Название | : | American Cops vs British Cops (Bobbies) | An Irish Girl Reacts |
Продолжительность | : | 12.35 |
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Просмотров | : | 22 rb |
I was hoping this confirmed that British cops are just as they're portrayed by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in Hot Fuzz Comment from : Shad Kanyak |
In the USA -brEach state has their own State PolicebrEach county has a County Sheriff (sheriffs are the only the only law enforcement elected by the voters)brCounty Deputies are hired by the Sheriff brEach city has their own city police force Comment from : Sharon Hale |
An armed society is a polite society And that explains what I've heard about Texas 😅 Comment from : Rod S |
The FBI Comment from : Don Davis |
US marshals Comment from : Don Davis |
Also, one reason the pay is higher in the NYPD is because NYC is an expensive place to live, even with all the other benefits added on Comment from : Fenrir 787 |
I enjoy hearing about the different from America Cops & British Cops Comment from : Eduardo999 779 |
A bit late to the show! There isn't enough money in the world for me to be a cop in the US! Most of them are illiterate boofoons! and the testing is ridiculous! I worked with a few police departments a few years ago Some of the officers could have been college professors but most should have been bouncers at a club! I miss the old Irish Gardai 6'2" stern faced and built like a brick @@#!-house, but I do love the gardai in general! brHave a great day and stay safe!brExcelsior!brHeff Comment from : Mark heffernan |
I would say that on a national level you have the US Marshals but they go after big time fugitives Comment from : Raymond Murphy |
The federal government has the FBI, each state has a state police, each county in a state has a sheriffs department, and each city has a police force Lots of police here The one with the most clout is the sheriff because he is elected by the people of the county All the others are hired positions Comment from : Russell Keeling |
For what our police does, it really surprises me how much they get paid I make more than a starting out cop and I work in retail It's really not right Comment from : Tamara Johnson |
My son is a police officer here in America Just got back home from overseas with the Army He loves his job and protecting his community When he was 4 years old, he saw the twin towers fall on TV It definitely made an impression on him He wanted to protect people Comment from : mike calderon |
in the UK the police are city or county based, but they will run over boundaries when needed the City of London has its own force although it only covers a square mile, and Scotland has only one force for the whole country Comment from : Ian Prince |
as an English man I find the different names that Irish police are called confusing, would I need to speak Irish to understand? Comment from : Ian Prince |
If you want good police footage there is a channel here on Youtube called Police Activity who specializes in body camera footage Comment from : Happy John |
👏👏👏👏 Comment from : Joe Laulusa |
9:12 they conveniently leave out the size and population density differences Comment from : Patriotic Z |
5:13 there are Federal Law Enforcement agencies Comment from : Patriotic Z |
1:10 bthinks of the IRA that had loads of guns and bombs/b Comment from : Patriotic Z |
A Bobby will hit you in the face very hard and often when he catches you with his daughter Just saying Comment from : Daniel Hornung |
In Britain the police arrest you for sharing a meme Comment from : Shaun Cronin |
Yup I'm in Australia and we don't have pepper spray here either It's like the UK or Ireland, except that cops here do carry guns Comment from : cbrman87 |
The video you watched has misleading information and lacks a bit of context for a few things Like the murder rate in the US, and deaths caused by law enforcement, Comment from : Clint Ward |
Our "National" police force is called the FBI Comment from : Thomas |
I've known of some cops in big cities in California getting around $900,000 once overtime is calculated Average is allegedly around $60,000 to $80,000 for big cities in California, add in top of that all the drugs the dirty cops steal from people instead of arresting them or bribes or protection money they get, plus overtime and it comes to a shit load Comment from : FƎEΔ ♆ΩV☈ ƧƬΛЯᵥₙG ᛖIᴎΔ |
Keep in mind that is 18,000 jurisdictions with different laws With about 900,000 policebrbrHow can anyone keep track and know if they are breaking a law or not? Comment from : FƎEΔ ♆ΩV☈ ƧƬΛЯᵥₙG ᛖIᴎΔ |
Fascinating, but I can't hear the part that explains why British police are called "Bobbys" Comment from : Bernard Coombs |
Every County and State in America has its own Police or Sheriff Department Most cities and all but the smallest of towns usually have their own police department of some kind, even if only a few officers Those towns that are too small or rural for their own usually rely on the county sheriff or state policebrbrThere are multiple federal law enforcement agencies, but they very rarely are out on regular patrol on the streets, they're usually devoted to a different aspect of crime and only going after those specific people that prove themselves to be a problem on a federal level Comment from : Rich Jarvis |
