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American Reacts to How does UK Police Equipment compare to US Cops?

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Коментарии American Reacts to How does UK Police Equipment compare to US Cops?

In the UK WE CONCENTRATE OUR training on de escalation and people skills and are more adept at hand restraining criminals without the need for weapons ❤
Comment from : @juliescott1853

British training is far superior and the requirements for being in the British police are far stricter Excess force be punished as well The leg straps make everything safer for the suspect and the officers
Comment from : @barrymacdonald4515

The UK we don't have issues with guns, gun crime is so rare
Comment from : @smi7leee

In the UK they police “ with consent “ of the public
Comment from : @jennybrewer7193

9:42Nothing to do with 'crazy'There are crazy folk in every countrythey are all the same crazyIn the UK those crazy people can not get hold of guns easily because in the UK we have highly strict gun lawsIt is that simple
Comment from : @lewistaylor1965

I'd rather the police 'pull out the velcro' and control a situation than pull out a gun and shoot someone in the head because '''They feel threatened''' that's the solution of 'sad little men' who need to feel powerful along with a big dose of just plain cowardice
Comment from : @MrJakassification

I live in the UK and since moving to this particular area of the city just 1 year ago, I've seen armed response units and helicopter teams 3 times 😂
Comment from : @leeriches8841

Great craic
Comment from : @davidpeters3857

The UK is not the US but we love the US nonetheless 🇬🇧🇺🇸
Comment from : @mattjames88

Northern ireland is a different story I've had police pull up with assault rifles because we had a slingshot in derry city
Comment from : @grantjohnston7972

Imaging calling your fellow civilians wolves? Now there is the difference between the two forces, British police protect and serve the general public whilst American police see the streets as a war zone hence why they have a warriors mindset going into a hostile situation, that coupled with a small amount of training is a dangerous mix
Comment from : @Wolfsong27FlyHalfFullHeart

Not entirely true The UK Police do carry firearms Especially here in NIreland The PSNI as they are called are actually much better trained than the police in England who had to rely on the PSNI and Strathclyde Police in Scotland to help them handle riots
Comment from : @mattymac2733

What's the UK doing different you ask Easy answer, guns are not allowed - scrolled through 30 answers and not a single one mentions that tiny little HUGE detail Yeah, criminals can get guns but expensively, so Joe Bloke don't have them, and no one gets shot in the face for ringing a doorbell TF I don't live in the US
Comment from : @tdamtoft

We got the lady her purse back 😂😂 that was funny lol
Comment from : @gordongarnon4866

I’m sorry but I just came here high as hell to tell you that I was laughing so hard at your commentary 😂
Comment from : @nataliesharp6302

im sorry but if cops didn't carry guns in the US they would lose a lot of respect i know most fear of police is based on your likeliness to be shot by them, if US cops didn't carry guns citizens would be a lot more bold
Comment from : @PEEPSnationOfficial

The Velcro strap is to stop criminals from kicking or trying to run
Comment from : @lewisgrant7622

I've seen american cops use velcro for ankles on several occasions Almost always when there is a really doped up bloke with superpowers You knowthe one's who are about three minutes from dying of an overdose
Comment from : @perkeyser2032

Just started watching and heard "What could be the difference" I have a feeling you're going to be reeeally shocked mr video :)
Comment from : @perkeyser2032

This really made me laugh , the comment about voltage for everyone had me roaring in my chair 🤣 Its 2 different countries and we are cousins , but at 50 years old the only gun ive ever seen in real life was a farmers shotgun for shooting moles, crows and such
Comment from : @richardwaddington2038

UK “police” are not real police, they like just regular ass security 🤣🤣🤣
Comment from : @YooItsJess

I don't like the attitude " the mercy of the wolves" It's not a good attitude to have to the "general" public It's like 2 different worlds! ?
Comment from : @rakikik151

It's OK usa cops have the gun to shoot you dead with if they don't like your attitude 🙄
Comment from : @jon-ei8iz

Our police wear stab vests a lot as stabbings are way more common than shootingsanyone can get hold of a knife as opposed to a gunbut carrying a knife can get you five years inside
Comment from : @MOONFIREmagess

Humans are extraordinarily resilient, it's very rare to put someone down with your first magazine
Comment from : @solomonwalker9303

If the population doesn't have guns than the police don't need guns, but since everyone has guns in the us and legaly or illegaly of course they need it for their safety
Comment from : @adamkant439

