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ZERO WASTE | 50 Zero Waste Swaps | Minimal, Zero Waste Home


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Название :  ZERO WASTE | 50 Zero Waste Swaps | Minimal, Zero Waste Home
Продолжительность :   12.17
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Просмотров :   79 rb

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Коментарии ZERO WASTE | 50 Zero Waste Swaps | Minimal, Zero Waste Home

I am dubious anbout how well a chunk of charcoal will filter tap water
Comment from : LaineyBug2020

Kate Henry
Is the mascara package plastic on the inside with a wood sleeve? No advantage there
Comment from : Kate Henry

Kate Henry
Local grocer tried bulk dry items in tall clear tubes Very quickly there were obvious bugs taking over the contents Store quit doing that Tare weights on containers are suspect and need extra weigh-ins and calculations stores not happy with that They do now leave some items unpackagedcorn on the cob, apples, avocados, but they force a package of 3 green peppers There was a single in the bin ))) when I took it to checkout, they refused it and threw it away I do not understand They will sell frozen shrimp and salmon by the piece without plastic but no other meats They claim unsterile home packaging will cause lawsuits
Comment from : Kate Henry

imong ilong ba murag kabaw
Comment from : Doorkeepers

Stefan Gherman
I use masking tape as paper replacement for plastic tape
Comment from : Stefan Gherman

Kika R
I found this video by accident , I am not that much zero waste oriented but I do more than an half of thing that u mentioned and not just me ,but my whole country bc this is how our grandparent used to live
Comment from : Kika R

Can you do a Zero Waste Piece on not throwing away energy from a workout? I designed and built this pedal power bike generator power system , maybe I could ship one to you youtube/JygxNvr43TQ Thanks Bradley Whaley Electrical Engineer
Comment from : bicyclegenerator

latenight cake
this stuff ismexpensive though, the toilet paper, paper towels, etc are all 5 bucks or moreover the other prices
Comment from : latenight cake

Jennifer Smith
I love the period panties!!! And we use "who gives a crap" as well I need to get some of these other things too though
Comment from : Jennifer Smith

The Eco Edit
what is that wooden floor mop
Comment from : The Eco Edit

Kaç Kurtar
Charcoal was wrapped in plastic bag!! Mascaras inner coating was plastic!!
Comment from : Kaç Kurtar

Тимур Бахмудов
Hey! Since i didn't see any comments about the charcoal, i'd like to tell you that it's probably not working well as a filter if you are just putting it in your water,, i mean that the way it should work in 'real' filters is by pushing water Through the compressed coal which lets coal absorb the stuff and filter water, but if you are just putting it in your water it'll just suck water in and that's it Imagine if you need to filter your coffee from little coffee particles - putting coffee filter in your cup of coffee won't work, right? :))
Comment from : Тимур Бахмудов

Nick- Lags
I came across this and so glad I did! This gives me much happier feeling for zero waste stuff And showing a realistic side to things!
Comment from : Nick- Lags

Susan Little
wonderful, glad i found you from Australia
Comment from : Susan Little

Maria Volkhonskaya
There's such a thing as mimikaki to clean ears and also ear stick made of silicone
Comment from : Maria Volkhonskaya

Maria Volkhonskaya
There's a good hair conditioner: just add 1 table spoon of 9 apple vinegar to 1 litre of water (do not rinse)
Comment from : Maria Volkhonskaya

Maria Volkhonskaya
There's a toilet brush made of silicone which I hope will last forever
Comment from : Maria Volkhonskaya

I'm late to your videos but already love them Keep them coming! Great Job!!
Comment from : C S

Tal Smits
I knew all of these already! Maybe I have watched to many zero waste video's 😅 Can anyone recommmend other YouTube films? Or shops? I live in the Netherlands Thank you
Comment from : Tal Smits

Ali Singh
So many zero waste tips! Which brand is the dental floss? The packaging is so minimal!
Comment from : Ali Singh

I use soap nuts to wash my clothes and vinegar instead of softener
Comment from : Paulveg852

You say you save by not washing your clothes every time you wear them, me too But have you considered the cost of washing your kitchen cloths as opposed to using paper towels which break down easily? (I live in an apartment, have to use coin operated machines Water here is extremely hard, and requires the use of detergent)
Comment from : brendastenger

The Life Tidy
How much white vinegar do you put in a load of laundry??
Comment from : The Life Tidy

Camilla Holst
Thank you SO MUCH for this episode:brI'm changeing into a more low waste lifestyle and in my country (Denmark) and in the capital (Copenhagen) we devide our household waste into 10-12 categories including our food/green waste that is used to make fuel to our CityBusses🏆brI would love to buy and bring less plastic into our home and our lifebrAnd today I will continue by bying a shampoo-bar and step by step continue the journeybrThank you for your inspiring videobrKeep up the good workbrGreetings from Camilla ☀️
Comment from : Camilla Holst

Charles Cayton
Nice video 👍 love it your awesome IAM new 👍
Comment from : Charles Cayton

Kristi Bruce
Would love a compost video!
Comment from : Kristi Bruce

Krissy Faith
Love this thank you
Comment from : Krissy Faith

Jessica Beason
Question: I'm relatively new to the zero waste/healthier living journey there is so much plastic in my house! A lot of it not recyclable I feel like throwing it away to swap for bamboo, metal, etc is wasteful, too, though Should I just keep on using what I've got as long as I can, or swap everything out as I can? I have a growing hatred for plastic!!
Comment from : Jessica Beason

