Название | : | zero waste swaps I DO NOT recommend // zero waste swaps I regret buying |
Продолжительность | : | 15.21 |
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Просмотров | : | 199 rb |
Have you tired Attitude deo? Comment from : marsha mullen |
DO NOT use toothpaste without FLUORIDE It destroyed my teeth :( Comment from : Fen Cullen |
My zero waste menstrual routine was just to not grow a uterus lol! I’m a cis woman but I was born without a uterus🤷🏻♀️🤣 Comment from : Jen |
Thank God I no longer need anything monthly, but I honestly find cups disgusting I would have never used it Comment from : callalilly63 |
I love when i hear u mention chico bag cuz im from chico lol Comment from : Jadeee2347 |
I live in Texas you should give me your unused toothy tabs! I don’t mind them Comment from : TreeHugger |
I made my own laundry detergent for a year and it made everything very hard Like if I were to fold a kitchen towel in half, it would stand on it's ownbrAbout to try ecoegg for the first time next month to wash my clothes Comment from : Annie Morgan |
Now you got me running to check if my laundry soap from the Farmer's Market has castille soap Comment from : Margaret Adelle |
i just tell people to be cautious about anything around the face, private areas, and consumables because they are so sensitive and important to keeping the body healthy!!! Comment from : Dmitri Moua |
I've started using laundry detergent sheets No plastic, no castile soap to stick to my clothesbrI get clean laundry, smelling mildly of whatever scent it is Or unscented Comment from : J Turtle |
Bite toothpaste tablets have just released a new version with fluoride!!! Just in case you are willing to try tabs again Comment from : Mental Madness |
Hi! Dropping a comment to say I subscribed after about 2 minutes of watching a more recent video, and am now binging 😅 Comment from : Sharon CP |
Love this video! So realistic The most sustainable option is not buying a new thing and just using what you have!! (And I peep that shot of old jars she's reusing insteadof buying new containers) No more gatekeeping on how people practice sustainability! The best way to get people to try it is to make it easier for them! Yes, yes, yes! Awesome video Comment from : Ashley Guthrie |
I made myself some cotton produce bags from a skirt which I made from a bedsheet that was gifted to me from a neighbor who didn't need it anymore and that's my proudest diy brI'm really new to the sustainable life and i hope these bags work for me! I really like the idea of no plastic bags Comment from : Yan |
A good compromise for the DIYs could be small local businesses who make those sorts of products sustainably People should know at home “hygiene/beauty recipes” are often unstable! Meaning unsafe to use Some things bneed/b some form of preservatives not to spoil or chemically react and I’ve seen other creators make their own skincare with things like ground almonds—which will create micro-tears in your skin! Not safe lol Comment from : Lalo MacKenzie |
Yes to this!! 👏👏👏💪 not all works for everybody! I do what I can and I have no regrets! Comment from : Pixky Pix |
Erase Your Face by Danielle !! The best makeup removing cloth you will ever buy! It works incredibly well and lasts forever Comment from : Kailyn Gregorash |
Love you, Shelby!!! Thank you for all of these tips! Comment from : TracyHRodriguez |
I have used a menstrual cup in the past and I HATED it I already have pretty bad period cramps and the cup made them so much worse I could constantly feel it pushing against my insides I just couldn't stand it I've had incredibly bad leakage with all pad-type products so I'm hesitant to try out things from that category It does make me feel bad that my period is so un-sustainable but I just can't take the pain And buying new clothes all the time because they are blood-stained isn’t very sustainable either Comment from : ALadybugDreamsOfAFarm |
Ok so I can not use tampons, they are so uncomfortable for me, but I LOVE my mcup! Try it out! Comment from : Anya S |
I really appreciate your channel Please check out Blueland brand They have dishwasher tablets and Laundry tablets that are not wrapped in plastic Comment from : Diana V Rasmussen |
so happy you mentioned hey humans love thier stuff Comment from : Christi-Anne Yarbrough |
I personally have been using a menstrual cup since last year, and I think it's great! That being said though, I completely understand what you're saying It took me until my twenties to even use a tampon, and I only did it the first time because I had no choice (ran out of pads in a water park, 0/10 would not recommend) I still hate them So I get that they're not for everybody and the cup isn't either for multiple reasonsbrMy sister for example has hemophobia, she's deathly afraid of blood Pads are usually fine for her most of the time but obviously the cup isn't for her Comment from : Riwy1942 |
The menstrual cup is such a saviour, 100 recommend Comment from : Ana Caeiro |
Highly recommend Meliora laundry detergent! Sustainable packaging and super effective I love the lemon scent 😍brbrI totally identify with these 😂 it’s so frustrating to try and be sustainable and have things just not work -_- Comment from : Steph Hackett |
the one and only diy sustainable product is soapnut we can diy it as dish soap, laundry deterjen because ot safe for plate, spoon, and cloth Comment from : Yolans Life |
I really think that your message about zero waste and eco minimalism is the most important one You're the best representative for the message and I am learning a lotbrbrLove from the Netherlands Comment from : Mabel Borst |
