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“How Many Sets Per Week for a BIG Chest” (SCIENCE SAYS!)


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Продолжительность :   13.51
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Коментарии “How Many Sets Per Week for a BIG Chest” (SCIENCE SAYS!)

Remember, it's not just about how many sets you do, but HOW you perform those sets that matters Find out why the way you are performing your sets and reps could be KILLING your gains - youtube/vKDYfRtfqng
Comment from : ATHLEAN-X™

Stephen Manas
"How hard are you training"brbrHere you go
Comment from : Stephen Manas

Donald Baker
You spoke of age but as it relates to sports and related injuries and medication My question is what if you are not on any medication, the sports were high school and you are 79 I follow your workouts and adapt for my lost tendon in the right arm and the tear in my right I use dumbbells and tension tubes and exercises from physio I use a set of 10 reps and 5 sets per exercise We (my wife (of 55 years) and I) walk 5km @35 km per hr and I exercise in the pm with days off depending on how I feel, usually 1 or 2 Do you do plans for my age group Next year will be a milestone year
Comment from : Donald Baker

Youtube sucks
I take NO pills and testosterone pills
Comment from : Youtube sucks

You talk too much
Comment from : 715ozzie

The Dark Mind Of A Mad Man
Carrying my groceries home is what finally built up my traps
Comment from : The Dark Mind Of A Mad Man

Ken b
I'm in a strange area for lifting I just started lifting and it been 10-15 years since I lifted, I lost almost all my muscle to 117 lbs I am now 137 lbs and I would say I am at an intermediate level after my 1st month back being Beginner, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite My muscle memory is kicking HARD, so it's hard to figure out what I need to lift from time to time
Comment from : Ken b

Oris Dearborn
Thank you Jeff Answers to questions I shouldn’t have blown off Glad I paid attention
Comment from : Oris Dearborn

why not do bench flies?
Comment from : Brando

Ernesto Guevara
Thank you Jeff for the explanation!
Comment from : Ernesto Guevara

From the basement to being stoned
I know he's doing sets of 14 so is he doing 10 reps of 14 sets
Comment from : From the basement to being stoned

Koji Stangler
Comment from : Koji Stangler

Andrew Birch
Wait a minute? You’re not even an expert YouTuber, go back to your Apartment and try again
Comment from : Andrew Birch

Ramez N
Great vids, thanks, Chad!
Comment from : Ramez N

Carl Lindsey
Mike menzter
Comment from : Carl Lindsey

So there's no real answer, but several
Comment from : DPS S

Rick Gonzalez
Thanks Jeff, just wanted to clear up , did you mentioned for older guys to avoid inflammation we should do lighter weights and more sets or heavier weights and less sets? Thanks ! Rick
Comment from : Rick Gonzalez

TB Honest
Comment from : TB Honest

Comment from : skullcandles

Scott R
Too many x factors And too long a video Give a simple plan of action IMO
Comment from : Scott R

christos charalambous
Athlean-X great videoI am 35 years old,i was working out from my 17 with weightWhen covid 19 appeared i was start working with resistand band and i can say that i have a great result,by the way iam working on full body,my question is at the day that i have 2 exercises can i do one compound and one isolate together,as a superset?
Comment from : christos charalambous

Bro Tito
Look at the forearm of a blacksmith
Comment from : Bro Tito

It’s simple Push yourself in the gym but no so far that you’re risking injury, Use proper form, and give your body time to rest Everyone is different and no trainer will be able to tell you what you need to do better than you Listen to your body and figure out what works best for you
Comment from : drus

His wife XD
Comment from : Conner

aseale seak
Why no bench fly Is declined fly cool Like the lader
Comment from : aseale seak

You would think you would figure out a way to bring that lagging arm up
Comment from : S

Rocky balboa Italian stallion
What does muscle failure mean
Comment from : Rocky balboa Italian stallion

Andy C
What about lifting while dealing with tennis elbow
Comment from : Andy C

Peter Kurg
Another awesome video - love it
Comment from : Peter Kurg

Samson David
So why do you have a small chest?
Comment from : Samson David

Does that weekly number of sets you should aim for include all chest exercises for that week, or only one particular exercise?
Comment from : FrankieBoy84

