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Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin


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Информация о Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin

Название :  Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin
Продолжительность :   11.17
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Просмотров :   19 rb

Кадры Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin

Описание Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin

Коментарии Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin

Bao Nguyen
I like the way Nikon let you update firmware through their Nikon bridge ap
Comment from : Bao Nguyen

Fritz Lamour
Could you please help me with my nikon Z9 auto focus system the focus do not want to stay steady 🙏 what is the best setup 😢
Comment from : Fritz Lamour

Larry Silverman
It's clear that all photography YouTube channels have opted not to test Nikon's claims about improved AF accuracy Are the Nikon lovers afraid it's not true? I guess, if you're looking to buy this camera for it's capabilities, the public has no way to really know if this improvement puts the camera on par with the best of Sony and Canon's AF
Comment from : Larry Silverman

Herbert Thuasne
Bla bla
Comment from : Herbert Thuasne

SENIORITY Photography by JB Brookman
Such rich and positive info, as usual! Thank you, Matt!! -JB
Comment from : SENIORITY Photography by JB Brookman

Jacob Malina
Yadda Yadda Yadda Clown
Comment from : Jacob Malina

I have bought the Z9 even though I am a novice
Comment from : PSYCHIC-PSYCHO

Tom White ♾️
Great video really enjoying my Z9 for Wildlife and Landscape photography
Comment from : Tom White ♾️

Witam,słucham ,subskrybujePozdzdrowiska dla Australii Nie pisze po angielski,nie che mi się wysilać Super robota,promowanie Nikona! Dziś miałem canon r6ii ,wczoraj i przedwczoraj R6,R5 Sony itd brChce usłyszec mocno krytyczne słowa na temat Nikona mogę wybaczyć pierwsza serię ale dziś Nikon walczy o przetrwanie! Koniec marca zdefiniuje pozycję tej marki Proszę przyznać otwarcie ,że Nikon zawodzi 10x tysiące użytkowników ,absurd !! Canon r6ii jest absolutnie fenomenalny Z6/7 w każdej wersji to entry level To będzie być lub nie dla Nikona ,lepiej jak się postarają ,pozdrawiam Aus
Comment from : Dan

Robert OKeefe
Would love more info on TTL & HSS
Comment from : Robert OKeefe

Much appreciated Mattbrwould like to hear your opinion on Z lens supplybrFor example , ive heard 2 years for the Z800 I'm 78 alreadybrNow looking at Z600 f4 , wife nearly had a heart attack when I told her the price (perhaps I should get a defibrillator first :))brany idea about Z600 f4 wait times ? brRegards,brGarybr AU
Comment from : TheMiniD3

Mick Bryan
It’s good to see Nikon issuing regular firmware updates for the Z9 As a loyal customer of Nikon for 30 odd years I just wish there’d be something for us Z6ii users Having upgraded from a Z6 and ignored advice to move to Sony / Cannon I’m beginning to thing my brand loyalty was misplaced
Comment from : Mick Bryan

Paulo Pereira
Hi Matt, sorry if I put this request here under but I would like to ask if you will do a review video of the 26mm Z lens also in comparison to the 28mm? Thanks
Comment from : Paulo Pereira

Keith Lee
Matt, the Z 9 for me has been the difference in so many ways that it's hard to count them all It is far and away the best camera I've ever used, or could even imagine using My limited testing with FW 31 is looking very positive in low-light situations so far The focus spot seems to stick like glue to whatever I put it on, and I am anxious to see how it does in more varied conditions Thanks for your observations and continually informative videos!
Comment from : Keith Lee

Uh Oh!
So is waiting a week to download an update in case there are any bugs good practice or have i been given/following outdated advice???
Comment from : Uh Oh!

Refuz Tosay
Any news on when the big glass might be available? It’s been nearly a year and a half since I brought the Z9 action/wildlife body yet I can’t buy the lenses I need Quite a dissatisfaction and disappointment As always great content thanks for creating the video
Comment from : Refuz Tosay

I haven't taken more than 200 shots with the new firmware, but so far no issues My 800 pf was delivered yesterday, but it's been windy and rainy here lately in Southern California with snow in some areas!
Comment from : mozman

Porkster 59
And it seems a lot of Z9 owners are experiencing issues with this new firmware update so I think I’ll wait 🤔
Comment from : Porkster 59

If it weren't for the form factor and the LL performance compared to the 6ii this would be the thing I'm pinching my pennies for Just incredible
Comment from : post-buttwave

Donovan Chin
Loving the way Nikon is releasing their firmware for the Z9 Can’t wait to get my hands on the 85mm
Comment from : Donovan Chin

