
The Ladies of the Kind Death | Full Documentary

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Название :  The Ladies of the Kind Death | Full Documentary
Продолжительность :   52.03
Дата публикации :  
Просмотров :   224 rb

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Коментарии The Ladies of the Kind Death | Full Documentary

Elisa Lucrezia Palma Bertucci
Comment from : Elisa Lucrezia Palma Bertucci

anna franca carai
Non parliamo di un coraggio di ammazzare una persona perché ammazzava avrò un’altra cultura ma la morte non me la deve massacrare nessuno Coraggio del cavolo
Comment from : anna franca carai

anna franca carai
Che coraggio essendo sarda ma che è eutanasia gratuita non voglio neanche pensarci se avrebbero fatto questa cosa ai miei avrei fatto a loro la stessa cosa senza avere nessun tipo di malatt, schifo
Comment from : anna franca carai

EU Censorship
This YouTube is such a fake news spreader, and many people are even getting rich with lies
Comment from : EU Censorship

EU Censorship
Sardinian man here, these is an enormous lie made by foreigners of course
Comment from : EU Censorship

Juliana Ribas
Cadê as legendas em Português???
Comment from : Juliana Ribas

Michaela Prister
Se c'è una testimonianza, come puo uno parlare di credenza? La gioia di vivere è la gioia di morire Chi non sa per cosa valesse la pena di morir non conosce nemmeno una ragion valida per vivere La credenza non centra e la donna fa sempre ció che é inevitabile É inevitabile la nascita quanto la morte Chi lo ignora non ha capito la vita E appunto i maschi non comprendono, i maschi ignorano due tematiche fondamentali che sono svelati solo davanti agli occhi delle donne
Comment from : Michaela Prister

Many people from Sardinia say that these women never actually existed Their legend was born because for such a long time, their island was practically cut off from the rest of Italy No one knows whether there is any truth about it
Comment from : Pomoscorzo

Clemente Ernesto De Martino - musician
Bellissima terstimonianza
Comment from : Clemente Ernesto De Martino - musician

Joca Joca
Comment from : Joca Joca

Pam Bromley
Really interesting and thoughtfu, apart from the priest who looks like he's never had a day's illness in his life claiming it's all made up
Comment from : Pam Bromley

Angela Berni
I've looked after my dying mother and mother in law It's an extremely heartbreaking experience to hear them screaming in pain I also did voluntary work in a care home in Italy for 2 years, so ive seen my fare share of suffering before death But through it all i never heard one person cry out for their father before death But" MAMMA " i frequently heard whilst in pain and for hours on end before death Yet i cannot condone euthanasia
Comment from : Angela Berni

Samuel Jaramillo
Beautiful documentary I’m all for this I should have the right to end my life of suffering If there isn’t quality of life and just existing why continue to suffer
Comment from : Samuel Jaramillo

Tiger Cortez
As a catholic I believe that if you believe in Jesus we can all unite our sufferings to those of our god Jesus Christ and as atonement four our sins! Their is no love without sacrifice
Comment from : Tiger Cortez

Louise Sumrell
I drank alcoholically for 45 years When I went to the hospital with a pancreas attack I said, "Give me three milligrams of dilaudid iv, or shoot me in the head! I don't care which It was the truthbrToday I am nearly 5 years sober But I am one of the 5 who get sober and stay that way br95 of alcoholics die, miserable, alone, drunk😢
Comment from : Louise Sumrell

Patty Bella
Sono daccordo con il medicomorire per morire, meglio fare presto
Comment from : Patty Bella

Krimo krimov
Before the development of modern medicine, many people were dying of diseases that we now see as mild, and their death was long and painful so having a tradition like les dames de la douce mort is possible
Comment from : Krimo krimov

Jackie Price
That was a fantastic Documentary, I throughly enjoyed it
Comment from : Jackie Price

Jennifer Evans
Here in the UK the hospice my mother died in of throat cancer, they used the Liverpool pathway to end her suffering Basically they removed all nourishment from her or water, kept her deeply sedated and semi conscious, until her heart gave out To be honest, it was all horrific for me, as she lasted 10 days like this (they expected her to die in three days) It haunts me to this day, witnessing her deterioration, but at least when she actually died it was a relief for her, and to those witnessing her determination to hang onto life - that at last she was not suffering any longer The Chinese have a saying which is one of wishing you well… it is ‘May your death be sudden’ We put dogs and cats down to alleviate their suffering and they are gone in seconds, not days
Comment from : Jennifer Evans

