Название | : | SPOT A BAD CAR SALESMAN: INSTANTLY!!! 13 RED FLAGS! - Auto Expert 2021 The Homework Guy Kevin Hunter |
Продолжительность | : | 13.35 |
Дата публикации | : | |
Просмотров | : | 122 rb |
This video should be renamed to how to be a "Complete jack customer " Comment from : Christian Araujo |
This is satire What do you expect a salesman to do just stare at the customer and say nothing This is complete nonsense and I can tell you don’t have any idea about the car industry If you follow his steps like this jack ass you going to keep driving your old Honda Car dealerships are a business not a charity And believe me car salesman do care about the customer Former Sales-manger for 10 years Comment from : Topic Future |
I wish I would have seen this video before o got ripped off a few weeks ago on a used car A bunch of liars and thieves Comment from : Andrew Laitres |
Why do we need to go through this? What other profession does this or acts like this? There's a reason why used car salesmen jokes are out there Once a guy said to me, "do you think you deserve to drive a car likes this?" I said to him, "do you think you deserve the commission from a car like this?' I turned on my heel and left Comment from : Sandra Dornick |
So you're promoting SHIT? Love the acronym, and your great videos Comment from : Mike Gerard |
Don't trust Auto nation Comment from : Lappy486 |
Kevin offers a lot of how to's and specifics which is great, but more than that he cultivates confidence and an underlying attitude of who is in control I see now how in the past, I have become distracted by a salesman asking a question I didn't expect Now, when focused on what I am there for, I don't feel like I have to answer every question It is easy to sidestep or ignore or redirect a salesman to my goal and not be lead towards his goal It's a beautiful thing Comment from : Allan Fischer |
Oh god #5brThe creeps in the skin tight poser suits with the sociopathic facial expression Makes my blood curdle Comment from : Chrysler Imperial |
You arent that great about teching people, car buying is simple Comment from : briancc2100 |
Go to a dealership and you are dealing with a bad car salesman Comment from : briancc2100 |
Thank you! Comment from : Winne Peterson |
A few holes here First off, selling is defined as "the transfer of enthusiasm" Also, nobody should run your credit, but it's critical that your salesperson knows your credit situation so that they can show you the proper vehicle in order to not waste your time Imagine spending 2 hours at a dealership to find out your looking for an advance $50k more than what you qualify for? The rest of the video was pretty good Comment from : Dan Saucier |
Thanks! Comment from : Micheal Adams |
Love this video awesome thanks again!! Comment from : Steven Lamberti |
I , yourself probably would make the worst salesperson yourself sir Comment from : BayramUygarFanur |
13 red flags 🚩 are too many flags Comment from : 10469 |
Walked away twice this week I thought being honest would cause them to be honest Hell no! brOffered 24k OTD for a 255k vehicle, they gave me a sheet with a bunch of bs fees and a otd price of over 27kbrbrbr2nd place told me all about how LoJack comes standard basically implying that I have to pay it Nope walked out on that one Comment from : 𝗕𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗞 |
Hi Kevin! I agree with all you said However, I wish to offer my approach on dealing with "bad salesmen" My approach is not to worry about the salesman I will control the conversation to get the info I need, demo the potential car, and work with this person through the sales process Knowing the games they play keeps me in control (Learned a lot with your show!!! ) ( Worked in a dealer as a tech for 15 years) After all, it's the sales manager and the f&I guy you need to deal with the sales person is just the go- between Also, this dealer may be more willing to "deal?" I would never know if I bailed on this dealer Food for thought Thanks, Kevin and Liz! Comment from : Chris Maddox |
Rather than leave because of a bad salesperson, do you think it would be a good idea to ask the sales manager for another salesperson? Comment from : Pitties and a STI |
9:57 I’m dealing with a #12 salesman man now I think I’ll just change dealerships Comment from : Red Ciroc |
When I’m inspecting a car at a dealership, I like to do it in silence If the salesman doesn’t shut up, I put my finger to my lips Comment from : Timothy Scott |
The remark I hate the most is - "we need to run your credit to see how much you can afford" For me, that is an immediate not dealing with you Comment from : Mike Grantham |
