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The Problem With Mass Effect: Andromeda u0026 "Bigger Is Better"


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Название :  The Problem With Mass Effect: Andromeda u0026 "Bigger Is Better"
Продолжительность :   6.04
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Have you been playing Mass Effect Andromeda? Do you prefer a larger game world or something more focused?
Comment from : GameSpot

Marco Libra
I finished this game yesterday I really enjoyed it, it's not a bad game i don't understand all the hate
Comment from : Marco Libra

Peter Fox
The game NEVER KICKS INTO GEAR brBut, you have to put in between 50-100 hours until you reach level 50-60 or higher befor it even becomes enjoyable Nevertheless the game is one giant snooze fest, up until the very end Absolutely NOTHING is interesting here Oh, and I 100 disagree with DA:I being a good game It had all the problems that Andromeda has Just not so dominant as seen here But Inquisition is still much worse than Dragon Age Origins brShame BioWare never lears Why is that exactly? Oh, yes! They are owned to 100 by EA, that is why brI am funny somethimes :D
Comment from : Peter Fox

Good review, I have felt the same during my playthrough (110h) it was too long and boring brLonger I played less interested I was in any character I "had to" talk to brOriginal ME series took me around 40h to complete each episode and ohh boy what a ride! Clearly one of the best gaming experiences I have ever hadbrI hope the ME:A developers have learnt their lesson and for ME:A2 will go for shorter, more story driven approach vs less open world plaster that covers up their poor writing skills
Comment from : MrGreenTeaTime

The Winter Collector
Jess, this video was great I agree with you ME:Andromeda is a GOOD game and I do LIKE it, but I don't love it (like I do the old trilogy) because it does feel mostly hollow
Comment from : The Winter Collector

Brandon Wilks
Preach it sister!
Comment from : Brandon Wilks

I understand these issues and I agree as well with some but it still is an incredible game filled with hours of content that I believe doesn't disappoint
Comment from : Notthedanman

I miss the amazing soundtrack
Comment from : K

Frank Rivers
yeah it's just a huge bummer they even fucked a lot of shit up in multiplayer story-wise, the game feels like it was written by college kids who wanna do sci-fi politics, but don't have the pedigree to pull it off
Comment from : Frank Rivers

Sean McClary
So, how would everyone like a remastered edition of the first 3 Mass Effect games as an appology for Bioware's mishandling of Andromeda? I'd pay $60 for the chance to replay on current consoles
Comment from : Sean McClary

Luke Moore
It seems like everyone at gamespot is trying to recreate The Point
Comment from : Luke Moore

Kruut Von Trendkilla
CD Project RED made The Witcher 3 on grants from the Polish government and with a smaller amount of resources compared to EA and yet still gets details like beard growth in Its should be bigger AND better CD even took the map idea from Inquisition and perfected on it They are getting beat at their own game and letting their own artist down by unwillingness to invest in the polish that makes a AAA game worth the hefty price tag
Comment from : Kruut Von Trendkilla

Colonel Bragg
Every developer should really look into what cd projekt red accomplished with The Witcher 3 that game has raised the bar for storytelling and quests
Comment from : Colonel Bragg

MaskHero Zo
Take away the dialogues option and just go back to linear gameplay like Battlefield and you have a winner
Comment from : MaskHero Zo

they just need to go back to what made Mass Effect 2 so good brmake the game linear levels again but make them open (like Doom 2016)brand driving levels that are linear but open (Uncharted 4 chapter 10) brbrjust make it like Mass Effect 2 again Bioware, not everything needs to be open worldi dont even remember levels in Andromeda because its way too big
Comment from : thecrimsonpool

soojin theworld
Size doesn't matter, Performance does Right Jess?
Comment from : soojin theworld

Dan Hulson
i felt like it was mass effect with a piece of its soul removed,its hard to explain unless you a fan of the other mass effect titles
Comment from : Dan Hulson

The Burning Sensation
What it boils down to is that Bioware decided that 'meh' was good enough for their fans, who would put down their money for anything Bioware deigned to serve up
Comment from : The Burning Sensation