Canuck 🇨🇦
How do you know people are not choosing suicide because of poor health care, poverty, financial stress? You do not
Comment from : Canuck 🇨🇦

Faris Hope
At the first glance I thought they are Iranian ladies I am surprised when Christians are surprised about woman dressing code in Islam, it is what their nuns wear and what Mary peace be upon her wore
Comment from : Faris Hope

Such a beautiful film I loved every minute of it Thank you for sharing <3
Comment from : Soultender

Diana B
Utterly fascinating
Comment from : Diana B

agata chris
Look, you fools! As a sardinian journalist I think I have the right to say this: In all my life I' ve never seen a single woman summoning anything! I don''t know why this bullshit continues and why this pathetic rapresantation of my island has to follow the ignorance of your stupid myths
Comment from : agata chris

the lone crusader
La sofferenza può essere vicaria se offerti e uniti con la sofferenza di Cristo Vicario e vicaria ha grazia salvifica/ effetto per gli altri Credo che quello solo Dio può togliere la vita Questa pratica rasenta sull'egoismo la parte di badante efamiliari stretti, in realtà non stanno servendo per chi ha sofferto ma è un modo per rispondere la loro inadeguatezza per gestire i dolori e per affrontare la realtà di sofferenza - quale una parte della vita
Comment from : the lone crusader

the lone crusader
Suffering can be vicarious if offered and united with the suffering of Christ Vicarious means that it has salvific grace/effect for others I believe that only God can take life This practice verges on selfishness on the part of the caregivers and immediate relatives, actually they are not serving for the one who suffered but it is a way to answer their inadequacy to handle pains and to face the reality of suffering - which is actually a part of life
Comment from : the lone crusader

rigo lecler
Bien por cinforosa por hacer que esas personas no sufrieran más de lo que sufrían , yo siempre es estado de acuerdo con la eutanasia,debe de ser obligatorio en todo él mundo 🌎
Comment from : rigo lecler

LadyOaks NZ
Too easy to abuse aged parents the elderly and sick
Comment from : LadyOaks NZ

Armistead MacSkye
Every nation on Earth has a tried-and-true tradition of folk medicine that Doctors fear
Comment from : Armistead MacSkye

maria petronilho
Em Portugal chamava -se Alma Grande
Comment from : maria petronilho

Lorena Fagioli
Si chiama accabadora, in Sardegna, forse, ce ne sono ancora 🇮🇹
Comment from : Lorena Fagioli

Antonella Tulelli
Sentivo mia madre malata terminale chiedere a Dio di tagliare quel debole filo che la teneva in vitai suoi lamenti di notte,le urla,l ho vista sparire piano piano,condumarsi come una candelaLucida fino all ultimo respiroL ho vista fatta di morfina e lei odiava i farmaci per favore, attaccamento alla vita se la vita vale la pena di essere vissuta,se puoi alzarti dal letto,lavarti,uscire, mangiare,mettere la lavatrice, annaffiare le tue amate pianteNon è vita se soffri come una bestiacerto la morte fa fatica ad essere acettata ma a volte è segno di amore lasciare andare via chi ami
Comment from : Antonella Tulelli

Antonella Tulelli
Le donne sono da sempre il motore del mondo
Comment from : Antonella Tulelli

Antonella Tulelli
Quando la pietà umama ancora aveva valore
Comment from : Antonella Tulelli

Antonella Tulelli
Questo signore che come tanti ipocriti preferiscono fare finta di niente e addirittura negare il fenomenoParla di attaccamento alla vita quando si parla di malati terminali che soffrivano le pene dell' inferno e di certo invocano sorella morteil problema del controllo su tutto,in un paese come il nostro composto da vecchi bacchettoni ipocriti non cambierà mai
Comment from : Antonella Tulelli

Very beautiful documentary A couple of friends from Sardinia mentioned about the "S'accabadora" and told me that there was one of these ladies not far from their village
Comment from : Giulia