About 65 officers are killed with guns in the country with the most guns and nearly 330,000,000 people In America you have a 00057 chance of being murdered with a firearm Your chances of dying after falling down in America is 00097 You're 40 more likely to die falling down than you are to be murdered with a gun in America But guns are always in the debate Comment from : curtis m |
It's so funny to watch this as an American Comment from : Steven Banks |
United States Marshalls work like national police officers, but they're highly specialized My neighbor works on child abduction cases because it's easier for her to follow the case across state and even country borders compared to police officers Police Officers can be state, county, or city (sheriff and deputies) level with slight overlap in their duties Comment from : infinitywriter |
Book him, Chewie!👮♂️ Comment from : Michael Walton |
It is not really by state - it's by city/county in the US We have state Troopers but they mostly do highway stuff on interstates Comment from : Michelle Baker |
COPS - Longest running reality TV show it started the reality show genre Comment from : Tony Perez |
The numbers don’t really compare apples to apples, sadly It’s hard to get a good understanding of the difference when they present one statistic (assaults on police officers in the UK) but don’t really provide the comparison scaled to the number of officers in the us Comment from : Will K |
The US Federal Government has Law Enforcement personnel, but they are not what you would generally consider "Police Officers" Each individual state has it's own State Police, every county has an elected Sheriff with his department, every city and most towns or villages have their own uniformed police departments or constables Comment from : Jerry Bishop Jr |
Living in the US, I'm probably in not much, if any, more danger than the "average" person in the UK or even Ireland (depending on the region of the US) So what about the statistics? The vast majority of murders occur in certain gang-infested urban war zones that people like you or I would stay clear of In fact, police usually stay out of those places whenever they canbrbrYou have to be even more careful with statistics than that because, for example, 2/3rds of what we so-call "gun violence" are actually suicides (and there are European and Asian countries that have virtually no right to firearms, but much higher suicide rates, such as Sweden and South Korea), and much of the rest consists of defensive shootings: good guys shooting bad guys who tried to kill or rape the good guysbrbrThat's why living here in my middle-class neighborhood in the US I'm really in no more danger of being murdered than most people in western Europe It just looks that way because of how the statistics are compiled Additionally, I have the right to own and do own firearms with which I can defend myself and my family if it ever comes to that If, Heaven forbid, it ever does, and I kill someone who was trying to kill me, than that would be counted as gun violence and a gun-related homicide, even though an actual crime was prevented rather than committed Always keep in mind that people who create statistics very often have political agendas Comment from : rbrtck |
There are a bunch of federal (national) police forces in the US, the most prominent being the FBI--the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which handles crimes against federal laws, helps local police departments with extensive labs and other resources, handles kidnappings, and handles domestic terrorism There are also ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), the Border Patrol (stops illegal crossings of the US borders), and the ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms--much of what is left, I guess), for example Comment from : rbrtck |
In the US, there are federal police who have certain jurisdictions or areas of responsibility and authority, there are have state police, which largely provide traffic policing between the various counties within each state, there are county sheriff departments that handle the county jails and often contract with small towns and unincorporated areas to provide policing, and finally there are individual police departments that serve cities and towns large enough (or ambitious/independent enough) to have their own police department Comment from : rbrtck |
US national police force; the FBI Comment from : jim corbett |
The reason that "the murder rate is 30 times higher in the US than the UK" sounds shocking is because the statement is not true, it's much closer to 3 times higher Comment from : Edgar Pryor |
Just found your channel I like it so far 👍 I'm playing catch up Many police across the United States are very uninformed, or pretend to be, about Americans constitutional rights and continually violate these rights Thanks to 2nd amendment auditors many of these gun and badge emboldened cops are being held to account I support Good Cops, I deplore BAD cops Especially those that feel that they are above the citizens that pay their salaries and they have sworn to protect brTry watching some 2nd amendment auditors channel Beware, there are bad auditors out there just like there are bad cops You'll know the good ones when you see them Comment from : An American |
