had smb in it while labels stat potassium nitrates
Comment from : Gordon Auld

Phineas Rumson
No marvel mystery oil?
Comment from : Phineas Rumson

Phineas Rumson
Liquid wrench worked great to help with valve (lifter) tap in an old engine!
Comment from : Phineas Rumson

I'll say the fraud you speak of WD40 Has to be the most overmarketed, to the point of criminally fraudulent product out there
Comment from : howlinhog

Colonel Landsdale
Great video and a lot of cool antique oil products I have a question however TODAY when you go to a store, its super difficult to find plain “Lubircating Oil” to put in your OIL CAN’s In fact the only thing I can find is 3 in 1 oil thats in a plastic 5 oz bottle Do you have suggestions on what to buy these days and or make by blending? For use in general lubrication oil cans
Comment from : Colonel Landsdale

Adna Craigo
Liked it all
Comment from : Adna Craigo

i say remove all warning labels and let god sort things out
Comment from : Greg

John Jones
Gibbs One of the best penitrating oil!
Comment from : John Jones

An old doctor of mine said that back in the day in medical school when the young students told them that they were getting married that a group of the other students would grab him strap him down shave his genitals and put that permanent dying purple medicine that we used to use on horses on them ! What a surprise for the new wife right ha ha ha Now days that would be the end of a career and charges for permanent psychological damages People just don't have fun anymore
Comment from : Sartorst

Jerome Totes
When I worked in a power plant there was of course a lot of corrosion on all of the turbine parts The older guys that had experimented with different types of fluids to loosen fasteners that had been corroded in place had found that using Coca-Cola, yes the original formula, was better than any other commercially available product Each time there was a turbine overhaul in the winter a case of Coca-Cola would show up with all the other supplies needed to do the work
Comment from : Jerome Totes

Old Bowsaw
Tap magic and pb blaster for this old cat mechanic--anti seeze for the next guy who disassembles --remember it could be YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comment from : Old Bowsaw

Bobby Brooks
Classic video
Comment from : Bobby Brooks

Augustine Aint
The history of WD 40br youtube/aTD_SBudQfY
Comment from : Augustine Aint

John mony
Have you ever used Cimtap? It's pink in color and sort of like a grease in texture and it is really handy because it works with aluminum as well as all the other typical metals
Comment from : John mony

Weldon Kuhn
For machining aluminum to keep from material build up on tools, I use Crisco Shortening in a can Works very well for tapping aluminum too
Comment from : Weldon Kuhn

Weldon Kuhn
Marvel Mystery Oil, my favorite penetrating oil
Comment from : Weldon Kuhn

Bet you were referring g to WD40 I was on MSC today and and they had on it on sale for $30 for a gallon can My buddy worked at a large plant that had punch presses that would make fenders and a full machine shop The chemist there told him that WD40 was mostly kerosene Was never crazy about it
Comment from : garbo

Paul Searls
My insurance doesn't cover Prussian Blue Funny story I love your humor!
Comment from : Paul Searls

Years ago we had to drill hundreds of holes in 1/4" copper buss bars for a 8000 amp electroplating line Boss was too cheap to purchase correct drill bits or tapping fluid Broke at least 3/8" drill bits Finally got the correct dtill bits but not the tapping fluid Thought somebody told us to use lard oil My dad replaced his small empty 3 in 1 oil bottle with the large probably 12 ounce container for around the house Think it took 20 years to use that container up Red Dykem seemed to be on old steel and always use the blue Dykem on aluminum Now with all the CNC machines in most shops do even see a container of Dykem sitting out
Comment from : garbo

Talking about neverseeze I have a 35 year halve filled can in my garage Have to stir it up every 6 months or so Had a young pretty boy appremtice who hated getting his hands dirty so we used neverseeze in a spray can to coat the fingers of his work gloves Used copper color anti seeze for installing electric heating elements onto stainless steel tanks If you used pipe dope the brass or bronze on heating element was super hard to unscrew
Comment from : garbo

They changed ingrefients of tap matic and maybe aluminum tapping fluid back in the 1980's probably took out a hazard chemical Anyway the newer stuff not nearly as good for tapping Still have a couple of cans of original tapmatic in my garage Great vid as always Shop teachers should show a lot of his great vids to students
Comment from : garbo

Michael Leskoske
The citrus oil in the hand cleaner helps cut thru thr grease
Comment from : Michael Leskoske

John Cham
"I don't like anything new" I couldn't agree more, Mr Pete
Comment from : John Cham

Casey Smith
CINNAMON! That's what it is! I used Rapid Tap aluminum for the first time recently and wondered what the heck that smell was, absolutely hated it
Comment from : Casey Smith

Ralfy Customs
Absolutely fantastic video, top tips, great products and a trip down memory lane
Comment from : Ralfy Customs