Thanks for the effort Worthwhile video Comment from : Patrick Ireland |
ALL car salesman are to be assumed to be bad, until proven otherwise, which is very rare Comment from : sjpavur |
You are the worst salesman avoidance advisor Incredibly irritating Comment from : Warren Butson |
This guy probably drives a freakin’ Kia 😆 Comment from : Don’tDreamItDriveIt |
As a car salesman I have a different perspective on the financial questions So many people show up to the dealership financially unprepared to purchase a vehicle (often unknowingly, but not always), and a few basic questions can save both parties hours of precious time Many people have repos, bad credit, or are so far upside down that it's just not the right time for them to purchase If you don't ask you can often risk the customer getting mad at the salesman for "wasting their time!" when they get denied in finance later Comment from : Micah Krouse |
Do one on how to avoid a bad dealership Comment from : johnny mccottrell |
As a car salesman myself, your videos help me be a better salesman and actually help my customers I create customers for life thanks to these Successful for 6 years; anyone who disagrees with these is a shady “slash and burn” sales person Comment from : David Ibrahim |
Geez, all these comments and this guy are way behind the times The good ones will help the customers acquiesce to a win-win situation Most good salesmen know it's about referrals and rapport This guy is just a bitter dude who's throwing 80 of car salesman under the bus! Yes, some dealerships are behind the times Let me ask you, Kevin! Do you feel your temperament will actually allow you to break that barrier? You're sounding just as abrasive and pretentious as those you are accusing of doing so "Ride off into the sunset"! In a depreciating asset burning bridges 🔥 Comment from : Sean lam |
Dude says fighting objections makes a bad sales rep Lmfao The best salesmen are the ones who handle objections the best Comment from : Jonah Staats |
This channel is made to get car salesman fired by walking out the door You do that, goodbye salesperson Comment from : Kevs2good |
OMG I just went through this lolI felt like I was molested in the dealership by the salesmanship awful over the top enthusiasm and aggressivesales tactici had to ignore him talking to me and walk off while they were in mid sentence They didn't understand the word NO! But on another note, I laughed the whole way through this video!!😆 This definitely gave me back my dignity from experiencing such a horrible salesmen Comment from : Expressions |
My wife has a Kia optima, she has had to drop her car off 4 times for various recalls I drive a dependable Toyota and whenever I drop her off the car lot sharks come up to me asking if I would like to trade in my car for a Kia Once I explain what my wife is going through with the recalls they get real quiet Comment from : Aron Kaspar |
Bro, you're literally making it even worse than it already is for costumers to buy a car with all this EXTRA bullshit to look for Seriously bro, car buying sucks already No need to point out the obvious and point out other terrible things about buying a car Making an already shitty process that much more shitty with these bogus standards of a salesperson like the sales guy determines a good car or good deal Jack Comment from : MO |
This video could have been much, much shorter ie If there is a car sales person on the lot, they are a crook that lies the entire time to get back to the even bigger racketeer in finance 'Nuff said Cheers! Comment from : Rob Schultz |
Here's another good put down/shut down I learned from my grandfatherbrbrWhat you are speaks so loudly I can't hear a word you say Comment from : Joe Grimes |
I am going to use these terms Comment from : Quinn Beauford |
You can find all these bad sales people on Milwaukee Ave, Libertyville, Illinois Comment from : jay upp |
I'm so scared of buying a car these days And I work for a car dealer! Comment from : Michael Schmitt |
Well actually- if you go home in a car you never wished for or wanted Doesn't that make them a GOOD Car Salesman? Sounds good enough at their job to me lmao Comment from : TakaChairSama |
I don't know about that one maybe I'm too new yet I may or may not seem super excited around customers I've also heard I'm monotone I just excited because I'm an enthusiast who gets to help people find a vehicle! I would take the first one with a grain of salt buy I might be the 5 of car sales world Comment from : CrispCarGuru |