Does Germany and France have the same police force? The United States has different police forces, just like Europe We are 50 sovereign nations, and, we have different laws, as in Europe I wish you Europeans could understand that But, I doubt that you ever shall , Comment from : AD Chancellor |
Does Germany and France have the same police force? The United States has different police forces, just like Europe We are 50 sovereign nations, and, we have different laws, as in Europe I wish you Europeans could understand that But, I doubt that you ever shall , Comment from : AD Chancellor |
Each state is basically its own country with its own laws and with it different police but it can be broken down even further in county’s in the state Comment from : Kern Gilowice |
Lol USA has more police stations than Scotland has police officers Comment from : Buzz A |
Becoming a cop in the US, isn't as easy as thatbrI'm many municipalities, on top of background checks, you can expect that every member of your family, and spiteful ex lover, you've ever had, will be interviewed 😆 Comment from : MrSchitzengigglez |
in the States There are Local Town Police, County Police, State Police, and FBI, i think The FBI is National Police but i could be wrong Comment from : Dr Panzer Panzer |
3:00,brCOPS isn't a "show" with actors and scripts It's just footage from people who ride with the police and bring their camerasbr5:00,brNo, not really The FBI investigates federal crimes, but mostly it's State Police, County Police, and a lot of individual cities have their own jurisdiction as well Comment from : J man J |
Not each state, each city or county have their own police force in the USA No national police force Comment from : Martin Klaus |
8:56 Not to say it’s insignificant, but to clarify it seems that this video is referring to police homicide rate specifically The overall homicide rate is indeed much higher in the US but it’s something like 5X, not 30X Comment from : acslater017 |
I don't think you'd have a problem as a cop, Diane You could just say stuff and people would be okay with it Comment from : Silas McNunyabidness |
That would be the FBI ! Comment from : Kevin |
In 1828, a particularly violent Christmas riot in New York led the city to institute its first professional police force Christmas celebrations in 1800 owed more to the midwinter worship of Saturn and Bacchus than to Christ Comment from : doro626 |
Oops, failed to mention that the original american police officers were the men in charge of capturing run away slaves They operated on rewards for returning slaves to their southern masters Comment from : Sevil Natas |
I learned the truth years ago No matter the country, religion, creed, or race; police are largely made up of pathological bullies, sadists, liars, and sociopaths Police hiring practices consistently favor gorilla-like physicality, history of team sport and group(fascistic) associations, a predilection for violence, military training, and an eager willingness to use it against whoever their political bosses order despite lacking law, ethics, morality, or common human decency by doing so In short, Police are commonly the most A-moral, pathologically untruthful, sociopathically diabolical, cruel, shameless, blackhearted mercenaries in ANY society Comment from : Douglas Elliott |
Now I know the big different with police forces work around the world Comment from : Greg McMahon |
Americas "national" police force is called the FBI Comment from : Tim Buktu |
I mean there’s the national guard, but every city has its own police force Comment from : Luxembros |
Well being racially profiled as a Native I've been pulled over many times Been walking down the street to just go home and get stopped and frisked Comment from : Anthony Ramirez |
I would take the stats on anything on the internet with a grain of salt Comment from : Platypus17Whiskey |
The US police system follows the political system as far as jurisdiction There are 4 levels of jurisdiction in the US City, County, State, Federal Each one has its own police force and sometimes several different and separate organizations It's not the legal firearms you need to worry about, but the illegal firearms used by criminals Comment from : mike smith |
Does Ireland have fewer police officers? Yes, there are more people in the Houston Metro area than there are people in Ireland The murder rate in 2018 in the US was 496 per 100,000, and the murder rate in the UK was 12 per 100,000 I don't know how they got 30 times greater Last I saw, that was 413 times greater and not 30 times That is the last year statistics for both countries Ireland has about 086 per 100,000 That means that there was 43 murders in Ireland in 2018 Comment from : Wonder Nine |
He lost all credibility when he cited the Washington Post as a source Comment from : Michael Airheart |
each state has a state police force we also have county police and city police so for some people they have a 3 tiered police system overlooking them not to mention several federal law enforcement agencies Comment from : Hobodeluxe960 |