Mima Barresi
Bueno , no me agrada hacer de Dios
Comment from : Mima Barresi

Aucun sous titrage en français !!!
Comment from : Y M

Beverly Balius
I spent years on the Island of Sardinia onboard a ship,,,, it was a Homeport,,, I would love to go live there
Comment from : Beverly Balius

Pinche Bruha
The finishers…😢❤
Comment from : Pinche Bruha

Pinche Bruha
There is living life and there is existing
Comment from : Pinche Bruha

This is murder
Comment from : wtb61

Typical italian very dark , it’s actually evil amongst them and flirt with it, ending peoples lives murderous, yet the waffle it and cleanse it up almost like they are Gods little helpersbrWhich they are NOTbrEvil rules they made up themselvesbrHow they justify it all by saying someone comes to “ sooth “ them into deathbrYour not safe in sardinia, they kill you with their hocus pocus
Comment from : Ed

Annemarie Therese King
A most interesting documentary Fascinating!
Comment from : Annemarie Therese King

Melanie Grech
The different dialaects and pronounciations of their language is a beautiful thing Some more mainstrean some more closed ❤
Comment from : Melanie Grech

There is just so much pain a person can withstand It’s a individual and deeply personal choice What I feel about this is of no consequence
Comment from : Beeintelligent

Mary Crow
Comment from : Mary Crow

Fred Philippi
Wat an amazing story! These Sardinian women, the Accabadoras, anticipated by hundreds of years what modern medicine is just now arriving at: medical aid in dying The Catholic Church was and is, as always, opposed Which explains why they had to remain a quiet, secret organization
Comment from : Fred Philippi

simona got
Thank you for the video I am from there (Sardinia) To be honest, if you ask a 90-year-old Sardinian about the “Accabadora” most of them have never heard about that Yes, there were women (sometimes even men) who were healers, used to practice rites with crosses, like in other places of Italy And I even knew one, even my grandmother knew a lot of them But this story of the “acabadora” is much much less known And even those fews elder who confirmed report it in a strange way Maybe it is an elegant way to say that the family decided to kill him or her
Comment from : simona got

Neha Singh
Rubbishopen murder
Comment from : Neha Singh

Humane in my opinion
Comment from : Commontater

Vyvien VP
A fascinating story, beautifully crafted
Comment from : Vyvien VP

Marian Laverlott
So are we talking about merciful asphyxiation?
Comment from : Marian Laverlott

Carmel Carlisle
I was shocked by this video l couldn't bear to watch all of it Italy like Ireland is a Catholic country God is the giver of life and only he can take it
Comment from : Carmel Carlisle

Maria luigia
Vedo molta freddezza e cinismo nelle parole di quel medico
Comment from : Maria luigia

Debra C
Is this the same same woman that women would go to for abortions? Doula dolore?
Comment from : Debra C

Comment from : Antinorum

R Ainne
Mesmerising documentary, thank you
Comment from : R Ainne

Comment from : SueliPereiradeSousa

Love Oracle
Ok in those days they didnt have the pain relief we have today
Comment from : Love Oracle

Temos o livre arbítrio, mas arcamos com as conseqüências de nossas escolhas Nao há como fugir
Comment from : Nadia

aneta zimny
Very interesting Thank you
Comment from : aneta zimny

Bridget Burns
Apart from being the most boring and banal documentary, this is a promotion for euthanasia, the same tactics were used to legalise abortion, the message is ,if you don't help people to die in the legal dignified way,which was kept till the end of the documentary, you'll have people getting killed by hammers and nooses It's obvious most of it was staged, those scenes of the women dont even look like real life I believe the priest, it's not happening on the scale portrayed I've been at the side of four deaths and not one died screaming or begging for someone to kill them This is nothing more than made up nonsense, with an agenda 🤮🤮🤮
Comment from : Bridget Burns

Marie Aline Grondin
Ce n’est pas soutitrer en français comme le titre dit😢
Comment from : Marie Aline Grondin

alma thees
Beautiful documentary❤
Comment from : alma thees

Samantha Thompson
"a matter of seconds" - I'm not sure garrotting is that quick
Comment from : Samantha Thompson

