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8 Tuning Myths Debunked in Forza Horizon 5


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Кадры 8 Tuning Myths Debunked in Forza Horizon 5

Описание 8 Tuning Myths Debunked in Forza Horizon 5

Коментарии 8 Tuning Myths Debunked in Forza Horizon 5

Sepi (SP4)
Forza tuning and physics are NOT the same as real world This video was meant to help Forza players only Here is some more clarification for some myths:br1 Suspension was already tuned for maximum oversteer There wasn't much to change Maximum ride height just wroks better on most cars in this gamebr2 03 second difference is a lot, but not when considering one car is 15 second faster than the other That difference was mostly caused by default tune having more drag and worse gearingbr5 PI is short for performance index, and it's a number Forza calculates to determine your car class Basically the faster your car is - grip, or power wise - the bigger your PI number is Both cars in this test are upgraded to B-700br7 This myth is true in real world but the opposite works in Forzabr8 Tire heat affects grip even if you have damage turned offbrThere are currently no balanced road circuits in the game They are either too much power-biased to too much handling-biased Tests were performed on Horizon Mexico circuit, which is more balanced than other tracks but it lacks high-speed corners For future, tests will be done on a new custom-made track
Comment from : Sepi (SP4)

Darien D
Wait so does that mean the differential is also inversed in Forza? What happen when you lower the front accel diff to 0 ?
Comment from : Darien D

tankbent 108
Why not use an actual simulator driving game forza is far from realistic
Comment from : tankbent 108

Myth 7 - no-one suggests to use 0 front diff 🤡
Comment from : EatMyGoal

Zombietakumi ae86
Bruh forgot that you have to change the tune for ride height 💀 its a sim in that sense
Comment from : Zombietakumi ae86

5:32 same with FH3
Comment from : GRLxBR4ND0N

4:58 id say on FH3 kinda One if the fastest players on 3 uses 40
Comment from : GRLxBR4ND0N

Seif Souli
I like how you're using Mass Effect galaxy map music
Comment from : Seif Souli

Glenn Gutenberg
Myth 1: comparing min ride height to max ride height is not a fair comparison as it really depends on the overall tune and whether it favours higher or lower ride height Plus you have to factor in the tracks the car will be used on brMyth 2: busted Also a tune should be designed for your driving and not just what is “fastest” for that car brMyth 3: plausible is a correct as having more gears can make u faster depending how you tune them plus it can lower pi and allow you to squeeze another upgrade onto the carbrMyth 4: confirmed brMyth 5: this is another example of only changing one aspect is not valid as the entire tune and car can affect these results brMyth 6: all tires will spin but it has more to do with how the car actually behaves on track brMyth 7: the understeer you will feel is towards the end of the corner as you are exiting and putting the power down brMyth 8: obviously confirmed though you should’ve shown the heat telemetry
Comment from : Glenn Gutenberg

Lower ride height makes the car slower 😂😂😂 see that’s why I play Assetto corsa 😂
Comment from : erpaderpa

You also start races with cold tires This is why the second lap (on short circuits) is always much easier - because the tires are up to optional tempsbrbrObviously it also works the opposite way, if they overheat during the first lap (or if you spin the wheels too much)
Comment from : InZomnia365

You can't drive
Comment from : Vertical

naikjoy x
Regarding tire width it depends on which track you'll race If its got many corners and zero straights you would want more tire width
Comment from : naikjoy x

it depends on car there are some cars don't like lower ride height and some cars turn into developer bullshit cars with drift suspension that gives you the lowest ride height tho you gotta tune it heavily for driving but its doable and sometimes utterly broken
Comment from : BugyCowboy

I am so disapointed n* 6 is mith i loved my aston vulcan amr fwd :(
Comment from : CZignis

Comment from : Drzewek3

I personally hate the kids who make seasonal tunes by basically just holding the right bumper in the upgrades menu Half of them have untuned 10 speed gear boxes when a 6 or 7 speed gearbox would be much more suited with a slight gear ratio/final drive tune to make it more snappy
Comment from : CrossRift

Λόρδος Πορτοκάλης
About Myth 3brOut of the box of course more gears don't make the car faster since with manual and automatic there is a set time it takes to change gears but with full manual it's up to the player Also with more gears and tuning you can squeeze in more acceleration at lower gears and higher top speed on the late ones So yeah if you tune you can make it better
Comment from : Λόρδος Πορτοκάλης

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