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How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn u0026 more | Big Think


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Название :  How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn u0026 more | Big Think
Продолжительность :   27.26
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Просмотров :   1,3 jt

Кадры How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn u0026 more | Big Think

Описание How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn u0026 more | Big Think

Коментарии How meditation can change your life and mind | Sam Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn u0026 more | Big Think

Big Think
What topics should we tackle next?brSubscribe for weekly videos: bigthink/GetSmarter
Comment from : Big Think

Yed-Nadia Shihab
Bof !brThe last méditation in black man's dressedbrwith black paire of glasses on his face,brwhile he is speeking of whitness fully,bris more caricatural than serenity, no !brOtherweise, I do practice méditation, brwhen it's possible brThis way of trying to breath, to oxiginatebrthe entire body, help's a lot in life, bras if, we are renforcing the hippocampe brinside the brain About visualisation br(I do my best in english, nevertheless )brThank you for your work
Comment from : Yed-Nadia Shihab

Fabrizio Camisani
I've started meditating about a year ago, I do it daily, on 30-minute basis, I can see some benefits in it but it's not always easy I struggle with te concept that I am not my thoughts, i cannot disconnect completely from that They arise in my mind, they relate to my past, my experiences, my future aspirations even my sensesStill trying to wrap my head around that and apply it fruitfully to the practice
Comment from : Fabrizio Camisani

william selden
Meditating cured my depression
Comment from : william selden

They got Cipher from the Matrix to walkthrough the process!!
Comment from : ion_Q

Rajesh K
@big think white background really sucks , it's great information but background is over exposed
Comment from : Rajesh K

Sebastian White
Not impressed when this video starts with the weak disclaimer that meditation isn't 'spiritual?'
Comment from : Sebastian White

My Little Farmhouse
That jail cell visualisation was awful !! 😖 it’s left my body feeling tense, wound up and horrible Why would you end a video with that? 🤣🤦‍♀️ brI’m off to go shake that horrible off brNamaste 🙏
Comment from : My Little Farmhouse

Gaige Evans
Meditation has all but cured my obsessive compulsive disorder And on days I don’t meditate I can feel my autoimmune disease flaring Sounds woo woo as hell but it’s the truth
Comment from : Gaige Evans

Annie OShaughnessy
There is so much great wisdom here! Thank you I am disappointed that it begins with the first two people speaking to how it will make us "more productive" and "happier" -- that by being in the present moment we won't have to feel those (pesky) negative emotions These are great examples of how we've westernized this practice to support our productivity and happiness obsessed culture
Comment from : Annie OShaughnessy

Aysel Valdis
Thank you for the prison meditation I really needed it Got over a breakup of 8 years of regrets This made me sane thank you
Comment from : Aysel Valdis

whenever i try to do meditation i get erection idk why
Comment from : offset

Ellery Horton
Google, please show me narcissistic robots that haven't lost a loved one senselessly Ah, Perfect These people will be the perfect workers that don't feel even though their lives are hell Thank you, Google
Comment from : Ellery Horton

B J Nepo
What constitute the "I-sense"/ is-ness? The individual's traits are superposed onto what? Is their a scientifical name for the receiver of thoughts and emotions
Comment from : B J Nepo

twinky tobar
Is the same meditation and confirmation?
Comment from : twinky tobar

Mahesh Nanavare
Comment from : Mahesh Nanavare

Edmond Time
"How meditation can change your life and mind' ??brWhen I say to myself i am not here, since when i meditate to meditate it automatically cancels i Just am
Comment from : Edmond Time

