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STEALERSHIPS: FILE A SHADY CAR DEALER COMPLAINT! Auto Expert 2021: The Homework Guy, Kevin Hunter


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Название :  STEALERSHIPS: FILE A SHADY CAR DEALER COMPLAINT! Auto Expert 2021: The Homework Guy, Kevin Hunter
Продолжительность :   11.09
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Просмотров :   10 rb

Кадры STEALERSHIPS: FILE A SHADY CAR DEALER COMPLAINT! Auto Expert 2021: The Homework Guy, Kevin Hunter

Описание STEALERSHIPS: FILE A SHADY CAR DEALER COMPLAINT! Auto Expert 2021: The Homework Guy, Kevin Hunter

Коментарии STEALERSHIPS: FILE A SHADY CAR DEALER COMPLAINT! Auto Expert 2021: The Homework Guy, Kevin Hunter

Kevin Hunter The Homework Guy
Many Car Dealers have been working hard on trying to clean up the bad reputation the industry has If you have a problem, it's always worth going back and giving the dealer a chance to resolve it The good guys find a way The bad guys don't Today's video is about the guys who have already forgotten about you, and just sit there and look at you Or they don't return your calls Or they just blow you off, one person at a time This video will give you some strategies that you may not have thought of We hope this helps you if you're in that situation with a dealer right now
Comment from : Kevin Hunter The Homework Guy

A&Z Mommie
What if they wont give me my title after i paidin full how long should i wait to file a complaint and go to court?
Comment from : A&Z Mommie

Jim Smith NY NY
If cars are repossessed, the victims are, 1 The customer and 2 The financial institution brFKN DEALERSHIPS HAVE GOTTEN THEIR MONIES UPFRONT
Comment from : Jim Smith NY NY

Antonio Saavedra
I have a car dealer complaint story Do you have a email? I am in a huge problem
Comment from : Antonio Saavedra

HaChi RoKu
We just complaint at BBB rating bureau for a nuisance complaint for not replying to our request to cancel our extended warranty and ignoring us for few months used as a delaying tactics for us not to be able probably to cancel our extended warranty but what we do is we call the main warranty dept of the car maker and filed a report or email to the dealership as an evidence younwere cancelling your warranty at lease they will acknowledge that even the grace period of cancelation date expired they will honor it and cancel brbrIn short after we filed complaint at BBB rating bureau boom! After two days the dealership called us due to complaint at BBB rating😂 eventhough they will tell you that they can choose not to respond but they responded to it because if they accumutaed a lot of negative they will get downgraded and will affect on their reviews and rating will cause negative face for the delaership and most delaership has customer relations manager and guaranteed they will respond to you after ignoring you for weeks or months out of your frustration brBBB rating you did a good job👌👌👌👌
Comment from : HaChi RoKu

Matt Szalankiewicz
Thanks for the advice Dealing with problems with DriveTime First car was a dud Swapped out during their five day return window and the bsecond/b car needs an exhaust system overhaul
Comment from : Matt Szalankiewicz

Jason Dominguez
If I signed a form stating i purchased the car “As is” what are my options?
Comment from : Jason Dominguez

globel Jesus
Better Business bureau don't help anything past a year so if it's past a year don't waste your time
Comment from : globel Jesus

globel Jesus
Car dealship complaint help brBBB did nothing Governor's office didn't care attorney general's office didn't care civil rights committee didn't care the aulc didn't care my public defenders of all four that I had didn't help and it's a fraudulent report it's so visible in the evidence of discovery that I got put in court for second degree auto theft of the motor vehicle which carries a 6-year prison sentence 3 years on good terms with no priors however it's a mess dealership will and should be closed down by the time I'm done with them it's a shame their grandfather and father work their asses off for 38 years to build that thing for them to just screw it off gave them opportunities they commented back to Better Business bureau that I was a criminal
Comment from : globel Jesus

Chewbacca Fresh
There is no talking to the dealer when they steal your ID info and run your credit and make a loan contract in your name without you knowledge or consent We canceled a car purchase after signing some loan papers In my state, there is no contract if the car doesn’t leave the dealer’s lot The dealer made a new contract, with a higher interest rate, higher monthly payment, and a new loan bank and sent it to the new loan bank when the car never even left their lot I talked it over with the auto finance bank and they closed the loan account quickly The dealership still thought they had a right to be angry, so… they harassed me by phone and through voicemail So, I filed a police report for identity theft and running my credit without my consent Because I had a co-signer, the counts multiplied by 2 We are taking this up with the state attorney general and the FTC Wish us luck!
Comment from : Chewbacca Fresh

