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How to Use Normal LED Lights as Grow Lights | Avoid the Industry Markup


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Название :  How to Use Normal LED Lights as Grow Lights | Avoid the Industry Markup
Продолжительность :   35.58
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Просмотров :   320 rb

Кадры How to Use Normal LED Lights as Grow Lights | Avoid the Industry Markup

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Коментарии How to Use Normal LED Lights as Grow Lights | Avoid the Industry Markup

matt hayes
one of the best and most useful videos i've seen in a while I'm only halfway through but I know I will learn alot My grow light born vegetable plants are a bit leggy and i'm thinking of adding more light or bringing them closer to the light
Comment from : matt hayes

Henrique Barbosa
Great video! One thing I need to point out though is that Lumens is a pretty inaccurate scale for measuring lamp brightness / efficiency when it comes to growing plants, since the measurement was created based on 'perceived brightness', ie how bright the human eye sees it However because our eyes see some parts of the spectrum better than others, this distorts our perception (even if the light is completely white)brFor plants, the value you want to be looking at is the PPF (Photosynthetic Photon Flux) This is simply put a measurement of the amount of photons (within the usable spectrum for plants) that a lamp emits per second It is muuuch more accurate than Lumens and lets you get a real grasp on the efficiency of the lamp and predict how many Watts you'll have to put in and how much growth you get out of itbrNow, I doubt that any lightbulb at Home Depot will have a PPF rating, and that the purpose of this video is to show budget solutions for hobbyists, but since it is a standard in the grow light industry to publish those ratings (or you can find creators on YouTube that buy lamps, measure them and publish their PPF(D) values), it shouldn't be that hard to find some for a reasonable price onlinebrAnyways, worth checking out Keep up the good content!
Comment from : Henrique Barbosa

Tnijo O
This guy is entertaining and enjoyable no matter what he’s talking about, it seems
Comment from : Tnijo O

Brandon Smith
Great video bro Great explanation and you’re a funny guy Nice work
Comment from : Brandon Smith

Susie with the Sass
I don't understand light I've watched this video several times "I'm assuming you're eating your philodendrons" gets me EVERY time
Comment from : Susie with the Sass

You talk very patronizing and condescending Be more humble
Comment from : AlgaeEater09

Camil Hamidou
I never liked a video and subscribed to a channel this quick Too bad I hadn't seen it before buying my lights Any recommendations on light distance / intensity for the plants ? I found very conflicting sources and I'm a little lost
Comment from : Camil Hamidou

Corey wright
I sure was slacking off past several months 😅i cant believe i only just found ya br First time viewer, ive been attracted to plants personally & professionally for a long time but i only just began 1 yr Ago raising my own potted house plants br I am hooked ! I easily and quickly filled my 2 bed apartment to the point of bustin at the seems 😅br I mean what, am i supposed to just walk past a gorgeous philodendron brazil or something with only a $1299 tag and go on like itll just grow on trees when i want it next🤔 anyway u r awesome and i have tons of questions 😅lol
Comment from : Corey wright

Peter Csigo
Wrong plans do not reflect green lightThe green pigments in leaves is chlorophyll which observes red and blue light from sunlightTherefore the light the leaves reflect is diminished in red and blue and appears green
Comment from : Peter Csigo

I lost my shit when you said you weren’t a great example of melanin😂 This is the first video of yours I’ve ever watched Seen it on my feed once before I wasn’t interested in house plants until recently I was forced to take care of a few plants that were dying(ironically) These plants had been gifted to the daughter of a family friend who past away Now I’m wanting to exchange plants with neighbors and office employees all over my city This video was great, and entertaining I’m so jealous of your ability to take such good care of so many
Comment from : Rize

star Droplet
Thank you for this video! I was just looking into lamps but came upon this and I hope it keeps the few tropical plants I have alive
Comment from : star Droplet

Honestly this is gorgeous
Comment from : name

The voice just calmed me down I played this by mistake and stayed for the calms lol
Comment from : pamelalucia18

"im assuming you eat your philodendrons" you had me spitting my coffee there i love houseplants, sadly i do not have the space to grow a lot here in scotland but that indoor-greenhouse idea might just be what i was looking for i think over time i could build multiple of those and just keep my plants in there permanently would need to figure out which plants prefer this kind of environment thank you for the inspiration i shall now google my way through the next 3 months of planning my indoor greenhouses ^^
Comment from : lavather