I want to thank you Kevin for this video Every body blamed me when I quit my job and left that dealership I used to work at After watching your video, I don't feel guilty anymore Because they wanted me to be the bad pushy salesman that I was sure no one would like And I don't know why they keep teaching that to the new salesmen ! Instead, you can teach them to be helpful, good listeners, knowledgeable, and honest This may encourage people some times to buy from you even if your product sucks Comment from : Bilal Alobaidi |
Kevin Hunter , we need you in the UK! Comment from : MAX BACON |
I believe that dealerships have evolved from the salespeople being annoying and overly aggressive to leaving that for the finance manager after all the finance person usually has you in a small room with the door shut keeping you in an uncomfortable position Comment from : Vincent Santoiemma |
Great to know esp bc I’m a single female n blonde n they think I’m an idiot HA! Comment from : DA G |
Great video man Comment from : Robert Lyon |
Thanks Kevin Good SHIT Comment from : HeavySnow |
I cannot imagine putting this much effort into buying a car , and I couldn’t see myself being so rude and boorish to someone trying to make a living The salesman or staff means far less to me than liking the vehicle I could care less about the sales process itself Comment from : Chris Hollister |
Thank you for this video My favorite pitch has always been "This price is only good now, not later or tomorrow " When I hear that I walk out and don't go back Dealer markups are another deal breaker Comment from : GMP NY |
Often with any type of retail outlet be it technology or vehicle your better off asking for advice from scruffy looking customers in the store or lot Those scruffy looking people who do not work for the dealership/store often know more as enthusiasts than the sales staff who only want whats best for their bank ballance Comment from : OriginalOwner777 |
All car sales people and dealers are 100 percent Scum They are now charging you more money if you pay cash instead of financing with them Yet they advertise how honest they are Screw them all Comment from : Dan Klein |
Can I tell them Kevin's waiting in the car for me let me go get him Comment from : Armand Savoia |
You had like 15 red flags on why I will not keep watching this video Comment from : Robert S |
Informative but this starts out with a lie The biggest key to getting a great car deal is to eliminate the dealership from the equation altogether It's time to let manufacturers sell directly to the customer Comment from : Joshua Webb |
I got a bad deal from a bad car salesman so now I am willing to get a lawyer so that I can get my money back from them…thanks for this video Kevin Comment from : Felicia Sherman |
This guy hates you Comment from : Brett Searle |
Thanks for a great video You are basically telling us to avoid all the things that “super salesman” like the Elliott Group and others put out there in order to “close all their sales” Every one of your points are things that these people “train” their sales people to do It’s the r classic “greasy used car sales person” syndrome Another point to is that I cannot deal with a sales person who does not know their product To most it’s all about the selling not about the car itself As a car enthusiast I have in the past “quizzed” sales people about the car I already knew the answer but wanted to see their depth of knowledge Another thing these sales training people emphasize is the payment, NOT the price of the car This is the opposite of what you should be dealing with You buy a car based on price NOT payments Comment from : Steve Kitchen |
I only deal with the fleet manager, what's the invoice? Comment from : Mark on point |
Thank you Comment from : Ron Hobbs |
one thing I love to do, is wear some pretty scruffy clothes and see who will actually take the time to wait on me! I call it the 5 minute rule,,,If I walk into a dealership and they ignore me, out the door I go! And I usually have a nice wad of cash in my pocket too Comment from : USN8591VA |
This guy has no clue what he’s talking about 😂😂 Comment from : Christian Cater |
This guy is describing steve richards to a "T" ! Comment from : Thomas Smith |
Good god I wonder how many nerds have actually said some of these phrases Comment from : Young Grinch |
Few of these tips are ridiculous If your car salesman at a reputable dealership is excited to see you that’s not over enthusiasm Nobody wants to go to a car dealership and if you aren’t In a good mood and make the process fun Millions of car salesman go through the motions and end up like every other car salesman Broke You can be enthusiastic, and make a client for life Nothing wrong with that lmao Comment from : austin |