Bob Greaves
My Z9 has just arrived, so great timing! :)brOn a side note, I don't see any protective filters on your lenses What are your views on these? Might be worth a video in itself :)
Comment from : Bob Greaves

Yamen Zein
I like the fact that most Z Nikon products get meaningful updates As a gen II Z user, the lack of meaningful updates to my Z7II used to bother me a lot; however, I got over it because I am sure that there is some hardware issue that prevents the software from fully optimizing a 2 co-op processors setup Hopefully the engineers learned from this experience, and will do better with future products
Comment from : Yamen Zein

i tested it with tv shows but camera locked keyboards for a few time leave actual TV person behind lol also on video A and S Mode there is still no way to change shutter speed even changing frame rate for Eg shooting 100P it still fixed at 1/100 no way to change it
Comment from : Echyballs

Robert Falconer
This firmware drop was a nice surprise!
Comment from : Robert Falconer

Raymond Parker
It's great that Nikon is supporting this flagship so well Every update has brought improvements and added function 310 seems like a few tweaks but they all add up Great video Matt Lots to think about
Comment from : Raymond Parker

Mike Hyde
Yes please - more on the high speed sync flash - thanks Matt
Comment from : Mike Hyde

michael speegle
Still a wonderful voice of calm and reason Matt! Great video!
Comment from : michael speegle

James Urzykowski
In time for the 2024 Summer Olympics I want the Nikon Z9ll
Comment from : James Urzykowski

John D
Nikon seems to be leaving the Z6II and Z7II behind They have only given them minor updates Glad to see them keeping their flagship camera up and ahead of the competition!
Comment from : John D

Keith M
Glad to see a firmware update, but that is barely worthy of a 302 never mind a 31 Guess I was hoping for more from a new update At the very least zebra stripes for stills would be nice… tuning up the AF is nice… hopefully it doesn’t set us back like the last update prior to the 301 fix
Comment from : Keith M

Terry Newman
Loving the updates, keep em rolling Nikon 👍🏻
Comment from : Terry Newman

g martinez cabrera
This is such a good camera But Nikon needs to allow for dual record when capturing video That would make this camera really compete as a cinema camera Or at least a great video camera that shoots beautiful stills Please Nikon
Comment from : g martinez cabrera

8:57 I think the shape of future firmware will be about 20x30 cm, and ovalbrbredit: version 4, though, will be much bigger, at least 60 x 40 x 30cm, boxy, and with hairs growing out of it
Comment from : Peter

Bram Oostdijk
Beautiful all this Up-date and nice for the Z9 owners But many do not have the budget to purchase this camera What many are waiting for is a very good Nikon with an APS-C sensor The replacement for the D500 so to speak Many are waiting for this All other major brands have long been home to this Actually, it is embarrassing and not correct to the people who would like to switch to a mirrorless camera This really shouldn't take too long The Z6 and Z7 are fine cameras, but not a replacement for the D500 Nikon wake up
Comment from : Bram Oostdijk

My wife says "Why do you spend so much time listening to this fella" lol, I tell her it's because it's the law! lol Great stuff Matt 😊
Comment from : AoToGo

Photography Discourse
HI Matt - your overview of the Nikon situation is so positive and on the money Thanks for continuing to represent the brand in an objective, rational and fair way This is only the beginning of a year that will be remembered as Nikon's year - or the year Nikon fully turned things around - IMObrbrLooking forward to more of your videos on the 85mm 12!br-PD
Comment from : Photography Discourse

craig leach
Hmmtwo processors on the Z6ii and Z7ii and still not one significant update though I'm not even sure what the second processor is for if the first gen bodies can get multiple updates, come on Nikon!
Comment from : craig leach

Ted Warkentin
I'm feeling a little screwed from buying the Z6ll Last update was November 2022 and was absolutely nothing I understand the Z6ll will never match the Z9, but still expect more from Nikon
Comment from : Ted Warkentin

Paddy M H
A video on High-Speed Flash Sync with the Z9 and the Z9 with multiple flash units would be a great discussion starter Recently, Nikon's flash strategy has been ambivalent Are they going with Nikon-branded flashes? Should consumers and pros go outside the Nikon system for flash? How good is the Z9 with flash? Matt, thanks for all you do for the photo community Well done, as usual
Comment from : Paddy M H

palane productions
Mikon, the one camera company!lolThe sooner they update all the models with the latest processors the betterit cant be that hard, just look what canon has done!
Comment from : palane productions

ted K
good news again, I'm going to download the new firmware today This may be specific to me as a highschool (low light ) sport photographer In the past I have always purchased a book published by "rocky nook" to learn about my Nikon cameras I have one here for my Z6 and hopefully will be able to find one for purchase for the Z9 They are authored by Darrell Young and have much information, Z6 book is 600 pages Also, would love to see high speed sync video thanks
Comment from : ted K

