Название | : | zero waste swaps for EVERYONE // Swaps for Beginners u0026 Advanced |
Продолжительность | : | 24.10 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 576 rb |
PART 2 & another giveaway here >>> youtube/Brw_m-8Ck0U Comment from : Shelbizleee |
I use toilet paper but i'm saving for a bidet! Comment from : Emma D |
The Diva cup was a godsend i loved it Comment from : Jessica b |
Nice video 👌🏽 Comment from : This is Shosho |
I recently started following you 💖I have been recycling in my home for several years I’m new to the zero waste movement I have done some gradual changes with body and home care I recently bought period underwear, however they are still in the package Mostly because I’m pre-menopausal and I’m not regular For instance I’m 40 days late and the last two Sundays I have seem one drop I don’t think the underwear would help me track my flow So I’ll swap to the cotton pads as you recommended I also have a box of Who gives a crap toilet paper in the cart, so I will use your discount and give that TP a go This was a very informative video and I appreciate how gentle and kind you are to the newbies 🌱thank you🤗 Comment from : sandi broad |
Eat plant based 🌱🌞 Comment from : Katherine |
i dont see a link for a rainwater bin, could you supply me with a link to the one you've used? i've always wanted to get one of these Comment from : Kallie |
I use both, mostly the bidet and 1-2 sheets to “dry” off Also i took a small dawn dish bottle, washed it out and use that as my portable bidet I definitely feel better using it during my period, I personally feel cleaner Comment from : Ralissa suarez |
In most middle eastern countries we have a hose in the toilet and our toilets don’t waste this much water in flushing Comment from : Peyvand |
seeing this video 3 years later and the end made me cry Comment from : Mystic Craft Chronicles |
@landmarkpizza31 silence Woman Comment from : TechnicalActivity |
568k in 2023 btw Comment from : 1 Best Friend 2 u |
Bidet is the best life changer- and not to give TMI, but… my hubby has hair, and it caused problems especially in the heat, or in public places with thick tp, now no more issues Love it So men, this is the way to be super clean Comment from : Angie Bess |
A lot of people just are too lazy to rinse and reuse a water bottle 🤦🏽♀️ Comment from : Angie Bess |
As a female I definitely use way more toilet paper than all the guys in my house so I have started using Toilet Unpapet by Marley’s monsters just for urine and still offer paper toilet paper for pooping I’m asking for two bidets for Christmas and excited to incorporate toilet unpaper for pooping times too! Love what you are doing and keep up the amazing work! FYI we are not strange, they are! Love you, girl! -Janet from Alabama Comment from : Janet Boullemet-Ukangsin |
You’re awesome & amazing! Comment from : Kris Morone |
You’re awesome & amazing! Comment from : Kris Morone |
Thank you so much for what you do! One day hopefully eveyone cares as much about saving the earth as much as you! Truly appreciate you putting out this information for all of us looking for it Comment from : Catherine Lois |
Tips on what to ude in your trash can at home when you don't use plastic bags? Comment from : Likey_leah |
How can a microfiber filter that you install in your house be better than the industrial water filters? Comment from : A name Woah |
I'm not crying, YOU'RE CRYING <3 Comment from : Ashzore |
You’re the best Shelby! Thank you so much for your videos! You are so knowledgeable and it’s so inspiring I’ve made swaps that you’ve suggested You’re just real and that’s what this world needs Comment from : Alex Mack |
Heads up, rain barrels are actually illegal in some places (like deserts and places prone to drought) No idea why, but I don’t want anyone being caught breaking the law unknowingly! Comment from : NoIAmNotaWeasley |
Water is re newable The water we are drinking is so old dinosaurs were drinking it Even sewage water can be completely cleaned There is a big stigma about "toilet water" and it's holding us back Comment from : braindamage |
Your passion and emotion at the end are beautiful and honestly inspiring To 200k more! And how you didn't put a certain price but saved up your own money so you can give the winners something they actually need is just adorable You are an amazing human being❤ Comment from : Pauly Navarrete |
Beautiful video 💜 brAlso I know this is an older video and I’m just throwing my comment out into the ether lol My biggest question about cleaning product formulas that are better for the environment is just worrying about disinfecting things, and if the products are strong enough to clean mold and things like that Like what is the least toxic and cleanest (lol) way to delseriously/del clean and disinfect? Especially when it comes to food prep surfaces and bathrooms Comment from : E Soup |
Thank you! It shows you care with heart and mind It's deffently a new change of being in today 's world Make the world a better place Comment from : Eleanor Franco |
Your rain water barrel reminds me of my crop watering scheme recently we put in gutter on our garage The walls were rotting because rain water was just pouring down the sides Now I have a rain water spout funneling all the roofs water to one place I'm going to dig an irrigation ditch and plant water thirsty crops by the garage Maybe bury some old clay pots in the ground to hold the water near my pumpkin ans squash Comment from : Mojo |
Hahaha I tried to use terry towelling nappies (diapers) with my first two babies, and it was NOT EASY However, they now make very nice reusable paper towels or towels for cleaning! Comment from : Charlotte Innocent |