The national police force in the USA is the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) which is operated by the federal government In federal crimes their jurisdiction supersedes the state police Comment from : Leroy Williams |
Illegal Fentanyl kills about 135 Americans daily and they worry about guns Therebris no contest since the Fentanyl deaths far outstrip death my gun fire They antigunbrpeople hate this fact Comment from : J Dove |
There is the Department of Homeland security now but they usuallybrdefer to local police forces unless it is a federal issue or crime thatbrtakes precedence There are city, county and state police forces in allbrstates and even universities have their own certified police forces inbrthe case of state universities Each such police force has it's ownbrjurisdiction although many overlap Comment from : J Dove |
In America there is the FBI which are like the national police, but they don’t really do there jobs right and many times they stage things to make people mad at each other But there is the national guard, however each city’s depending in which state they are in might not let the national guard come to help I won’t get into the full details or talk about it much, but when chaos was happening more in the US in 2020, some cities didn’t allow the national guard come and help Comment from : Kayleigh D |
In Arizona we have a constables which are an extension the court and they handle tenate, evictions, real estate and property seizures Comment from : Ernest Estrada |
I love hearing the different with all Police forces work the world Comment from : Gregory817 MCMAHON77 |
In college I was delivering a pizza in fancy hotel and the guy at the room grabbed it, slammed the door, refused to answer, and pay me I went to the lobby at reported it to the manager She motioned with her hand, pointing and said "Joe" Joe was an off duty, very muscular local cop doing security for the hotel He went up to the room, me behind him, pulled out a very large, real gold badge while obviously holding his black 9mm pistol on the ready My money came forth in mere, awkward seconds along with a substantial tip and apology Thank you, Joe! Comment from : Larry Hatch |
But, remember, the UK police do not have to pay 25 of their wages for medical benefits while working Comment from : SnorkY2K |
In the US there are many federal agencies that take care of specific types of crime nationally The most well known is likely the FBI Each state has state highway patrol aka state troopers Each county in each state has a county Sheriff's department Cities may or may not have a city police force My town is really small and rural so we don't have a city police force The county Sheriff's department takes care of us Comment from : Kendra Polson |
8:55 There is no correlation between crime rates and the number of firearms present here That is utter misinformation and propaganda The fact is that armed citizens have prevented criminal activity far more than the cause of it Comment from : Ken Wheeler |
Love your accent and you're very beautiful 😍 I live in Calgary Canada 🇨🇦 Comment from : S Hunt |
very good video Comment from : Gregory MCMAHON87 |
NYC police pay is very misleading: NYC has a very high cost of living Comment from : John Hogan |
The closest thing to a national police force is the FBI, for interstate crime Other national law enforcement agencies are much more niches: the secret service for financial crime like counterfeit money, bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives, and immigration and customs enforcement Comment from : John Hogan |
I didn't realize Ireland was so sparsely populated Comment from : Kent Mains |
At 8:56 the narrator claims that the murder rate in the US is 30 times that of the UK This is ridiculously wrong - it's more like 4, maybe 5 depending on how you define it (murder vs intentional homicide) Higher, yes, but not as catastrophically as the video claimsbrbrFor anyone interested, there's an excellent video on the subject by Bill Whittle called Number One With a Bullet to illustrate this youtube/pELwCqz2JfE Comment from : Rob R |
The guy who made this video, used very agenda driven sources I wouldn't put much stock in this video you're reacting to The Guardian, and Politifact for example, are both very controversial sourcesbrbrAs for law enforcement, in America, we have local law enforcement, state law enforcement, federal law enforcement, and lots of off shoots of each Comment from : Rolf family |
"I'm not British" brLiterally comes from the British Isles Comment from : evenhasawatermark |
Technically yes, we have a multi-tiered police force at the base is the local police of a town, city, village, etc above that, we have county police; above that, there are state police, and Above them, we have what is known as the Federal Police which essentially is those empowered to enforce the law within the exclusive jurisdiction of the USA these are agencies such as the FBI, The Department of Homeland Security(The National Guard), The Secret Service, The Federal Department of Justice, and many other organizations Comment from : Joshua Hallett |
Absolutely a Dime Diane Dime 💎 Comment from : JT Conlon |
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