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5 zero waste swaps I do NOT recommend // essential oils, silicone bags u0026 crystal deo


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Название :  5 zero waste swaps I do NOT recommend // essential oils, silicone bags u0026 crystal deo
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Кадры 5 zero waste swaps I do NOT recommend // essential oils, silicone bags u0026 crystal deo

Описание 5 zero waste swaps I do NOT recommend // essential oils, silicone bags u0026 crystal deo

Коментарии 5 zero waste swaps I do NOT recommend // essential oils, silicone bags u0026 crystal deo

Ruth Abigail Cruz
I use crystal deo on my feet bec they sweat too much I do crush them and mix them with water and put it in a spray bottle
Comment from : Ruth Abigail Cruz

Lol I too have the same issue with the silicone bags! The crystal deodorant is another issue! I love it! I grew up trying every kind of deodorant with no luck! I've been using it since the late 70's, and in '84 the crystal brand came out It works great on my stinky pits 65 yr old ! Love your energy!❤❤
Comment from : jml

I use essential oil mouth wash :D
Comment from : Jenny

i think the bamboo/fully cotton and compostable swabs are better for doing makeup, cleaning up small things, etc whatever you would use a plastic one for besides going in your ears (plus they're not supposed to go in your ears anyways!!)
Comment from : Kye_Is_Us

Natasha Sia
I don really think that the stasher bags being hard to clean is a reason not to recommend them Like the other items i understood, there were safety reasons behind not recommending like the essential oils and things like that but just my person opinion i dont think "being hard to wash" is that valid of a reason compared to the other reasons youve given Just food for thought I think if you were doing a review of the stasher bags and told us oh I dont like them because theyre hard to wash i would totally get that
Comment from : Natasha Sia

Claudia A Valencia
Just use plain baking soda!!
Comment from : Claudia A Valencia

My sister makes homemade detergent I had to hang up her load and it left a greasy residue on my hands Hated it Hope she listens and goes back to buying it Same for fabric softener I’d rather use just a tiny bitbrCrystal deodorant gave me a cut once On period days or during ovulation, it wasn’t effective either I now use both 0 alumininium for most days and aluminios ones for… smelly ones, lol
Comment from : marox79

For a long time I didn't use dental tablets because there was no fluoride in most of thembrAnd that's not something I budge on brI work as a dental technician and here is the thing with dental health; some people have great dental health simply because of their genes The right kind of saliva, the bacterial flora in their mouth or the thickness and quality of their enamel And just as you can have great base for your dental health, some people have the gene stats against them They can do everything right and still get cavities very easybrAnd that's why fluoride in tooth paste is very important and not negotiable for me brA few studies have shown possible links between heart disease and poor dental health - it might even be worse than smoking or obesity
Comment from : NovaNettle

Emily B
Essential oils can also kill cats ☹️ Not risking it just for a nicer smell!
Comment from : Emily B

Marianne van Lierop
You are totally wrong about the essential oils I am sorry
Comment from : Marianne van Lierop

I love this video, so good to hear different views I actually love my stasher bags, because I have a dishwasher and they’re very easy to wash in it! I can’t be bothered with wax wraps because they’re so tricky to wash 😅
Comment from : Alice

P Heart
Essential oils should NEVER be ingested I agree! They can cause seizures,miscarraiges and thats just the start! I've used eseential oils for 32 years,but I did a lot of research before adding to my collection You cant just fling them about like confetti!
Comment from : P Heart

Cristina Szyszko
Thanks for being realistic about all these alternatives
Comment from : Cristina Szyszko

I tried grinding soap and making laundry detergent and it left soap residue stuck within and at times would release that gunk while washing I even tried soapnuts doesnt work
Comment from : allegri9cl

Iv i
for brushing my thett I use cucumber and coconut oil, its nice you can even swalow part of it and its good for you
Comment from : Iv i

I actually love crystal deodorant and when you use and rinse it off my experience has been that it smooths out, but yes it /hurts/ if there is a little chip in it I have actually used to to heal from the irritation caused by other natural deodorants HOWEVER, I read that it is just as bad if not worse than anti-perspirants because it naturally has aluminum and in a form that gets into pores even easier This is just something I read and I could be totally off, but that is why I stopped using it I've been using Lume for quite some time now, and really like it My favorite thing about Lume is that its water soluble and therefore I don't need to scrub the crap out of it to get it off in the shower They still use plastic for the container but claim it is "recyclable", however I look forward to the day when they no longer use plastic packaging at all
Comment from : TheCaitling

I just paused a Stasher bag order because of this vid ? But how about sharing a single reason why you don't like washing them? Awkward to get inside? Is the opening vulnerable to ripping? Uncertainty that the nooks & crannies are actually clean? Hard to rinse the taste/smell of dish soap off the material? Lots of emoting here, but precious little information
Comment from : WeTubule

