Название | : | American Vs British. Police Gets Owned |
Продолжительность | : | 7.16 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 246 rb |
Is this you in the video? Why would you post a video that embarrasses you to this level 😂😂😂 What a tool! 😂😂 Comment from : @SAbre5311 |
You weren't shotbrI'd say that's a win for British Police from the start in comparison my guybrbrSince the Police did in fact, not get owned, can I report this video for misinformation? Comment from : @rosiex2018 |
LOL American think he knows UK law You embarrassed yourself I'm surprised this video is still up you look like an idiot Comment from : @rehabwales |
Owned?!!! You just sound ridiculous 🤡 Comment from : @alisonjones3139 |
Typical American going to another country and thinking your rulkes apply in another country "I'm an American, so I know" is the most ignorant comment I've ever heard Yes, you're American, so you're entitled, ignorant and obnoxious Grow up and learn some manners Comment from : @Darf652 |
Getting Owned????? hahah, Wow you are are quite possibly the most sanctimonious, self-absorbed, UNEDUCATED dumb ass I think I have ever witnessed This video did nothing except make you look like right pillock, the fact that you even posted it and and used the description of "Notting Hill carnival 2017 police gets owned" made me laugh Please don't use the line "I am an American so I know" that just made you look so stupid its unture, and I feel sorry for my American friends that unfortunatly have to deal with idiots like you "gets owned" hahahaha, omg what a knob Comment from : @samuelbanks837 |
"the patient stare of a mother who has to deal with an exceptionally difficult toddler's tantrum" (paraphrased quote) Comment from : @Patterner |
I think you got owned buddy Comment from : @eyecandy3 |
The fact you titled this video "police gets owned" but you're the one who's actually receiving the verbal beatdown is so "typical American" of you 😂 Comment from : @J_C_CH |
You're an embaressment Comment from : @realcodechris |
Police gets owned? This American done nothing but make himself look stupid Comment from : @giannister |
Rome, you are an absolute clown you mug stick your reparayshunz up yer jacksie😂 Comment from : @NiSiochainGanSaoirse |
this is exactly why Americans arent well liked in Britain Comment from : @NiSiochainGanSaoirse |
The awkwardness is pretty funny Comment from : @123mrmaynard123 |
you are the rudest most ignorant asshole ever The police were far more curteous than you deserved Comment from : @davidbarrass |
The police didn't get owned you fucking melt Comment from : @JackTN1995 |
"Police get owned" and "I'm American so I know"brbrLol, sure buddy, sure Comment from : @Raptor-zg2xf |
@Rome Thomas, you're either a complete idiot or America raised you to be an idiot! The police treated you professionally while you tried to enforce your rights with your American thinking There was no police violence and no deaths, privileges that you apparently don't know about Your childish mentality is really pathetic It was better that you gave up your YouTube career because nothing would have come of it Greetings from Europe Comment from : @teotheblackcrow4393 |
You Americans are so weird, I've never laughed so hard you just look stupid Comment from : @rexx2507 |
Oh dearie, dearie me (Shakes head) Deluded Comment from : @anonemini319 |
Its moments like this that make me think it was the British who won the war in the American Revolution Comment from : @Jack-uy7ie |
“I’m an American” What an idiot… You’re not in Kansas anymore Comment from : @kyleboswell891 |
You wont get far in life with that rotten attitude, mate You deserved being locked up just for that reason alone Comment from : @das9634 |
The very definition of ugly American This brings great shame to me as an American living abroad half my life Comment from : @AlohaBlockchain |
Er who got owned? I cannot fathom how someone visiting a country that is not their own thinks that the laws and culture of their land hold sway in this one at this moment Literally one of the most obnoxious, entitled, self serving morons to have proudly displayed their evidence in full view of the world And they still believe they were wronged! This is the UK, not Murica Huge respect to the police, nothing but amused disgust to the film maker Thins a text book example of how to live up to a stereotype Comment from : @JimNewstead |
What an annoying idiot Comment from : @bert2526 |
The american is owning himself 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @helloworld0911 |
you're delusional XD Comment from : @taddufort8400 |
