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I tried to play Mass Effect Andromeda again...


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mr krabs should've been the protagonist prove me wrong
Comment from : jayvee

As a massive Mass Effect fan, the game is very confusing to me It does some things spectacularly, but fails in some things so terribly you want to dig underground and never come back up Graphics wise the game is amazing The combat is the best in the series The companions are genuinely very good, but the plot and the lore and the retkons and the shallow almost non existant sence of discovery is just meh, really turns you off the game massively
Comment from : Mushroom

Jesse Macaspac
Even years later it still looks kinda bad Dialogue feels a bit unpolished? Animations look a bit weightless and janky but I can't put my finger on it The graphics are great but somehow doesn't feel like it fits within the Mass Effect artstyle Overall, looking at it from the outside, game seems "underbaked" if you will
Comment from : Jesse Macaspac

Pisses all over starfield
Comment from : me

Melvin Jansen
Man i started playing yesterday and my estrogen is rising like crazy Why are there so many LEHHBEEYUN hairstyles to pick from
Comment from : Melvin Jansen

I enjoyed most of the gameplay well enough, I just didn’t like the characters They weren’t interesting in the way ME characters were But it wasn’t a bad game
Comment from : GangsterComputerGod

Joe Momma
You fool why would you do this to yourself lol
Comment from : Joe Momma

After getting into the game for a bit, I gave up because I just could not stand those damn woke characters and faces any more
Comment from : jasonking442

Big Boss Pugh
Great combat, interesting situation, and most of all, beautiful landscape Mass Effect Andromeda has it and can be more; however, the only messed up part was the faces, no serious consequences, and the hero was nothing too bold or series In the end, Andromeda is a game you play to pass up time and enjoy how fun the fighting isbrI believe they can still do a sequel to this but make it better than this
Comment from : Big Boss Pugh

I'm glad someone played this game so I don't have to
Comment from : kozodoev

Chicken Joe 420
The fact this game gets praised now truly shows how downhill games have gotten, y’all will literally play anything if you can consume and escape reality
Comment from : Chicken Joe 420

José Guadalupe García García
I have played Mass Effect ANDROMEDA almost 6 times (one per year, since came out) I love it and I come from Mass Effect 1, 2 y 3brbrMass Effect ANDROMEDA has all: Combat System, Great weapons, Alien-enemies, Open World, Good grafics etc ALLbrbrVery underated videogame (MEA)
Comment from : José Guadalupe García García

Andy Au
I disagreed, I loved this game I bought it on a deep discount in 2022 thanks I guess to prior criticism, lol lucky me, and had 3 playthroughs I can honestly say it is one of my best buy I'm guessing they fixed the early bugs brMy only grip is the loading time, although my get round was to save at waypoint stations, much quicker to reload brStory line is good enough for blockbuster movie, combat is varied and fluid, weapons augmentation is a lot of fun, like turning a burst fire assault rifle to automatic with sticky grenades; and lookout for vintage heat sink augmentation br brPeople kept comparing to Mass Effect Trilogy, I loved that too, well until the ending But, but I remembered the graphics, especially facial expressions were even worse & the ending was so bad that they have to do a special patch just for the ending cinematic following the uproar from fans! The ending patch was a total failure, since there is no taking back they killed Shepard, no forgiving that, spoiled the whole trilogy for me
Comment from : Andy Au

For me, and most of the people I know who played this game, the nail in the coffin was when they decided to stop the Patches Most folks were more than happy to wait and see this game grow, the potential here was plain as day If Bioware had given this game the same level of aftercare as Mass Effect 2, or 3 (which had received patches/Dlc years after their release), Andromeda could've easily had a similar redemption story to No Mans Sky
Comment from : johnm7491

Fernando Horskins
This game is b*****/b awesome 2 play open world at it's best gameplay and graphics legit 👍🏼
Comment from : Fernando Horskins

Dan F
imagine if gamers defended this game the way they defend Starfield
Comment from : Dan F

I’m playing it , and honestly I’m having fun ! Great graphicsand really nice alien locations ( diversity ) who likes sci-fiit’s a easy go ! many planets to visit with missions…cool 😊
Comment from : 4EVERYWHERE