Samantha Thompson
This doc would have had a different tone without the scary music
Comment from : Samantha Thompson

Margarita Resta
Le piagnone
Comment from : Margarita Resta

Silvia Argent
In Greece the women also do this in southern Greece and it’s cal Miroloyia , I would think this is from the times of Ancient Greece
Comment from : Silvia Argent

Marie CS LeBrasseur
The priest spoke with such subtle arrogance Yes, his people can have an extremely strong will to live -- and STILL be ready for death when the time comes He says HE would say "pull the plug" when the time comes as though he KNOWS he would say that What an arrogant assumption, that he's almost godlike himself and knows exactly what death feels like as though he's been there I found the smile perpetual smile on his face as he spoke to be both condescending and arrogant If he and the Church wanted to make sure no Accabadora ever helped anyone, all they ever had to do was always make sure THEY were in the room comforting people near death They weren't there, though, were they?
Comment from : Marie CS LeBrasseur

Yo también me iré un veinte de febrero si la divinidad no me ha llevado antes
Comment from : M CASTELAO

Maria Ferreño
Yo detesto la cultura del sufrimiento ,y más asco me dan quienes quieren imponerla a los demás Todavía tengo en mi mente los alaridos de sufrimiento de mi pobre abuela Benditas sean las personas misericordiosas que ayudan a morir en paz y sin dolor al enfermo La cultura del sufrimiento es cruel
Comment from : Maria Ferreño

Cynthia Wilson
Roberto had a sweet death RIP
Comment from : Cynthia Wilson

C'est un culte à la mort et aux meutres Qui a le Droit d'abréger la vie d'autrui ? C'est une question primordiale, le médecin est consternant si tte sa famille souffre, il va tous les liquider aussi, où sont les soins, l'accompagnent digne du mourant Nos sociétés rejettent la souffrance à n'importe quel prix pour en nier l'origine
Comment from : verteVéritédAsa

Claudia Gonzales
Excelente documental Gracias
Comment from : Claudia Gonzales

Flor Morena 🌺
My goodness, what a beautiful & well made documentary I’m looking forward to learning more about the acabadoras reading , “The Shawl” brThank you so much for sharing this with us
Comment from : Flor Morena 🌺

It should be given as an option to all people suffering from end of life sickness so no one has to suffer
Comment from : Justme110

Jan Curcio
Only God has the right to take a life Suffering before death is part of life We must be courageous and trust God to take us in His timing and in His way Euthanasia is murder, an offence of the 6th Commandment This documentary encourages murder It is better for our eternal fate to die on God's terms, than to end a few days of suffering by being euthanized, that is murdered Best is to pray to the God who created us to take us quickly, and even better, is to prepare for death by making peace with God for the forgiveness of our sins through Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior
Comment from : Jan Curcio

Elites Flowers - Florist Shop
Excellent documentary! Thanks
Comment from : Elites Flowers - Florist Shop

Mrgrt D
white captions without a a text backdrop? when are people going to stop doing this? much of the text disappears in the white or black areas of the video, making the film frustratingly incomprehensible stop it!
Comment from : Mrgrt D

Lisa Schuster
Opioids do improve quality of life…
Comment from : Lisa Schuster

Mary Stagno
My grandfather was Sardinian, I was amazed and in awe at grandfathers mother how she helped to heal people with herbal remedies and and praying and massaging the affected area of the body Persons receiving these treatments felt better Now that a I am older , I feel these people are mystical , Sardinia is very mystical land and many people retain these arts since ancient days Some call it pagan and that’s there option When a person dying it is a detriment time between their God and themselves and I am not going to judge this Been at my sister in laws house she decided to die at home it was a very hard to see her slip away from this mortal life and in pain Only when you are witness to this you realize that we are powerless to change anything that was happening She did die and you felt her peace no more pain She now at the place she chose from this mortal life
Comment from : Mary Stagno

Fritula 6
This is wrong people playing G9d
Comment from : Fritula 6

Bernardo Bê

Comment from : Bernardo Bê

Fernando Suba
Spirit of death
Comment from : Fernando Suba

How lovely the Italian language is ❤️
Comment from : Katella

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