The BIOWARE you know & love is no more, it is just a name EA uses to sell their RPG
Comment from : Saimori

It seems any game EA produce gets released unfinished i found this game buggy as hell and i almost didn't see it to the end because of this but the last few hours of the main story did engage me
Comment from : DrewB

Another great feature Jess! Keep em coming
Comment from : Brianstorm

The amount of people that still defending this game is too damn high Raise your standard people EA/Bioware gonna make another shitty game because people just eat their shits and okay with it anyway right
Comment from : Fenrir

I like Andromeda they rushed it though I think more focus/ smaller maps can help them by using the extra resources for polish
Comment from : nitroninetyone

welp, thinking about itMEA compared to ME 1 its kinda the same but a little better
Comment from : Toppien

It took me 105 hours to complete everything in this game Lot of lore, lot of quests and replayability to do things different Loved it, got a lot of game for my buck You keep your small games for £60 See how many working class game when that agendas pushed to market This massive game cost the same as certain 6 hour shooters you love so much And know i detest multiplayer so that adds nothing to me, its a cop out so they dont have to hire writers or dont have to make ai for enemies Games need to be longer
Comment from : Etheral101

Shawn Skoczylas
I think game length is a issue on most of the games you mentioned  I played the Witcher 3 and really liked it as well Mass Effect Andromeda  I personally think both are to big/long  I think the original Mass Effect gmaes and KOTOR games had it right with a pretty complete play through being 50-60 hours  After that to many meaningless quests to stretch out leveling and extend game time
Comment from : Shawn Skoczylas

The problem with Mass Effect Andromeda is that it feels unfocused and bloated It is unnecessarily hugebrbrThe trilogy felt tighter and much more story focused, with less fluff side quests and more side quests that you felt invested in
Comment from : Nozyspy

"Bigger" is bad when it's bad AFTER you play bad games but "bigger" is good AFTER you play good games How about there isn't a correlation between quality and size? You could have dropped the "bigger" shtick and focused on your opinions and experienceThat oversimplification only opens the door to people with their irrational open-world hate
Comment from : ArsenicSteel00

actually for games like Mass effect "bigger is better"but don't be lazy on making them!
Comment from : ekulerudamuru

The Last Greaser
Lol she's one of those "size doesn't matter" chicks
Comment from : The Last Greaser

It's a good game in general brIt's a bad Mass Effect/Bioware game
Comment from : Wolfram

Dmitry Ivanenko
totally, totally agree!
Comment from : Dmitry Ivanenko

Micrograms coming🤬🪰
Don't be put off by the dislikes and negative comments on here Jess, Fanboys are a loyal often blinded bunch!brbrThis vid was spot on, I'd love to see more of these type of vids Great stuff!
Comment from : Micrograms coming🤬🪰

Lupus Gilbert
Thankyou! Eighty percent of this game has no context, it's just space Make Kadara port a bit bigger with more interesting npcs' and fuck the planet off Zero dawn was a great example of how to build a sizable map with good exploration while keeping all of it in context
Comment from : Lupus Gilbert

Peter Fox
You absolutely NAILED it!brThank you ;)
Comment from : Peter Fox

Peter Fox
This game feels like a truly gutted shell of a formerly great seriesbrBLOODLESS! The passion and fun is stretched so THIN !!!
Comment from : Peter Fox

Andy Lloyd
Don't fancy this game at all, even tho i'm a big fan of the first 3 It just looks shite and boring, plain and simple ! Should be called Mass Effect Lazy Eye Edition with the dodgy facial animation's !
Comment from : Andy Lloyd

I used to respect Gamespot
Comment from : Swag1000billion

Toy Gains
The game just isn't that compelling Play HZD and Persona 5 Problem solved
Comment from : Toy Gains