Lukáš Doležal
Accelarion is increasing :-D How ?
Comment from : Lukáš Doležal

I laugh everytime she blocks the tiny lightning strike
Comment from : Davidsdoinit

Gonna yoyo between this and Outer Worlds as a more than adequate replacement for Starfield! 😁
Comment from : Spida37

ruined the series for me
Comment from : KrGsMrNKusinagi0

Imagine if this was remadebrIn Unreal Engine 5and with more story :)
Comment from : BushinRyuCat

Josh Carter
I really enjoyed Mass Effect Andromeda I didn't play the earlier games and maybe that's why I liked Andromeda so much; I didn't have any expectations as to what a Mass Effect game was supposed to be I also replayed Andromeda a bit this year and it's still fun Reasons I like it: the ship, equipment, and uniforms look great I LOVE the Tempest The character models and aliens are interesting "Bioware face" isn't distracting to me The story is good and there's lots to do Combat is fun Missions aren't so overly long that they get boring It's the kind of game you can play for 30 minutes and have a little fun, or engage with it for hours
Comment from : Josh Carter

Ashton Patton
I never really got why everyone thought this was so bad I could just have low standards though
Comment from : Ashton Patton

I don’t care what anyone says I love this game Beaten it twice and will start another play through
Comment from : Nooroodin84

The Busby Babes
watching this gameplay i get why bioware made anthem
Comment from : The Busby Babes

The Busby Babes
to this day andromeda is the biggest gaming disappointment i ever experienced i tried so hard to like this game but had to stop after the half and never touched it since
Comment from : The Busby Babes

Jeff Dranetz
The game would have been better playing as Ryder Sr, not Junior Ryder I am an adult, I don't want to play as some teen or early 20 something Male Ryder sounds like Ryan Seacrest or some other TV interviewer, talk or game show host Female Ryder sounds like a sophomore in high school If the hero was their parent male (Clancy Brown, great voice) or a female with a voice actor with similar gravitas it would have been so much better He may be Mr Krab to some, to me he's The Kurgan!
Comment from : Jeff Dranetz

space is the place
why ?
Comment from : space is the place

Gaming Station
I loved the game excluding from glitches and weird face expressions
Comment from : Gaming Station

Amir Ashley
The story was absolutely horrible
Comment from : Amir Ashley

I think its a great game
Comment from : JMANNY

Just 100 the game It is definitely worth it
Comment from : Perfection

OT has absolute dogshit combat
Comment from : Chroma

Jacob Allen
Couldn't do it
Comment from : Jacob Allen

The movement and combat in Andromeda are head and shoulders above the Mass Effect Trilogy I know people love the Mass Effect Trilogy for the nostalgia, but the movie and combat are so janky it's not even fun to play after playing more modern games
Comment from : The_FlannelFather

If the protagonist was Alec Ryder This game would've instantly been way better
Comment from : BurningSun

Wayne T Moore
It's too bad the game was good quite flawed, but it's still good overall My recommendation for anyone playing a game that seems/is bad is to up the difficulty you'd be surprised how good or at their normal functionality a game can be For reference, look at the original Devil May Cry it was released incorrectly, and as such, certain countries got other countries' versions
Comment from : Wayne T Moore

Allen Antonio
she looks pretty good fro 600 years old
Comment from : Allen Antonio

Ive noticed the main girls voice (Fryda Wolff) in cyberpunk, and Jedi Survivor She has a unique voice
Comment from : Kraglord

Ellie lioness
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it the only 1 I didn't like was the very first one from the other one
Comment from : Ellie lioness

Sp3ctre18 Gaming
it's interesting what you said about the humans not looking good, especially considering you picked the default face I customized mine, and her expressions look a lot better than I'm seeing here Maybe the pro tip is, widen the face? 🤔
Comment from : Sp3ctre18 Gaming

Comment from : thefatkid604

Matthew Fallaize
You know what I really liked this game I know they're looking at doing more ME games, and I hope the revisit Rider and the Andromeda crew again
Comment from : Matthew Fallaize

This game is cool and funhas a fairly interesting storyline and great characters(played it around 2020) In my mindit deserves a play from Mass Effect veterans and people NEW to the series
Comment from : MrUniq