Instead of Food Huggers: I just use a small shallow bowl which has a natural taper at the bottom and seals just about any round item like an onion by simple atmospheric pressure For irregular tomatoes, a small flat plate works fine This also eliminates the energy and production of chloromethane to make and transport silicone Also, avocados can have extra large pits and irregular shapes so the best thing is to just slice through so that you just miss the pit, and make a flat surface for a plate
Comment from : marchpeacemarch

Halle Theresa
On the topic of essential oils, some essential oils such as peppermint/ orange/ and lemon are actually ok to consume under very small small quantities For instance I put 2 drops of lemon in my 36 oz water bottle
Comment from : Halle Theresa

Audrey Dupuy
I love the salt crystal deodorant ! But you can't have cuts
Comment from : Audrey Dupuy

I also prefer just to use a reusable tub than any reusable bag, tub offer more protection to the contents too
Comment from : theboutique1

Everything in my bathroom is bamboo That includes the ear swabs I put a paper bag in the garbage can and I compost the entire bag So I have no waste from my end
Comment from : 1964orange

I am Hope Leal
I am just looking at your lips all through out your video! I love your lipstick! Maybe you can share it and also it's shade! PLEASSSSSSY! Nice video by the way
Comment from : I am Hope Leal

What silicone baking mat do you use?
Comment from : twistedxvengeance

Carrie C
I haven’t found a good substitute for dish soap and dishwasher detergent
Comment from : Carrie C

Jeantien Helder
It's the beeswax wraps for me >_< i wanted to like them but i just can't get them cleaned properly and they just feel yucky to me brGuess i'll make make some bowl covers from leftover fabric
Comment from : Jeantien Helder

Joke Van Laere
For me, the crystal deodorant is working fine
Comment from : Joke Van Laere

So she doesn’t recommend Stasher bags because she’s lazy?
Comment from : RookieTrucker

Hannah Amerson
Hi lovely! Just wanted to pop in and say when it comes to essential oils, if you’re investing in a really good brand like dottera they do have some oils that are okay for ingesting For instance their peppermint oil and the lime or lemon essential oil is okay diluted in water My mom used to use the sweet orange oil in cooking ☺️💗 I use the peppermint oil in my water when I have an upset stomach and it works wonders Again it has to be very good quality though Most of the time the oils you buy from the grocery store are not safe for ingestion Doterra can be very expensive and that’s because of the quality and the way it’s sourced 👏
Comment from : Hannah Amerson

I wish you would not say essential oils cannot be taken internally, which is completely false They can also be very toxic applied on the skin 60 to 80 of everything that you apply to your skin ends up in the bloodstream so there you go Also, some essential oils are fine to use in cooking especially when heated over 60° as you get the flavour but no other effect I would say that if you are not sure of what you are doing, you should either forego them or consult a specialist But in some cases they can be very beneficial, including for oral hygiene
Comment from : MARTINE FILLON

OMG The crystal deodorant burns my skin too after a couple of uses I thought it was just me
Comment from : AunniesPlace

jean Luc picard
I'm not in to zero-waste lifestyle I am a prepper it's some of that homemade toothpaste recipes going through that prepper community I agree with you homemade toothpaste is gross
Comment from : jean Luc picard

I'm glad I'm not the only one that hates the stasher bags I hated cleaning them, they kept stains and one time I had chicken in one, chicken defrosted and I couldn't get that raw chicken smell outnot matter how many times I washed it!
Comment from : Pixelated_Happy

Erika Lundkvist
Essential oils aren't great for your skin either
Comment from : Erika Lundkvist

Jettas Corner
Hahaha love this video For me, it was DIY deodorant and soap nuts The soap nuts weren't great at getting my clothes clean I'm using regular detergent right now but still looking around for a more natural alternative
Comment from : Jettas Corner

Georgina Shanti
So true re the awful coconut oil toothpaste The texture is awful It spills out all over your PJs I hated it with a passion! Loving your videos Btw you can purchase peppermint oil for baking from the supermarket That's what I use in my homemade mouthwash It's designed to be eaten, so it's safe
Comment from : Georgina Shanti

Darlene M
Crazy off topic: what lipstick are you wearing?? 👄 😊
Comment from : Darlene M

Thank you so much for your point about not consuming essential oils! So important that people know they should not be eating them!
Comment from : highdrainkey

Olivia Dinnage
Also, crystal deodorant still contains aluminium - which a lot people, trying to avoid, don't know Thanks for these videos Gittemary
Comment from : Olivia Dinnage

The Litterless Kitties
This is a very helpful content especially the 1st ond I am undecided (until I watched this) whether to make my own toothpaste but l also have weak teeth
Comment from : The Litterless Kitties