Great list Thanks! How do you reuse plastic wrapping, like from the burritos you show in the clip? It always bothers me to just chuck them
Comment from : CL B

Sarah Thatcher
Links to your cleaning items would be appreciatedyour duster, mop, and toilet brush, please And link to your sunscreen
Comment from : Sarah Thatcher

Just for transparency sake the elate mascara the outside shell is bamboo however it’s still a plastic tube inside It can’t be composted and I’m not sure it’s recyclable Again for transparency sake and to make sure accurate information is being spread
Comment from : Nick

Ariane G
Elate should pay you : I just purchased their mascara because I thought your eyelashes looked awesome and was looking for a greener alternative for a while
Comment from : Ariane G

Vegan Mango Queen
You are awesome! I use elite noble shungite stones to filter my water, I bet gypsy gets to drink the filtered charcoal water too like my Venus only drinks my filtered water lol xoxo ✌🌱🌎🐕💚🌺
Comment from : Vegan Mango Queen

I’m so happy I found your channel 🙂 I have a question how can I get the pickle smell out of the jar and lid? I can’t seem to get it out no matter how much I wash it
Comment from : Usernamenotfound

I absolutely hated that mascara; That's cool it works for you though!! :)
Comment from : xxKandiKissez

I have the some toilet bowl brush as well!! Love it!
Comment from : xxKandiKissez

I have the same bamboo soap holder! :)
Comment from : xxKandiKissez

Lisa B
Hi Rebecca My dog sheds lots of hair too! When I finish vacuuming I empty it into my compost to break down with the fruit and veg Saves just one more thing from going to landfill 🐶🌱💚
Comment from : Lisa B

Rebeca Servin
Hi Rebecca! Wow you did cover a whole lot in this video, thank you for taking the time to show us that there are alternatives and better choicesbrIn the grand scheme of things, if 1 person can "convert" at least 1 other person into using more environmental friendly solutions: it's a WIN!
Comment from : Rebeca Servin

Hi Rebecca, Love the video but I really have issues when people don't trim their dogs nails, it gets painful for them when they're too long
Comment from : Zgirl

Viva la Vida Minimalista
I do a lot of those things! Gracias Rebecca 😊
Comment from : Viva la Vida Minimalista

Jennifer Jacinto
Hi Rebecca! Love this Was it "swap 2" paper tape?
Comment from : Jennifer Jacinto

D Young
Great ideas, thank you
Comment from : D Young

Dianne Porter
I recently came across your channel and have been binge watching your videos Your adventures are so entertaining and interesting! I am also amazed at how skilful you are at yoga and tell me do you ever eat anything that is unhealthy ie chocolate, cakes etc? I am in awe of your lifestyle and have now subscribed Greetings from Australia 😍
Comment from : Dianne Porter

Lilly Summer
Love love love this and love you! So inspirational! Great ideas!
Comment from : Lilly Summer

Monica Sahu
OMG I hope to hear from you when you read my book someday !!! 😍
Comment from : Monica Sahu

Sian Rushton
Which soap do you use in the shower (the blue one)? Is this for face washing and body? X
Comment from : Sian Rushton

Belinda Belinda
Some really good ideas!
Comment from : Belinda Belinda

Sian Rushton
Yes please to more zero waste vids :)
Comment from : Sian Rushton

Hi Rebecca, i'm from Germany and i love your videos!! But you speak so fast so i wish you would make subtitles for your videos (i don't know if it's right what i'm write 😂✌) big hug, Lisa
Comment from : 8siiri8

Always used a towel instead of a drying rack Glad to see I’m not the only onebrCurious about the type of compost “bin” you use for food scrapsbrCan’t wait for the trash video
Comment from : MRMEME6000

Adra Lobdell
Hi Rebecca, I'm a recent subscriber and really enjoy your videos! Thanks for the great content! I couldn't help but notice you mentioned leaving your dog poop when you are out in open spaces Doing this is actually pretty harmful for wildlife and water quality It's a good practice to bag and carry out dog poop anytime you're out with your dog, whether it's walking around the neighborhood or out on a hike It does obviously use more bags but it goes a long way in lessening human impact on local ecosystems Just thought you would want to know as someone who is obviously conscientious about the environment Here is one article that explains the impacts in more depth : wwwoutsideonlinecom/2292736/its-time-talk-about-dog-poop#close
Comment from : Adra Lobdell

Juanita Acosta
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Comment from : Juanita Acosta

Susan Bluestein
Great video You have so much energy, thanks for sharing 🌺🥰🌺
Comment from : Susan Bluestein

Lisa Rhoades
Loving the hair! Just saw a clothing website called AYR (All Year Round) You would be a perfect model for the clothing As always, I enjoy your videos Big love from Prescott Valley, AZ
Comment from : Lisa Rhoades

James Murphy
You look so beautiful! The hair is coming in great!
Comment from : James Murphy

Oh! The faux hawk looks soooo good!!!!!! ;)
Comment from : J W

Amanda Beas
I'm digging the Dolores O'Riordan look! My dog always comes running when I put coconut oil on too
Comment from : Amanda Beas

Love this one 👍
Comment from : 69malsurfer

Michele Ridder
You Are Awesome Thanks for the inspiration and information I’m continuing my journey into low waste living and take your recommendations very seriously Thanks again!!
Comment from : Michele Ridder

Molly McCann
Is it weird that I'm looking forward to your trash video?
Comment from : Molly McCann

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