Fadhl Almo
Good vibes
Comment from : Fadhl Almo

Μανος Σκοπελιτης
I am afraid of meditation, i tried it for a year and it so happens to be the year i broke up with my 5 year old relationship ( granted i am 22 ), the breakup had to do with me not paying attention to her and focusing on myself, maybe it brought my real self out and a truth that i am not that interested in her arose and the breakup happened I dont want to analyze who is at fault or if any of us is, the point is that year traumatized me and i am now afraid of the state meditation puts me in ( i loved it though ) and i try to get the benefits of it without doing any practice, it is not that hard because i know what i am after Any thoughts at that? because i am in a weird place when it comes to meditation :(
Comment from : Μανος Σκοπελιτης

Thanh Ngo
for several days, i've observed my heart's pain I no longer avoid it just observe it Love it and embrace it I feel gratefu for my heart
Comment from : Thanh Ngo

One by Land, Two if by Sea Run if by Air
I watched this at 2x speed because i didn't have the patience to watch it at 1x speed
Comment from : One by Land, Two if by Sea Run if by Air

Vance H
Comment from : Vance H

Nisha Bhanderi
It's about vipashana if anyone wants to feel what they explaining go for 10 days shibir of vipashana
Comment from : Nisha Bhanderi

🙏 I am grateful that the ancient wisdom of India and Hinduism ( yoga and meditation) is being appreciated and adapted all over the world now
Comment from : sweetchinmusic3

I tend to get tension in my forehead when I attempt to watch or be aware of my thoughts as they arise
Comment from : dry509

Meditation certainly didn't help sam harris lol Guy is a tyrannical egomaniac
Comment from : Dave

Rodrigo Osorio
This is great!brThinking is quite the addiction brI find myself thinking a lot Sometimes I believe that thinking of the top of my head while multi-tasking will be time efficient and possibly lead me to a new truth of my current realitybrSometimes i think about the same thing for weeksbrIt’s rare to come to a complete conclusionsbrI noticed that trying to be efficient all the time is inefficient You’ve gotta reserve proper time for things that repeatedly take your mental spacebrSometimes i write and this creates some structure so that my mind isn’t randomly wondering, desperate for an answer It’s almost as if i set some words (to remind myself of topic) so that i am not all over the placebrChannel your energy, i hope this was of some value to someone I love you, hope you have an amazing life Keep your chin up❤️🍒
Comment from : Rodrigo Osorio

Nitish kumar
This is called pranayama(yoga)
Comment from : Nitish kumar

Is there a video on how to truly meditate? :) I would appreciate if someone could send me a link pls
Comment from : Tracy

Tom Riddle
I found the end of the video really irritating In the rest of the video, the value of mindfulness meditation was stressed again and again, but the video ended with a visualization that had nothing AT ALL to do with mindfulness Just as the video ends the man leading the visualization implies that this visualization will be the only thing that works Mindfulness mediation has nothing to do with visualizations Nothing at all
Comment from : Tom Riddle

Teofilis Deltuva
Comment from : Teofilis Deltuva

Mikato Akino
Sometimes I do meditation while having a bizness in the bathroom
Comment from : Mikato Akino

冥想小貓 Catful Meditation
Great explanations from these scholars and authors! I like the way that meditation / mindfulness as an abstract concept was described / elaborated in so many different perspectives It really helps to get a clear picture
Comment from : 冥想小貓 Catful Meditation

Yoko Byeol
I see Sam HarrisbrI clickv
Comment from : Yoko Byeol

Awkwardly reading the comments while listening at x125 speed
Comment from : K J

I took Silva Mind Control, now called Silva Method With a little practice I'm able to focus on 1 thought at a time Find a method that works and be persistent practicing it
Comment from : eckankar

Eduardo Silva
Comment from : Eduardo Silva

Vengeance Will Be Mine
Just was cooking while listening to this and by the end I felt like my brain grew bigger already
Comment from : Vengeance Will Be Mine