Markéta Jiráková
I love the crystal deodorant! I have one for years and it is amazing
Comment from : Markéta Jiráková

Kat illy
Some essential oils can cause contact dermatitis so i wouldn't put them directly on the skin either
Comment from : Kat illy

Be really careful with wintergreen essential oil especially Ingesting it can send you straight to the emergency room for hyper salicylism/metabolic acidosis ><
Comment from : Viennafly1

Vicky Hendriks
Homemade laundry powder doesn't have the enzymes required to clean clothes properly I've tried a homemade one too and it wasn't ideal
Comment from : Vicky Hendriks

Essential oils, i first learned about them :) and stil do because i think they are awesom also i use most of the time the bio ones :) I love to use the lemon or eucalyptus in my cleaners in spring and the orange and cinnamon in the winter 🥰
Comment from : Kellyscreacorner

fusionpunk 13
With the stasher bags, what I found works amazingly is using a bottle brush to clean them You could get every corner and its super easy
Comment from : fusionpunk 13

Zab M
I love the crystal deoderant It doesn't work for everyone Also wouldn't recommend it if you apply after shaving your armpits 😅
Comment from : Zab M

Pam Greenfield
I tried the crystal deodorant, years ago it didn’t work for my sensitive skin I still love my essentials oils and stashed bags
Comment from : Pam Greenfield

Claire Holman
As soon as you started talking about toothpaste: bnotices your PERFECT TEETH/b bIS JEALOUS/b
Comment from : Claire Holman

Dawn Daisy
I make my own homemade laundry detergent and it works amazing and is super easy! 1 part Baking soda, 1 part washing soda, 1 part borax, 1 part course salt You can add a few drops of essential oil for scent It's amazing and my clothes come out just as clean as the toxic chemical-filled liquids that you buy in the store
Comment from : Dawn Daisy

Kaity Szymborski
haha I completely agree with the silicone bags and baking mat it's just annoying for me to wash so I would almost never use them I use them more now that I have a dishwasher but they still kind of bother me lol
Comment from : Kaity Szymborski

I love my crystal deoderant, mabe it depends on the brand ? Never iritated ny skin :)
Comment from : RRG

Sarah K
I own 1 stasher bag that I have bought during the pandemic and I use it for storing clean facemasks in my bag I like that it is waterproof and no dirt or dust gets in It is an alternative use for them if you dislike them for food storage
Comment from : Sarah K

Wooly Puffin
The only DIY i use is Deodorant My skin is very forgiving and i LOVE my Deodorant! Coconutoil, Sheabutter, Beeswax, very very little baking soda and honey scent i got from a soapshop that is body safe
Comment from : Wooly Puffin

Wooly Puffin
DIY ends with health risks I would never ever use DIY toothpaste, sunscreens or medications on anyone DIY sunscreen is NEVER safe and can even increase the risks of sunburn and skin cancer Powders with Zinc can not be applied evenly and DIYs with oil increase the damage to the skin, like oil cooks chicken skin crispier for example DIY toothpaste is very abrasive and destroys enamel and your gums Plus fluorid strenghtens the teeth and i dont see why people avoid it that much Some things should be left to scientists who have to prove their products arent harmful
Comment from : Wooly Puffin

shuang wu
Thank you! I do not like the idea of essential oils as well But the reason I do not like home made toothpaste is because I love fluoride in my toothpastes The homemade washing powder works well for me and I love the soapy smell on my clothes (made it with expired soap people throw out and some washing soda)
Comment from : shuang wu

Cammie Hogan
For stasher bags I usually put them in the dishwasher with the prongs of the dishwasher holding it open and the few times it doesn’t dry I will just put a drying towel in it and have it air dry I have had other reusable bags though that are so hard to wash and dry though
Comment from : Cammie Hogan

Roalda Jordaan
Essential oils are only really bad when they are concentrated They are soluble in oil Adding them to a glass of water is bad idea because they don't dissolve in water, so the oil remains in concentrated little droplets Adding them to coconut oil, however, dilutes them within the oil, and they are not quite so harmful that way Not that I'm a huge fan of that DIY toothpaste recipe but the mint essential oil shouldn't be too much of a problem in that one
Comment from : Roalda Jordaan

Vanessa Lopez
I’m a massage therapist “Young Living” makes a vitality line for use in cooking, especially when the herb is off season It’s great to send to friends in developing countries that do not have access to many things As for the crystal deodorant, you MUST wet it before application, it makes a world of difference! Please read
Comment from : Vanessa Lopez