I use the combo of menstrual cup and period pants on heavy days 200 leak proof Period pants are great of light days too brbrI really recommend trying the cup They are absolute game changer! Like you are not even on period apart from the cramp Comment from : Penjai Sin |
Almonds are very hard on the planet because it takes an astronomical amount of water to grow them I figure you already know this, but I only recently learned about it and cut them out of my diet Comment from : C H |
there’s some weird crackling in your sound on this vid it’s oddly nauseating otherwise, great points! Comment from : C Sun |
Really appreciate your gender neutral language when talking about menstrual hygiene :) Comment from : Pippin |
I honestly hate the gatekeeping in the sustainable movement Like, we're all trying the best of our ability for our lifestyle, and we're all for the same overall mission here Let's be supportive of each other! Comment from : Sarah Ayers |
Texture thing: I can't stand the feeling of the untreated wooden products like toothbrushes, disposable cutlery I can't even touch them, I shudder just thinking about it Comment from : MsMalevolent |
Ooooh quick tip if you like gardening! I use my plastic containers that I can’t use anymore for planters It def isn’t aesthetically pleasing but it saves you money Comment from : Samantha Burns |
I think theres some issue with tactile sensitivity in regards to how you feel about textures and materials Comment from : Mykala Shew |
I don’t remember the name of the company you send them to (I personally don’t wear make up, saw a TikTok) but there’s a company that you can mail your empty mascara to that uses the brushes to clean the oil off of smaller animals effected by spills Comment from : DH |
I recommend grinding up your toothpaste tablets with a mortar amd pestle and adding a little bit of water to make it into a paste Comment from : English Cloud |
Washing your Hair with Flour or this Nut form India (in German we call it "Waschnuss" "Wash Nut") is not more sustainable like washing your Hair with a Shampoo Bar Comment from : Aen_The_B |
Toothpaste is definitely one of those things that I will bnever/b fuck with Teeth are too important to take risks with Comment from : sweetyetunrefined |
I’ve never worn a tampon when I was trying to buy a menstrual cup I freaked out for a good few days cause I didn’t know how to put it in I ended up having to drive to CVS to get some emergency Always pads Comment from : Brittney Brown |
The amount of fresh clean water needed to make fibers (clothes, rugs, bed sheets, pillows, furniture) it’s crazy People never really talk about how much clean water we’re wasting daily who are we kidding!?!- hourly Aquaphor are going dry we’re still losing clean water every day and companies still pour thousands of gallons of it in ridiculous things just for the luxury of it Comment from : Brittney Brown |
I hAAATE menstrual cups I dont use tampons because they hurt I can't stand menstrual cups because they make my cramps so much worse Its agony to put in for me Theyre extremely difficult to clean They can't touch the side of the pot when you boil them and i cant figure out how to do that for them It also causes me mental distress putting something inside my body, especially when it causes dysphoria I just cant stand it 😖 i would sooner switch to reusable pads or using rags than using cups Id rather bleach my clothes out or something than cause all of that mental and physical distress Comment from : Sophie Rein |
I've not found a washing powder that's as good as my DIY, so I don't agree that 'professional' is always better Comment from : Norm Tresadern |
Thanks for talking about essential oils !!! Comment from : Krystyna |
Thank you sooooo much for the toothpaste I have had a hard time finding a good alternativeeeeeeeeee You rock I love how non-judgmental you are and truly focused on sustainability you are! Comment from : Tamar R |
You could use tooth powder by the way it's a nice toothpaste alternative and comes in glass jars Comment from : Srijan Tandon |
💚 Comment from : mina mülla |
Toothpaste tabs: Have you tried dissolving them first? Comment from : candace d |
I know it's silly Many people already explained it to me but I'm very scared of the idea of the menstrual cup getting stuck inside of me And I don't want to go to the hospital for something I could have avoided So yeah Irrational, but I fear the thing Comment from : Carla Ferracini |
Used a menstrual cup for years and loved it, until I realized it was giving me excruciating cramps Considered using reusable pads, until I had a friend staying with me who soaked her pads to wash them out, which was gross and smelly and simply not a nice thing to keep in your bathroom Went back to tampons, but a more sustainably sourced kind brbrPeriods are already awful enough - I don't need to feel activist guilt on top of that Comment from : L S |
Thank you for making this video @Shelbizleee probably one of my favourites I’ve seen so far Thank you for being so realistic and honest Comment from : tikiiiki |
Thank you for making this video! Comment from : agardner0368 |
Why isn’t anyone talking about the fact that we buy GARBAGE bags to throw GARBAGE!!! Comment from : Hiral Sheth |
People shouldn't be shaming you for doing what works for you If they are just sharing what's more environmentally friendly, what the problem? YOU don't care, but you have an audience who definitely might because they're here to learn about being sustainable If a comment can show them how to be more sustainable, how is that an issue? You say you didn't ask, but isn't that kind of the point of sharing online? To learn from each other? Comment from : Vic La vigne |
I love my reusable menstrual products I use pads and a cup It's so much better than using disposables imo Comment from : Sarah Percifield |