Brian Clarence
should join politics
Comment from : Brian Clarence

clovan 2
I've been watching this man since he launched his online career and I still do bench flies Don't min/max yourself out of working Am I stupid? sure But I never miss a day in the gym presence over perfection, and control over weight The rest will follow Just chill and get in the gym
Comment from : clovan 2

Leroy Baxter
Russia invading Ukraine is killing your gains
Comment from : Leroy Baxter

Wayne Otay
I have a hard time trusting people that cannot get above abusive language in their vocabulary Maybe a warm cup of herb tea before you embarrass yourself in front of most of us
Comment from : Wayne Otay

Comment from : JERM

D Dub
I take TRT cause I actually need it, true story I'm 38M and have been doctor prescribed since mid 20's when my body just stopped producing I'm a meso, very strong, and in great shape My metabolism has slowed over the years but still doing well I can throw on muscle fairly easy My question: Should I train like someone that is natural or not?
Comment from : D Dub

Pete Fenolio
Hello- could you do a video clarifying lean muscle vs size and heavy vs hypertrophy? I’m confused as common knowledge is that higher reps create lean muscle and endurance, higher weight equals bulk If I understand correctly, you are saying the opposite
Comment from : Pete Fenolio

why don’t you recommend bench fly
Comment from : RICARDO SENIOR

Alex Wade
Jeff, you're the best I am a medical doctor and was a gym bro decades ago and I just love your content for education, inspiration, and everything Thank you for making the videos
Comment from : Alex Wade

joe derocco
jeff is good and makes alot of sense ,give him credit but my advice is just do what your comfortable with
Comment from : joe derocco

Time Fades
the intro lol, bro i see why u have so many subs ur content is gold and wholesome thanks from the late gym bro
Comment from : Time Fades

Zeek Bercovici
Well I can truly say that I'm learning from you and proud of what you put out there for the bodybuilding world in a healthy way Keep up the great work & keep these videos coming
Comment from : Zeek Bercovici

love you’re videos
Comment from : Rainy

Karl Arby Aparente
Comment from : Karl Arby Aparente

Junhan Park
I don't know why but my latissimus dorsi keeps ingaging when I do my dumbell bench press How could I fix that I've been trying to fix it but I don't know how and it's only in my right side not my left
Comment from : Junhan Park

Ty Cox
For decades, exercise “science” has been nothing but a treadmill of repeated studies with no conclusive results
Comment from : Ty Cox

Richard Powell
Thanks for your awesome tips Geoff!I do 5 sets of 4 exercises on chest including bench press to kick it off but low reps high weight Routine is chest and back day one, legs and abs day two with cv (20 minutes on the spinning bike hard,,),and shoulders and arms day 3 followed by a rest day before restarting4 exercises with 4 sets minimum except for arms which is 3 exercises for biceps and triceps Natural with no supplements I am strong but diet needs to improve to grow
Comment from : Richard Powell

Why no Bench Flys? They pump my chest up so much
Comment from : gindante

Neil Winter
Thanks Jeff, was worried but after listening I'm killing it man Thanks
Comment from : Neil Winter

Magazine Retriever
So much of person's chest development depends on genetics Many hard gainers have to do a drastically different chest routine to get the same results as a mesomorph who can build his pecs with one-fifth of the effort
Comment from : Magazine Retriever

Matt Brunson
When you say sets are you actually talking about reps? I do think see how someone could do 18 sets even at 6 reps per set So how many reps per set?
Comment from : Matt Brunson

Itumeleng Ralesego
Thank you for being so selfless and sharing such commodifiable information and contributing towards the health of populations! Shoutout from South Africa!
Comment from : Itumeleng Ralesego

I'm 37 on 200mg/week my recovery vs in my late teens early 20s is INSANE Even at my best in the army, l can't believe it I get sore, but not painful Unlike natty soreness that hurt to move
Comment from : B

Ur test levels come into account though, without proper test level Ur gonna get minimum results at best
Comment from : FaceTatGaming

Back in the early 90s I tried the Bulgarian method I got stronger and a little bigger I got stronger than I had ever been before that I never experienced any kind of gain in any area The method is basically 5 sets per muscle group with rep ranges 13-15, 10-12, 8-10, 6-8, 5-7 Work the whole body 3 times a week I'm leaving a whole lot out because nobody cares I'm just saying, I've tried man y routines and this one is the only one I experienced gains from I ended that with a preposition on purpose, you're welcome
Comment from : MrSoothingjazz

