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GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With Mass Effect: Andromeda


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Be sure to join my Discord server: discordgg/cTgtcPgbrAnd follow me on Twitch: wwwtwitchtv/dartigan
Comment from : Dartigan

Mr Koala Eucalyptus
I stopped playing today right after ryder discovers the lost city they tought was “Meridian” and i’m not going to continue until i actually see a sequel being affected by missions completed and decisions made in Andromeda because it’s just too boring and frustrating
Comment from : Mr Koala Eucalyptus

Stal Zemsty
The first planet they land on is "perfect for human settlement" yet they're wearing masks
Comment from : Stal Zemsty

Derek Sable
We should have a what the hell is that cliche
Comment from : Derek Sable

Neven Grossman
The text to speech was amazing!
Comment from : Neven Grossman

Christian Perez
Sin 132 - a Dyson sphere is a sphere built around a sun hence all the light enmwikipediaorg/wiki/Dyson_sphere
Comment from : Christian Perez

Holy shit dude i just finished the trilogybrAnd i was like "ok time to TRY and play andromeda finally and for more than 3 hours(for the 1029483801018 time)"brIm literally 2 minutes in and im remembering this game is utter fucking dogshit and trashbrbrLike guys i would willingly let my child be indoctrinated and ysed against me than play this fucking trash Or shit dude a lobotomy or cerberus operative is a better alternative to thisbrbrHoly fuckign shit ive lost braincells and gotten mad just thinking about this game😂😂😂brIm still gonna try and get back into it - 5 bucks says i dont make it 20 minutes without wanting to rib my veins outbrbrbrThe voices and faces in this game are worse than 1942 windows bruh I literally cant get over itbrbrbrYeah no fuck this i didnt even make it past the load screen guys😂😂
Comment from : Lemontarts01

Nils Elmquist
I'm about 80 done with this game and I now don't feel like I want continue after spoiling it for myself But not in the way you'd think I wanted to give this game a fair try since I completed the og trilogy for the first time, but this is a braindead fetch quest compared to Shepards games
Comment from : Nils Elmquist

If youre 555, Im 666
Ever need a good laugh? Watch this
Comment from : If youre 555, Im 666

Isaiah Williams
12:24 😂 the salarians reaction tho
Comment from : Isaiah Williams

Jason King
I wanted something serious like the first 3 instead, they give you a bunch of schoolkids in space They totally fucked up Mass Effect They should have not called it Mass Effect at all
Comment from : Jason King

I stopped watching in the first two minutes because it’s clear you didn’t bother to do any actual research The ‘lore break’ from the traveling to Andromeda? They used ODSY drives Look them up And you don’t even know the trilogy lore There are FTL drives that can be used without the relays, but it’s slower in comparison The method used to image the Andromeda galaxy is explicitly explained in-game in Andromeda I have a feeling the rest of this video will be a mix of legitimate ‘sins’ and a bunch of sins that you’re complaining about simply because you didn’t bother to do any actual research At least this video is another fine example of vids of people complaining and whining about Andromeda after going in with a preconceived negative opinion and picking anything and everything to complain about, even if those complaints have no merit
Comment from : J S

Darth Bane
This game deserved to die
Comment from : Darth Bane

all that money, they threw away on this project is an understatement for a clusterfuckbrBioware used the the worst enginepretty much the worst everything to involve in this gamecould of been a decent ideaonly if they've fucking focus during the development and not to have a pretentious fucks running at the head of the team
Comment from : alteans

raphael hanna
This game has a massive budget and yet we get this I think it's clear the developers used most of the forty million dollar budget to buy drugs and they flushed the rest of the money down the toilet
Comment from : raphael hanna

Jose Rivera
5 years old and you can find more sins than listed every time you watch it😃
Comment from : Jose Rivera

12:06 Ryder's voice actress was high That's the only explanation to how bad this scene is
Comment from : Staufackar

Tyco RC
The most I like about this game is I can jump
Comment from : Tyco RC

Editor RBR
This game cost b$100 million/b
Comment from : Editor RBR

I know this comment comes about 5 years late, but I actually found a video on another channel that covered ME:A regarding 6 and 14brTLDR: It has something to do with the geth and there is and in game dialogue covering this exact question regarding "seeing images from Andromeda"brbrI don't wanna post the link directly If anyone finds this interesting: The name of the YT channel is xletalis and the name of the video is:brbrHow Did We Observe Andromeda from the Milky Way? (Geth Magic)
Comment from : Lex

Kevin Perry
I never actually finished this game but I absolutely love this video great stuff sir! SUB'd
Comment from : Kevin Perry

Reid Dutchess
Universal translators only work if the device already has the entire language deciphered It doesn't decipher unknown languages in real-time 😂
Comment from : Reid Dutchess