The combat was the only thing that made it possible for me to force myself through this when it came out Loved the first trilogy Really hope they manage to pull off a good sequel in the future Writing was the worst thing by far Way worse than all the animation issues and bugs combined Really flat characters, flat story, flat everything
Comment from : Jonayofsweden

"… but… yeah… we're really gonna need to find a bathroom"brAnd I nearly died
Comment from : GothAlice

Liara TSoni
I loved the game from the start Some less solid faces when talking to npc s doesn't bother me Great planets,great companions, great quests and due to haters no DLC what probably would have been awesome as usual
Comment from : Liara TSoni

Jojo the Swede
this was my first mass effect game i have since played the trilogy and they are better but andromeda will always have a special place on my heart, cringe and all
Comment from : Jojo the Swede

Salvor Hardin
Best combat system in the franchise, by far Cool locations and interesting concepts but the story and characters just aren't there And the animations oh sweet Arbinger the ANIMATIONS
Comment from : Salvor Hardin

I deeply hated they removed the power wheel That was the damn essence of Mass Effect
Comment from : AS

James Cryer
Looks like the visuals and performance have improved a lot since 2017 I really learned my lesson with pre-orders two years in a row No Man's Sky and ME: Andromeda Might have to revisit this 🤔
Comment from : James Cryer

Jacques Lee
Never played this game Is it worth playing?
Comment from : Jacques Lee

Syd Hamelin
I got it for $10 and that biases my take brbrI like the game, I'd give it a B- The story is somehow both really similar to ME, while also being dull Ancient tech, unknown monsters that convert their victims, villain who has special interest in protagonist for ability to communicate with ancient tech brbrI'm glad they didn't call it ME4, so it's more of a side story If it were just another IP I'd probably give it a little more, but this game had so much to work with and didn't use much of it brbrBut I still liked exploring the planets, the team you have is mostly interesting I think I put over 100 hours in, at $10 that's a bargain
Comment from : Syd Hamelin

6 years is crazy, thats actually scary as hell
Comment from : IaSaINt66

My hate to ea and bioware come from anthem and Andromeda, 2 block of pure gold and they make it trash!brThis 2 games was far from perfect but im sure of this, this two can be saved, patch, dlc an Andromeda 2brBut IT cost money to do it, ea Want rapid cashgrab usdbrAnd at the time they only need a backclash to fired bioware devsbrSorry but the bioware of now is not the bioware of the past anymore, all the talented peoples was fired, or demotivated and go
Comment from : acidkhmer

This games get more boring as you play, after the 3rd-4th outpost you make everything just feels like a chore
Comment from : Cryomancer

Fem Ryder animations are crap, facial, movement, all of it Male Ryder animations are much better Dunno how they messed that up TBHbrBut the game overall was a really fun experience It had it's issues sure, and could have been a lot better, but what we got was pretty good and the combat is the best in the series
Comment from : Lacutis01

I found it very weird hearing the idle heat ray scan sound from 1953's War of the Worlds film as the Alarm sound aboard the Hyperion
Comment from : RobCoxxy

The combat in this games was really fun, some of the moments can be really good and have the same quality of ME Trilogy and the characters works enoughbrWe can't deny the fact that even ME Trilogy have "Meh" characters and some of them were just annoyingbrbrBut the biggest problem with ME Andromeda for me is wanted to make situations just to deliver a joke, if we think about it the first moment of real frustration, sad and anger for the characters and us as a player is when we realize the Kett are turning everyone in the Andromeda Galaxy into Kett SoldiersbrbrAlso we can agree on the fact that the game miss a opportunity to let us play as another alien race, if everyone have his own Pathfinder why close that chancebrbrThis game have potential, but EA with the dumb politics and BioWare was really a mess in the production
Comment from : JokE3rDa

ARX 351
They should have allowed us to use both Sara and Scott in the same playthrough, switching from one to the other in the mission prep screen
Comment from : ARX 351

ARX 351
Female Ryder's default face is ugly as hell, it looks like a potato! Luckily the editor allows you to create nice female faces
Comment from : ARX 351