First things I’ve heard “how much are you looking to put down” or “we are the best dealership nationwide nobody can beat our prices” love those two Comment from : Jeremy Manuel |
this guy is clearly reading through a teleprompterlol Comment from : Keegan Baker |
Good luck getting anything financed personally now with the bump, also, also if you have terrible credit and zero down payment don't waste the dealerships time if you can't buy I'm a zero pressure salesman but fact find and qualify are just part of it And I agree those salesmen that seems to be on cocaine just come off as obnoxious and pushy Comment from : Chris has your keys 😎!! |
I went to a Chevy dealer and this female sales man she was very rude and I didn't like it Comment from : Ben Chutes |
Some car dealers will pad their price for a truck by 3 or 4 times what they payed for it and claim there is no wiggle room Comment from : Lauren Siemens |
Screwed this clown Comment from : Kevin Hernandez |
Ha! Love this !! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Comment from : Brian Platt |
A salesperson told me "this is really popular" I said I don't care what most people like, I want something that actually works Comment from : love cats |
When I need to buy another vehicle, I will tell the guy I am looking for an AMC Gremlin Actually yes I would like one It was my first car in the '70's Comment from : love cats |
As soon as I see one, I know he’s a bad one lol Comment from : Fname Lname |
Gotta love Kevin's responses to the various tactics of the bad car salesman Kinda reminds me of the few people today who go out of their way not to be politically correct, in order to prove themselves correct Comment from : Michael Ferguson |
Most of these selling techniques are very common at a Kia dealer Comment from : Jerry Lundegaard |
Wow I wish I had watched this before I traded in my car and Jeep Wrangler brI HATE MY 2014 CHEVY CRUZE Comment from : Jacob oldtree |
Today, test driving a minivan with my wife for my wife, I told the salesman we were leaving due to it being my daughter's nap time Guy literally said that the wife can care for the daughter in a back office while we make the deal In the front He lost me there Comment from : Lemuel Fuller |
Honestly this guys silly, enthusiasm does not mean there a bad salesman it means there passionate about there job This guy just wants to destroy people Comment from : Timothy Tyson |
I recently got taken by a lot of what this video is saying I didn't want a white car the first car they brought me was a white car, I wanted a 2019, 2020 or 2021 I was shown a 2018 and was told my credit was not high enough for a newer car, the next day I looked at their website they had a 2021 that was less than the car I bought and it had been there for 36 days and it was the make I wanted but they didn't offer it to me I should have walked, I shouldn't have signed any paperwork before seeing the finance manager, I should have not given them my debit card before knowing the APR (which turned out to be 29!! for a 6 year plan!) which means if it takes the full 6 years I will have paid $67,000 on a $32,000 car The only good thing is the car is a good car but I would have rather had a car I wanted which was not used or with mileagebrbrI'm going to get an insured credit card to build my credit, re-finace this car to bring the APR down and pay it off in 3 years I will remember these lessons well and I will never ever go to that Jeep dealership inbr WA St ever again!!! Comment from : Gordon Owens |
#14 for me is when iI know/i more about the vehicle & features than the sales person I definitely leave But after a test drive since that's the most enjoyable part of looking at new cars for me Comment from : JR Bees |
Good video; Happy 4th Comment from : Jim Mulderig |
This game sounds like it would be fun to play, if you knew what you were doing! Comment from : Cavity Creep |
I went into this dealership to buy a pickup truck the moment I moved my body into that place I knew the guy after speaking to him for quite a while was a crook so I insisted on going for a test drive and it was a 5-speed manual transmission I started out really driving very slowly and the guy says well why don't you just let it out a little and just see what she's got so I power shifted from first to second gear with such force that his head hit the the rear window and when we got back into the showroom and I was ready to leave without purchasing anything he kept complaining about having a major headache Comment from : Joel Bell |
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