I fucking hate this game nearly as I hate Dogshit 76
Comment from : PixelMurder

Merier Care
I get that picking games apart at the molecular level is the whole shtick here, but it doesn't work when 1 of 5 "sins" is a cynically delivered opinion
Comment from : Merier Care

Dave Bradburry Jr
Right around the 130 mark The hot Italian is over at the Nexus if you've done it right there are three ships and the entire military force at the Nexus so the archon like I had our most evil cats anime bypasses the Nexus all its security systems grabbed one of our ships back sit out and leaves the Nexus without no fight or no resistancebrLike I let the enemy walk in the front door take the president of world and walk out with no resistance I call bullsht on the ship
Comment from : Dave Bradburry Jr

Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D
How did SAM not realize that the implant that the Archon stabbed Ryder with was still inside their neck?
Comment from : Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D

Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D
Probably one of the dumbest things about the mission details of this game was how a Pathfinder was supposed to be able to lead an expedition Also, none of the aliens besides the Asari, Turians, Krogan, Salarians and Humans are present on the Nexus despite the Nexus supposed to be an extra large version of any of the other colony ships with about 50,000 colonists And it was supposed to be the center hub of their government in the new galaxy But there aren't any other aliens present in the game - like the 20 or so Elcor, 1000 Hanar, 700 Drell, 6000 or so Volus, 10,000 Batarians and probably another 25,000 Quarians on the Quarian Ark that for stupid and sequel bated reasons we never see But that doesn't explain why they aren't on the Nexus which is supposed to house all of the species together in cryo
Comment from : Trailblazer Lazer Razer :D

Just finished andromeda for the first time (bit late to the party) and Ryder summons a fleet of remnant ships at the end, with the scourge being pre-established as an anti remnant weapon that actively follows remnant ships in flight lol
Comment from : Evan

i started this game today and i already want to go back and replay the first 3
Comment from : oberon

Dee White
i actually like this game probably cus i just played it in 2022 and after i read all the reviews so i didnt go into thinking it would connect to the trilogy its not as good and the trilogy not even close but as a stand alone game in the mass effect world i thought it was good again i played it in 2022 after most things were patched its funny to watch how bad the game use to be happy they fixed it up
Comment from : Dee White

Bruno Santos
This game exists Ding!
Comment from : Bruno Santos

Griever Leonhart
I couldn’t even make it past the first mission of this game, not because it was difficult, just because it was so terrible I didn’t want to subject my mind to more of this BS
Comment from : Griever Leonhart

Sin Ticbr"Narration"brAudibly laughed at that
Comment from : Just_Irish

This looks too boring to play…
Comment from : Külbrēz

The Dark Umbreon
Why does she always look so happy in every fucking scene? "My dad is dead?!" bsmiling/b
Comment from : The Dark Umbreon

Craig Buckmeier
They actually do explain how they have up to date information on the so called golden worlds prior to leaving: they stole the data from the Geth (Bad excuse, and they even call out how the Geth having such data despite the shear number of light years between galaxies, but at least they addressed it In the pointless party section after you beat the game)
Comment from : Craig Buckmeier

Jules #70
Honestly if they used the old crew against the reapers and justified the return of them like they justified palpatines return in Star Wars the narrative would probably improve
Comment from : Jules #70

Jim Beaux
Such a damn shame that this is the “mass effect” that we got EA completely trashed BioWare smdh Dumb down the story, the characters, the lore, the world building, the dialogue, etc how do you regress in game making from the originals that came out about 10 years prior?? So glad I didn’t play this messjust like what Disney did to Star Wars shit sucks ass
Comment from : Jim Beaux

Rick OShay
17:33 They even reuse the SAME keyword; "Ascension"
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
12:06 This is one reason why I hate woke propaganda Scott is not allowed to say this just because of Suvi's deviant preferences? She is STILL a woman, and I should be able to comment on her cuteness
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
10:30 I think the voice you overhear at the MEA museum does just as much damage to the Asari reputation as Peebee does That voice implies that the Asari are no better than the average millennial snowflake, rather than the cultured and sophisticated beings they were in the OT
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
9:00 The sound of his voice alone made me want to shoot this Salarian
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
2:26 Is it just me, or does he look like a white version of the main villain of Far Cry 6?
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
1:27 If I had a dollar for every time I ordered him to get a haircut when playing this game
Comment from : Rick OShay

Rick OShay
0:34 This thought was the first thing on my mind when I first heard of this game being developed
Comment from : Rick OShay

Camryn Du Plessis
Andromeda is literally ME1 but worse
Comment from : Camryn Du Plessis

Camryn Du Plessis
Tbh that krogan is also way too smart and talks to elegantly for me to actually believe that that's a krogan
Comment from : Camryn Du Plessis

Camryn Du Plessis
Truth be told the whole concept of Andromeda made no sense, even the way in which they got there didn't make sense, there's other sci Fi games alot more advanced than mass effect and yet I'm sure even in those sci Fi films aliens and people alien aren't able to travel to other galaxies yet so the fact that they did in Andromeda despite less advanced tech I guess just baffles me
Comment from : Camryn Du Plessis