What a stupid situation, with an even more stupid description of this video It must a joke, doesn't it? The guy who is filming can't be serious that just can't be "cooperating" doesn't mean "make people wasting their time because I constantly try to leave, while repeating endlessly the same non-senses, relying on so-called knowledges that are just wrong, thus slowing down their procedure and hindering their work", but I guess I'm not enough "educated" (I'm not even native english speaker)brThe guy who filmed that is obviously a living joke, I just hope he knows it (but he rather thinks he's smart, right?) Comment from : @Josian-ps7fb |
Owned? Pretty sure, he remained there for the required time Comment from : @x66Hawk66x |
"I'm American so I understand laws in England" Comment from : @captainchaos1741 |
You sir, are very much mistaken You come across as a typical arrogant American Comment from : @GaryPrague |
And Americans wonder why they are the laughing stocks of the world lmao Comment from : @BenDBeast |
Good for the police here for maintaining such restraint and composure The arrogance of assuming that you are more knowledgeable of their laws and customs than they are What a fool So sorry you behaved like this and gave us other Americans a bad name Comment from : @laurieforsman7820 |
Just read the description"police get owned" and I can't stop laughing I don't see the police getting ownedI see them all speaking to you politely and with respect while you act like a toddler who missed naptime Comment from : @BobcatPoop |
You are in a foreign land Respect THEIR laws Comment from : @JoMama870 |
Well we never found out what happened Comment from : @becky2235 |
“I’m an American so I know (my right…)”brBobby should have said: “Rights in your own country… this is Blighty Different rules blud!” Comment from : @cantishpie2298 |
How are you not EMBARRASSED??? I bet you wouldn’t try this crap out in the Middle East Comment from : @suzielees5227 |
Piss off back to America, we don’t want you here Comment from : @veyronlh512 |
At least the police have there gangs ready and now have a new gang bage which means the same thing over 1800 members of public have died in police custody a d only 6 pigs doing there jjudy lets were a bad for the 1800 too Comment from : @malcolmtedham4227 |
Scrum police doing bullshit once again Comment from : @malcolmtedham4227 |
I understand sometimes there is police misconduct But you can't be so adamant and uncooperative to police! Just answer them what's they are asking politely You can tell the truth, and just say, "I didn't see anything" You don't need to be tasty with cops like this! Whew Comment from : @Sonny2009 |
I was waiting for moron to start citing US case law, or claim that they were violating his 4th amendment rights As an American, I deeply apologize for this embarrassment to my country Comment from : @gotham61 |
Oh my god you are so beyond annoying, please don't visit England anymore, we don't want you coming and disrespecting our officers!!! Comment from : @usernamemehr |
american twats Comment from : @TheFlyingScotsmanTV |
This guy is dumb af If he was in usa he would already been attacked by the cops He was explained multiple times You cant go to a crime scene You beign black wont make you a victim on the country that first put and end to slavery brOf course you re american, you re so ignorant You dont know the laws in other countrys Comment from : @mimipt9499 |
Police got owned?you came across as a complete tool mate! What a pratt Comment from : @skooma1855 |
living around us cops made u so crazy delusional go seek therapy u need it Comment from : @b2w4life64 |
Now show a video of you having that attitude with male armed police in your own country, big man Comment from : @cookeymonster9677 |
That american is just an idiot He's not "educated" but stupid, not knowing anything about british laws but claims he's right Thankfully not all americans are like that Comment from : @TheGamingCrow |
You do know you wouldn't have been detained if you weren't such a prick right! So how did you owned them? If you wou l answered their questions they would have let you go in 20min but instead your Americans entitilment cost us in tax keeping your rude uneducated ass in jail 😂😂 Comment from : @izabelasiczek3547 |
Ow and of course he has to make it about a skin colour Comment from : @izabelasiczek3547 |
Omg that's so infuriating what a knob he wouldn't try that in their police state as he be shot what an ignorant prick Comment from : @izabelasiczek3547 |
They had no right to detain you Comment from : @glowmentor |
You can't use the toilet in a crime scene what an idiot So incredibly arrogant Comment from : @sutty85 |