Monica Orozco
Thank you so much!
Comment from : Monica Orozco

László Paróczai
I bought a used car 1 month ago from a dealer Turned out the car has couple issues and I still don’t have the Title yet! He wants to give me another title but I don’t trust him anymore! brQuestion: Can i just bring the car back and get my money back ? brHe says can’t do it because the car is registered already under my name I didn’t even see title only signed the registration for the temp platebrThank you for you response in advance!
Comment from : László Paróczai

common sense
I have the worst experience with the dealership I’ve ever had today I was on CarGurus for about a week looking to buy a van I see this nice fan under 100,000 miles for a good price I contact them this morning and ask if they still have the van they say they do I let them know I’m going to be going out there and will be there around four in the afternoon I called them in the morning mind you so 3 o’clock comes by my ride is ready to take me, because the place was an hour away I gave her the money to take me I called them before we leave say hey I’m gonna leave I will be there in an hour they say OK perfect will be waiting for you I get out there as to see the van they tell me they’re out getting it smog for me it will be back soon they have me go in run my credit look for banks that will approve me they say all the banks approve me we just have to wait for the van now I give them the money that was for my down payment and weight and was there almost an hour I asked the guy how long does he think it’s gonna take because I have things I have to get done he makes a call and says it shouldn’t be much longer they’re on their way , about 15 to 20 minutes later he gets another call gets off the phone tells me I have bad news my boss sold it this morning and we didn’t know so they first off lied to me the whole time on top of wasting my time and money that it took me to get out there to them
Comment from : common sense

kevin james
Thanks for the informative vid I bought a 2016 pre owned vehicle last month from a chevy dealer, was promised a new key fob at time of sale They have had my car in the service department for 16 days, after many no return calls and waiting on hold for hours at a time I was told they can't program a new keyfob and they don't know how to fix it, and I can come get the vehicle I am very upset seeing as I just paid them 16,000 dollars for the car
Comment from : kevin james

I got cheated last week when I got my Car… Can i file complain to my State Attorney General, BBB , FTC all together ? Which one is the best to file case I’m from California
Comment from : bonvaicu

Matt B
Kevin,you say go on the showroom floor and tell everyone about your problemThe thing is they can tresspass you, that's a difficult issue
Comment from : Matt B

Napelton dodge in palm beach area pulled a $2,750 bank fee on me Was new to me , ended up financing which I will pay off in 3 months os so Thanks for your videos A lot of help saving me $$$$$$$$
Comment from : turboeddieify

Oz John
Thank you for everything you do I’m in the market for a new Toyota Corolla SE manual transmission and I’m talking to 10 dealerships The MSRP is $23,175 (without destination) and from my research the dealer price is $21,684 I’ve been quoted at $19,800 by 2 different dealerships Is this possible? Or should I prepare myself for a scam?
Comment from : Oz John

Darla Whitmilly
Bloomington Indiana Honda/Hyundai dealership had a rider for $13000 in case anyone stole only the engine Think of the money for every car sold It was hand done and you had to sign a waiver saying you wanted it When I through a fuss they took it off
Comment from : Darla Whitmilly

ClockFixer 1964
Car Dealers are the SCOURGE OF THE EARTH!
Comment from : ClockFixer 1964

The Tuckers
Just wanted to say thank you for what you do I bought a car 2 weeks ago following your step by step guide lines and left with one pissed off dealership and money in my pocket I was a cash paying customer and didn’t tell them till I was paying for it and haggled the price down of just the vehicle after contact 4-5 dealers in 100 mile radius They did just what you said they would do and tried to work payments I was firm and said I will talk to the finance guy about that when it comes time They were really upset when I paid cash and was able to haggle them down Thank you so much!!
Comment from : The Tuckers

#TheHomeworkGuy br2021 Honda Accord 20T Touring brMSRP: $38,050 brDiscount: $4,500 brSale Price: $33,550 brPro Package: $1,695 brTaxes @ 625: $2,20281 brState and doc fees: $43927 brDrive Out: $37,88708brbrI'm in Dallas, TX is this a good deal or should I try to negotiate? And if so, how much do I try to get off? #TheHomeworkGuy
Comment from : dmoor10

Trucker Daddy - AKA John in Québec
#thehomeworkguy What are department and agencies I can report problems to in Canada?
Comment from : Trucker Daddy - AKA John in Québec

Janssen Engineering
can anyone tell me what is an acquisition fee on a car lease and is it a mandatory fee or is it another bogus fee imposed by the dealer?
Comment from : Janssen Engineering

cj campbell
I was looking in to a 2014 Chevy cruse for 9k 100k miles but my brother told me don't as he said a bad car what do you think
Comment from : cj campbell

Ahmad Ghosheh
I like to add one more Make sure your complaint is legitimate not you being a Karen 😂 Seriously, just because you as a customer "Feel" you're entitled or was wronged by the dealer doesn't necessarily make it so I am not a dealer and I don't sell cars but have been in the retail business You'll be surprised how many people think they are right because they're the customer
Comment from : Ahmad Ghosheh

Boone Docker
I have never met a good car dealer
Comment from : Boone Docker

Steve DeLeon
I will NEVER buy a NEW or USED vehicle from any Stealership Ever AgainToo Many Shady Deceiving Characters Involved Starting from SALES to FINANCING
Comment from : Steve DeLeon

Steve DeLeon
The TWO THUMBS 👎Are Stealership Employees🤪
Comment from : Steve DeLeon

Hey, so what exactly does Maggie do?
Comment from : A B

Those are great ideas Don't buy a RAM truck, ever, or even a Chrysler vehicle for that matter
Comment from : A B