I love your mission! Subscribed! Comment from : Beauty Wins & Fails |
i just wanted to say, i love your youtube channel so so much i constantly come back to this video to remind myself of what swaps i can make and for information i really love what you're doing with your channel thank you so much for making this Comment from : jacklynmp4 |
I love my bidet, but I also use tp I just use a lot less of it thanks to the bidet, especially during my period I've always had to use SO much tp to clean up down there during that time of the month, but now I just spritz it off and dry off with tp I have a hard time using JUST the bidet because I don't like the idea of accidentally missing some stuff 😅 also glad to know I'm already advanced in using a cup Lol Comment from : Catie Palermo |
keeep gping girllllll Comment from : Sam kl |
You go girl, fulfill your life’s mission! Comment from : Just Carine in Paris |
Bidets at least reduce toilet paper lol Comment from : Claire Kug |
And a lot of us watch your videos multiple times too I know I do It helps me a lot I’m healing from a compulsive shopping disorder and watching your videos reminds me why I’m on my no buy journey Comment from : PNW Alternative Beauty |
So much love for all the information you provide! Comment from : Lavender Honey |
I actually not using a fabric groceries bag, I keep the old plastic ones in my bag and use them again until they have holes or start to smellbrIt works good for me🤷🏾♀️ Comment from : shoval fishel |
For your information water is infinitely renewable the only time earth gains water is from meteors with ice impacting , we only lose the water we send into space You can tell she is from California Comment from : Jessie Young |
I'm a beginner/newbie in the whole sustainable living movement, but I have been using a menstrual cup for a while simply cause I could never find comfort with pads or tampons Comment from : Pieper Defoe |
Bidet all the way!!!!!!!! Comment from : Samantha Clayton |
So really, all washing machines should standard come with this filter in the future!? I see a task for legislation here as well Comment from : Placelift |
We LOVE our bidet It doesn't eliminate our use of TP, but it reduces it a lot Being clean is so nice :) Comment from : Kate Smanik |
“I started living more eco when I was a sophomore in high school”brbrbr I’m a Sophmore in high school trying to live a more eco life 😫 Comment from : TrippierJay |
What degree did you get if you don't mind me asking Comment from : Razle Frazle1999 |
tampons are horrible leave your V thing alone for once it goes through too much:) be kind and use non toxic products and organic Comment from : DC |
In India most people have a bidet and toilet paper isn't that common I've been using a bidet my whole life Comment from : Zinnia |
I just found you :) Thank you for all the good info and for being you! The world is a better place because of you :) Comment from : Jessica Holben |
You're such an inspiration You're living the dream I've had my whole life Congratulations Comment from : Journey Roy |
Thanks for youre advices! I personaly just got a bidet and sewed reusable wipes I was grossed out at first by the idea of reusable toilet paper, but in combination with the bidet, they dont get dirty, since you just wipe the excess water Also, I didn't know that something existed to catch microplastics in the laundry, I'll have to try that! 😊 Comment from : Ariane Chourot |
I personally use menstrual cup with period undies as a back up in case of leaks or anything I would never ever go back I tried cotton pads once and found them so gross and not good at absorbing or stopping leaks, but I only tried one brand Everyone who can, should try and try again at the menstrual cup, it takes a fair while to get used to it but once youve got it - periods are much much easier to manage/forget about Comment from : G Ruscoe Music |
I really think thrifting is the more advanced over sustainable clothing Because that is already there, and used stuff is always the more sustainable option than producing something new Comment from : Daniela Laatz |
And I appreciate YOUUUUUUUUHH Comment from : sunny4jenny |
Who Gives a Crap toilet paper Comment from : Patricia Isaacs |
GIIIRL I LOVE YOU AND YOUR VIDEOS!!! Stop making me cry!!! You're an inspiration, and I will try to do my best to slowly switch to more env friendly habits <3 Comment from : Mirona Motcanu |
Team bidet all the way Comment from : 2headed |
For those who are lazy:br3:25 Water bottlebr5:37 Grocery bagbr8:01 Period productsbr10:13 Carbon offsetsbr12:02 Sustainable clothingbr13:25 Microfiber filtersbr14:54 Cleaning after toilet businessbr16:36 House cleaning products Comment from : Dotty |
I absolutely need to transition to bamboo toilet paper but the price compared to super markets are insane in comparison brI feel like I need to try it first to be able to justify spending almost triple the amount for the paper But I really believe that we need to change over to more sustainably sourced paper products to help with the tree crisis in the world Comment from : Madison Gurnick |
The tampon thing is weird in Aus we don't even have plastic applicators always just cotton Comment from : spice1624 |
Metal water bottles taste gross, glass is too breakable, and I don’t want to invest in plastic What are the other options? Comment from : Smiley |
Bidet! 😎 Comment from : Ej Flores |
💞💚💚💚 Big congratulations what fun 3 hundred follow now ❤️love watching your videos thank you very much 🌍 ❤️❤️🌹❤️ Toilet paper 😂 hags from sweden 🇸🇪🌍💚 Comment from : Ulrica Karlsson |