Yeah,we don't get guns in the UK 😅
Comment from : @Wolfnstone

UK is actually "up there", the UK is on the same Latitude and Longitude as Canada
Comment from : @drrd4127

bro let's react to Miyagi nonstop?
Comment from : @sakuralebenk9158

Uk criminals not running around with guns mostly so equal force really
Comment from : @janed9842

My two penniesbrbr#1 USA - you made it a 'right' (your antiquated 2nd A) UK - gun crime/injuries are lower because guns are not a right They are a privilege by licence Majority of instances of gun crime is usually via an illegal (imported or remnants of IRA) firearmbr#2 "Policing" - priority should be 'prevention'that's foot patrol, community 'beat cop' ethos Too many young police think they're acting out some TV/movie - policing is about community and trust
Comment from : @sweetgeorgieboy4342

Im in new Zealand' Our cops have only recently started having a bigger gun presence in the cities Gun violence incidents increased as soon as they started carrying Criminals will alway level up the field Back in the day here the cops carried a truncation bat an a big steal flashlight All the crooks needed was a good pair of running shoes No one was getting shot at So crims didnt bother with guns We did an still have an armed offender units swat but no one want to get their attention because of the neutralize threat policy Cops unarmed was better
Comment from : @greggriffiths8283

I'm from the UK and the idea that anyone can buy a gun in your country is insane to me that's why your police have to bring in the heavies
Comment from : @stick7789

I’m with you, Leo Americans love their guns The UK has the blueprint we need to get a handle on gun violencebrYour intelligence on this issue is what we all need
Comment from : @CBGB_1977

It's funny because they fail to mention what they do in the UK if they're going to a report of people armed with knives, they would send ARMED officers What happens if the normal patrol cop happens to run across a violent person with a knife? He tases them? What if the taser misses or hits their clothing and doesn't work? Oh yeah they get stabbed to death
Comment from : @fury9018

brother, please make a reaction to the track temporarily miyagi andy panda - English translation
Comment from : @user-tn9xb1yt5u

recommending:brbr999 rescue squadbrinside the force 24/7brpolice hour of dutybrpolice interceptorsbrpolice shift 999brcrimefighters | real respondersbrsend in the dogs [uk/aus]brspecial elite operation team raids
Comment from : @jnne4048

Comment from : @Isa-wu1mu

But over there their speech laws are insane, you can get arrested for a Facebook post that "offends" someone
Comment from : @aliciasavage6801

Being a cop is predictable, they shoot first and ask questions later When you have a hammer everything looks like a nail
Comment from : @bodhisattva3774

In the UK we have no rights to carry arms like in the USA, Most guns are illegal and the ones that are legal require the holder to be vetted before they can get a licencebrYou do get some gun crime in the UK but they are dealt with the by the fire arm's division of the police and not with the local bobby's, tit heads (police)
Comment from : @errolcollins7647

Pull the velcro out 😂
Comment from : @James-lw3vo

We are lucky that we don't have that many guns I mean the only school shooting we had was Dunblane in the 90s It was horrific and it tightened up gun laws more I think Australia was the samebrbrFor us it was easier to do because of the lack of weapons
Comment from : @wereleopard58yepihavetwo2

I hate the way these programs look at the UK and compare us to the USA they need to compare like for like go to Germany Go to France or the Nordic country's their Police all have guns but don't have the gun crime that the US have but they too have Gun Laws like the UK And if you want to know if we have Guns look at UK Gun Law you will be surprised And yes our criminals will use Guns but we have special units to deal with them
Comment from : @maxinedurling3425

The police are not armed in Britain, because the people are not either! I believe in our right to bear arms and protect ourselves More so now than ever the way the government's going But seriously when people have guns, law enforcement also needs guns Back the blue, they have our backs!
Comment from : @allisonoconnor8055

Trust me uk 🇬🇧 is crazy but we use our fist 👊
Comment from : @neilsaxton109

UK cops are brave men Great title and totally true Guess what that implies about US cops
Comment from : @PuffyCloud_aka_puffeclaude

Listen to me Mr Video you short in your spare time search for a video of a British police officer arresting a crazy man with two knives No one was hurt and no need for a gun
Comment from : @peterfoster5871

UK has stricter gun laws, different culture, but special police do have guns when needed just more chill over there
Comment from : @RockSleeper