Mark H
Vehicle safety complaints should be filed with the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSAgov) in the United States NHTSA is part of the Dept of TransportationbrComplaint link: www-odinhtsadotgov/VehicleComplaint/
Comment from : Mark H

Firstname Lastname
Ok Maggie is 4 different kinds of cute and I need a date!
Comment from : Firstname Lastname

Kevin, when you buy a new car in another state, do you pay that state's document fee or the fee of the state you live in? Thank you
Comment from : VIDEOHEREBOB

Michael Lawless
You know, this advise goes for more than just car dealerships I'm a contractor, and I have dealt with many vendors that are, at best, negligent in their dealings and services Persistence, persistence, persistence is the name of the game
Comment from : Michael Lawless

#12 - Call in the big guns, ie, "Elizabeth" 😲
Comment from : notinmyUSMC

File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau
Comment from : mrPmj00

Rate them on Google Reviews and let others know
Comment from : mrPmj00

stank nuts
Love your videos Thanks for all you do 🙏
Comment from : stank nuts

Johnny Smith
Follow the Money! As soon as you start to get into their pockets they listen! Too Bad we have no one to complain to about Government!
Comment from : Johnny Smith

EJ Bevenour
Holy crap, if I was a car dealership I would start worrying now that this SHIT video got posted
Comment from : EJ Bevenour

C Ellis
Its been more than 24 months so its fallen off my credit already But Browns Chantilly Mazda in Chantilly VA, they pulled the whole patriot act scam, told me it was "federal law" they cant sell me a car without a credit check "its the law", "our hands are tied," "applies to everybody" etc etc I had financing in hand from my bank I was already set
Comment from : C Ellis

Always great advice Kevin! Keep up the great work!!
Comment from : TexanOnTheMove

John Gavlik
Why not tell your local politician about your dealer problem and for them to contact the car dealership "lobby" to put pressure on the offending car dealeror you AND your friends and neighbors will not be voting for them next time
Comment from : John Gavlik

Thank you! I just purchased a used car last week The dealership wouldn't allow for à pre vehicle inspection so yesterday I brought the car to my mechanic The car had a birds nest in the air filter chute, dirty oil and a engine missfire code that wasn't producing a check engine light currently The service department said they need to get with the sales department to see who is paying for the repair after they diagnose the problems Time will tell Im grateful for the ideas in the event they don't rectify my problems
Comment from : UCfan2917

Multi Meter
Great content as usual boss man Some high quality SHIT here
Comment from : Multi Meter

CC Audits
I wished I would of known this information about 13 years ago when I got majorly screwed on a vehicle deal when I just came out of brain surgery and wasn't thinking clearly
Comment from : CC Audits

Too bad you don't have fliers or something that people can handout in public
Comment from : NT SP

Scott Wolfram
Hey Kevin, I purchased two cars this weekend at a reputable dealer They definitely tried the usual fees and up sales but having watched your videos preparing for the past six months I was able to head them off and make it clear I was prepared and that ended all of it
Comment from : Scott Wolfram

Susan B
THIS IS CLASSIC 👍👍👍brmaybe you could do a little something about how WOMAN are CONSTANTLY getting ripped off by these jerks👍
Comment from : Susan B

My best friend and his girlfriend was looking for a car for her and they stopped at one dealership(locally) They found a car for her and got a contract drawn up but she wanted to wait for the next day for the down payment Fortunately for her she waited My best friend (her boyfriend) called me and asked me about what some of those certain fees on the contract were---like the PREP FEE, DOC and E-FILE FEE This is because she and her boyfriend had a chance to go over the contract and found multiple add-ons and fees and all of that looked questionable So from my watching the HOMEWORK GUY videos, I was able to explain to him about how there is no such thing as a PREP FEE because that's the "STEALERSHIP'S" way of getting more money out of your pocket The DOC FEE and E-FILE FEE are the same fees but there should only be 1 and not 2 that they should be charging you for After I explained that to him, I informed him to look up more info by going to YouTube and searching for a channel called KEVIN HUNTER He went almost immediately to the channel and starting watching the videos for that day On the next day, he and his girlfriend went back to that "Stealership" and gave them and starting scrutinizing the fees on the contract Needless to say, the finance personnel starting giving them the reasons for why they COULD NOT remove the fees or that they "have to charge every customer that amount" So with that, they left the contract on the table and walked out He really appreciated me giving him the advice to visit KEVIN HUNTER'S channel and he plans of watching them as much as he possibly can in efforts to avoid getting taken advantage of He really THANKS you for helping WE consumers out and watching our backs!
Comment from : SupraManG

Sure Shot Exploding Targets
Love this channel! 👍🏻
Comment from : Sure Shot Exploding Targets

Hickboy Justhick
Remember to hit the like button yall
Comment from : Hickboy Justhick

Kevin Hunter The Homework Guy
What do you do when you've run into a problem with a REALLY lousy Car Dealer? There's a number of options That's what today's show is about!
Comment from : Kevin Hunter The Homework Guy

McDennant 2004
Steeler-ships? Yay!!!!! 🥳🍻brStealerships? Nay nay!!!!! 😡👎🏻
Comment from : McDennant 2004

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