how to save water when washing your underwear, do you do it by hand or you put your bloody panties in the washer? Comment from : Martha Medrano |
In my country, we clean our ass with water and soap If I went to other country I would defintely get culture shock 😳 Comment from : Syifa Azzahra Putri |
20:55 I teared up Girl keep doing what you’re doing! I have learned so much from you 💕 (I’m also the weird one in my family) ☺️ Comment from : sheena chante |
Yo look at that muscle tone on Madison's bicep 👀 Comment from : (Not) Chef Ellie Jay |
Wow I learnt so much in this video there are so many things I never would have thought about I've just recently started going zero waste but this has given me loads more ideas thank you so much!:) Comment from : Natalka Pasicznyk |
I like a lot of things But the paying to offset just rubs me the wrong way Just don't go on vacation by plane as often Try using a bike, public transport and go by foot as much as you can Paying modern indulgences not my thing Comment from : MissMoontree |
Go shopping by bike is better for the environment than going by car Comment from : Raisa N |
I live in Germany and lived in the Netherlands and I have never seen Tampons with an applicator Comment from : May Strange |
I use bamboo tp from The Grove Collaborative Comment from : Amber Lockey |
I will say, I recently switched to August brand period products So far I love them, and they are a very sustainable option if you want to stick to pads and/or tampons Comment from : Abbey Hunter-Richards |
I've started using reusable pads and they are so much more comfortable They also last longer I have an allergy to the adhesive so the reusable cotton ones don't leave me with a painful rash Comment from : M J |
On the bidet suggestion: it's not really feasible doing it every time you use the toilet Washing your private parts multiple times a day will seriously alter the microflora of the area If you really want to go that way, at least just rinse the part with water when you only urinated Comment from : LaKuro |
You do know all cotton is organic though right? It’s just the applicator that is the problem… Comment from : Charlotte Harrison |
I forget my bags all the time, so I just don’t use any Put groceries back in the cart, to trunk of car with baskets and coolers Comment from : Jenson_Levi |
Dumpster diving is also illegal in most places so I wouldn't necessarily promote it Comment from : Max Clips |
I tried a bidet but it just wasn't for me I dunno how people with vaginas do it Maybe it's just my body, but it sprays from the back, straight into my urethra, which is a huge nope Not wanting to spend that much on TP, either I'll find a happy medium someday :) Comment from : C H |
my husband and I are doing more intermediate changes lol we've been using detergent sheets instead of bottled detergent we are switching to a bidet next week, as well as bar shampoo and conditioner as well as bar soap and I use a menstrual cup we also use reusable bags we put two in each bag we have or in our keychain Comment from : Miss Diazs life |
Gurl I wasn't offended until you apologized for crying 😂 jk jk but please be real human being on camera It's refreshing, supportive to the rest of us humans, and brings toxic "no one is allowed to cry ever" vibes down that much more 💜💜💜 Comment from : Velo |
grocery store won't use the reusable bags at the moment Comment from : Jan Bryant |
I have a handheld 'bidet' and I swear by it Especially as someone with ibs and after having four kids, moms know what I mean I do still use toilet paper next to that to dry it off and check if it's actually clean because I can't control the waterpressure and sometimes it just does not do the whole trick But the best thing is I feel so clean during my period 🤭 Comment from : De6Klompjes |
I use flannel squares instead of toilet paper I have enough to last me a week and I use a diaper bag to store the used squares I just wash them and reuse Comment from : Dawn Agran |
About the bidet I use a combination I use toilet paper and after a bidet, and for me, it reduces toilet paper usage and feels a lot nicer(not sure I could go back) And you don't need a bidet, a bathtub or a shower with a stool works as well Comment from : Gabriela |
Thank you for this video, I started looking into it and found these stuff and shops near me (not the shops you talked about but as good ('cause I am from europe)) and I seriously did not know my country has these!!! They need to start advocating these stuff or at least let us know that they are there Comment from : Noemie Vandenbloock |
Another benefit of the menstrual cup is that it holds more fluid than traditional tampons do, therefore not needing to change it as often In addition, the cup is healthier for the body as 1) many tampon companies allow trace metals and chemicals in their products that we put in our bodies, and 2) the tampon absorbs too much and can cause dryness With the cup being the way it is, there is much less risk of TSS and you’re able to wear for 12-14 hours Comment from : CSN |
Serious question What is the enivonmental cost of getting a hysterectomy at a young age if you dont plan on having kids? Is it worth it for the savings over your lifetime? Comment from : Katty Patty |
We have a Natural Grocers near by with all those products They have a savings program called NPower Give it a try! Yes, they take ebt Comment from : Lynn Payne |
the monstera adonsii in the background is gorgeous! how did you get it so full? Comment from : kat ryn |
I use a bidet, but I also use WGAC toilet paper so a combo It just means that I use a lot less TP Comment from : Julie Lauwers |
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