Karichi Du Soleil
I remember looking into doing diy mouthwash once and lots of recipes calling for EO’s and no matter how many articles I read that said you could consume certain oils in small amounts, a little voice in my head kept saying “no, no, that’s not a good idea, don’t put that in your mouth” So I used mint extract Gives the pleasant scent and flavor without the fear of poisoning brI feel your pain with the slasher bags but I still really like them so I don’t mind too muchbrAnd I recently got a last swab and I really enjoy it Once my husband finishes his HUGE box of swabs I wanna get him one toobrAlso We all know that low waster love diy’s but in this day and age, I feel like there are SO many natural and low waste options being made by eco- friendly companies that there’s not reason to not support them DIY isn’t always the safest option too Most people aren’t scientist, we don’t know the affects of using raw materials in improper proportions or quantities I think it’s safer to leave some products to the professionals Plus the more we support them, the more popular they become, and the more popular they become the more likely the “average” person will try them out too!
Comment from : Karichi Du Soleil

Leah Elizabeth
I actually LOVE my home made laundry detergent! I use TruEarth's laundry strips as well for lighter loads, but prefer the great clean of my homemade detergent when laundering my reusable period products :)
Comment from : Leah Elizabeth

Coconut oil always left a gross residue in my mouth couldn’t stand it😂
Comment from : ElizabethKeen

Iv i
I hate washing the reusable face swipes Not practical at all And I wonder if the cotton saving is worth enough the water and soap using of this things If someone can thru a ligth over this I apreciate it Great vid
Comment from : Iv i

Natalie M
I've literally got like 5 stasher type bags that I used for homemade popcorn and I've not washed them since eating the popcorn, that was like last year It's super annoying And yes I'm ashamed
Comment from : Natalie M

I agree with you about the toothpaste, I can't handle it
Comment from : Falistiq

Tamera Sides
On the salt deodorant, I chuckle &understand because having disability in both shoulders there's no way that I could use them I'm currently using native deodorant in the plastic container & love the brand
Comment from : Tamera Sides

Susan -
Anyone having an idea to use in the shower which isn't soap? My general practitioner adviced me the use shower oil, but I can't find a product that is packed in plastic unfortunately
Comment from : Susan -

Charlotte Cady
I would never recommend making your own toothpaste
Comment from : Charlotte Cady

Kimi Lou
I tried so hard to switch to last swab but it just doesn't get anything out of my ears, great for scratching my ears though :D
Comment from : Kimi Lou

Unnatural vegan has a really good video on the Danger of Essential oils if anyone wants to learn about the danger Look up “This is pointless this is dangerous”
Comment from : ElizabethKeen

leandra cooper
Is there a all natural toothpaste that you can use that does not contain coconut oil? I've been looking and I've not found any good recipes I'm highly allergic to coconut
Comment from : leandra cooper

Ceci Jones
Essential oils are also technically not good for your skin ESPECIALLY face With a carrier oil, it is good on an area like your wrists and maybe a small bit on your neck
Comment from : Ceci Jones

Ceci Jones
Essential oils are also technically not good for your skin ESPECIALLY face With a carrier oil, it is good on an area like your wrists and maybe a small bit on your neck
Comment from : Ceci Jones

Lula Boola
Oh yes I've made the laundry detergent before, when my kids were little After the third time the drains blocked I put two and two together 🤔😂 never had a problem after I switched
Comment from : Lula Boola

Nikki Hitchcock
Sunscreen should never EVER be diy or homemade Period It's not safe
Comment from : Nikki Hitchcock

Natalie Harroch-Harper
Do you have an English version of your book? Thanks for all you do!
Comment from : Natalie Harroch-Harper

It depends on the oils you buy Im from germany and we have this brand and their oils you can put in food amd drinks
Comment from : Linah

agree on the stasher bags they are so hard to clean and dry, especially when you are cleaning moldy food out of them (my fridge broke down on me in the summer)
Comment from : soshio

Kelsey Leigh Jeff
Totally agree on the silicone bags!!! I leave them in the sink to wash last every time!!!
Comment from : Kelsey Leigh Jeff

Stephanie M
The stash bags in the thumbnail is what got me I’m eco friendly as much as possible but those bags are NASTY! Lingering odor no matter how well they’re cleaned especially if you store meat in there
Comment from : Stephanie M

Jessica Gomez
Essential oils are not for me, silicone swabs are amazing, I agree with my silicone bags but I still like them and recommend them, I have sensitive skin too so the crystal is not for me, I have other low waste detergents that I buy and recommend, I agree with the toothpaste
Comment from : Jessica Gomez

Amy Martinez
I recently started using Dr Bronner's sal suds mixed with kosher salt and water I have enjoyed it so far Does not leave my clothes smelling like a boquet of flowers but it does have a bit of a pine scent out of the washing machine I got the recipe from a channel called My Merry Messy Life I have heard great reviews on the laundry sheets and soap nuts though I can agree with the stasher bags they are a pain to wash 😅
Comment from : Amy Martinez

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