Matti Puukko
😟 😦
Comment from : Matti Puukko

Amandas Shadow
I'm 59 seconds in and I've just subscribed Your sense of humor is epic! haha! Okon to watch the rest of the video Edit- ok- watched the entire video now You are now my favorite plant person on the youtubes! I'm a first year gardener and have been watching a shit ton of gardening videos You are the most entertaining and informative person I've come across I'm clicking the notification bell for your channel and am about to go binge watch more of your videos You had me laughing through this whole thing! Thank you for the endorphins! And for the information I would love to have plants inside but my cat is an idiot He's actually very smart, but he will eat any and every plantso in that department, he's an idiot I know I could zip the cover closed, but Nigel would find a way inhe's a damn ninja! A neighbor gave me a Queen Emma Crinum Lilly, which I call my Murder Lilly because of how toxic she is Nigel would literally die if I tried to bring her in the house! He'd munch on her and have kidney failure Idiot Anyway, you're awesome and I'm on to watch more videos! If I had more money, I'd become a patron Sorry I'm poorhaha!
Comment from : Amandas Shadow

First time watching one of your videos and you’ve earned my sub! You’re so chill but you’re funny as hell😂😂
Comment from : Tcmunii

Dana C
first of all LOVE your video, very informative and non-elitist which os sadly such fresh air in this community!brSecondly this might be a dumb question but how did you install your LEDs? I'm far from tech savvy hand have no idea how I'd to connect them to a power supply 😢
Comment from : Dana C

Kota James
I learned so much during this for my cannabis plants! I am starting an inside grow, my Photoperiod's are just starting they're Flowering Season (September 26th for the light to go 12 hours on and 12 hours dark) and this is my medicine, from my brain surgery I had 2 years ago, butt yea this was very informative!😁 and you look really good with your hair down 😅
Comment from : Kota James

All wavelengths are used, some are just MORE used than the others So you can be more energy efficient But having all wavelengths is not bad in anyway, it's even a bit better
Comment from : ZaDussault

LALAs Channel
Glad I stumbled across this channel The amount of knowledge & laughs i gained was enough for me to subscribe
Comment from : LALAs Channel

Che WillowRaven (Laura)
omg I love your personality , you are so funny subscribed , and look forward to watching your other videos thanks for the lighting tips Nick 😊
Comment from : Che WillowRaven (Laura)

D Reed
Just seeing this - you are brilliant, and I LOVE the science!!! New sub, LGIT - lib grandma in Texas;)😊❤
Comment from : D Reed

how the f do you know a czechoslovakian disco tech? :D
Comment from : strbskepleso

i'm barely two minutes in and duude the sass? slay king subbed lmao
Comment from : Liam

Was that Enid Offolter from NSETropical at minute 3:00?
Comment from : Astyag

patricia S
That is a very beautiful look, but honestly, I would be afraid of mold growing in my apartment with that many plantsbut maybe this is not a permanent display? Do you keep a fan going?
Comment from : patricia S

Jerri Dobson
You're very entertaining
Comment from : Jerri Dobson

Collina Macfoy
Nick you’re freaking hilarious and I love your content So comical and informative lol
Comment from : Collina Macfoy

Daniel Atteberry
Just found your video and am thankful! Great info Again, thanks! After I binge, I’ll look forward to your newest informative vids
Comment from : Daniel Atteberry

Mitzy Jalapa
Lmao you’re so funny love your videos !!!!
Comment from : Mitzy Jalapa

Teresa ONeal
27:04 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : Teresa ONeal

Birdbrain Solutions
Dude looks like a white stoned Michael Jackson lol Thanks for the video!
Comment from : Birdbrain Solutions

Very entertaining and informative!!
Comment from : STEWARD STUDIOS

Sur ron Zak
Growlights is when you are into growing things to sell or consume, your LED choice is good for just displaying plants and make them grow no matter the efficiency of the grow, but don't misslead people with false information
Comment from : Sur ron Zak

Sur ron Zak
Lumens are for human view, ePAR is for what plants use
Comment from : Sur ron Zak

Sur ron Zak
UVA and UVB forces cannabis plant to produce way more trichomes, that's why, you can use them on basilic or other terpène and essential oils (wich is the same) producing plants to increase oil production
Comment from : Sur ron Zak

Sur ron Zak
Red and BLue technologie is dead since at least 5 years
Comment from : Sur ron Zak