USA gun deaths in 2019: over 38,000brUK gun deaths 2019: 162
Comment from : @isabellevince5174

Comment from : @lawrencebiel9767

British police are a waste of time,, they won't come out for a break in or a fight but arrested you on the spot for a small spliff
Comment from : @TheTaz1999

it has to be genetics that these colour are just dumb
Comment from : @pop-up5982

us cops will fuck you up bro theyre no joke, and almost none of them are very nice at all trust me
Comment from : @orber7057

btw all cop cars in america have "hog ties" and better bet every cop in america has a second gun and a 2nd hidden knife and other odd things none of them will talk about tools of the tradebrbras far as guns in UK the need vs its very over restricted there and not many weapons outside "normal hunting" They don't have a right to really own guns like we do here most countries don'tbrbrbut looks like gun crime is on the rise in uk not hard to print a boom stick now
Comment from : @daddyoca69

and yet American police kill more civilians in a year than the entirebrnumber of murders in the UK! Mmm think about it !
Comment from : @marycarver1542

The female UK police officers are more trigger happy for using their tasers There are many reports of female UK officers unnecessarily using their tasers on people who aren’t threatening and those who are adhering to police orders You can find these incidences on YouTube One female officer deployed her taser on a disable man, and another female officer deployed her taser on a elderly black man simply because he was confused why he was being questioned
Comment from : @kaml1369

Not as many guns, especially handguns It's very rare for someone to have a handgun over here There are lots of people with shotguns and rifles, but most only fire up to 3 shots You can have more, but there are lots of checks, and you would need a good reason to own something like that I personally don't own a gun, nor do I want a gun I really don't need one But you guys in AMerica have a different culture
Comment from : @mrpopo8298

In the US, criminals will shoot you and move on to the next crime because the punishment does not meet the crime here Cops have to be armed In the other countries, the punishment meets the crime You will be permanently taken out of society one way or the other over there one way or the other
Comment from : @nativetexan9776

Police in UK are very good at arresting women who have the absolute temerity to call a man a man and for this heinous crime we have seen women locked up Police in UK completely captured by political lobby group Stonewall, for which the taxpayers pay millions every year It’s a complete racket
Comment from : @lindahamilton5672

The UK cops have training and brains unlike the American version who is basically a mentally unstable murder machine with minimal training apart from how to kill unarmed people
Comment from : @SuperDancingdevil

@8:44 "At the mercy of the wolves" - tells you every thing you need to know about the US Police attitude to the public
Comment from : @jca111

Worth watching some Jim Jeffries police ride-along videos He did a UK one, an Amsterdam one and an Australian one (I think Sydney)
Comment from : @johnburton4577

It’s very hard to get a gun in the UK that’s why we don’t have much gun violence
Comment from : @GoldenBoots77

You don't need all that gear if you just kill people
Comment from : @direnova6284

don't forget the American cop's have the secret weapon the knee 🤪
Comment from : @davidcooks5265

You want to reduce violent crimes, especially homicide? No restrictions on the 2nd Amendment in any State, you'll see how fast the homicide rate falls Back in the cowboy days, there was a lot more respect between men, lot more courtesy, because every man was on an equal footing when it came to defending themselves
Comment from : @lucmalafarina1807

UK police: so brave they’ll arrest you for offensive speech or spicy Facebook posts
Comment from : @wubuck79

The UK & US are two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT cultures brThe American nature and culture is a lot more aggressive
Comment from : @-M0LE

different culture in the usa ,and a big country ,you do need weapons but also ,the problem about them that you need training and that should come into it brmany people have been killed just by knocking on your door brthere is suppose to be warnings that you have a firearm and are trained to use itbrcertain circumstances you not need to give warning when you are put into danger brthe uk does have firearms and some police do use and have firearms including mp5s
Comment from : @XENONEOMORPH1979

When I started my career in the 80’s I carried a S&W 38 cal 6 shot revolver with two speed loaders, a radio, flashlight and a set of cuffs Also wore a Kevlar vest That’s it
Comment from : @sgreasey7654

British interviewer I'm sure is the man who narrates the LOAC and ROE vids and more 🤔
Comment from : @grahamodonnell8592

Yes you raise a good point it would be only needed for Rambo I'm an Aussie assume ours is like the UK Might not be so high tech
Comment from : @cassn8725

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