Darrel Sartin
FYI, J B Weld has an epoxy for plastic that is highly rated
Comment from : Darrel Sartin

george curtis
Still worth listening to And I agree with everything stayed Even the metal tubes My collection continues
Comment from : george curtis

Rod Ritz
Do NOT use chlorinated brake cleaner in a heated building, when it goes thru the heater it turns to chlorine gas Will wreck your lungs
Comment from : Rod Ritz

David R
I figured you for a Joe's hand cleaner guy with probably some of their old red and yellow tin cans from days gone by
Comment from : David R

I know this is a 7 year old video and only the random board millwright like me that actually got the weekend off will not only watch this but post as to their favorite non-intoxicating fluids but a few of my favorites are Entap55 Dyechem remover and lock tite retaining compound
Comment from : Samson

Country Craftsman
I got hung up watching to much current events and started loosing my self Your video popped up and now i am getting my mind back in the saddle THANK YOU!
Comment from : Country Craftsman

Mike King
Down at the auto parts store I can buy little one use tubes of Loctite, good for me
Comment from : Mike King

Kevin Yonke
Thank you for the laugh this morning with your comment "I don't like anything new" Just got my Imperial Mfg, Rockford, IL lead set up hammer back that I have had for 43 plus years They re-cast it for me
Comment from : Kevin Yonke

Joel Wetzel
Goo Gone and Evaporust are my suggestions
Comment from : Joel Wetzel

Mr Pete was smart to dope up the power switch with anit seaze
Comment from : icelineman

Never seez is awsome
Comment from : icelineman

Jon Baker
I haven't seen or used Anchor lube in probably 35 years
Comment from : Jon Baker

Tubal chain?
Comment from : O T

Paul in MT
A house-cleaner I knew used WD40 to clean the scum build-up off glass shower doors and porcelain tubs Worked great Even 7 years later, Mr Pete's videos are THE BEST!
Comment from : Paul in MT

Ted Dugaro
Hi mrpete Hope youre doing well Im not sure how to contact you other than this way Im a greenhorn I hope it still works Anyhoo what is the best oil or what oil do you like for all around use in your Eagle 66 squeezer oil can etc? Thanks 😎
Comment from : Ted Dugaro

dog paw
how come WD40 have never been brought up in front of trading standards?
Comment from : dog paw

James Wills
You asked about propane vs butane Chemistry was always my love Propane is 3 carbons in a row with all other available bonds connected to hydrogens Butane is the same, but 4 carbons long Butane liquifies at a lower pressure, making it good for plastic cigarette lighters, etc Propane produces more pressure when liquified and is better for a cold environment One produces slightly more heat by weight, the other by volume
Comment from : James Wills

Excellent review This is my favorite cleaner, I find that it does not instantly evaporate as does Brake Kleen, a close second I also keep Acetone handybr wwwberkebileoilcom/instant-gum-cutterhtml
Comment from : Stovebolt56

Craig Tate
Overboard on saftey in this country! Never happenlol too late
Comment from : Craig Tate

Haba Ristra
That orange cleaner is actually made from the oil in orange peels The best hand cleaner is, no joke, BUTTER It will remove roofing tar, dirty grease, dried paint and oils from your hands without the risks of the petroleum distillates
Comment from : Haba Ristra

Russ Wentz
you forgot to mention WD-40 Mr Pete!
Comment from : Russ Wentz

Russ Wentz
Mr Pete You forgot to include WD-40
Comment from : Russ Wentz

Used a lot of Spray 9 for cleaning things It used to say "Kills the AIDS virus" on the bottle but they took that off for some reason Probably because of some fool putting it on condoms I bet
Comment from : peterthinks

Mike Brownell
" I don't like anything new" Heheh, only the best old duffers denounce newfanglery as smooth as you did at 10:57 You should make a Magic 8-ball, or an Alexa-like home assistant
Comment from : Mike Brownell

For some reason, I never tire of watching this one
Comment from : markyoung13

"well you've probably been cheated anyway, because it's over-priced" Hah TRUE
Comment from : Tandemwings

Paul Brown
Thank You Mr Pete
Comment from : Paul Brown

Tim Enlow
You have a USS Iowa coffee cup, did you do time on her? Just wondering Did my time on her sister USS Missouri during the first Gulf conflct
Comment from : Tim Enlow

Mel Giannino
Mr Pete, This was once again very educational and entertaining especially the Prussian blue story Could provide me with an explanation on the difference between the denatured alcohol and the lacquer thinner Also is the lacquer thinner the same as turpentine? Please forgive my ignorance
Comment from : Mel Giannino

libertarian life
MSD sheets come from Mostly Socialist Democrats
Comment from : libertarian life

libertarian life
Kendall sponsored "Big Daddy" Don Garlits for decades, kinda like Petty and STP
Comment from : libertarian life