This guy is a fool You respect the laws Don't come back to the UK You are not welcome Comment from : @sutty85 |
Do Americans think they are above the law She has been polite and explained thr reasoning Comment from : @sutty85 |
Stupid americans Comment from : @KrokodilRap |
That gives me an idea I'll travel to the US as a tourist and ride a bicycle on a highway When the cops arrest me, I'll say "I'm European so I know" I wonder if they'll beat the hell out of me for that Comment from : @gokudomatic |
Looking at your other videos, this is your big moment brbrbrAnd its you, looking like a clown, while too lady cops talk to you like the child you clearly are Comment from : @needbettername8583 |
I'm british, so I know, you're a TWAT! Comment from : @antmo1966 |
He is American and he does not know Comment from : @thatcodfan7572 |
The male officer laid down the law The female officer should not of said that she is asking the man to stay, as it would imply it's a request versus a demand Comment from : @John-dz2vk |
The entitlement no one cares you're an American Comment from : @ramonarafa9216 |
I'm American and no, you DON"T know, you educated NO ONE and your camera is not MORE IMPORTANT than theirs If you had just stopped running your mouth and cooperated, everything would have ended long before it did Stop watching US fraudit videos You are an embarrassment to the rest of us Comment from : @ChandlerStith |
I think we know the American got owned Comment from : @torbaydos |
The idiot is american so he knows UK law! Comment from : @chisle25 |
This is a good example why the rest of the world can't stand Americans The entitlement and arroganceyou're the one who is stupid, not the Old Bill Comment from : @psbarrow |
The British police were not "owned" This guy is just an arrogant d!ckbrThe police objective was to detain themn which they successfully did Comment from : @BikersDoItSittingDown |
I sincerely hope you never travel abroad again with that attitude No respect, you ask for a reason and speak on top if them when they do Your act is appaling Never come back to any of Europe before that condensending attitude of yours is gone Comment from : @TomNyon |
Reasonable and polite police vs mouthy uneducated American moron Comment from : @bruticus365 |
"I'm american so I know" and literally is trying to play the tough guy with the most educated policewomen and policemen he could find in Europe Trying that approach with italian, german or french police would have led to other results For sure Comment from : @ivanduc72 |
You are a dumb fuck thinking that if you're american you know it all or that being american the US laws applies in other countries I'd invite you do try this shit in a some less polite country Comment from : @dshitman78 |
"I'm American ,I know everything !" They should've pepper sprayed that idiot Comment from : @mikearicks77 |
2:57 only idiots think so full of themselves Comment from : @obiwan3425 |
You came out of this looking like an entitled dickhead The fact you've convinced yourself that you 'owned' anyone is pathetic and laughable Comment from : @quagsnake |
Police gets owned? When? 😂😂😂😂 Comment from : @tedda |
So that's how an educated person acts! I am British and been living in the US for 7 years so I know how it works here and yours and my rights under the American constitution But you were not in America you were in England therefore you should be respecting the British law and customs A serious crime was committed and you were politely asked by police to wait while they sorted things out and gathered more information Instead you decided to be antagonistic and uncooperative wasting valuable police time You gave them no option but to arrest you because innocent people usually want the police to succeed in catching violent dangerous criminals, and the police needed you to stay there while they investigated I'm sorry but a truly educated American would respect the country they are visiting rather than vulgarly display their ignorant American entitlement mentality thinking that the world owes them something The fact that you put this on YouTube thinking that this shows you as clever actually just shows you what a moron you are Comment from : @keelijudge8267 |
This guy is a complete idiot He is so stupid this video is comical Full marks to the police for their behaviour They don't often get a good press, but this is a gem Comment from : @julianwells4006 |
"Police gets owned" & "locking us up for 20 hours" , you've got some cognitive dissonance going on my guy Comment from : @jono753 |
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