Mike Weeks
still not fixed auto ISO in Aperture priority at 30fps and higher
Comment from : Mike Weeks

Colin Adams - dragonflies in flight
Yesterday, on firmware 301, I did a test to see how fast I could get the SB-910 to fire using FV Lock I was able to get 11 fps out of it - an improvemnet of about 1 or 2 fps over not using FV lock Today I saw the upgrade news, downloaded it and tried again Now I get 15 fps This is important to me as I shoot dragonflies in flight
Comment from : Colin Adams - dragonflies in flight

Thomas Chamberlin
I think it was Nikon Phillipines that said on social media to save the date for 3/25 for an announcement Of course you immediately think of a new camera, but you remind me that it might just be the 85mm f12 becoming available That would be 3/24 in the western hemisphere
Comment from : Thomas Chamberlin

Yes, would love to hear more about TTL flash etc! Thanks as always
Comment from : Joe

Question: what size Hard drive are built into these cameras?
Comment from : michael

Fel M
Imaging how those that gave up on the Z9 and Nikon feel after these firmware updates, lol they should not have given up, it was a great camera since the beginning
Comment from : Fel M

Rick Pinelli
Any FW update that improves focus, I am for I would love to see the Z9 on par with the SONY's As far as shutter sounds, I could not care less! I am not looking for a gimmicky flagship camera Save those things for the Z30/50 consumers who love that sort of thing
Comment from : Rick Pinelli

Old Man And the Sea
I noticed that Nikon improved the Z5 autofocus in a recent update Nikon needs to do similar to the Z7 cameras There are a quite a few including myself that feel that Nikon has left us behind
Comment from : Old Man And the Sea

Small Batch Sessions
Wow ! Thanks Nikon for this phenomenal camera brREvolutionary Camera Thee Z9 is mine brI really couldn’t afford this camera and my crazy wife said get it and I’ll help you pay for it Dang Bubby really brOh back to Matt’s video Thanks Matt for working so hard and putting theses vids out brI’m excited to hear my camera sound like an old F film camera!!! But always want better af and improving that system
Comment from : Small Batch Sessions

Allan Hall
I have always felt if Nikon has their programming teams compete to try to leap ahead of another teams hardware with only software updates, everyone wins including Nikon
Comment from : Allan Hall

Mark Kelly
I’m sure this is the ultimate Nikon camera to get But I still shoot a D3S and although users of the z9 will land more shots of birds and wildlife than me, I think my satisfaction level is higher when landing them on my D3S
Comment from : Mark Kelly

I wonder if there is a case to be made for Nikon offering motherboard updates (which would include future Expeed chips and whatever sort of interface is needed) The body is robust and with no mechanical shutter, should last a long time (albeit Nikon cameras with shutters are well built and tend to last if taken care of) For $100000 dollars, I could buy Expeed 8 and keep the Z9 with no changes the physical layout Even now, I can have a lot of customization of the buttons to access the functions I need to have readily available Such a chip upgrade would likely require the camera being sent back to Nikon so it could provide another revenue stream for Nikon's customer support services
Comment from : vinyalonde

Matt I suppose a key thing is if Nikon can put the Xpeeed 7 into lower end cameras, what does it cost and can they make enough? IT owuld mean that they could place larger orders for it
Comment from : DigNap15

Acronym Photography
Just updated the z9, but before I realised what I was doing I just locked it away in its case and didn’t think about it I’ll test it at a wedding soon Silly me brThanks as always though Matt brSimon
Comment from : Acronym Photography

BT Hathaway
The low contrast focus improvements will be great for the 400mm f45 users And might keep me from wishing for the 28 in those in-between lighting situations
Comment from : BT Hathaway

Jim Orsetti
Loving what Nikon has done with firmware upgrades and especially AF improvement in low contrast will help
Comment from : Jim Orsetti

Mikko Sakari Suhonen
Exciting times for Nikon Z users! Even Z5 got better AF via firmware update:)
Comment from : Mikko Sakari Suhonen

Jim Orsetti
Great video as always Matt! love to see high speed sync episode, that would be excellent! there's an SD card in the Z9? :)
Comment from : Jim Orsetti