Raju Spartan
still better than jc3 open world system
Comment from : Raju Spartan

Spacezeuzeu *
Jess in the dark :/ :]
Comment from : Spacezeuzeu *

Count Robo
if you want to play quick fast games, try those Facebook games in your browser girl or whoever wrote the script you try badly hide in front of the cam while reading with one eye
Comment from : Count Robo

Loving the game (90hrs in)
Comment from : Fuzzy_Belvedere

Thank GOD the media is finally saying it as it is I've been saying this since Mass Effect 3: Bigger is RARELY better!
Comment from : Linkenski

One Dead Pixel
my best case scenario for the state of the series is that they treat this as a stand alone title take what they learned from this release and start a new trilogy with the next game commit to a cannon ending for the original and give us a new story set in the Milky Way I understand that it would be difficult cannonically given the events of the original trilogy, but those games barely scratched the surface of the deeper lore of the universe there is PLENTY left to see, do, and flesh out in the Milky Way
Comment from : One Dead Pixel

I won't buy it while I have to use friggin ORIGIN to play it
Comment from : billiondollardan

Abel Villa
When people say that they became worried because they said it would be "bigger"and you know they're full of shit Most people thought this game was going to be great no one thought it was going to be below average to mediocre
Comment from : Abel Villa

The Big Kusa
I think it has more to do with the uninteresting NPC's in the map in general that made me feel like the 'bigger' syndrome really played a part in this game Sure, there are a lot of things to do, but they converted Andromeda into a game just to explore, while giving NPC's no lifeno story no nothing If there were memorable characters, great! The big map means something because I would always reference a memorable character in it Big map with semi to no memorable characters is just bland Period Mass Effect needs to get back to story telling with characters and not landscapes
Comment from : The Big Kusa

Genove Gneco Gross
I missed my oldschool series Mass Effect, now i dont want it to play that Andromeda It's like you said, Big isn't better without quality contents
Comment from : Genove Gneco Gross

This guy right here
So your saying that size doesn't matter
Comment from : This guy right here

Yeah, after Andromeda, the only way I'll be buying another Mass Effect game is if it's a direct continuation of ME3 Don't know how they'd make that work, but that's all I want to see out of this franchise
Comment from : Joshiesgotagun

Map size shouldn't matter It's the quality of whats contained inside the maps that counts There was a pretty significant portion of the community that wanted to see the exploration aspect of the first Mass Effect game expanded upon, so the map sizes were gonna have to be larger to compensate
Comment from : biggydx

After 25 hours I gave up on this game in favour of moving to DS3's The Ringed City The 4 hours or so of that expansion is an experience I value a great deal more than the 25 in MEA as a whole
Comment from : TyranaTittie

Comment from : EpicPrimeTime

Chip Tamplin
I wish there had been a few more main story quests to flesh out the story more, but I didn't mind the amount of side quests I'd do a few side quests, do a story mission and repeat Also only played a few hours a day instead of binging That helped a lot But I thoroughly enjoyed ME:A (despite issues)
Comment from : Chip Tamplin

Evans BRO
if i could give you a thousand dislikes i would,hater piece of crap
Comment from : Evans BRO

Evans BRO
oh for heaven sakes ,it a new game,with new stuff ,it will get better,stop complaining bigger is better as long as theres content,and there IS content ,you are destroying a good game that will get better,fucking haters man,fucking haters!!!!
Comment from : Evans BRO

Robert James
More focused, also whats makes The Witcher 3 so awesome is CDR was not bought by EA, EA should stick to Polishing there sports games and stay way from RPGs After all EA is the evil Tyrant in gaming
Comment from : Robert James

For me Mass Effect: Andromeda is a great game no more to talk about it i LOVE IT !!!br(Give me 5 games in the past 5-8 years who didn't hew glitches in it )
Comment from : cricek

Slight Blu
I swere, talk to me on more time of that game and i'm going to unsubscribe The game has been released from 1 month and 2 week know, you can stop that useless backclashing, i know that you just want to comfort everybody in their "opinions" just to get more views and likes, but know it's silly If you still want to be called as a "gaming information media" or something of the same kind, move on with this game, like everyone should do
Comment from : Slight Blu