Arghyadip Ghosh
The detached observer with a compassionate attitude during meditation is the core of yogic traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and other Dharmic traditions The legend of Gautam Buddha's final meditation before attaining Nirvana clearly describes this Mara sends his armies and various generals like desire and anger to distract Gautam but he is said to have touched the ground and proclaimed (with the ground, the sky and the Bodhi tree as witnesses) that he would simply not react to Mara's provocations and just stay as a witness to those The West got it wrong when the Dharmic ideas began to be introduced to the West like 100-150 years ago It is getting the idea finally
Comment from : Arghyadip Ghosh

Anthrax Anthrax
My mother always told me as advice for lifebr"The here and now"brStay in the here and now
Comment from : Anthrax Anthrax

toni toni
That meditation visualization-exercise at the end it's interesting, i found it a bit too voided of anything me, i guess; useful though, i kinda don't want to admit it 😅 , don't know why
Comment from : toni toni

Sara L
Don’t forget Islam, we pray 5 times a day and sometimes more It’s meditation
Comment from : Sara L

Stephanie P
Over 10,000 hours of meditation time A definite game changer as far as helping me connect the dots and problem solve along with reducing stress and anxiety I also get visions
Comment from : Stephanie P

Action for Animals
What is difficult to explain is that meditation help you to understand that just because you have the emotion of anger or jealousy or envy, etc, doesn't mean that you have to be those emotions In other words, you don't have to express anger, jealousy, envy, etc You are capable of watching your mind be angry without expressing anger, etc You are capable of being aware that you are angry w/o being angry, w/o attaching yourself to the anger or any other emotion Just acknowledge it and let it go by
Comment from : Action for Animals

Sean Aguayo
I am constantly in this battle with myself of trying to decide between letting my thoughts wander and think any and every thought that comes to mind, with new thoughts being triggered off of the previous ones or to try to silence my mindbrbrI love allowing my brain to wander and often use a journal to keep track of thoughts I want to revisit I usually come up with great ideas and plans for my life that have helped me in my success
Comment from : Sean Aguayo

Joseph Lidester
Great video! Brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing this!
Comment from : Joseph Lidester

lord loki
I went to a therapist and when she didn't take off her clothes and just kept asking questions I left 1 star won't return
Comment from : lord loki

J Snel
It's been over a year of meditation and mindfullness practices for me It has changed my life Not circumstances, but how I relate to them It's not just external, its within me The things that used to make me angry or frustrated can roll right over me I am no longer a slave to my mind in a way I was before brbrI am grateful
Comment from : J Snel

Random Things
most repetative phrase in this video was to 'be in the present','aware of your thoughts' wheras the word was 'mindfulness'
Comment from : Random Things

Godson Leon
I want to hear real devout monks that come from a long line of this practice talk about meditation
Comment from : Godson Leon

David Ward
I'm an INTJ-A I'm rarely in the present, but I usually very happy
Comment from : David Ward

Pankaj Chaugule
Maditiona: Start small and build your focus up
Comment from : Pankaj Chaugule

Ísak Jónsson
But with wondering thoughts comes creativity
Comment from : Ísak Jónsson

That was a cool demo
Comment from : turkishexpress

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality” - Seneca
Comment from : iateaplumandifeelweird

Farid Lipi
nice accent man
Comment from : Farid Lipi

Who started doing meditation as soon as the video is completed
Comment from : greeshma

Jane Hitt
Sorry, I think I would like the prison cell The light sounds ghastly
Comment from : Jane Hitt

Kevin T
I am on path Everything does happen for a reason :)
Comment from : Kevin T

Not my name
This video singlehandedly helped me so much with my motivation and concentration problems
Comment from : Not my name

Franko johnson
Life elevator is equal to meditate
Comment from : Franko johnson

george mcfly
meditation does nothing waste of time
Comment from : george mcfly

Peace & Love
HAH this guy walking us through being in a prison cell Bruh
Comment from : Peace & Love

Stephen Parsons
I just pray Prayer changes things
Comment from : Stephen Parsons

L Bali
Yes that's great, but how TF do you do it?
Comment from : L Bali

Foolish Investment
22:00 first time i hear a women say the words
Comment from : Foolish Investment