10 for the big guy
Wow that chick looks so freakish This game is awful
Comment from : 10 for the big guy

Alvin Lepik
Use the space magic to fix the helmet!!
Comment from : Alvin Lepik

Worth to menton there are two new races in a whole new galaxy
Comment from : Lucas

the walk cycles in this game are next gen
Comment from : Statera

Tobias Prin
I am so happy I did not waste money on this game
Comment from : Tobias Prin

Neil Stone
Several issues with your critique Both riders were not only trained by Alec but also joined the military like their father They would already have training in some areas
Comment from : Neil Stone

Glenn Kerr
This and GCN had to collaborate with each other at some point
Comment from : Glenn Kerr

I know I'm late but Record sin timing 1st sin in 1ST 10 seconds!
Comment from : pyner0s

Neil Cunningham
8:26 So non-PC but so accurate & funny
Comment from : Neil Cunningham

D K9
Get woke, go broke
Comment from : D K9

Falcon with games
Why the hell do you always play a girl character
Comment from : Falcon with games

It's like Star Trek first generation
Comment from : Mr PGR2

The sudoku part of the game is the best to me just to say how bad the game is
Comment from : Mr PGR2

The thing I don't understand is why every female in this game has breast? Only mammals have breast! So weird robotic alien and fishy alien should not have boobs!!!
Comment from : Mr PGR2

7:00 the voice of Twin Peaks !!!!
Comment from : Mr PGR2

The begining of the game was better than the 90 other part
Comment from : Mr PGR2

Kendrik Luce
How there so many people defending this shithole of a game what kinda games do you play to think is great and how low are your standards
Comment from : Kendrik Luce

Kendrik Luce
My first time ever seeing anything on this game and oml this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen just down right horrible💀
Comment from : Kendrik Luce

Marvin Holder
@14:04 That's claymation right?
Comment from : Marvin Holder

Cacy Cardall
I feel sorry for the voice actors of this game it’s horrid, the original trilogy is a masterpiece with great voice acting and storylines
Comment from : Cacy Cardall

Daniel Cunningham
I don't understand with all the millons, meetings and team design That Ryder is the final design they picked
Comment from : Daniel Cunningham

King Teddie
This game exists ding
Comment from : King Teddie

They were able to study the Andromeda galaxy via using a geth array that allowed them to observe Andromeda almost in real time, so the information they had would not be millions of years out of date, just six hundred
Comment from : CrownedLime747

Stein Bauge
Gamers do not do themselves a favor by talking down a good game Granted: MEA had too many problems on launch and I did not play it before it got fixed Now it kind of suits me to play a game that is almost 'abandonware' so i can play it as I wish as an RPG
Comment from : Stein Bauge

Chilling with Lyd
Something I never got was why the arks showed up in different places at different times They went to colonize another galaxy but didn't all leave together? That is some shit planning
Comment from : Chilling with Lyd

But Shepard was already one of the best soldiers the alliance had to offer?
Comment from : themcknox

GC Epic
I've never played this game, though from this video it feels like I'm watching college kids in space Passive-aggressive comments, an angsty protagonist, with awkward dialogue I’m just waiting for the characters to go into a drunk stupor before starting the next galactic war
Comment from : GC Epic

Harley Juliano
i own off of mass afect 1 2 3 and andromida andromida is the best game in the seris and it is so well done
Comment from : Harley Juliano

James Mclean
You made a mistake in the title here I'll fix it for youbr"Everything is wrong with Mass Effect Andromeda"
Comment from : James Mclean

Nathaniel Thomson
You forgot dragon age Origins and dragon age Inquisition when listing BioWare games that recycle the same plot
Comment from : Nathaniel Thomson

The one That questions
Great game, 3 full playthroughs and almost 200 hours in ans still playing it
Comment from : The one That questions

Trip Allen
I find that the male main character is a little better (still always looks like a baked crack head but better) but the animations are a little better
Comment from : Trip Allen

you only need 2 points to find a signal's source The location you're looking for is the third point in the triangle
Comment from : artyfm

I played this 2 weeks ago and i really loved it Male Ryder is far better and also if you REALLY played the game half of these wont be on this list But the other half are true asf lol
Comment from : G L Z

The “only if we die” text to speech has exactly the same delivery as the regular voice line lol
Comment from : WaffleGasmss

Matthieu Leperlier
The use of text-to-speech really did prove your point haha
Comment from : Matthieu Leperlier

Antonio Arredondo
a fire world, a water world and an ice world brconfirmed, Mass Effect is now a Mario Game
Comment from : Antonio Arredondo

Nobody gonna mention how ryders scream at the end sounds like she's either giving birth or taking a massive dump?
Comment from : Syouken

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