Nice breakdown
Comment from : KevinLaFavor

can you talk slower? haha
Comment from : krypt0n

Paul Marsden
You're wife still works?
Comment from : Paul Marsden

Free Music Tunes
Comment from : Free Music Tunes

Local Slayer
I’ve had some pretty wicked shoulder, back, and neck injuries from motorcycle accidents growing up- which has been a big deterrent for me getting back in the gym over the years I just turned 40 and I’ve got a lot of time on my hands these days, so I have been back at it working out 6 days a week and have been rigorously tracking my diet and rest I have found that with less weight more sets, I’m not tearing up my shoulders or pulling myself into neck and back strain- really allowing me to get some good results regardless the additional reps Slowing everything down and really focusing on immaculate form and full extension has helped me improve a lot of my range of motion I’m not sure if I am ready to go hard with more weight less reps out of fear of irritating the injuries- maybe in a couple months if things continue to improve
Comment from : Local Slayer

Always informative Thanks, Jeff!
Comment from : theboyscanswim

GG Rene
You are finished when you are finished Period
Comment from : GG Rene

Happy International Chest Day
Comment from : NaturalRights

That’s what I undersood:br- How many sets should I do?br- Yes
Comment from : psolyga

We need to start distinguishing the sciences, because so much of science is just a bull shit religion these days, we should refer to this as biology Biology is the most demonstrable and verifiable of sciences Don't dilute it's integrity by calling it just "science"
Comment from : EpicRivers

Billy Bob
How to u get six pack over 50 that’s the question ?
Comment from : Billy Bob

Ryan Sell
You didn't explain what push pull means so the entire video is useless to people who don't know those terms meanings like myself
Comment from : Ryan Sell

Kenneth Arias
I can see all the passion you have for what you do explaining how to work out to everybody thank you bro you are the man :-)
Comment from : Kenneth Arias

Jeremiah Yocum
Love watching you
Comment from : Jeremiah Yocum

Common sense tbh
Comment from : Freedom35

Aaron H
Haha 😂 - "We all know that beginners can pretty much breathe on a weight and often times see increases in strength and size"
Comment from : Aaron H

J MacMillan
Comment from : J MacMillan

Raymond Ruiz
I take protein, but WHAT IS TRC??
Comment from : Raymond Ruiz

Question !!: Why shouldn't we do bench flys ??
Comment from : HardRockMiner

Man I have a hard time concentrating at 2:30 looking at those horrible welds on the equipment behind him Hopefully it's a china brand and not a made in USA brand
Comment from : sputnik9708

hank hill
7:40 I use this on my bong rips yo
Comment from : hank hill

That Brock Lesnar reference was hilarious 😂😂😂😂
Comment from : Guywithapenis

Tyson Evans
I take roughly 300mg of test every week I weight 150 currently and I do pushups and dips every day plus I've been adding barbell workouts into the mix I take post workout powder after my workouts I use whey protein every day as well how often should I would out I'm only focused on chest back and arms upper body only
Comment from : Tyson Evans

Oh gosh, your talk a lot!
Comment from : KK

patbob squidpants
Jeff is still the man after all this time, thanks Jeff
Comment from : patbob squidpants

5:17 here you go comment searchers
Comment from : ChaoMusicP

Legalized Vape
I do 12 sets for chest and 15 for back in one workout day So double of that in a week
Comment from : Legalized Vape

Wait did you just say fewer reps with more weight are easier on the joints?
Comment from : Pixie

Man enough When you make everything about gear it just shuts down any point you got I've lifted both ways over the years You gotta find a better answer Like if you are going hard as hell full out , you can't do 32 fkn sets on a muscle a week I don't care how many much fkn gear you take So obviously it's a balance between intensity , volume per session , and over all volume per week That being said what's the most effective volume for the intensity you use That's the real question
Comment from : Correctpolitically

Sudden Cucumber
how do i train for both strength and size of the muscles?
Comment from : Sudden Cucumber

erik candia
I keep hearing sets…but what about reps 💀💀like uhhh
Comment from : erik candia

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