Mark Y
All fair points I think
Comment from : Mark Y

Jess McDonell: "I don't think Mass Effect Andromeda is a bad game"brFanboys in the comments: "Oh my god, stop hating on it already, get a life Gamespot! You won't be satisfied no matter what!"brMe: "What the fuck?"
Comment from : TheHaloGamer

40 hours in ME:A is fun Play charge > nova > krogan hammer, you don't have to shoot anything after leveling a bit Just fly around like super man and hulk smash people
Comment from : CBorden

Thanks Jess and Gamespot for the deeper, richer analysis
Comment from : FieldTactics

In terms of size I would have been content for Andromeda to be the same size as Mass Effect 1coz that game was perfection Please Bioware let me play that masterpiece on my PS4 The one remaster/re-release that actually needs to happen
Comment from : DRV13

Beast Within Gaming
Well obviously when the words BIGGER & BETTER is being mentioned SKYRIM will pop in mind and be there ;)
Comment from : Beast Within Gaming

Bigger isn't always better There's that idea of the Bee guys making a new Sifi Fallout/ES game in space But a Skyrim world that is stretched out across a hugh space LIKE space, there would be so very little in between areas It just wouldn't be the games we all know and love Space is a pretty big thing to fill lol
Comment from : Blue_Angel

Sympa Dm
I wonder why people keep praising the combat It's pretty terrible in my opinion For every good step this game takes, it also takes a bad step at the same time
Comment from : Sympa Dm

I Can Shake The Kid In Me Away Every Time She Says (Big and other size Words) (Thats What She Said-x100)
Comment from : HornetHail

I'm fucking sure that Mike Mahardy wrote that script and Jess just read it so people don't hate on him anymore haha it sounds so much like he would say that especially that in one news you (Jess) announce that Andromeda got new patch and faces and eyes look better and here you say 'well, yea they have a new patch but it still looks strange' How hypocritical is it from GS?
Comment from : Podcir

Summed up perfectlyBioware adopted the UBSoft open world formula and cluttered the game with shitloads of pointless side missions that failed to mask the weak narrative core of this game
Comment from : Aur0ra12

The Spark
Bioware tried to cater to a broader audience with it´s MMO inspired approach to DA: Inquisition by adding manual mining, lots of pretty areas to explore with the addition of respawning enemies to fight This is actually and unfortunately seen as a improvement by many, if exploration means encountering intelligent design in the form of interactive activities I am all for it For the completionist who hates grinding ME: Andromeda has to feel like a daunting task, as for yours truly it meant that all mining and relatively boring NPC´s got skipped after the first planet (Eos), I stuck to the companion and main quests while having a rather enjoyable experiencebrbrFallout 4 did this better, they provided the player with the resources needed to carry on without resorting to heavy grinding As for the game itself ME: Andromeda has a lot to offer, you just need to prioritise according to your perception of fun and leave the rest I finished the game with two planets largely unexplored and had loads of fun, ME: Andromeda actually lets you do that, not all games do
Comment from : The Spark

Jay Penrake
Agreed 100brAlso I wish they added some of the old music, like club music at clubs A blend of new and old music would've been great
Comment from : Jay Penrake

Edmundo studios
Mass effect ad before this
Comment from : Edmundo studios

I'm staying with shadow or war and shadow of mordor
Comment from : MrNotagoodtime

Ha ha ha! Another Andromeda video, gamespot?! You must have loved this game so much It's good to see you keep on promoting it Pathetic!
Comment from : Alexthelion

Alex Stockton
I tried my best to enjoy it but the longer I played it the more I disliked it Almost annoys me how much Bioware got this wrong For me it suffers the same problem a lot of games face in that they try to appeal to that mass market (ie Make everything bigger with loads of stuff and loads of side missions) but completely forgot what made the mass effect games great in the first place But yeah spot on with this video 👍
Comment from : Alex Stockton

Moses Mwangi
Good job give us more of this
Comment from : Moses Mwangi

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