Austin Buring
"grow lights dont exist" brbrthats not true br many companies have done a lot of research into creating bulbs and diodes that benefit plants you can use regular bulbs, certian ones, but its not gonna be as good brYes there is an industry markup, but But it's not like just a mark of over regular bulbs or something There is a pretty distinct difference between qualities of grow light
Comment from : Austin Buring

I don't know why but I find you hilariously addictive Hello from Oz 🌿
Comment from : adkeco

How about overwintering citrus?
Comment from : Surchaufeur

J Marshal
Finally a plant influencer for me, the disenchanted, cheap, queer person! Love your sense of humour And for saying blurple lights are gross because ick I do get migraines and grow lights already give me headaches, let alone those damn blurple ones In my bathroom I use a full spectrum led bulb in the normal ceiling spot and all the plants in there love it And because it’s just an LED it costs nothing to run all day Thanks for a good video!
Comment from : J Marshal

Kadesh Hendricksen
This child never been to a rave but gonna tell you how to grow cocaine ;D
Comment from : Kadesh Hendricksen

I just subscribedsome foliage can be pretty, but I love fruit, vegetables and flowers and I grow some stuff hydroponically I do have a professional grow light that I've had several years but it is not one of the big name ones Not fond of purple light, but have to grow year-round for food, so I want to be sure these things have sufficient light If you do know of a white light you can recommend that will work for fruits and vegetables throughout the growing cycle please provide a link and I'll save it for next time I get a little ahead financially so I can get a second one I love your shelf set-up with the cover around it I might look into getting that instead of investing in a grow tent, at least temporarily, and I can just line it with some mylar Currently I have a huge festival tent set up in the living room It does reflect light back down to the plants but it's a real pain in the ass to get around since everytime I want to go to the front rooms of the house I have to duck down and sometimes hit my head on the frame
Comment from : IAMGiftbearer

Joe Hisel
Hold up You're telling me I can sun stress my hoya with a uv light? I need elaboration on sun stressing hoyas without baking them I'm not saying I baked my krimson queen, but I baked my krimson queen
Comment from : Joe Hisel

I hope to successfully grow the micro tomatoes indoors this winter Lettuce and other greens are easy enough but I have no transportation, on disability, very rural area, and in a camper, so if I want anything fresh I have to grow it I order sardines and other things to survive My indoor hydro gardens get overwhelming But I have to use them My first try, Tiny Tim tomatoesway too big So another fail And they aren`t blooming And it took nearly THREE YEARS to get real seeds of those thanks to sellers who lie I planted several of the various seeds outside to find out what they wereRomaCherry, etc I think I just received a variety pack of real ones The Tiny Tims are great for pots thoughjust not the little gardens I use
Comment from : BAN EVERYTHING!

Sleepy Pisces Love
Ok hi, new here! I feel so confused, lost Soo do I want to use white, blue, red, or the 3 together Ok bye! Thank u! Help please
Comment from : Sleepy Pisces Love

Lucha Ramirez
My are blue types grow ligths Are those good?
Comment from : Lucha Ramirez

So I have a cheap light strip from dollar tree in my bathroom because the over head light wiring stopped working A few months ago I put a few plants in there and OMG they started growing like crazy
Comment from : CarefreeB

alex underwood
Your a Facts Machine!! Garden Wizard PLUS Da room has a rechargey, fresh and so clean energy vibe brbrLandslide bestirifical infosplained the shit out of the light specs U just need a mic to drop at the end Ima check all your content!!
Comment from : alex underwood

thanks so much for your in-depth explanation, i got so much from this video - especially because i'm looking to go into flowering and fruiting plants and i was really unsure about why people don't keep those kind of plants in this community, y'know? but now i see it is mainly aesthetic (when it comes to using grow lights) and your light spectrum breakdown really opened my eyes to using more red light i'm excited to try maybe a combination of white and RB lights, thanks so much again 💞
Comment from : Poobumweefat

Kody ito
I'm not sure if you will see this coment's, but I just saw the video and I loved Congratulation I hope if you can ansewr how are the plant today, in actualy🥰
Comment from : Kody ito

Angela Cross
I don't even remember what I was looking for when I saw your video Subscribed for the thumbnail alone My loft has 3 windows on one wall and is otherwise like a cave I cannot wait to finish my reno so I can light this place up I thought I was doin' good finding a pink grow light at an estate sale for $1 until I put it next to my plants Not cute Maybe I'll use it on the back of the bottom shelf
Comment from : Angela Cross