I've been using Dame's period products for a bit now, and I really like them! I prefer tampons, but can't always use due to some scar tissue Reusable pads are definitely my solution But buy more than two! They need to dry after you wash them!! Comment from : SRQCatLady |
Not me watching this while boiling my Diva Cup 😂 Comment from : Alex Gatto |
I tried ChewTabs but the taste was too sweet I kept gagging every time I used itbrbrI also got seborrheic dermatitis from using natural products on my face Comment from : Sandrine Wissa |
Wow I can’t believe using the same clothe for your face is gross My parents (mega hippies) used cloth for everything from diapers to pads, to toilette paper Comment from : Justsomeguy |
Interessting, I get that cringy feeling touching most plastic weaves, it grosses me out Thats why I have never tried period underwear Swimwear is ok, for I only wear those for a very short time and will be distracted, but wearing it longer Comment from : Ariane Winter |
You want essencial oils to make your house smell nice? Get a lavender plant or lemon sented geranium same effect and you just got a nice houseplant Comment from : Esmay |
The most substainable option is the one that works for you so you keep to it instead of falling back to the usual and way more wasteful just cause that one is the easyest This perfectionism judgment discurages so many people who would otherwise change a lot more if others would not walk all over them for not comeing to the exact same conclusion as themselfs and therefor being flawed Comment from : Ariane Winter |
Essential oils can have antibacterial benefits and prevent pests They’re an important part of my cleaning routine 3 drops of tree tea oil in my laundry Peppermint in the kitchen keeps bugs away Lavender and rose added to my baths for relaxation Comment from : TheNerdyVlogger |
This is for sure, my favorite Eco Minimalist channel Comment from : Maria De Ornelas |
For the menstrual cup, I'm just not comfortable putting my fingers up there, plus all the blood, it's gross I just rather not have a period at all I was thinking of getting my uterus removed It's not like I need it I kind of also when I kinda want to get rid of my boobs and nipples because they are just in the way Comment from : lunarcorpse |
What plnt store sis you go to in tx for your local supporters? You didnt mention the name just all the things you love about it lol Comment from : Lexylex ! |
Have you unlisted past videos that aren't sustainable or you no longer agree with? Comment from : Emma K |
the zero waste things that helped me a lot are eco pads and metal razor I'm freaking allergic to aloe vera and sadly for my health everything has it so changing this things helped me a lot in reducing irritation and allergies I swear that I found that pads had aloe last year Comment from : Clau BlueMoonDRM |
I wish Shelby would include the prices of these things A lot are not near accessible to lower income people Which I think is also a reason people end up DIYing Comment from : Sam Robinson |
Does her voice sound a little bit like mila kunis’ or am I just hallucinating Comment from : nao mingsiu |
Thank you for mentioning essential oils in this I see so many people just gushing over essential oils and how they are so amazing and all the bs, the smell good sure but use so many plants just to make a tiny bottle Comment from : Ashton |
I got cavities from DIY toothpaste Getting my teeth drilled was not zero waste Fluoride is our friend! Comment from : Viennafly1 |
For me i want to be eco-minimalist but im don't follow the rules like dat, I will take wat I want from the concept n do it, I will not leave comfort behind, I will switch whatever I can without leaving comfort behind, I will try my best to switch products when they ruin, if u want to be something along the lines, u don't have to follow everything because people will always tell u that there is a better option so just take wat u can apple to ur life, n continue to do so, without leaving comfort behind if u don't want to😊 Comment from : Perla Ramos |
you're so beautiful, inside and out ❤️✨ Comment from : Tália Mendonça |
For grocery/produce bags, I've always made mine from scrap fabric or old t'shirts Can highly recommend Comment from : Sarah Kelly |
completely disagree about DIY skincare OBV you have to look on the stuff you are putting on the face but massaging skin with some cucumber peels or using hemp or coconut oil instead of sunscreen will not harm you Coconut oil for hair, for example, was smth a hairdresser recommended me to do and it really worked, there was no damage I probably wouldn't make face cream of different ingredients also found in regular skincare products without knowing how to preserve it and store it though I think this subject needs a deeper research as I lately heard stuff like "oils actually dries the skin, etc" I don't think people for centuries would use natural DIY skincare and beauty products if they really harmed them and their looks Comment from : Avene13 |
I love my menstrual cup, but only if my period is light My period is heavy enough to fill that thing up several times a day Also, if it’s not placed juuuuust right, it’s useless Comment from : Crow Lord |
I did the crazy swap of using a normal washcloth instead of a tiny makeup pad Comment from : Out of The Hat |
I love your channel! So many helpful tips :) Comment from : Ten Thousand Steps |
I was going to buy the period underwear but I type my address and it went up by £950! Can’t get them this month but maybe another time x Comment from : Tyler Munson |
I have some silicone food huggers from IKEA, a set of 3 in different sizes, and they're very versatile I had a revelation when I realized I could use them as lids for half-finished cans Comment from : SchizoSchematic |
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