Craig C
Love how you closed this out with the "update complete" screen 😆👏🏻brRegardless of what's released in 2023, the Z9 will remain on my wish list (well, until it's in my hands) Thanks Matt!
Comment from : Craig C

Dominic Lester
Stacked high res images in camera please
Comment from : Dominic Lester

Great video Thank you Thank you Nikon for the updates brI would like to see how the Z9 does with the high speed sync and flash photographybrThank you and be safe
Comment from : gw2k66

Martin Hild
Thanks for testing it brbrMaybe gonna update mine one of these daysbrbrKeep up the energy!
Comment from : Martin Hild

Mitch Allen
Really feels like a 1 camera company
Comment from : Mitch Allen

Arash Nik
Hey guys! Anyone knows if there is a device to secure usb cable to usb port in ipad pro for tethering!
Comment from : Arash Nik

Selective Imagery
Going to update mine now Thanks Matt!!
Comment from : Selective Imagery

Glad they fixed the camera lockup issue Although rare, it has happened to me twice
Comment from : Roshan

Nikon proof that is a one camera company!!
Comment from : Airtime

Andrew Mason
As a Z9, Z6ii and Z6 owner, I’m pleased with Nikon’s firmware updates, with one glaring issue Notwithstanding the extra buttons on the Z9, try and map the functionality on each of the camera buttons to be the same for each camera You can’t Which means on a shoot with the three cameras, it’s beyond painful switching between the cameras I don’t get why Nikon won’t allow it
Comment from : Andrew Mason

dice kolev
Shooting small birds in stlls and video is still a pain no matter the focus area mode At this point 4k240fps with 23x crop is the only thing I'd like to keep me from selling it after this year's bird season, not 8K that I'd say is useless (for me)
Comment from : dice kolev

Ady Xmen
o curatire mai buna a zgomotului de imagine ne-ar fi de mare folos
Comment from : Ady Xmen

RK Manandhar
Thank you so much for fastest news as always !!!👌
Comment from : RK Manandhar

I imagine there is probably a single codebase that can be compiled for different models If a camera does not have enough memory, processing power etc, features are switched off So while the cameras may share much of the menu code, the af code would be vastly different between a Z5 and Z9 When the next cameras come out, the Z9 may get some new features, but others may be memory or hardware dependent and not flow down
Comment from : GetOffMyyLawn

Tony Johnson Photos
No need for a shutter, completely electronic exposure with super refresh rates and storage, great weather sealing, giant battery, super comfortable grip, super fast startup, and constant support with firmware updates What's to like? Exciting stuff
Comment from : Tony Johnson Photos

I thought that in this update there would be the possibility to change the electronic shutter sound
Comment from : spyethanhunt

Carlos André Viana
As a z6ii owner , I used to complain and argue why we were forgotten Now I laugh at how pathetic this is
Comment from : Carlos André Viana

Joe Prespare
As a z6II owner, I’m amazed at Nikons continued evolution of the Z9 platform Well done Nikon that they have built a camera that they can continue to improve and build upon I’m not bitter that I own the z6II and we don’t see as many firmware updates, because I know the more they do with the Z9 the better future lower end models will be Plus for the shear number of owners of the Z9, the evolution makes good business sense Thanks Matt for your insights and expertise!
Comment from : Joe Prespare

Alex V
Still not as good as good as the D850 when it comes to bird photography
Comment from : Alex V

Bubba Von Braun
Loving my Z9 Nikon(mine just turned 1yo) has proven a real investment protection with these upgrades As a sports/action photographer the shift to mirrorless was not without risk However Nikon has delivered with its ongoing support/development, they clearly built a platform and not just a point in time camera to be replaced by the next model, which seemed the case with so many DSLR's The 85mm f12 is so tempting and Matt your enthusiasm for the lens is infectious! Keep-up these great news updates
Comment from : Bubba Von Braun

Josephs Workshop
Nice work Matt Great work Nikon!brThanks for the update on the update I have updated my Z9 with the updated update Just keeping you updated 📷
Comment from : Josephs Workshop

Mike Bartow
You are always so up to date and informative😊
Comment from : Mike Bartow

wow, Another firmware update that includes improved autofocus, Good job Nikon And thank you for the update review and info Matt !!! Good day!
Comment from : JRodPhotoART

Blythe Warland
Firmware with DSLR’s fine tuned From what everyone says regarding them on the Z9 it literally upgrades it to almost a new model
Comment from : Blythe Warland

Похожие на Nikon Z 9 | NEW FIRMWARE | Auto FOCUS Even Better | More Z 9 FW to Come? | Discussion | Matt Irwin видео

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