Kevin Burks
I pretty much agree with you on everything except the fast orange cleaner! In my opinion it sucks! Kresto is far better It has pulverized walnut shells in it The only bad thing about Kresto is that it's by order only! It is not sold in stores Cintas uniform company supplies it for my company!
Comment from : Kevin Burks

Mark Smith
Try CRC Green label brake cleaning spray, for thread cutting and especially drilling It works and doesn't leave a mess, Spray into a small lid and dip your Bit or Tap into it as you need
Comment from : Mark Smith

Mark A B
What is the scam penetrating oil product he wouldn't mention? WD40?
Comment from : Mark A B

I am afraid going overboard has long since happened
Comment from : KingRatt

Metal PCB Shielding can Factory ---SUNRISE
buy can oiler amazon wwwamazoncom/dp/B07FDSQVY3
Comment from : Metal PCB Shielding can Factory ---SUNRISE

Cotton Eyed Joe from idaaho
I'm telling ur wife about the pillow case!! Lol j,k
Comment from : Cotton Eyed Joe from idaaho

mike madsen
if you value your mind stop the soft drinks and high fructose corn sirup
Comment from : mike madsen

Willco Jak
Always liked the J B Weld golf ball glued to the soda bottle on display in the hardware store
Comment from : Willco Jak

libertarian life
Some times nothing beats an ice cold can of Coke, 2nd place is a cold can of Squirt As I think I remember, 3in1 is lubricates, penetrates, and protects I favor the chlorinated stuff, good old fashioned "cancer causing" stuff that works We are a lot alike Lyle, I hate the PC crowd
Comment from : libertarian life

Richard Head
You sir are just a wealth of knowledge Thank you again
Comment from : Richard Head

What a great video!
Comment from : TAWPTool

Josh Mullins
This guy has a very soothing voice Like a radio host I could listen to this dude talk about old stuff all day
Comment from : Josh Mullins

Jord A
kroil and Mystic in Canada are rare, got to order in
Comment from : Jord A

Lyle I find chear shampoo cleans hands better than all proper cleaners
Comment from : GRAHAM PETTITT

Jeffry Blackmon
Thanks for your Tips #91 Using protective gloves keeps the products off your hands I use black nitrile gloves- they are comfortable and strong
Comment from : Jeffry Blackmon

You are just a wealth of information and entertaining anecdotes I love watching your videos, and your digressions are sometimes more interesting than the topic at hand My wife is a high school teacher, and got a good chuckle out of the never-seize story Keep it up, and maybe consider a video about some of your high school shop teaching experiences!brbrBTW, I'm from Princeton, and usually drive by the Mistic Metal Mover place a few times a week - great stuff they make right here in town
Comment from : Positrack

whitey george
Yes we do have thinners
Comment from : whitey george

whitey george
The orange hand cleaner is made from the oil in orange skins thats why it smells of orange
Comment from : whitey george

whitey george
I hate it when the caps split and the contents leak out
Comment from : whitey george

South Toledo Bend LA
Mr Pete, I am 54 years old and am new to hobby machining Just getting around to watching some of your 845 videosI noticed you did mention Kerosene in your video My grandfather used it for just about everthing and he always reffered to it as "Coal Oi" as do I  
Comment from : South Toledo Bend LA

lots of good info Thank You
Comment from : WIZARDWERX

Stanley Denning
I guess with age comes wisdom I'm 56, and I have learned that all the fluids and liquids that you use are also my favorites On the subject of anti seize, A combination of Lithium grease and aluminum or led powder is most useful
Comment from : Stanley Denning

Toby W
Orange oil is a good grease cutter that is water soluble Beware orange cleaners, some had a dangerous chemical in them, I forget the name
Comment from : Toby W

Toby W
WD 40 works well for removing label adhesive if you have no sense of smell
Comment from : Toby W

Mark Grevatt
You know Pete I love your wisdom knowledge and specially your story's You really do put a smile on my face when I sit back and relax watching your videos I bet your grandkids love listening to you Really enjoyed this one
Comment from : Mark Grevatt

Ethan R
Maybe do a video of favorite shop semi solids Grease, adhesives,etc etc
Comment from : Ethan R

Harri Pehkonen
Made me very happy to hear "MSD sheets" (as opposed to MSDS sheets, which is redundant redundant)brbrApparently you don't want anything chlorinated (like brake-cleaner) near an arc welder
Comment from : Harri Pehkonen

I give up, what does the 3 in one stand for? nice video
Comment from : DAVE M

very interesting video, I didn't recognize some of the stuff but loved the stories behind some of the items
Comment from : ddistrbd1

Henry van der Horn
Did you ever try a bit of heat and candle wax to remove a rusty part! Be delighted
Comment from : Henry van der Horn

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