Efren Arevalo
I felt like a glorified electrician by the end of this game All I did was fix some towers and squash some bugs within my workspace
Comment from : Efren Arevalo

Dr Chowder
Andromeda is fun It isn’t good
Comment from : Dr Chowder

Insanity or Nothing
Looking back on it, it really wasnt all that bad Compare it to the train wrecks that are coming out these days like Redfall, Forspoken and LOTR: Gollum and suddenly Andromeda was a polished masterpiece
Comment from : Insanity or Nothing

Þórarinn Snorrason
I'd defend this game for just a handful of reasons Multiplayer, soundtrack and combat The rest is kinda meh or worse which leads this game being probably my most disappointing game I've played
Comment from : Þórarinn Snorrason

tang roro
11:10 I'm pretty sure you think that because they patched the game over years, it's definately that bad when it came out
Comment from : tang roro

Its a strange opinion, but i think the game wouldve been better if not labeled mass effect
Comment from : Maek

mathias hammar
i tried picking it up 4 times And its just not fun like Original and number 2 Its an open world game But your forced to go through it "on rails" i manage to reach Voeld I would rate it like 2/10 Like a bimbo :D looks stunning but nothing inside Just for reference Subnautica , Dragon age inq ,Oblivion, Colossus is like 10/10
Comment from : mathias hammar

Developers are finally realizing again that video games aren't meant to be taken seriously they're supposed to be fun stupid and broken
Comment from : S420

Brian Vaughn
God Mass Effect Andromeda looks retarded
Comment from : Brian Vaughn

Taylor Cannon
Just a shame EA just abandoned the game They could have patched it, added the sceduled DLC
Comment from : Taylor Cannon

Red Star
23:05 i love it that they bothered to turn around a gun after thatt epic fail YET didnt bothered to add muzzles/barrels to their gun model
Comment from : Red Star

Darth Dainese
It’s not woke, it’s like a pre woke bad movie, but those bad movies seem better because woke shit lowered the bar I don’t hate Andromeda but if this got a remake I’d say fix the shitty dialogue
Comment from : Darth Dainese

The game was good IMO, good gameplay with a decent story The problem i think was that it didnt have shepard in it lol
Comment from : Fenrirsleash

havent played other mass effect games but I did enjoy andromeda
Comment from : alfblack2

Steffen T
It's not cursed anymore I never had any bugs since I got it 2 years ago I play on medium graphics so maybe that's the reason^^
Comment from : Steffen T

Celtic Spike
Combat was excellent Some good side quests and good locations I liked the antagonists too The bugs and gfx issues can be mostly fixed with mods and patches What really kills the game is the subpar writing for the main story and your party/crew For another game we could forgive this but for a game carrying the mass effect name and being a bioware RPG that was just unforgivable
Comment from : Celtic Spike

I actually liked this game Certainly was no Anthem
Comment from : philiphied

Sriram Varma
a trash game that is an insult to its predecessor trilogy by even sharing its same name It was so bad and there was nothing that pulled about any character
Comment from : Sriram Varma

Joshua Colon
I actually dug this game off it ain't better than the trilogy but I loved it for what it was
Comment from : Joshua Colon

Talyn has time
Man, these facial animations look stiff as hell
Comment from : Talyn has time

Oh boy, here i go scanning again!
Comment from : KamiRecca

DeD MajoR
I really enjoy this game even today I love the worlds and how much there is to do on them, even if a lot of it is fetch quests - and I love the progression of the planets going from uninhabitable to lush landscapes I also love the research and development of equipment and how many unique variations of weapons you can makebrThe character writing is the main flaw of the game and the fact that almost everyone feels plastic and goes through barely any development - even crew members - really hampers the ability to be invested I like Jaal though, he has a really cool character
Comment from : DeD MajoR

DeD MajoR
I really enjoy this game even today I love the worlds and how much there is to do on them, even if a lot of it is fetch quests - and I love the progression of the planets going from uninhabitable to lush landscapes I also love the research and development of equipment and how many unique variations of weapons you can makebrThe character writing is the main flaw of the game and the fact that almost everyone feels plastic and goes through barely any development - even crew members - really hampers the ability to be invested I like Jaal though, he has a really cool character
Comment from : DeD MajoR

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