I've been meditating for about six years (approx, 620 hours) and will continue for the rest of my life There are too many positives to mention but I will tell you that it really quiets the chatter in your head Some people have laughed at me when I talk of my meditation and I tell them they do not know what they are missing Meditate!
Comment from : SteveB

When I was meditating my mind was different I could just be laying down and rest my eyes and my mind would visualize images of people It was weird When I stop I didn’t have that problem anymore
Comment from : Deneesha

This is the best description of the meditative state I've ever heard
Comment from : Chris

Vytautas Straižys
not true it is literally possible to have no thoughts eventually
Comment from : Vytautas Straižys

Richard Blackstone
that was so helpful Thank you
Comment from : Richard Blackstone

Miguel Buonarroti
So technically i can Meditate while i´m working isn´t it ? I´m a tattoo artist and constantly i need to be aware in the present moment while i´m tattoing, so that can be considered as Meditation, right ?
Comment from : Miguel Buonarroti

Great video until you get to the prison cell 😵‍💫I recommend doing the same exercise but visualize yourself in a room or an island 😅
Comment from : B P

Comment from : DJ STOEK

Libby Holt
I hope he is right, that meditation becomes a habit like oral hygiene for more and more of us
Comment from : Libby Holt

I almost want to cry because of how many times i let my thoughts make me sad instead of looking at them as an outside perspective, and showing compassion 😩😩 thank you!
Comment from : Tyramuffin

Titian Titiam
Awesome if i had a wish i would wish that everyone see & understand videos like this instead of tick fbig etc
Comment from : Titian Titiam

Gyanprakash Raj
Comment from : Gyanprakash Raj

Misterboss senior
a little scattered are we 12:57
Comment from : Misterboss senior

Jonathan Spencer
Can someone plz explain the importance of the difference between witnessing self, like the bubble example, and being present to now and new input right in front of us unwritten? The two seem mutually exclusive to me How can you witness yourself and drive at the same time? Or does the meditative mind take turns? Thx
Comment from : Jonathan Spencer

Ririri ri
I started meditation about 3 months ago and it is one of the best decision in my life!
Comment from : Ririri ri

Rodion Romanovich
Mindfulness "is" a spiritual thing Matter of fact,it's located in the center of many spiritual traditions I don't understand the urge of westerners to strip that from meditation
Comment from : Rodion Romanovich

Brian OMalley
Sorry, but this is a big thud for me I've been meditating for three decades, and this is way overthinking it Quite ironic actually I have no idea why the topic of greed and transcending it is even in a video about meditation
Comment from : Brian OMalley

50 Shades of Skittles
Distracted so I need to rewind somewhat, lol
Comment from : 50 Shades of Skittles

Nick Haley
It would be awesome if Big Think would list the sources the speakers reference I always want to look up the research papers but its hard to find them if they don't mention the authors
Comment from : Nick Haley

JJ Hugo Jackson-Jones
I'd say just figure out meditation for yourself Figure out what's holding you back There are probably so many misconceptions and ideas that have been learnt in childhood that when you really break them down, you've been living a lie My recent realisation during meditation was that Just the act of "looking for a thought" "trying to observe" meant that I was straining/doing something and that was getting in the way of my meditation (So now I say you can look if you want to myself) And I only just realised that after years of realising other things Although like anything if you pay enough attention and break something down and practice a lot You can learn a lot and become really good really quick :D I bet a lot of monks that have been practicing for years wouldn't tell you that though (I bet a lot of them have an ego :P :) )
Comment from : JJ Hugo Jackson-Jones

Money Mansion
I think another guided meditation would have been better but very informative and helpful video over all Maybe a guided meditation by the monk or a person with the proven high gamma waves
Comment from : Money Mansion

Isabel Soriano
Well explained concepts Thank you!
Comment from : Isabel Soriano

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