SJ Lott
Why is this so funny! 😂
Comment from : SJ Lott

Lalaine Leonardo
❤😊love u loadsssss you’re awesome saucesome
Comment from : Lalaine Leonardo

Vanessa Morey
Quirky and informative video! brThank you! brLooking forward to growing some nifty things soon brYour jungle is awesome!
Comment from : Vanessa Morey

Mees Borg
can i also use this recommendation for microgreens or will they burn them?
Comment from : Mees Borg

That guy Trevor
Kinda fruitybut you know your stuff! Subscribed!
Comment from : That guy Trevor

What are your grownouns?
Comment from : ayouknowzyoutuba

This was so helpful Thank you!
Comment from : fledanow

Umbra Kinerad
Damn, you're beautiful I could watch you all day, so I will!
Comment from : Umbra Kinerad

Thick Cheney
Subbed for the Jedi light reveal
Comment from : Thick Cheney

this was such a great video, thank you!!!(first time watching your content and i've def subscribed)
Comment from : Andy

I knew I was in the right place when I saw Violet Chachki's floating head
Comment from : Kidblinks

Your voice is so smoothing lmao
Comment from : EdenIsOk

Diversity Love
❤ thanks for the detailed informationbrbrQuestion Hyper accumulators? Are their plants that hyper accumulate these minerals like copper so that we can phyto mine it and make compost tea?brbrIn fact is there a list of such plants that are widely available plants, not exotic brbrLike for my indoor garden I am actually doing a bed of mini clovers to feed my other nitrogen deficient garden plants
Comment from : Diversity Love

the deeply scientific explanation and absolute sass from this video is all i needed absolutely
Comment from : AnnaMarie2411

I've never watched a video before but this was great I kept watching trash looking for good videos and explanations on this subject Very informative and hilarious thanks
Comment from : zer0saves

flower girl
Wow, your so freaking knowledgeable!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for explaining the red& blue spectrum (especially in a way I fully understood) love this video!!!! Love your humor too🌻🌻🌻
Comment from : flower girl

Alisyn Michelle
this is the first video i’ve watched of yours and i think i love you
Comment from : Alisyn Michelle

Matt Friend
This kid is a flake
Comment from : Matt Friend

Thanks Nick for your clear and informative straight talk about light spectrum, the differences in light products and options so informative and useful!
Comment from : P@ntheHat

TorQueSS J
I’m only a minute in, the first time watching you, I love your humour!! I’m subbing just for that! If I get great info from you it’s just icing!! Love you already 😂❤
Comment from : TorQueSS J

Gabrielle Franco
omg i love this
Comment from : Gabrielle Franco

The People Place and Nature Podcast
Thanks for sharing these tips brKeep up the great work! 💖
Comment from : The People Place and Nature Podcast

Alex T
i trust you with my life
Comment from : Alex T

der da
nicely donebrespecially the information on lightbrwell, okay, if you would really go for yield, you would need to look into photons per watt (and not lumens - lumens is for humans)brbut yeah, nicebrbryou should do a vid on fertilizingbrbrgreetings
Comment from : der da

Wills Mcmurray
You have gained my subscription today, what a great vid
Comment from : Wills Mcmurray

Pennies From Heaven
Thanks for the info sir!
Comment from : Pennies From Heaven

God I fucking love him!
Comment from : X

Louis Dangelo
Thank you for this You have utterly charmed me
Comment from : Louis Dangelo

Angelina Blyth
Thank you for this, I had to pause it about a minute in and grab a note book to jot things down
Comment from : Angelina Blyth

wow, that foliage is beautiful! well done! i've got very little light in my apartment there are trees outside that block the sun during non-winter months hoping this setup might help my plants
Comment from : BobRooney

Toyshika Peterson
I don't know how I went from watching a light video for my aquarium to here but your humour and light presentation has me dying BUT YOU dropped the knowledge! YESSSSS <3
Comment from : Toyshika Peterson

Denise aka GvtSpender
You’re funny Thanks for sharing
Comment from : Denise aka GvtSpender

Dee Scherer
Comment from : Dee Scherer

This video was really relaxing and informativebrbrI was wondering though if LED in general is manageable for succulents? Like maybe they won't thrive but can they manage? I have an aloe responding well to my grow light, but my painted lady and mexican snow ball are struggling I can't put my succs outside without risking them being smashed by the neighborhood kids, we don't have a porch 😢
Comment from : mochaboba

you don't have to turn on your red light
Comment from : HyrimBot

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